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Everything posted by thecurrentyear

  1. You had your mind made up before you got here. Stop wasting our time.
  2. Ah, so you're an asshole. Glad I was able to get that out into the open.
  3. Jake, you seem to be putting your own spin on the situation and not giving a lot of details, so I'm afraid the opinions you get here will not be objective or much help to your friend. Are you asking because you want to help her (why are you speaking with a female friend about her relationship?), or because you want backup ammo to bring to her, to say you are right?
  4. Says who? What is your evidence for this assertion? Is there any advantage or penalty for there being more or fewer votes cast? Not as far as I can tell. I am a bit angry at your manipulative non-argument here. It is meant to bully principled people into a fearful state wherein they will not cast a vote for an improvement--however small--to their enslaved state. They are enslaved as much (or as little) as you are, yet you try to handcuff and handicap them with your sophistic rhetoric. For shame.
  5. Not an argument. Not that it has to be. But just in case you thought you had made one.
  6. Stef interviewed the Threat Management guy, I think?
  7. I was wondering the relationship between income and abortion rates. Do poor women really use it as birth control? My skewed anecdata suggest it is more about keeping middle class women in the middle class and not burdened with children that would kick them down out of middle class into poverty. Whereas poor women's standard of living is actually raised by having more children due to welfare. Just a theory, but I have a hunch that lefty feminists can hide behind "protecting underprivileged women" in order to protect their backup birth control (abortion). Edit: Nevermind I think the first chart gives a lot of good info along this line. Seems to support my theory.
  8. Aviet was suggesting she post "one of those" (in search of ads) not respond to that specific post.
  9. Fine goals. Don't let the skeptics dissuade you. What kind of support do you have? Sorry if I missed it. But you need some older and wiser people who care about you to help you with partner vetting. Someone needs to be looking out for you. This would ideally be your parents, but we all know how that goes. A therapist could help on a temporary basis. Put out some feelers for a good parent figure to help you stay safe without sacrificing your youthful vulnerability. Good luck to you.
  10. You can't believe a word this guy says, including whether he even is who he says he is. I am very worried about your safety and naïveté in getting involved with someone you have never even seen live online. I'm very sorry this has been your experience, but thank your lucky stars it didn't get worse before you wised up.
  11. Please send me a private message when you've built up enough rep to be able to use the PM system.
  12. Babies are precious and adorable. They provide delight and amazement on a daily basis. You might be stressed periodically, but have you ever tried to stay unhappy with a puppy pouncing your toes?
  13. Oh yes that's totally what I said.
  14. Perhaps this other thread will offer helpful context: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/46502-in-need-of-a-third-perspective-on-my-relationship/
  15. If that was how the marriage were consummated and regular sexual relations included it, then why wouldn't she? But if that's not the kind of intimacy the relationship were built upon, then you're just trying to distract and inflame with this diversion.
  16. I don't know if "exploitation" applies, so much as the whoring and cucking of Europe.
  17. My question for you is: where is this relationship headed? I could be wrong, but my inclination is to think that if you were certain the next girl you dated would be the one you would marry, and she were it, that more careful attention would've been paid prior to consummating the relationship. Not saying you can't fix things now, but based on your intro it seemed as if you would've been more serious about not getting into a sexual relationship (again) unless it was definitely going to be your last. I'm sorry if that's not helpful. It may only be half a thought and I'll have more come to mind later, but that's what popped up for me as I was reading your post. All the best to you both.
  18. I don't get what kind of marriage y'all are imagining to enter into where sexual contact with ones partner is not the best part of every day, whether it was explicitly agreed upon beforehand or not (not being preferred, I would think, in general. Seeing as how women love "spontaneity").
  19. No I think it would lower his status by appearing with him. He is a loser. Trump only debates winners.
  20. I will bump up my donation from $10 to $20/mo.
  21. Are you people delusional? Why would Trump debate Bernie? He's a loser and sharing the stage with him would diminish Trump's stance. Donald is the one playing 4D chess. Listen to the Art of the Deal and pray 10 Hail Trumps to contemplate your heresy.
  22. Thanks for sharing. I'm annoyed with her now for some reason.
  23. We're all sociopaths, duh.
  24. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I'm confused why Roslyn Ross is espousing NVC principles. Has she been a proponent for a while?
  25. Someone's pet bugaboo that the rest of us need not be concerned about.
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