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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi @Baby Turtle Why have you double copy&pasted this post twice? (current & lib.) Barnsley
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    136. Nuspirit Helsinki - Subzero 137. Happy End - Natsu Nandesu
  3. Hi @Baby Turtle This is going to be only barely correlated with your post... Why you are not following the thread yourself? (I'm not saying that you should, just curious as to why that is?) Barnsley
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H.A.W. / 11. Jeff Mills – Tango (Performance mix)
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    133. RjD2 - Shot In The Dark 134. Vincent - The Plan 135. Maaya Sakamoto - Kuuki To Hoshi
  6. Hi Andi, A thought. I suspect it's essentially just pure 'pandering to', maybe only due to economic reasons. Greed in short. on track to becoming the biggest Christian nation... Barnsley
  7. For all whom... Never understood until the picture crystallised years ago, these phenomenons are not just badly communicated but what's worse they're being pushed as some form of a norm. Wait. No. That's only the surface... (Though, it's a useful tool for finding out a great deal about someone if when they hear I don't own/watch tv, they find it difficult to believe. That's a gentle warning sign for me.) I mean, this is one of the many discreet & specific reason why I think being aware and discriminatory when choosing media exposure is of critical importance. Today, I happened to be in the company of some acquaintances while having lunch at their place and noticed that, unsurprisingly, (those who prefer eating with the TV) the local mainstream news channel went into great details on the tragedy. Sure, there was no truth just drama, pc explaining and plenty of pictures of the perpetrator. If having fewer of these tragedies was preferable, why devote detailed and dramatic segments to it, especially in prime time? If it's commonly known that perpetrators thirst for attention, why give them exactly that? If it's understood that exposures of such deeds encourage otherwise latent tendencies... Is there any other conclusion than that the biggest evils are those who mindlessly tune in to watch the latest news while casually splicing a meatball in half, reaching for the glass... but hesitation, wouldn't want to gulp while the news anchor narrates the perpetrators fiecebook messages running up to the day of... sigh. No...actually, f&ck 'sigh' ! If people wanted, they could choose to NOT be complicit. (caveats, exceptions... bla-bla) Have real conversations instead, 'DECOMPRESS'! (but be mindful)
  8. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    131. Mo'Horizons - Sunshine Today 132. Yoko Kanno - Sleeping Wolves
  9. People are what they do repeatedly. You can choose what to do repeatedly. Choosing what you wish to do makes you more the person you want to become. It seems you already have all the answers to what you've been choosing to do. But do you actually understand why that has been?
  10. Hi there, I recommend NOT USING 'Wackopedia' as 'stock'. There could be an argument made, when necessary it could be discussed. (for now, let's say it's NOT my arbitrary choice of 'go to', standard) Have you tried infogalactic.com (or any other 'impartial-ish' collection of data-set) ? - + - I would be curious to know how (if you'd thought about it) feudalism could be a benefit to our current society, adapted, overhauled to the societies the people are living in currently on this fragile speck of dust, among the stars. - + - I am ambivalent having deeper 'going intos' until the questions I had proposed to you remain unanswered. It's not an argument but a personal preference, no hard feelings if you disregard them. - + - If it makes you any more cosy here, being new can be a descriptor for myself too in many ways. Fear not what you'll find, if you're dedicated to the truth. Barnsley
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    129. Source Direct - Secret Liaisons 130. Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same
  12. if there's no question, there's nothing to answer...
  13. "You can tell it's real because it looks so fake, honestly." - Elon Musk -
  14. Hi @RCBlevins I think your profile background image is really cool. Here, a few of the books I really enjoyed reading (some, multiple times)... (Science fiction) Sir Arthur C. Clarke - Childhood's End Isaac Asimov - Foundation series Stephen Baxter - Time Douglas Adams - Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy Frank Herbert - Dune Yevgeny Zamyatin - We ... let me know if you need more... Barnsley p.s. Have you seen this?
  15. Hi @Saarang Sahasrabudhe ° Is it true that Anarchy stands for RULES while NO RULERS? ° Is there any flavour of Anarchy where coercion doesn't defeat the basic principle upon which Anarchy is founded on (not to be confused with free to choose options due to strong incentives)? ° Say there had been no large armies in possession of Lords, Vassals, Overlords...how else would they have been able to enforce their will on the 'have nots'? ° Using today's standards, who were the biggest criminals back then and why were they able to take advantage of others? ° Can we say looking back at feudalism that one of its stronger property was aiding individual economic independence, lifting people out of poverty, encouraging more freedoms? p. s. (From India? Fantastic! Welcome!)
  16. Hi @Jsbrads Allow me to be straightforward and know that, I do hope you turn things around if that's what you want. Neither of the posts had any questions in them. Nor did they reveal how you'd been / how you're trying to turn things around (if you are). Have you noticed that? Why do you think that is? Now, based on the above (and from other posts you made recently), I'm drawing the hazy conclusion... which might be completely off and / or erroneous... (1) Assertiveness and speaking your mind to provide the things you want/need in life might have been substituted for passivity in your past (by _insert person here_) , (2) hence your observation currently on not seeing otherwise desirable results. (3) Besides, missing the integration of SELF-responsibility (e.g. you had chosen to not do assertive stuff, and yet there's no mention of it... or I've not noticed it.) . Fleshing it a little bit out, the narrative seems to support the idea of 'not worth...' it's simply false and what's worse, supplemented with your descriptions of your own reality such as, and, are designed (me thinks) to paralyse, stop you in your tracks and remove your ability to influence your reality. What if I were to suggest that : [A] - The friend.. - Had chosen a gal who wasn't into him in the first place; he did no proper vetting...the relationship wasn't based on honesty, virtues... perhaps he even avoided the establishment of such norms pro-actively (=that's my strong suspicion) . Doesn't that re-formulate your original statement in a 180° fashion? That's better/desirable if truth is preferred, right? {B} - "as an engineer, (I) can't.." - other engineers do seem to be finding jobs, while I don't deny that this had been your experience, I'm certain you see the obstacle you're raising for yourself... i.e. 'I'm one of those engineers who isn't doing something right / doesn't want to do certain things, and as a consequence currently-until now my approach has been unsuccessful. This is what I did...[_insert description_] -> Any ideas on, what I should do better/more?' (Would be a healthier assessment, wouldn't it?! I'm recommending this because self-empathy tells me it's a good approach and seeing how you formulated it, made me want to share in hope that it also 'clicks' for you. Is it any help to you? ) [C] - "going home alone.." - The logic seems to be 'not good' here. ° If I'm not mistaken, friends don't usually go home together after taking time to chat, hanging out. ° a romantic relationship is sexual in its core nature, friendships aren't... is it possible that you are mixing the two? ° unless a man is looking for '->that' specifically(->women doing the asking), generally & naturally it's the other way around ; he has to 'convince/work on' making the woman wanting to finally give in / give him what he wants. ° Women can't & won't respect Men if they don't act assertively. Eventually they'll lose interest, look down on the unassertive men. (Supported by biology too.) Would you be interested to experience '->that' in a romantic relationship? Is this a preferable scenario for you (->women doing the assertive part)? p.s. < I have seen this others do as well... If the topic is of importance to you, why you aren't following it, marking the rubric 'follow'? Just thought that was strange. >
  17. My, oh, my... Am I a psychologist?... hardly... Had I been 'playing' anything?... If you asked me, I wasn't. All my intentions (as far as I can recall, identify) were just 'that', perhaps taking the lighter approach... possibly. Thumbs up, man! It's just that, a clear cutting observation. All good, Barnsley
  18. Hi there, I'm guessing my 'message' went 'overhead'. Say, you re-read my post with the focus on 'no treatment of the symptoms alleviates the root cause', might put it in a completely different light. i.e. Nightmare = symptom
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    127. Meat Katie - Long To Belong 128. Marian McPartland - Afterglow (Monterey Jazz Festival)
  20. Hi @eschiedler Would you mind expanding a tad bit on, Where I'm looking at this particular quote from is the fact that humans (to the most of them) are social beings incapable of substituting to the full entirety human interactions and their acompaniniing properties; not even with virtual reality. Whether it is 'whatever', it still constitutes to a basic human need, independent from the mind, though not completely unaffected by it to a certain degree. Therefore, loneliness is a rational and a logical result. (can be unfortunate, empathised with while ultimately it is a hard coded need for better or... in this case, (temporarily I hope) for the worse.)
  21. Hi @grithin What do you think about the effectiveness of taking painkillers to a rotting tooth? Secondly, would you be inclined to stick with the dentist that recommends such an approach?
  22. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H.A.W / 10. Tim Love Lee – One Night Samba
  23. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    125. Method Man - I'll Be There For You (Mary J. Blige) 126. Blue States - Walkabout
  24. Hi @Rummycat Ugh... Recurring, that is a challenge. It must be affecting your daily life. Though, at the same time an opportunity for growth too (there's a reason for its piercing through). What have you found so far, while meditating over it? (any unexpected thoughts while exploring your recollection? Has anything clicked, made you more certain so far?) [I was surprised to not see any guesses from you...as of: probabilities, specific questions... etc. Only "How to make it stop?" What do you think why that is?] Am I rightly noticing you taking agency, stating responsibility for a decision in a scenario that was probably doomed from the get-go, only unsure how quickly? Wow! That must have made you feel alive, proud, productive, useful, hard-pressed, challenged on a constant basis. (Did you enjoy it, overall? Had you been seeking something like it, prior?) Ouch. Lots of dishonesty, sawing the seeds of mistrust, confusion, everyone for themselves. (especially anxiety provoking if one's blessed with a few more I.Q. points than the average) " Thunder-strike on a sunny day. " " Last nail in the coffin. " Fearing getting sacked pre-emptively turns unexpectedly into pity, then into cold realisation of the suspected lurking monster? (If so, I can relate.) 3rd person observer? (Interesting, because you must have been feeling through the whole thing.) Where's the 'flight' mechanism? Were you petrified, hearing distant echoes of...? Finally? Had to? That looked bad from the start, got expectedly worse throughout and have been (as per the description) pretty much a free ride through a 'hell themed fun fair' with real zombies and maybe I'm possibly even downplaying it. Geez! Say, I could only ask two questions bluntly (with respect of course and only because I really hope you gain value in the process) A. Is it possible that you had been consciously placing yourself into harms way? B. Guilt? Anger? Unprocessed shock?
  25. The U.N. Ermm... "Obviously, the best method to combat human rights atrocities is to appoint one of the most oppressive and violent countries in the world to the head of the board meant to help the problem. Sounds reasonable." (source) annnd this too... “Electing Turkey’s Erdogan regime to oversee the work of human rights activists at the U.N. is like picking the fox to guard the henhouse, as he is still wiping the feathers off his mouth from his last meal,” Actually, ... yes. (source 2)
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