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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. I understand completely. I stopped watching MSM years ago due to its sensationalist nature and abrasive language and tone. I enjoy the fruit analogy, and it makes me think of Palisade peaches.
  2. I'm several chapters into Day Bang, and enjoying Roosh's wit, and no-nonsense attitude regarding women and interacting with them. I've learned that I get away with a lot more than most guys around women, probably because I'm attractive. I've had women give me the digits unsolicited before during the day and this is almost unheard of in pick-up. I am currently growing my beard out because "Winter is Coming" and this should attract the attention of more women my age as it makes me look five to ten years older than I am. Women are almost universally more attracted to older men.
  3. That woman doesn't do crossfit. Most women can get through a workout in the gym without getting the floor wet. It may be nerves or sexual arousal that causes this phenomenon, but I've never seen it outside of a bedroom.
  4. The article suggested that Taylor Swift manifests the ideal body mass index. Perhaps they polled straight men to determine this, I only skimmed the article. How do I seem upset? Fat is unhealthy and will be avoided by any K-selected man. Muscles are healthy and are attractive to a K-selected men. Bust and butt excepted, of course, but I already pointed that out a few times.
  5. 1 oz. Valcambi Combibar is cheaper than ten 1/10 ounce eagles. I bought mine from SchiffGold, LLC. Talk to Dickson. Or you could go fleaBay and save on shipping. This is the APMEX weekend deal.
  6. I grew up on the North Shore of Chicago. I was probably the only non-Asian circumcised Christian in my school district. I still don't know the lunar calendar or when the high holy days are. I think there are four of them and I always had them off. If you noticed from my Facebook account, I even have two Hebrew names.
  7. Fitness and health are one and the same, actually. You cannot have one without the other, at least not for very long. That's one of the myths that I am attempting to dispel here. I'm following the definition implied in the linked article. Thin simply means not fat. I can empathize with why Accutron would want to use different definitions such as curvy and blubbery (I don't see the difference between the two), as these words don't sound as mean as fat. Essentially, there is tone policing happening here. Taylor Swift may have the perfect body type according to the article, and it's really is nice, but for health and longevity's sake, I would go for a woman with a lot more meat on her frame, meaning muscle.
  8. Step into a crossfit gym and take a gander at the women there. Many of them have a whole lot of curves and can lift more than most men (in lower body exercises, at least). I'll record a video when I go back to the gym (still recovering from a foot injury) and post it here via Youtube. I can think of at least seven ladies 40 or under that can lift more than me and look absolutely fantastic. A couple of them are mothers. I was confused about why you brought up definitions. Body fat is a continuum from low to high, and lean muscle mass is also a factor, the more you have the healthier you are.
  9. I've dated enough Asians and Jews to be immune to such slander. I'm single, if any one is interested in applying. No fatties. No vegans. Neckbeards ok.
  10. How did I know this was a Rhonda Patrick video? Many plus reps. I may have linked this one in a related thread, but I forget. I still need to do my vitamin D test and send it in to get my levels checked. I ordered it from here: https://www.vitamindcouncil.org/testkit/
  11. In college, I made a play for a girl who had a long distance boyfriend. A week later, he was in town threatening to throw me off of a third story balcony. Coffee is healthful, at any rate. I'm on my third pot today.
  12. Religion and statism are the same belief that people are too stupid to voluntarily associate based of their preferences. I had a related experience with my father before I deFOOed. We would talk about public school since my brother and sister both current attend, and he would gripe about the teachers and all the homework they piled on in elementary school. I suggested that government was force and they schooling should be a matter of free market, and I got the "I used to think like you" speech, and "How naive you are!" comments. It's really frustrating.
  13. I'll send you a picture of my abs, and tell me how dishonest they are. What's your email?
  14. Happiness in not a virtue (or value), it is the result of pursuing a worthy goal.
  15. Do you feel as though your mother manipulates with emotions?
  16. When did you go red pill and how long had you been dating/married? My take is that most people forgo honesty because it challenges their upbringing, identity, and level of self-knowledge. How many times have you seen a women keep an obvious abuser in her life, and have no idea why she continues? The same can be said for men as I have dated many abusers, and been an abuser myself.
  17. Shout out to Bruce the Collie who is my first ever crowd-sourcing contributor. You have my many thanks for setting a great example for the future of voluntaryism.
  18. Fat never looks good unless you are eating it off of a dead animal carcass. There are one or maybe two exceptions, a woman's mammary glands/posterior. Humans store fat because it is an evolutionary adaptation to waiting out SHORT periods of starvation, usually the winter months away from the equator, out of necessity. Being fat all year round, especially in the modern day, is the definition of gluttony. Fat was never sexually attractive, and it still isn't.
  19. It's how children are made, brother. As for the second question, this hardly needs an answer, but yes. Otherwise, I'm not sure of the purpose of these questions. What do you want to know?
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