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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. I had a relevant conversation with a friend of twelve years who is also circumcised. I suspect his son is also circumcised by the way he is reacting lately. He attempted to scare me for starting a drive to fund my video camera when he saw the message on Facebook. He said, "You're going to get thrown in jail." I didn't know what he was talking about so I replied, "For what?" "Raising money for your circumcision video." "How is this any different than my guest asking for $5000 so she can tour around the country in her BMW X5 with a pet that is supposedly dying of cancer?" "The difference is that she has tits and you don't." "That's why I'm only asking for $500, and I know the odds of reaching my goal are low. How is this different than you running a kickstarter for homebrewing beer?" "You're going to piss people off. That's why it's different." "Well, fuck 'em." I am beginning to see why no other circumcised FDR members are replying here in support. They are scared out of their minds about standing up for their own genital integrity. It really is a shame! Bruce, I cannot PM you, so I will reply here. Please contact me over Skype at jonathan.stembal. If Skype sucks for you, or isn't your thing, you can email me at the same address at Gmail - [email protected]. (Kurtis, I extend you the same invitation!)
  2. Berries, Thank you so much for replying! Did you change your nutrition plan when you moved? I suspect that your chronic skin problems were likely due to poor (vegan) diet, as they are usually very high inflammatory on the body and gut flora. Do you consume probiotics at all? (homebrewed kombucha, kim chee, saurkraut, keifer, etc.) This could become a lengthy reply, now that I think about it. I invite you to Skype me about your experience changing your life and diet. I've struggled through the same transition. My Skype name is jonathan.stembal and you can send me messages to that address at Gmail as well.
  3. Some of Stefan's analogies have been equally confusing for me, so I'm not surprised that we are encountering this phenomenon here in the thread. It's more concerning to me that AncapFTW likens pick-up artists to junk cars. I'll throw the question out there again. Why are we talking about pick-up? This thread is about men speaking out against rampant misandry. Roosh V. happens to be a writer that focuses on getting men laid. It's as if nearly every member of this community does not see the connection between Roosh and the achieving The Rational Male mindset, which involves such efforts as speaking out about the rape, sexual abuse, murdering, and mutilation of men. Women find passion attractive if you guys haven't figured it out yet.
  4. Women should be great at buying used cars as it requires the ultimate skill level in shit testing. Men are quite easy to figure out in comparison.
  5. I've been doing this a lot recently, picking conversations with friendly people in public. My inner kitty cat has fleas.
  6. Otie, I believe I know how you are feeling right now. I feel badly that this situation happened to you. It's happened to me a couple times before when I was a lot younger than I am now. Men are expected to deliver the goods when women ask. If she was all over you and you wished to take it slowly, she's going to hypergamize and move to the next closest and most attractive option, your friend. This is human or animal nature, otherwise known as Briffault's Law. My advice - which I have not followed until recently - is to look for a woman that has more patience and virtue. Women are constantly trying to rush sex and intimacy, but they talk as though it's the men that push hard for it. You may not be likely to find a woman in your age group, so you must also have some patience and virtue if that is what you are seeking. You also do not have to seek perfection, as in another Ancap woman. Remember that you are the man, and she simply has the eggs that you want. I get the sense that many of the single women who gravitate toward the liberty and voluntary movement are desperate for male attention and are putting on a front for hypergamy's sake, hence why there is such a low percentage of women around these forums. If your friend is not willing to speak with you further about it, allow him to make his own mistakes. It sounds as if this woman could be trouble in the long run, and the magic your friend experienced will not bring him long term happiness. Her tits and ass are likely going to start sagging some day soon unless she eats well and takes care of herself! As an aside, I don't speak with anyone I knew when I was 13, but that's not to suggest that you shouldn't, just that people move, change and grow. Please take a look at what your needs are and re-examine the relationship with your best friend. I find that it is very helpful to make a Pro/Con list to analyze other people, especially woman to which I am attracted, but you can make lists for anything in life.
  7. Absolutely, Lakona. I'm far from a religious man, but there is a very good reason for deeming usury a sin in the bible.
  8. I am in therapy now, which is currently focused on my alcoholism and traumas, and I'm dropping half a lifetime of baggage all over the place. Thank you so much for replying, Kurtis! The support brings tears to my eyes! Every day now, I wake and up and wonder how I can be a better human being, whereas before I hardly ever dreamed when I slept due to being so intoxicated and distracted by my efforts to self-medicate. I wanted to kill myself in the worst manner possible, the slow poison of cowardice. I knew that something wonderful was going to happen today, and it did! I will never be healed of my affliction, but I'm making the best out of it by practicing courage. If nothing at all happens or changes in this world, at least I have it now. I know how to use it.
  9. I have had sex thousands of times vaginally and never sired a bastard (to my knowledge). Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a single sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate!
  10. The last time that I went out to dinner with a woman, she wouldn't split the bill. She paid for the whole meal. Who am I to argue? Feminism has its perks!
  11. I was asked by a woman if I had ever experienced rape or sexual molestation of a child. I responded, "I was circumcised. I consider it to be sex abuse." "No, I mean other than that." I guess having bits of your genitals removed, a violation of the non-aggression principle, doesn't pass muster for rape these days if you are a man, so man up!
  12. Celibate dude chiming in. In an OkCupid profile, you have to be doing something if you are a man. Riding a mountain bike or lifting weights will get you hits fairly quickly in the dating world. Here are two of my pictures from my OkCupid profile way back when. You can't really make out my face, but they are pretty exciting, aren't they? Being a Coloradan male stacks 10 sexy points against all feminine saving throws to resist manliness!
  13. I'm all over it, Mike! Ditto on what Kurtis asked. Is it going to be a couple's call? I was supposed to be in a couple's call for FDR 2733, but my shit was moved onto the porch by the time the call happened. Whoops, philosophy happened.
  14. Nothing is genetic, as in biologically predetermined. Even your hair color varies with changes in environment. There is no reason to believe that sexuality is any different. My sexuality, and personality, was heavily influenced by having my foreskin severed from my body.
  15. If only we had a relevant sub-forum for topics surrounding Health & Wellness, a story like this would have a home!
  16. I am giving you many internet high-fives. To where should I send them? Attention all FDR ladies, this is now the thread in which you should be posting. At some point, we're bound to have a curious and philosophically-minded man wander in and dare to speak his mind on this topic. Where's Serious Susanna? P.S. Per Mello's suggestion, I will be re-recording this video with better equipment so you can actually see my face. Keep watching this thread for a GoFundMe link. If one of my guests can raise nearly $4000 to pay for a road trip with her dying dog, I can manage $300 for a 1080p camera. The only difference is that she has nice tits, and I have a malfunctioning penis, so let's even up the odds!
  17. Yeah, I think that counts as raising your core body temperature! I got it. This is not a steam room or wet sauna, it's dry. It's a little closet attached to the locker room that fits two to three people and it gets up to 50-60 C in my estimation. Consider it a ghetto sauna, I suppose, but it works. From a cold start, it takes about 30 minutes to get going really hot, so I read for the first thirty minutes inside until the book gets too hot to hold in my hands, and then I lay down and do active release therapy on my body pains and massage my facial muscles while I puddle. Towards the end, I do bioenergetics poses (think yoga), but the room is so small that it limits the number of poses possible as the heating element takes up a large part of it. That reminds me that I completely missed my opportunity to get some sauna in tonight. It's so flipping great!
  18. Given the thread topic and considering this is a voluntarist forum, why are you concerned with liberty and ancap men? Let the women worry about the men they choose to date. Of course, I am assuming that you are a straight male. Also, did you read the list of adjectives that I culled from the man-shaming article? Here it is again. Given the wholesale rape, slaughter, dismemberment and drugging of males throughout history and the present day, can't we give men one little break from not quite measuring up all the time? If I'm not weak, unambitious or creepy to a woman for acting fearful or awkward in her presence, I'm manipulative, narcissistic and sociopathic for showing some spine, flirting and chatting her up. Any women who feels justified in dismissing me because I'm a man openly discussing challenging topics can go buy a battery-powered boyfriend to sate her lusts, because men are wising up to this feminist farce, at least, I suspect that we are here in voluntary world. I know I am.
  19. I don't have a thermometer, but my guess is that it is around 50 degrees. The Fins must really like to get steamed up about saunas!
  20. I can do 90 minutes now, but I have to drink about 80-100 oz. of water while I do it. It's pretty fucking intense!
  21. Another FDR member has actually read Sex at Dawn? I'm stunned!
  22. I had a short conversation with my friend from Illinois about it last night. He's my last friend, the only one that still speaks with me, and he's a terrible listener, which speaks volumes about me. He's mutilated, and shows some of the signs of trauma that I have related in the thread. He is of the mind that nothing can be done about it, so why be angry? He contends that his penis works fine the way it is. He also has a son, who is eleven. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. He changed the subject as soon as I asked him if he had ever witnessed a circumcision as an adult. How can any doctor do this? I can't even watch it. I can only listen. Nope, I can't make it to the ten minute mark.
  23. Has anyone experienced severe sexual trauma? It's hard to live a normal life loving others when the very act of loving yourself brings thoughts of shame.
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