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Everything posted by barn

  1. This is touching stuff. Thank you,... good for you,... good for him. I hope, any dialogues in the future will be easier to have. Massive thumbs up for keeping an open attitude towards negotiations!!! I'm almost tempted to move there myself.
  2. A 'white-cat' glitch in the matrix... Yes, the same intro is repeated but afterwards the new caller is continued with, going forward. (4th caller - forgiveness) Just that.
  3. Hi @Rudi I don't see any words written from you. Why should I watch this post? (too many clickbaity stuff... sorry) (first time poster/recent member?) ok. (Just a link) hmmm...
  4. No, I haven't. Would you be able to quote? I don't see the connections between intelligence and attractiveness yet, perhaps if I saw the quote and references to the source. Some at least... Can you help me find it if you don't want to share it here? Mostly, I'd assume that's correct. (neglect is only just one aspect)... And bad propaganda, and not taking responsibility... ACE scores do help further investigation. I can see how in certain circumstances it could be immediate but people can have bad days, cross their arms due to cold,... I doubt such predators wouldn't invest into a 'deeper, detailed investigation', it's risky to be revealed, caught. Good. Currently, I don't think that is sufficient to support your claim. I'd have to see evidence to that. Large sample study, falsifyable theorems... etc. Or maybe I'm just not good enough to "pick up a lot from just an image". (changed the word order, hope the meaning stayed the same) I would create a rock-solid theory before I ventured any further into juggling with data-sets. Currently, the idea that facial features can be used to decipher personality traits from an image seems quite a flimsy idea. Perhaps it's just me. Regards, Barnsley
  5. In [Podcast - 4019 - around minute 95]... Ok. That clears things up. Fair enough.
  6. I see. Definitely agree on him 'connecting the previously separately floating dots', it's just too dark for my personal taste. Reading the books was a challenge for me in that aspect (vivid imagination) to put it mildly... Have you seen Scorn? It's the same art-style, horror game. Thanks for the link, I'm sure many will find it interesting. Also thanks for the mention of John Pitre. I seem to recall seeing his art before, probably the reason why I never got into him is (seemingly) due to his one sided art-style... again, just a personal taste. No, I prefer (sci-fi) art from people like ° Manchu (Philippe Bouchet) ° Gábor Szikszai & Zoltán Boros ° Chriss Foss ° Peter Elson Tim Burns Chris Moore ... so on.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of simplifying identification; akin to i.e. how the shape of the nail can be an additional cue to for example of hypotension...etc. It's just that since I have known about physiognomy, I haven't seen any conclusive evidence to an existing correlation between personality traits and facial features. It's a many thousands years old question, frequently recurring and gaining popularity time to time. If I remember correctly, the Chinese were amongst the first to try to implement it for screening/picking applicants for the right positions in the empire. Regarding bullies, pedophiles... etc. If I understand it correctly, they identify their prey based on behaviour, level of social integration, some arbitrary preferences related to their own personal history. Similar to how predators in nature pick out the old, weak, ill, solitary ones due to the relatively easier scenario they represent. Would you agree? Hahaha... indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if a similar model had already existed, correlating data on prominent genes and their likelihood of expression when comparing members of a family tree. Although it must be very limited and again, only applicable to medical conditions, not personality. By the by, I can think of a dozen institutions eager to get their hands on such a way to screen people for their personality traits... the Police, Military, Universities...
  8. Hi @lorry You might find this interesting (Johann Kaspar Lavater - criminality & facial features, Physiognomy tab) , regarding facial features and their correlation to predictive qualities. I'm highly suspicious that it (the research you've linked) has any merit as it seems to me 'physiognomy' but I don't know for sure.
  9. Hi @lorry A quick question... How do you define certain and uncertain? I mean perhaps there are degrees of certainty rather. Expansion of knowledge, new connections discovered. ie. malaria (bad air) Also, would questions be part of what can reduce certainty? Obviously, not in itself, because there should be an answer but my angle is = "that which is required to make correct choices" is always and forever in the hindsight (for realz), therefore you (ought to have,) need place for errors/trials. Maybe I'm not grasping fully your meaning. Do tell.
  10. I'm having a hard time believing that a hard-core former rugby player is who... in the vide... for the profile... https://alchetron.com/Paul-Khan must be a mistake or something, right?!
  11. Thanks, for expanding on the discovery... Haha, Caesar Millan... Probably you can add a ton more useful stuff there. I find that interesting and a bit confusing at the same time. Naturally he's been like, say Kitaro to the music genres but I couldn't understand how it wouldn't make people anxious over time. I mean, I know people are different it's just I'm having a hard time grasping, how what he created doesn't evoke even subtle lurking fear eventually. How do you see his art? What's captivating for you in it? Massive thumbs up on your achievement in acquiring what you really wanted. I have something like that too, bet most of 'us' do. I've seen that a long time ago and wouldn't call it memorable, ... I say that, when I do like old movies/series (selectively) i.e. p. s. When it comes to sci-fi art, I don't really know what to pick first... a looong time favourite of mine is Tim White. Nice to meet you too.
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    167. Aphex Twin - Avril 14th (Extended) 168. Caravan Palace - L'envol [... also, it struck me today that for some 'odd' reason, the following songs are very different. Maybe it's the new headphones I've been using, lately. 'Hu' knows... ] Level 42 - Running In The Family Annie - It's A Hard-Knock Life Kid British - Our House Is Dadless Peggy Lee - A Hard Days Night Dirty Diggers & The Sticky Kids - Don't Blame The Parents
  13. Hi @MercurySunlight or Digger, Welcome. Glad those arguments got you interested (may I ask which video was it?). btw, is your avatar Giger related? (sci-fi) Barnsley
  14. Hi @Mark G Interesting, there's a similar thread with almost the identical ask in the same subcategory, just a bit lower. Good luck.
  15. Hi thinkers and alike, What if there was a team of people, taking apart news articles and reassembling them using a scientific method to produce a more objective, fact simili product? It'd be mainly done by cleaning up phrases and words that are meant to spin the story, generate an emotional cloud obscuring the real content, intentionally misleading the readers? What could be even better, if their methodology could be peaked into, updated with crowd-sourced recommendations; using the power of feedback, continously. If you are a subscriber to "theknifemedia.com", please share your experiences with us. I would like to know your take, on what they do in your opinion. Barnsley
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    165. Faithless - Crazy English Summer 166. Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev - The Montagues And Capulets
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H.A.W. / 13. Nirvana - Stay Away
  18. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    163. Billie Holiday - Yesterdays 164. Łona - Fruźki wolą optymistów
  19. Hi thinkers and alike, Due to recent developments, I think it is a good idea to consider these... Small, lightweight, resistant, though the only question is how to make the readers just as small, lightweight, resistant... Hahaha... so fitting... the current zeitgeist...( where I'm at it's also been raining for days. ) Many questions. Barnsley p.s. holographic data storage phoenix new domain bought by FDRadio Hari Seldon-esk
  20. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    161. Coldcut - Message From Our Sponsor/Unify 162. Skee - Lo I Wish
  21. Sorry bud, for pointing it out... Attractiveness is the least (if) your problem in my humble, humble, humble opinion.
  22. Hi @Loz The one I had in mind with Jonathan Haidt discussed (amongst other things) disgust, purity... the drivers behind how open one can get to new ideas (if I understood it correctly) I'm sure too, though I question how efficiently they're able to process even a fraction of it... hahaha. Why would you characterise it as a European trait, would you shine a light on it for me, please?
  23. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    159. Claude Debussy - I. Anime et tres decide (Emerson String Quartet) 160. Ozric Tentacles - Vedavox
  24. Class. At first it annoyed me, however as soon as I listened to the things he said in his lectures, interviews... never occurred anymore, won't if he 'stays on course' (principles)... I guess.
  25. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    157. Can - Vitamin C 158. Celeda - Be Yourself (Danny Tenaglia mix pt. 1)
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