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Gnostic Bishop

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Everything posted by Gnostic Bishop

  1. I am not an atheist. I am a Gnostic Christian. Regards DL
  2. Jsbrads Gen1:27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. 28 And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, It is difficult to try to discuss a myth when taking some as allegory and some as literal and not being able to agree on basics. "Eve was also created, from man" If Eve was no created the same way Adam was, who was God telling him to reproduce with? Apologies. I can discuss a literal view or an allegorical view. I cannot flip from one view to the other coherently. Hebrew has no capitals and go by context. The fact that the plural word them is used indicates that adam as mankind is the proper translation. Further, in terms of time and population if we think of adam as just one man, we would have difficulties later when Cain is to build a city for just a few of a single mans line. It may not matter but here is a link that defines adam. http://margmowczko.com/human-man-woman-genesis-2/ I am not sure just where you want to go from here. Regards DL
  3. Young yet God told them to reproduce, his first command to them, and they did not. All knowledge is subject to good and evil and to say they had great intelligence without the knowledge of good and evil is ridiculous. You ignore scriptures that say their eyes/mentality was opened only after they ate. Look up the meaning of the Jewish word adam and recognize that that word means society or tribe. To believe a myth that includes a talking serpent to be reality, is you goinmg into intellectual dissonance. Come back to reality. If all you are going to do is try to lie to us, then------ Regards DL
  4. We do not know how long A & E remained stupid. God gave them leave in Gen 1 to reproduce but their stupidity that had them not know they were naked last more than one day. Unless you think Gen 3 was in the close time frame to Gen 1, which is not what scriptures indicate. I agree with your last but if you go around too stupid to know you are naked, some will certainly try to teach you good manners. Why do you think God dressed A & E when there was no one there to see them? Regards DL
  5. ?? Should she have styed too stupid to even know she was naked? Was the moral sense man gained not worth telling God where to go? Regards DL
  6. Yes, while priests, preachers and imams all say that God is unknowable and unfathomable, just before starting to ream off all that they say they know and fathom of God. Priests, preachers and imams are all paid liars. Regards DL
  7. The delusional or those who use faith instead of logic and reason, yes. Not to Gnostic Christians. Please have a look at two quick links and you might end in agreeing. First, before people started believing in supernatural nonsense. http://bigthink.com/videos/what-is-god-2-2 Second, how we created Gods.
  8. I have yet to read of Cain and Abel in anything I have read of Egypt. I do not think that those are Egyptian names. Mind you, they are not Middle Eastern names either. Perhaps you can reference something. Regards DL
  9. I am aware of fractals, and sure computer simulations can be formed in the material world. I do not see the connection you are trying to make to the story at hand. Enlighten us my friend. Regards DL
  10. Most of the plagiarizing done for the bible and Jewish myths likely came from Sumer and Egypt. As to the almost identicalness of the various stories, Joseph Campbell would likely say that that sameness iss what helped him develop his hero of 1000 faces theory. Note how our own entertainment industry is coming up with remakes of older stories. Religions are entertainment as well as whatever else they claim to be. Ya gotta have a good show to make the biggest splash in town. Regards DL
  11. Yes, strife within our own minds. Our left hemisphere trying to tell our right hemispheres what to do. Our carnal minds trying to tell our spiritual minds what to think. Continue to read the bible literally and you will never get what the scribes were trying to tell us. The fruit of the land is from the carnal mind while the lamb is representing spiritual wisdom or ideas. It is likely that the story is as short as it is because people in that day did not read their myths literally and all knew to take the allegorical view with it. Regards DL
  12. No problem my friend. We all have to get used to our various styles. This link might just be as correct as all the other theories. Regards DL
  13. Both science and religions are now admitting that what the conditions were before the Big Bang cannot be known and both have ended with a God of the Gaps. As a Gnostic Christian, I have no supernatural beliefs and at present do not see science as having the answer you want. Even if we thought we could know, unless we can replicate it, we cannot ever prove it. At present science has about 5 theories with the math that proves all the theories to be valid so pick your brane or favotite super string theory and run with it. Regards DL
  14. That debate was been done and both science and religions now both have God of the Gaps. Regards D L
  15. Since you cannot know, I will go with my best guess, knowing you cannot refute it. BBBBB Bang. You might want to try for a more adult way of communicating. Mature discourse is what I come to this place for. Regards DL
  16. If so, what is the moral of the story? That God does not know how to treat his children properly perhaps? We already knew that from reading Gen 3. That cannot be it and that is why I prefer what that link gives us. As a Gnostic Christian, the notion of having to kill off my carnal mind and be reborn by Gnosis comes naturally though. The literal reading you guys are doing is not the Gnostic Christian way. Regards DL
  17. I am nuke proof. I hope yar 2. I enjoyed a good chuckle the other day when a friend of mine, with a Southern drawl spoke to me. Thars gonna be some nuken on this cheer earth. King of the terrorist Trump gonna see to thatun thare chore. He be itching for a fight don’tcha know. He gonna tell everyone to fight or shut up real soon. Trust me now when I say this. Listen good ifin you can. I am nuke proof. I hope yar 2. We gotta do something. Our leaders are incompetent to beat the band. Terrorism is a puny thang as compared to what’s to come from the likes of Trump, Kim Jung –Un et all leaders in the U.N. The U.N is not , perhaps cannot, do it’s job of brokering peace. All because everyone thinks themselves right about something or other. Insane right? Trump, terrorist and other vigilantes are a puny problem, as compared killing machines like the forces at hand in the U.S.A. Trump will show then tell. As usual, the U.S.A. will use war to quiet the fracturing of society that is presently happening in the world. God has truly abandoned us. All of the political and spiritual Gods and all their minions will flee, that is all people, if Trump gets peeved. I am nuke proof. Are you? Regards DL
  18. HowardHill Let's look at language then. God, regardless of what attributes are assigned to him or her, ends in being an ideal entity that can only exist in the mind of an individual. That mental construct is what is believed to be true as it is the only real thing that a person can believe in since there is no physical manifestation of a God. God then can only be defined as a persons mental construct. That is why Gnostic Christianity urges us to go within ourselves to find the only God we can ever know. Are we on the same page? Regards DL
  19. That is why when I write about such things, I try to accentuate their immoral ideology. All will know that an ideology without a bunch of humans attached to it is nothing. The message still gets through without even naming the immoral jack asses/Muslims that are promoting it. I have no problems to date from the mods in most sites I have gone into. Part of the problem and why I do not concentrate more on Muslims is that few Muslims ever bother to engage in religious discussions as they just preach without really discussing much and most non-Muslim participants in religious forums just end in posting bully posts, which really, is all Muslims deserve if all they are going to do is preach without debate or discussion. Those fools are even worse than right wing fundamental Christians. Be it a Muslim site or a fundy Christian site, I usually last about a day in their sites before getting banned. That is what honesty will get you. Regards DL
  20. RichardY Thanks for the greeting. The use of the word father to represent God is a lot older than Christianity. Strange to think that when Jung and Freud developed their Father Complex, they might have just been putting words to what we have been doing forever. That being calling our instincts father. Apotheosis may be just another term for us finding our Father Complex through Gnosis. It is demonstrable that we have an instinct package that is passed through our genes and that package is likely what Jung and Freud based their Father Complex on. The Caine and Abel myth, if not pure allegory as expressed by this link, then it might be as some speculate which is the Jews showing the conflict between their old shepherd days and the new farming ways that they needed to adopt. I do not see that as it is kind of backwards and the farmer should have killed ogg the shepherd. Regards DL
  21. I liked your post but not this bit. History tells me that the main reason that both Christianity and Islam, both immoral creeds, gained power and grew by the sword is that most people are too good and by the time they reacted against those evils, it was often too late. The Cathars were a good example of this. Parfait has to recognize that reciprocity is fair play and to turn the other cheek is to reward evil and a rewarded evil grows. Regards DL
  22. I have put a lot on the web against Islam. I am still here. I do make sure I never lie and even with that, I am called many names. If you have anything really good that shows just how evil and immoral the Islam and Sharia ideologies are, and are afraid to post it, please give it to me as I am quite prolific and do not mind telling the truth. Have a quick look at what I often end a post with. Both Christianity and Islam have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways. Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations. Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality. Needless to say, I believe that to be a good Gnostic, one must consider it a part of his ideology to fight immoral religions and governments relentlessly. Gnostics were decimated in the distant past because we did not hold back honest and well thought out criticisms of immoral religions and to me, the notions of a cowardly Gnostic Christian is anathema. Regards DL
  23. I reject the notion that we fear to know the truth. If that were true, Gnosis and apotheosis would not likely be possible. Regards DL
  24. You will argue against that idiocy if you listen to the first 10 minutes, or even start at the 10 minute mark of this link. Most of the ancient God were androgynous and so was the Jewish God. The whole link is enlightening if you have the time. Irrelevant as the whole story and bible represents what goes on in your head and mind. Adam is the male aspect of God and Eve the female aspect of God. We are also to see ourselves as androgynous creatures. We are created in God's image. Or better said, we create our God's in our image and those who do not see both male and female natures within us are not seeing the right image. Apologies. This link ended out of place. Your logic is sound and you are recognizing that this allegorical myth cannot be read literally. This link will help you understand what the myth is realy trying to tell us ans will show some of the real wisdom of the ancients. Any who say that the ancients were just ignorant and stupid are showing how uneducated they are. Regards DL
  25. From moral people who saw the evil that Christianity has always been, and who recognize the truth in the old adage that for evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing. Both Christianity and Islam have basically developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions. Both religions have grown themselves by the sword instead of good deeds and continue with their immoral ways in spite of secular law showing them the moral ways. Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds. That means Jesus would not recognize Christians and Muslims as his people, and neither do I. Jesus would call Christianity and Islam abominations. Gnostic Christians did in the past, and I am proudly continuing that tradition and honest irrefutable evaluation based on morality. If you are not trying to kill of Christianity and Islam, both evil religions, why not? Regards DL
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