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Everything posted by barn

  1. Interesting. Do you think she's read it through or that she understands more than just the summary and its implications? (genuine curiosity) (because if not, it might be wiser to start with 'that,' meanwhile keeping a well-intended and curious approach.)
  2. Dunno man, maybe it's just me but I feel that the story is getting too complicated. (my own head/view, I'm not saying it's the truth) Perhaps the most constructive thing I can add at this stage is that when things have settled and you want to keep things 'neat', remember what 'went down for you' and uphold the brilliant principle that says: 'an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure'. i.e. - calling up his office in the morning/the day before will guarantee that no mixup will be likely to occur, plus when people demonstrate a constructive attitude it usually brings an equally positive response in return. (I hazard a guess based upon your two last quotes that he has the ability to do so.) Who knows, maybe even he will do it for you. p.s. (As an added bonus, you'd be also reinforcing your skill of self-care, you'd be more adept at seeing when you really acted unnecessarily/were too much. Less doubt, more certainty.)
  3. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H. A. W. / 19. Nirvana - Territorial Pissings
  4. The website bookingdot com for example does continuous AB testing (it's mentioned in the documentary,) where small parts of the website load differently for some users simultaneously, allowing the admins to tailor certain aspects of the visuals/working mechanisms of the platform/be adjusted, nearly immediately according to visible trends extracted by the use of algorithms. And this is a super common approach, I just brought up one existing example at random. (it's just efficient, though) VPRO (BACKLIGHT) Documentaries (stay skeptical though) I highly recommend watching: ° What Makes You Click ° The real value of your personal data ° Your data or your freedom? ° Digital Civilian Detectives ° Producing the fairphone ° Digital Amnesia ° Offline Is The New Luxury p.s. (And if you think, you are brave enough, watch a documentary called Erasing David. It 'changed me' forever...for better or for worse.)
  5. Perhaps it was time the world heard an even more specific Eisenhower-style speech from Donald Trump. reference p.s. (He might still have the 'balls,' would be beneficial for the better part of humanity... For the love of all that's good, Please?)
  6. Hi @Rafael Ritter my amateur contribution: 1. True, a child can't fend for itself, protect-, clothe itself. Furthermore a child has no clue what social dynamics will lead to guaranteed survival, how to communicate, interpret the big shiny bright vast reality to navigate it sanely. 2. True insofar, as they created a new life. Biology. 3. It is a gift, however not sure if the reimbursement should be directed at the parents who actually can't own another individual, take over their free-will eventually. (slavery?) It's actually the parents who are forever responsible for their child for making the decision of bringing it into this world. (to a degree, in a sense, until the child is dependent certainly) 4. Not true. With the same logic, I'd only be able to repay a favour if I did a favour to someone else. Or, the gift of life is something that obligates the recipient to overlook certain things for the parents on the basis of not having been able to decline accepting a gift in the beginning. Un-chosen obligation. 5. To me, she was saying many more things than that with it, but perhaps what could be interesting for you is: If she did believe that, had that as a principle = What were the ramifications that followed because of that? 6. False. There's no get out of jail card in virtuous relationships based on... "We brought you here, now you have to be grateful for that forever, even if you don't like it, even if we don't treat you good! Why? Because you couldn't have a say(you can't have now, neither)!" I warn against any sort of similar silencing, prevention of conversations about evaluating the past, exploration. Deterministic mindset it seems to me, avoidant and ignorant . It's Nutts! (except if healing isn't a positive in parent-child relationship) With the exception of a few basics (for me: curiosity, intelligible language, facilitation of true-self... etc) , it's you who have to figure that one out for yourself. It's because you are the closest to most effectively comparing your own principles/preferences to the existing numerous options. Furthermore, discomfort or anxiety doesn't necessarily mean that the therapy isn't being useful for you. MY TWO MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS: A. Something to read (short, good insights) B. Something to listen to (maaany more absolutely fantastic insights) https://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/1927/how-to-find-a-great-therapist Hope you find your answers. Would you like to chime back later, say a few words regarding how things progressed? Barnsley
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    244. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 245. Hefner - Fiendish (I guess, it qualifies as a unique experience... It's sort of crap, when one of your favourite song happens to so eerily remind you of the end of all things, and then some more.)
  8. I think that's a great point. Personally, that's partly the reason why I don't think cities as such really serve the tribalistic nature of mankind(not for a ___ more generations). We're still at the stage of benefiting immensely more from strong bonds, tight communities. We would. People in small communities can tell you. (not you, you, per se...) The worst of such communities is the 'gossip' , but it's still better than higher rates of depression, crime, aimlessness... etc. compared to the vast and homogeneous tree of steel and concrete... I'm exaggerating, of course.
  9. Hi @rainlead Sorry, man... I don't think that petrol has anything to do with what constitutes of 93% history in the U.S. Think of this: Does a drug cartel really just want to be the major and hopefully only distributor of heroine? Why that particular substance? It doesn't make sense. No. I think it is the addiction to an illusory thing, the sensation of being in control, coupled with unearned... that drives those with an easy access to statist coercion mechanisms. It's all an illusion that they try to avoid facing at the cost of anyone's life, yours or mine the same. Just that. Scared and unhappy people with sadistic principles trying to quench a bottomless thirst. Pure madness, that which you'd immediately spot if it affected anyone close to you (given, you cared about them.) One strategy to keep your (already declining) power for a little while longer is to sabotage your enemies getting stronger. Silly, but when consequences aren't considered it's a 'sane go to' option.
  10. The number of "summers seen" does correlate with how set one is in its ways. It's a common observation, probably has to do with biological reasons initially. The amount of people above a certain age who choose to keep an open mind, dwarfs compared to those who wave away any and all other approaches. Within those small minority, there's an even smaller few who won't stop until they have incorporated any and all superior ideas they've come across, either fully or knowingly-partially. That's... That's wisdom my friends! Those elders must be guarded by any cost necessary, they are keeping the light of humanity alive in their fragile body... It was a good presentation-like interaction (wouldn't call it a discussion). Great show! Instructive on how not to argue against anyone who demonstrates genuine curiosity, is a good listener and is also invested in finding/upholding truth above else. (funny thing is, what's been demonstrated would work in ANY debate with the same minimum efficiency against any non-reality based human) Thank you FDR team 42* for all the fish ... I mean, arguments... of course. (Respectfully, 'Flipper-y' references 'n all.)
  11. Indeed. Just like a member of any anti-human movement, say a GreenpeacERR who uses a washing machine. Complete disconnect. "Even the most hard-core of environmentalists use washing machines," - Hans Rosling -
  12. Hi thinkers and alike, A similar thread has been created not long ago concerning luck, this one isn't too different in its perspective either. Objectively looking, good/bad fortune is meaningless since it's possible to describe it with opposing values at once. i.e. 'What one man's food is another one's poison.' (btw: That’s why I see it pointless to look at waste being created as a (temporarily yes, but not more) negative, since at one point/for an appropriate 'user' it's a resource, a miss-allocated stockpile to be used for something positive.) It's flawed logic to contribute more/less responsibility when consequences do/don't manifest basically, it's like, when say, abusing parents are diminishing their negative influence during childhood on the basis of their child(ren) having grown up to be successful. Not a true statement. Risks accumulate/decrease, regardless of seeing them/accepting their existence. Just like 'Murphy's law,' it's a form of confirmation bias when opposing evidence is not being seeked out. Lying by omission for some is analogous. Firstly, good/bad is dependent on what values one holds. Secondly, people hardly look any further for more information if their subjective thirst for justice has been satiated. Thirdly, there's a plethora of situations where no new information can be gained, no matter how hard one tries. (I'm not saying there shouldn't be a try.) If people feel responsible for "bad things that may have occurred due to a seemingly unrelated act" that'll breed paralysis. Not good. Is a worker at an arms factory responsible for the death of thousands due to having assembled a bomb? Yes. Definitely, yes. However, degrees still apply and just like the last example, I've also largely exaggerated and selectively chosen to only focus on the last stage of the events. (There had been people involved in building the factory, state coercion, designing, lobbying... etc) People respond to incentives, improving on them does net favourable actions, while accidents may still happen (but they're only really just unforeseen and high probabilities ready to unfold), it's still better than paralysis due to ascribing responsibility without sufficient information.
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    242. Ils - 6 Space 243. Thomas Newman - Bayeux Tapestry
  14. Hi thinkers and alike, Please consider watching this presentation by John Pilger, you'll learn some (quite unappealing) things you'd might not wanted to know in the first place... but, you should. We all should. Thanks goes out to The Great Work, yt channel...thanks! Barnsley p.s. (Keep your wits about you!)
  15. Ok. So what I know is that these quotes are different. first and This could imply some things (seeing the additional information in this second quote, your recent added input) . I'm assuming that he had tried to fix things when the first error was made to which you had initially agreed but then changed your mind. Did either of you bring it up later? (him asking / you mentioning)
  16. A silly example I know, but I used to have a thing in the past about misplaced objects 'automatically being written up' to people 'probably' using them and not leaving it where they had picked them up from. It took me a while until I managed to internalise the FACT that it usually was only in my mind (approx. 1 out of 30 not). Nowadays, I automatically ask myself 'Am I sure, or it's just the knee-jerk reaction?.'
  17. Notice. Observe. You need solid information to make good decisions. At times, the most that can be achieved is not messing up. I think it is great, that you're noticing the signals coming from your emotions.
  18. I agree, you shouldn't be made to waste your time. Are you sure you are focusing your energies on the 'right & constructive' approach? Are you sure, you aren't using the happenings as a justification for a(n) alternative/secondary motivation?
  19. Hi thinkers and alike, Anyone who is thinking about going into/becoming associated with business endeavours connected with (M.L.M.) 'multi-level-marketing' ought to look into it deeper for a better understanding of the risks involved. Risk assessment above any and all anecdotes, in my opinion, is the most efficient approach. There's a good case study by Jon M. Taylor, MBA, PhD. (link) The top 10 such companies are :(according to network marketing central) 1 Avon Products, Inc 2 Amway 3 Herbalife Ltd. 4 Natura Cosmeticos SA 5 Vorwerk & Co. KG 6 Mary Kay Inc. 7 Tupperware Brands Corp. 8 Oriflame Cosmetics SA 9 NuSkin Enterprises, Inc. 10 Belcorp Robert Kiyosaki does not have a multi-level-marketing business (owner) to my current knowledge, though he endorses its merits, along with Donald Trump. Good mind-expanding, Barnsley
  20. Hi @Ronin_3000 Consider, whether it would be a 'real problem' if it happened again and if the answer was yes... Yup, fully agree with RichardY. By the looks of things it seems, it might be easier to not have this issue repeat, than to convince the therapist he changed his ways. It's up to each individual, how they approach mending things, while in my personal experience only a few people respond positively to demands of compensation. Most people who are responsible don't need an ask to know they were supposed to offer some sort of repayment automatically, when they 'wronged' another. However, MOST IMPORTANTLY in my humble amateur-forum-commenter opinion: You want to maximise the amount of help you give yourself overall, on a continuous basis, associated nuisances included. It's what really matters all things considered, right?! Could it be a possibility that you continued with the current one but started looking for another (perhaps, meanwhile things will improve) and 'only jumped ships, when you had another one lined up'? Additionally, exploring the topic together could net the both of you another great insight. It could.
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    240. Alpha - Nyquil 241. Kevin Yost - Move Your Mind
  22. Hi @Osmotic May I ask, what the thinking is behind the word? Barnsley
  23. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    238. The Herbaliser - Who's The Realest? 239. Brian Tyler - The Golden Path
  24. Hi @JuliaS Care to chime back, give an update on the success you've had for those in maple syrup loving 'Canada-land'? Barnsley
  25. Hi @Gnostic Bishop Correct me if I'm mistaken (a genuine ask), but I thought it very well did. Though definitely not being moral or sane to do so, given no imminent harm... same goes for lying by omissions in my opinion, IF you asked me, anyway. There's been and always will be consequences, I mean. To whom are you referring to? Could you name those arbiters? Fully agree, the more integrity and virtuous, the better guidance can then the non-gullible/-weak offer up, if needed.
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