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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. Hitler info abounds; but do look into Hitler's possible syphilis infection which may have caused decades later brain damage which would explain his decisions disastrous to the German Army. Also, he apparently had a meth/downers doc glued to him like a pet dog, which was also not mentally healthy. As to Holocaust...keeping in mind that it's now apparently illegal in Germany to even ask questions about it -- follow the money and power on that one, Shin Betcha' -- so I'd expect Stefan's life expectancy to drop to about one week if he does a Truth About Holocaust episode. And he'd be "anti-semite" during that week. Careful here. Recently I realized that in our internet age, I could just go online and read Mein Kampf. Which I'm glad I did, since I KNOW what it is, instead of imagining. The first section about historical German peoples leading up and into WW1 is actually good historical reading, nothing twitches in it. The next sections deal with what was needed to lead the German people -- an interesting and valid treatise on it's own, thought provoking -- and a blatant plan to get needed land by going east, and removing anyone in the way. He made no secret of it. Just because I read the book, doesn't mean I want to kill Slavs. So saying Trump is influenced is blatant guesswork. Am I an anti-semite because I educate myself? As to having any book by the bed for some time...well, how long does it take to read a book, especially if it's NOT a passion, but curiosity? (I don't know about a sequel, what is it?)
  2. I saw an interview with a German woman alive at the time. The Germans loved Hitler at first, because he was fixing some stuff, bringing Germany back into something other than underdog, and because he didn't start WW2 at first. After he started invading, opinions plummeted but to show that was to invite one's disappearance. So be wary of newsreel footage: is it before or after certain events?
  3. So Hillary and Obama are examples of hypnotists? Maybe not so far off the mark....
  4. The site requires too much signup for me to examine. Heck with that. What do you find there? The question arises about how legit any requests are, who checks them, and who checks the checkers? What about taking the money you'd send to the site, and finding something local you can really see?
  5. What stands out to me, is wondering what you project. (While recognizing that this is a valid and complex topic overall.) An ex-cage fighter, I will guess what that means, and I wonder if you have a resulting persona that is something like a lion in the room. Makes people nervous. Is that happening? Also, where are you hanging out, what kind of people are there to begin with?
  6. (And beans too, good ol' beans, I left that out.) How we feel has a lot to do with our health -- it's the result of the food itself. If a food makes me feel like crap, it's doing yucky things inside me, which I take as unhealthy. If it makes me feel light and fed and clear inside, it's obvious to me that it's healthy. As the line up of these good/bad foods is more or less exactly what you'd expect from junk vs. natural, it all makes sense. I'm with mellomama here. One or two eggs doesn't bother me. I seriously doubt much of that cholesterol hype to begin with. Eggs are a very healthy food. I'm not slugging down fries and shakes the rest of the time. All things in moderation, except nasty stuff, which should be zero or close to it. Yes, I have read about seared and smoked foods having carcinogens. I also think it's dose related, and I emphasize that there are better quality meats, and poor quality meats, and I avoid the latter. When I don't, I get reminded why I usually do. I feel gross inside. I am also suspicious of some of those carcinogenic claims, not all. There's way too much clunky "science" put out there. I wonder for example, how they would separate the factors of seared meat from other ingestions and exposures. They can claim to have corrected for it, but at a practical level, how can you get that many people to study who are ONLY eating seared meat now and then, but goodie two shoes the rest of the time? And what is being seared, does it include sausages and mainstream hot dogs? How I feel is what my body is telling me about all my internal conditions; it's what natural animals rely upon.
  7. I wouldn't want to be his connective/other tissues, esp. spine and whatever it is that hasn't herniated yet. Or those poor knees getting Gawdknowswhat localized stresses on non-muscle tissue. Muscle is just one tissue type. I'm getting the image of putting a WW2 aircraft engine inside a WW1 airframe. How long till something shreds? 500 pounds might not be power lifting in a competition, but it sure sounds like it is to mortal me. I get and believe the part about training makes tissues tougher against injury, but in this case, tougher against what? -- carrying a refrigerator on his back? As a separate item, everyone has their hobbies, yup, but why would a person want to even be that big, what's the point? If he's not impressing the chicks (insert actual female opinions here) then for what, or whom is he impressing? If it's about fitness, getting back to connective tissues, then I think he's gone past his best level of fitness. Careful of that life expectancy thing. It usually averages in a large amount of infant/child mortality. Not to mention I suspect that the data here are a bit slim (pun included). Paleolithics probably didn't have a bunch of hens around supplying bunches of eggs, nor those cattle fences which came much later, so I don't know how they could be accused of overeating eggs, meat, or dairy. They were probably lucky, and determined, to get any of it. My fifty cents' worth: About a year and half ago, I couldn't fit into any pants...whoa, gotta do something!! I adjusted my diet...primarily, looking back, it was the elimination of cheese and bread almost entirely. I started a gradual fat loss of twenty pounds, and my weight is now stable. For chance reasons, I did very little exercise during the first several weeks, and conclude that exercise for weight loss is a mistake, unless it's long, oft-repeated, sustained effort such as bike riding some distance, or working hard, as for example a lumberjack. Most people won't have that option. I think that people will mislead themselves if thinking that exercise bike for a half hour is going to lose them weight, whatever else good it does. Over the many months, I experimented with more or less of this or that. I found that my appetite began giving me clear opinions, which I'd overwhelmed earlier with too much unthinking eating. I went this way and that, and have now reached a very good dietary state, with far more fruit, fresh veggies, and seeds/nuts than before. I rarely open cans any more except veggies like water chestnuts. And no more food from boxes! -- That advice is true; I always feel yucky if I do. I also find that my appetite, now much healthier, is self limiting...not counting staying up too late and that movie I have to finish wants munchies. Such events just confirm what else I learned, that bad foods make us sick. One can have munchies, yet a banana will absolutely silence the space in the gut asking for more of anything. I also keep hard boiled eggs on hand. Great easy food, one egg is one meal, at least for part of the day. I usually don't want more than one egg per day. Something in my appetite is satisfied and telling me that more is too much of something -- I don't know or care what, I just know not to eat another egg. (There may be 2-3 eggs on an infrequent restaurant big veggie dish; I just let that fuel me longer, and it feels great.) I adore frequent visits to a local BBQ place. The meat is lean and very nicely done; usually I'm getting smoked turkey, beef or pork is once/twice a week. I feel well fed, and no desire for anything more.
  8. How many media outlets believe AGW is real? That right there should slay your faith in "many outlets." I didn't read the article, since it sounded way out there -- which is not always untruth and one should look a bit further to make sure. Having said that, the thought of murder for coverup is certainly has a track record elsewhere in life. One thing that caught my attention: if something that interfered with a vitamin is administered in a vaccine, that's a tiny amount of something, and if it's not self-replicating, then I expect that it's broken down and done with in short order. RE vaccines and autism. I think that has been debunked as basically a poorly done research paper which got it's own life to sell news stories as much as anything. Before shutting down the topic completely, I came across some material...don't know if I can find it again...about I think it was monkey kidneys being the growth medium for a vaccine, don't recall which one, and there were then unknown/untestable monkey viruses in there, and if one traces the time lines of outbreaks and developments, a strong case can be made that it eventually led to what we call AIDS. The gay men gateway was possibly because gay men were targeted as a test population for a treatment I can't recall, but it used those vaccines which came from monkey kidneys that were likely infected (which I suspect is normal for monkeys).
  9. Ouch! At first I thought it was real graffiti and thought "Oh well, lampshades are easy to replace." Then I read what it really is. Bad idea. The rest of the place in the picture looks nice, like that might be a good thing to subconsciously enforce. It seems it would either encourage defacing the rest of the place, or seem a cheap stunt, an insult, to the locals. With respect to the unsung heroes of good decor and public relations, looks like a cannon got loose in somebody's PR department. I'm reminded of many years ago, 5" floppy disk era (another ouch), when I was a small advertiser in an industrial magazine. We'd get monthly letter size mailings from the advertising/PR dept. One time, upon opening the letter, a spoonful of sparkling glitter fell out all over the table, probably to mark some enthusiastic event. Of course, cursing and cleaning up was the reality, and anyone with a floppy disc on the desk suddenly had glitter on it. The next month's letter was an apology.
  10. First sentence: I totally agree. And the Democratic/feminist machine wants them to stay that way, as they are be much easier to manipulate with praise and lies. Willingly, I might add. Second sentence: I've said as much in these forums, that irresponsible behavior, the devotion to deceit, the blatant moral bullying, the mind-boggling arrogance, is costing to all women, resulting in a massive trend of the individual male's voluntary removal of his non-state protection of them. I'm tickled to see this brought up at all. It has been rattling around in my mind increasingly, as I try to get one after another female to simply be honest about what's in front of her face, to act like something other than a stubborn four year old. To deny support to the obvious criminal! Just won't, and gonna make a smug face too! Women will keep the vote; it's far too useful to frauds. But keep tickling the issue; I'm curious to see what happens.
  11. From the first Conan movie with the good director, yes?
  12. I was young long before the internet age, and have in recent years been amazed to be able to visit childhood places while hundreds of miles away. It has been very valuable for processing youthful trauma, given that I'd already been doing lots of mental work. Partly, it must be that I can "be there" and not be threatened; threat was constant back then. I notice that if a couple years pass between visits, I can tell how much healthier I am by how differently I react. Any one else do that?
  13. Our surroundings affect our moods, etc. I only am on the computer/internet at home, at one place only. The one place is highly refined as to comfort, sight, sound, and of course ease of movement (as opposed to a crowded cafe for example), which includes instant free form dance if the music demands it, very healthy. I can jump into a shooter game at will and body english my way to big speaker bliss. It also mentally separates me from the internet if I physically move away, not counting music and mental processing of what I'd done at the computer. What do you do? How does it affect you?
  14. OP and MRP (most recent poster): I see new forum topics. One would be about home school experience. Why don't one of you do that? You seem to be talking a secret code and I have no idea what it is. Posters who were home schooled, what were your experiences, feelings, etc.? What was your relationship to the ducks, Donald and/or Daffy? Seriously, as cultural/social/psychological starting points, those two cartoon characters could create a path. I went to Catholic and public shcools. (<spellcheck tried to correct that, but I thought it was too cute to lose. The education was good; just joking.) In fact, just before I looked here for recent replies, I was in Google Earth looking at my schools, hundreds of miles away. That's an interesting tool -- it now occurs to me as yet another new forum topic -- that I have been able to visit thru the internet wonders, the places of the trials of my youth, like I'm Marley's Ghost, or maybe just the big ghost dog in television's Topper. Over recent years I've looked over the neighborhoods in as much detail as available, and it was an angst cleanser, given my pre-existing efforts at self understanding. Over recent years, my feelings with later visits reflect my improved mental clarity since the prior visit. (And the satellite images have better clarity.) Anyone else do that? Which segues back to the miracles of modern comm age. To visit my childhood home elsewhere on the planet, while right in this seat; and to ask questions of others elsewhere on the planet, while right in this seat. (Which brings me to another forum topic I'll start, re what sort of flight deck do you have, whilst typing here? What are the effects of your surroundings, do you type in one place at home, or anyplace with reception and decent snacks?) Which gets us back to Rachelle saying that you come back here when your energy says to do so. Which makes perfect sense. I'd just add that the more you show up here, the more you'll be tested, the quicker -- not rushed -- your development. Sort of like going to a martial arts gym vs. doing practice at home. Which is apt; camaraderie for one thing. Also, that mental forearm block sure looks snappy; but is it really effective, or just show? Find out. Make it a routine. Get into your mental ghi and take "the keyboard stance." (Any Japanese translators wanna tackle that one?)
  15. Rachelle, that is a good full response which feels concise to me. "I was afraid because I was constantly being hurt by the people in my life and being alone felt safer to me. I became very self absorbed." -- I can relate to that one. And we then feel guilty about it, like it was us that did something wrong. I am now very aware of the lack of even one trustworthy adult in my young life, any form of honest guidance at all. Now, we have forums like this, where we can ask questions without getting a dirty look, and get advice without manipulation. That's a miracle by comparison. About makeup: I have been impressed by such facial layering, usually because something in my brain, like rational thought, momentarily forgot to be fully present. Makeup and manipulation are well discussed elsewhere on the net. I'm not even sure what feminine even is any more. But I tell you one thing, if that manipulation is there, then feminine appeal is killed outright. So have fun with makeup, if it's just for fun. The one thing I'd only ever care about, and I've pretty much given up, is honesty at the woman's core, not just surface. Which it sounds like you have and value. Right there, you're leagues ahead of most women, as far as appeal.
  16. I think the two parts I underlined go together. He doesn't yet GET it. Any dishonesty is too much, especially very serious topics like this. His mind hasn't made the flip into total honesty, doesn't understand the value and need. So backsliding will be too easy. He is still on very necessary probation. I'd say don't extend leeway to him where you'd be at even a little risk, make him stay away from "every drop of booze" that lies are, call him on every one, so he gets the idea that he can't get away with it. It's like training a dog to not do something; it can't be done just part time.
  17. clarification: "superior fire" not "serious fire" which I take as a statement that being outgunned by criminals is a thing of the past. (Too bad about the dog; should have a tranquilizer dart kit in the trunk of the police cruiser.) I take it that the "not on our knees" remark is larger than this gang, I sense a generalized overlay, of standing up to leftist watering down policies, which may be illustrated by the immigrant rapes in Europe not being reported for fear of harming a group image. There are thug cops, oh yeah, or cops with blindingly poor judgement. And cops that aren't. If somebody, say in the White House, thought that a better Democratic voter base in say Louisiana could be had by finding a county for a bunch of N.African/M.East immigrants, this is the type of guy who would stand up to it. Frankly, I'm glad he's there. As to switching from sheriff hat to camo hat, if the stuff is gonna hit the fan with a well armed group, it would be dereliction of duty to not have the camo.
  18. Uh, and it's epic why? Easy finds are not epic. Epic means it took a long time, successful or not, and probably fighting off blood eyed zombies while starving on high cold plains. Enjoy. --------------------------------------- Rachelle: "...and I've never had a virtuous female friend" That is an eye catcher. Would you please elaborate? ----------------------------- "virtuous philosopher with immense self-knowledge or bust!" You need your own T-shirt: Imgur:
  19. The argument seems to be that some kinds of child FGA is desirable to begin with. If it's a child, then there is no possibility for informed consent. What the hell is the problem with waiting ten years or so, and let the adult woman choose? All I see here is a call to put child abuse in a more medically sound environment. Which will just make it more entrenched, more "okay to do."
  20. " She seems like she is very open to self knowledge and doing what it takes to have a healthy relationship (although so far that has not been practised). Of course, I have known her for a short period of time, and I don't truly know her." One thing many or most women do, automatically and possibly not even consciously, is mimic the person they're interested in. Reality may or may not match what she says.
  21. Well, not slap. More like teleport to deep space. That woman is never going to be safe around children, and needs to go very far away.
  22. I read a lot of military history, but never heard of these particular events. Thanks for posting. There is an obvious surface likeness to Muslims in Europe. So much is different between the two situations, yet one thing occurs to me. Japan attacked as a country, no doubt about it, and the US public couldn't pretend massive attacks throughout the Pacific hadn't occurred, and Japan did it. Terrorist attacks are not attributable to one county, however tangled the espionage and power webs. It's a trickle instead of a flood, and there's no one place with national borders at which to point fingers, no one specific to hold accountable. Terrorists, as far as states go, belong to no one. That will make it hard to get a public focused, indeed hard to know where to focus any possible pressure or retaliation. People who get roused, and have no one to point to, will find some other way to point, and it might be an ethnic/religious reaction, just like so often.
  23. "And get toxic people out of your life" -- and they keep showing up, like weeds, it's not just one sweep. Gotta keep vigilant.
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