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Everything posted by MysterionMuffles

  1. It wasn't the reaction that brought me back, it really was seeing hannah's post and then me remembering my initial curiousity that went with the reaction.
  2. That's the choice I made after the fog horn had been sounded.
  3. Ok thank you for sharing that. My interest was to see if anyone else was as offended as I was. And also trying to guage if you had ulterior motives with it, but if that's not the case, I apologize for my error in judgement.
  4. Perhaps the job might evolve to something else and there might be a mix between life coaching and therapy.
  5. Who said anything about women, MMX? We were talking generally about PEOPLE with tattoos and piercings. Not particularly women. Are you sure you're not just trying to turn this thread into something about what really isn't? And speaking of bigotry, if bigotry is having a conclusion and then seeking out information to reinforce that, how is what you just did not bigotry? Josh, James, and I are providing you with contrary opinions and you simply dismissing them--especially with non-sequitors--without giving them much of a thought is another way of seeking information that conforms to your initial position. This isn't about tattoos or piercings for you, MMX, this is about women to you. Possibly, in particular, tattoo'd and pierced up women. But we'll never know because you refuse to share your experience with them if you've even had any. Who cares how I phrased the question? If you were honest you would've pointed out my phrasing right away instead of loading up your post with some impossible situation. I'll admit I have a tendancy to ask leading questions, it's something I'll work. There's my humility to admit a fault, where's yours? If you're only basing your prejiduce based on a couple of articles and forum threads, and haven't at all had direct interaction with people who have tattoos and piercings, then...just...wow I have no words for that. If you really weren't spouting bigotry, the way I asked my question wouldn't matter. You'd have no problem simply answering honestly and directly to prove that my accusation of bigotry on your part is false.
  6. Yeah I get that, but why? What were you supposed to gain in terms of discussion or satisfaction if we gave that? And by overload of moral outrage, I mean like...listening to a call-in show, I'm always open to listen to people open up about their lives. Whether it's personal stuff or ambitious stuff. The personal calls are very vulnerable and heart felt, and sometimes even heart breaking, especially people who open up about horrendous childhood experiences. There's a line between listening to those specific calls for wanting to learn something, whilst also having an emotional response that may result in moral outrage for how poorly children are treated. And then the other side of that line is listening PURELY for the moral outrage like you just wanna get mad for the sake of simply getting mad. So with this thread, yes you would've caused some moral outrage with posting one specific video depicting child abuse. But you posted more than one and I got the impression was for everyone else to collect as many abuse videos as possible to share, and to me that just seemed counter productive to actually spreading peaceful parenting when all we were gonna do was try to jampack a thread with such horrendous videos.
  7. You dodged my proposition and flew into abstraction land. I'll work and ponder on your thought expiraement when you've given me the courtesy of a concrete example in your life where you've come across tattoo'd and pierced individuals that have supported the scientific facts you've presented. Simple proposition, MMX. I don't appreciate the non-sequitor direction you went in your response. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the escape into abstracts and thought expiraments are usually a sign of avoiding something more true to life in your experience that you simply do not want to share. You don't have to if you don't want, but I'm not gonna pretend we can have a conversation when your responses to either Josh, or myself, have little to nothing to do with what we've actually said. And what do you think you're doing with opening the floor to their sexual experiences with obese and tattoo'd women? Are you not trying to derive a sense of shame with their relationships with tattoo'd and obese women? If you want to talk about leadership by example, perhaps you can shed a little more light on your personal experience with obese and tattoo'd individuals instead of just relying on articles and other people's conversations about them to prove your point. In Josh's and my experience, yes tattoo'd and obese people carry and wear their trauma on them. But does that mean we turn them away because of their past, when in the present, they've become more peaceful and functional people since they've memoralized their pain? If we were to exclude people because of unresolved trauma, then we wouldn't have any friends because most people, if not everyone, has suffered some kind of trauma that they wear on them. In tattoos or otherwise. Maybe in behaviour. Maybe in other dress styles or tastes and preferences in media. To dismiss people just because they don't fit your criteria of normal and healthy (yes I know there are objective standards for these things but this topic seems to be more on aesthetics)--well again, it's bigoted. So I ask you again: what is your experience with obese and tattoo'd individuals? Have you had interactions with any of them? Have you had any relationships with any of them? How did those turn out? I would like to see how your view of them has been shaped by personal experience. Not by internet data. I'm not saying your articles and forum discussions are invalid, but you do gotta realize how it can be frustrating when someones asks you something, and you end up with a very indirect answer. "Hey what are your thoughts on jazz music?" "Apple orchids are beautiful. If you worked at one, not knowing that everything around you was poisonous, wouldn't you want me to tell you the truth? Even though you made a lot of money there and really enjoyed your job?" I really don't appreciate being riddled with a lifeboat scenario when I all I wanted was insight from your personal experience. Abstractions are a defense. I'm sensing there's something you just don't want to tell us. Once again, you don't have to, but at least be honest and relevant when you respond.
  8. I really don't see where you get off diving into Josh's sex life when he hasn't mentioned anything about it. I would suggest some introspection on why Josh's post may be triggering things in you. What is your experience with tattoo'd and pierced up people in your life? Have you had particularly negative interactions, hell even relationships, with those kinds of individuals? Or is this all just a prejiduce you have against tatoo'd and pierced individuals, MMX? I thank Robert for sharing his experience and that helps me understand where he's coming from. But for you, I just see it as hyper critical prejiduce based on shallow values. Until you share your personal experiences with obese, tatoo'd, and pierced people--you're just spouting bigotry.
  9. This is a very passive aggressive post, MMX2010. I am surprised by you.
  10. It's still at the top of the Peaceful Parenting forum and I just noticed that hannah posted a reply. Are you not willing to answer any of my questions? I just realized that I put them forth as statements, but what were your motivations for posting this thread? What triggered this frustration for you? We are all sickened by abusive parents for sure, and someone did post a video of a man beating a bunch of kids in his daycare (I think it was in Egypt). But you posted more than just one video, you posted SEVERAL, which to me at least, felt like an overload of moral outrage.
  11. I've contributed to your 4th downvote Nathan...I'm not sure what your real motivation was in posting all these horrendous videos. You do need to realize that the overload of such abuse as an initial thread might be unempathetic. Based on how you responded to me, it just seems like you want to infuriate people with these clips. We know this is bad, but why beat a dead ass horse to this degree? I'm sorry if I'm coming off as aggressive, but it's kinda what happens when you experience or see such traumatic events.
  12. Alright I think I've processed it just a bit more and I love what you say about people dividing between camps, like with Metallica and Megadeth. I mean I like Megadeth a whole lot more just naturally, it has nothing to do with Dave Mustaine leaving Metallica, I just think Megadeth sounds better to me. I think what drives this division from other genres, or at least between bands within metal, is this drive to assert identity. The elitism seems to stem from the desire to stand out and much like fanboys for Xbox(whatever) vs PS(whatever), they want to wear their preferences on their sleeve. I believe this mentality of identifying strongly with music (video game console, literature, film franchise) preferences is like a reclaiming of one's voice. Which may be why metal music is so loud and full of aggressive vocals, clean or otherwise. Tons of lyrics by the vocalists are about rising up and speaking up for ones self, and I think that might be linked to how they may have been silenced as children, and so to regain their voice, it also means raising the hell out of it. And then that seeps into a division within the same genre with people fighting over which band is better than the other instead of letting live let live. Since I see our taste in media as a reflection of ourselves, how strongly we assert our preferences, sometimes at the expense of others, is the degree to which we may have been silenced as children. Thanks for your thoughts growler, they are totally welcome and jam packed with a ton of food for thought. I have lately discovered a band called Bring Me the Horizon and the vocalist sort of screams, but he still retains a tone amongst the raspiness to still lend a melody to it, and I love it. I tried listening to their older stuff which was more traditional screamy metal and I just couldn't get into it, but their 2013 albm Sempiternal is a nice departure from their old style. Still heavy, but moving closer to cleaner vocals. And recently the lead singer has announced that after his life long battle with drug addiction, he has gone to rehab to clean himself up. Here's a video of him accepting an award for album of the year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3clsyGp-W7g#t=2m38s and I just love how he sees after cleaning up, he no longer wants to scream, rather sing from the rooftops. Now this isn't proof of anything, but in Oli's case, I think his screaming over the years was a crying out for attention and catharsis to get a ton of pain out of his psyche. Here's the degree of screaming I'm able to tolerate now. He is so close to losing his tone and turning all raspy, but he walks a real tight line between traditional screaming and actual singing so I love it. I'm gonna go take a listen to all of your suggestions now. You've opened my mind enough to accept a bit more of what I used to like in terms of vocals. I can't promise I will get into it, but I will definitely take a hard listen to everything in this thread just to appreciate the musicianship.
  13. Lol I hope you're not basing your perception of Zuckerburg from The Social Network. GREAT movie, but a very inaccurate depiction of him. No, he's not saying you should associate with specific people, rather have a more open before you judge. Granted, there will be people who are covered in tattoos from head to toe with a ton of piercings in their faces, but with the people who don't have that many of each should not just be easily written off as DYSFUNCTIONAL!!! STAY AWAAAAAY!!!
  14. oh just let this thread die already
  15. What would it be about a CEO's childhood that makes them strive and thrive in that position, Josh?
  16. Two of my managers at work have tons of tattoos and they're pretty chill people. Well one is more stoic, while the other is easy going. It's weird, they're like night and day in comparison to each other's darkness and colour contrast in clothing and hair, but they both have tattoos. The brighter schemed one has sleeve tattoos and she was the most chill person I've ever been interviewed by, and possibly the calmest and compassionate criciticizer in any work place I've been when it comes to job place corrections. As for the one with the darker scheme, she delivers criticisms and corrections a little more coldly, but not at all hostile. But yeah, they're highly functional and successful if they can be in charge of taking care of a huge international clothing store. Well one of the shops to be precise.
  17. Hmm...there are some people with tattoos who talk about the pain it requires to get it, but go on about how sooooooo worth it was. I guess that could be an indicator too of normalizing pain at least, but doesn't say as much to their childhoods (unless I unpacked it with them, but I dunno). Is it really upon the person with the tattoo to indicate some kind of trauma? What about the tattoo artist? Is there anything you can hypothesize about their mentality if they are willing to inflict pain on someone for the sake of art?
  18. and I have just published a review of it on my blog http://yourwritetolive.com/2014/11/12/ebook-review-dear-self-by-erik-lugnet/
  19. Holy shit dude! You've gotten assaulted enough by your dad to have been taken to the hospital? I am so fuckin sorry, man! I hate when they think denying things like that ever happening prevents it from ever being accepted as a reality. Such a stupid tactic. It's so much easier to just accept you did wrong and apologize, goddamnit! Why are parents so hell bent on using such a petty tactic as to deny their children of their own genuine experience? Man your post just triggered a lot in me...gas lighting is the most bullshit form of abuse. Just remember the good times...yeah tell that to a woman who meets a man on a first date who only seemed charming at first, but then ends up putting roofies in her drink. I feel infuriated from your post Usurpation. I don't think I have anything valuable to say from this point other than a ton of cuss words.
  20. damn growler! thank you very much for opening up and sharing that. That was a lot for me to take in, I'll add some more comments when I've processed your post.
  21. I have three articles on jounaling at my blog. One about free form, personal introspection, as well as professional progression. Check them out here: http://yourwritetolive.com/category/journalling/
  22. Yes! I loved this movie. Watching it with my siblings, we kept sharing glances when there was commentary about sticking old and tired ways instead of venturing out into the new and exciting. Definitely a worthwhile Disney film!
  23. I must confess I was only quick to agree with it because I had spent years being friends a huge metal head. Well I don't want to disgrace the term metal head, when really, he was a music nazi. My bias comes from hanging around this guy who would listen to nothing but metal and would dog on my music if it wasn't aggressive. He himself was a very aggressive and abrasive person, so I thought his interest in aggressive and "abrasive" sounding music was a reflection to his dysfunction. So I think that's where my initial dislike for primary screaming and growling probably came from; being around an overall shity person who just so happened to overplay that type of music, in contestment to everything I liked, thus making me lose my taste for it because he was always portraying anything "lighter" as crappy or for old men, even for things like The Reign of Kindo--who in their own right are still pretty heavy for a jazz rock band.
  24. nothing but time to talk to people
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