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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi @ludera Welcome and Bienvenido! (impressive introduction, jaw-dropping category!) Barnsley
  2. Hi thinkers and alike, Thought, it could be interesting for some, who'd not considered, whether : "Doctors have a higher prevalence of mental ill health compared with other professional occupations but incidence rates are poorly studied." quote taken from (doi-dot-org or Cambridge-dot-org/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/workrelated-ill-health... ) link When younger, I used to think that people who work in the field of health care, would have to become/are generally more healthy, both mentally and physically. That's how I started out, was my first theory. Today, I always evaluate on an individual basis, largely. Good reading, mind expanding, Barnsley
  3. Hi thinkers and alike, I was wondering if there was a similar poem, such as the "Rifleman's Creed" just geared towards philosophy, truth, more. Something, like: " This is my _principle_. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My _principle_ is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my _principle_ is useless. Without my _principle_, I am useless. I must _apply_ my _principle_ true. I must _aim_ straighter than my enemy who is trying to _deceive_ me. I must [...] ..." p.s. (Happy b. day R. Lee Ermey, his biography is quite a read.)
  4. Greetings, @Sean Thorburn Welcome. I don't envy you or anyone having to face such a challenging situation. Please, make arrangements for securing your (relative) present&future safety. Best of luck to you, Barnsley
  5. Hi @shirgall As a generalisation, that's true. Maybe. (But I wouldn't establish that for everyone, all the time, while keeping a safe distance. That's ignorance in my opinion, while it is sometimes necessary to act if it's unavoidable.) For those certain individuals. The bringers of boring repetition, suffering, irredeemability, dehumanising aspect... etc. It's a miserable life path, enormous weight to be crushed under or keep sinking indefinitely with no bottom in sight. I have yet to encounter a good argument why healing, taking responsibility was not preferable on an individual basis. (dishonest, secondary gains are not my interest, though I do accept their existence) p.s. (personal anecdote 'n all, caveats as usual... I was once convinced of nihilism, detrminism was to be accepted, even acted upon it so I must have believed it to be true. I'm glad, I don't anymore, thanks to my curiosity coupled with taking responsibility for any and all my actions. No Faith here, with a capital 'F'. )
  6. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    210. Fila Brazillia - At Home In Space 211. Damien Jurado - Magic Numbers
  7. I understand you generalised. Would be curious to know how you see the relationship or distinction between 'reaction' and 'conscious decision' if both needs the ability of 'memory' or as you wrote "remembering".
  8. Hi @A4E I'll try. I dont understand. Can you explain it in a different way? Screwdrivers are great tools for loosening /tightening screws, nothing moral about it. Weakening the supporting hinge to cause any accident, is however, it IS a (silly, I grant you..) moral question. Applying morals when figuring out how matters will/do interact is a separate category entirely from bad/good. (trying to marry the two is a non-sequitir[?, am I using the definition appropriately]) or, Say, we looked at the question of why the sky is 'blue'? (While, actually it's red, more precisely it's white, even more precisely it's just an intensity.) Morality can't even start to enter the first step it takes to start learning more about it. It's just not the right set of concepts, like a saw without teeth... won't cut it. I dont know what you mean with this. Can you elaborate? So far, nobody has been able to measure the soul, using scientific methods. Either our sophistication is lacking, can’t be measured that way,... or if doesn't exist scientifically, so it shouldn't be real? There are many things that only exist in our mind's eye, but we shouldn't look for it in the material-wave-continuum. Better? Also, I forgot to ask regarding...
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    208. Aluminium - Never Far Away 209. Sasha - Fundamentals
  10. Hi @A4E I like to think about it this way... The universe and the mental plain are two different realms. In one, one can create square-circles (just like me writing it here) while in the other it isn't possible... to my knowledge. I wouldn't go as far as saying either can be more than is/isn't, however trying to substitute one's properties to describe the other's qualities isn't honest, imho. i.e. science, therefore no such thing as moral/immoral. (the right tools for the right purpose, otherwise makes no sense)
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    206. Metallica - Where The Wild Things Are 207. Yoko Kanno - Hot Dog Wolf
  12. By the way, these are VERY big questions. Hard ones for anyone to face. I think it is commendable that you keep a constructive and open minded attitude about it. Also, I hope I'm not putting words into your mouth at any point. Please, do tell if you suspected it being the case.
  13. No, you said "seek". Everybody values pleasure. Be it masochistic pleasure, the same. Am I right? I don't know. Fully 'agree'.
  14. Let me add that, a few days ago I had a conversation with someone who is having doubts about their relationship with the partner. It started out as a casual description of their last quarrel over some inconsequential stuff but when I heard there was a high-ish possibility of STDs being in the picture and how my 'friend' didn't see why that was abuse/enabling lifethreatening risks when I pointed it out... I asked myself: 'What does my 'friend' value more/thinks, it is of higher value, that overwrites the risk of potentially deadly STDs?' It's anecdotal stuff, I know... What I'm getting at is... Real answers are always very close and DO make a huge difference. People can choose to look or not.
  15. Because these questions are pointing towards a few unexamined convictions in my most humbly humble opinion, that which you'd started to explore, you could have better answers to these very dilemmas. I'M NO PROFESSIONAL AND THESE ARE MY AMATEUR (AND RESPECTFUL) VIEWS.
  16. ... this is how I think of it. Humans in general are meaning making machines(automatically generated conclusions, without any effort). Some assessments are better descriptions of reality, others are worse. When we think something is true, we can compare/evaluate stuff to see whether what we'd thought was correct or not. We can test the conclusions by applying them, making predictions and repeating the process all over. Mostly. It's like, you won't step over a puddle unless you are conscious of it/open to seeing it. But you'll always keep getting your shoes wet if you aren't prepared to look where you step. Again, at large. Thankfully or not, humans have the capacity to make the decision of 1.looking for information, 2. changing their behaviour if desired.
  17. You're right, I didn't describe what I was thinking with enough detail. In my life I have seen some patterns diminish, others I had stopped/replaced. Yet another group still exists but with fewer and fewer elements. (One in this group being smoking, an addiction of mine.) When I look at people 'giving up/stopping', there's a clear separation between those who've done it as part of a process where they had internalised, concluded things. The other group are forced to act differently, one way or another. Which group do you think has a higher chance to keep their new, better heading? Elephants can do cool things and all but don't think they are capable of abstractions at the level of (or at all) humans. Seeing them not being capable to snap a flimsy rope, is not something that we can apply for humans 1:1. We have the capacity to change our opinions, seek out new information and choose to interact with it. What do you think about these statements: 1. Not being able to break a habit/addiction, doesn't mean it can't happen with better/more relevant information. 2. Not looking to verify our own belief systems however does mean we won't be able to make a change and are most likely ruled / slaves of illusions.
  18. (LOL) - You might consider extending that a tiny bit, not saying you are generally wrong. I'm just thinking about having a conversation regarding people being conditioned and acting deterministically, on the world's most important philosophical forum that might look strange. (I know, I brought it up...)
  19. How do you understand it?
  20. Yes, I could see why that could make sense in some circumstances. Quite a few things in the material and abstract realms can be used to create 'self-sustaining' cycles. As I'm trying to think alongside in this discussion, something came to mind about the illusion of needs... Are you familiar with the 'tied-to-a-pole elephant' example?
  21. Does that mean it's possible to say that a person is self medicating when no longer possessing the sickness?
  22. Thanks. What do you think about the relationship between addiction and self medication? What would you say is the point, at which they become separate categories (if they're connected)?
  23. Hi @Rudi My appologies, just saw the video. Powder keg with a lit, short fuse. I sincerely hope you get out ASAP. on the dictator, metaphorically: 'The remaining clients of the bank should be relieved, the management have not made a decision on declaring bankruptcy during the emergency session.' (Hmm...) Barnsley p.s. (Sorry again for being hesitant initially.)
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