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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Honour or the appearance of honour? Social metaphysicians or the protection of genesets.
  2. Was reading the forward today of an edition of the "I Ching" done by C.G.Jung.(Rerum novarum cupidus, people are greedy for new things, his words) Anyway he mentioned western science being based on causality and statistical significance, @ofd I seem to remember you mentioning something about Karl Popper somewhere along the line of statistics in science. Also mentioned was C.G.Jung concept of "synchronicity" and how the Chinese tended to base "knowing" on specific events. Looking perhaps for the exception rather than the rule. Perhaps archetypally the Chinese psyche was more fragmented to various synchronous events astrology/zodiac, hence a random number generator with 64 combinations, Happy Halloween all year I guess for the Chinese. In contrast to the Christian One God(Freewill) being "the" synchronous event. UPB being a repudiation of synchronous events, stealing and murdering at the same time. etc Would the overlapping of the wave-function(superposition) be a kind of God? So is there some kind of "Mirror Universe" like an original episode of Star Trek? No Tantalus machines in development?
  3. So would that mean the universe is effectively made of 2 substances, one subject to gravity and the other not or its own particular gravity? Kind of fuzzy(next to no idea) on wave theory/ies and theoretical physics. Conceptually the theory, metaphysics, of "Monads"? Is some explanation of Freewill? Been thinking about the psychological effects of declaring oneself prominently an atheist. I mean if you are a-rational you are not acting subject to rationality, but neither can you be said to be irrational. In the same way that if you are a-theist you are not acting subject to God(ultimate authority), but neither does anything you do go against an ultimate authority(except perhaps an innate "passion" to make replicas of organisms containing your DNA, just for the heck of it) , whether you wish to call it "Freewill", "God the Father" or being "The Last Boy scout". One thing that has been noticed is that atheists tend to be or become socialists(focusing on particular positions or issues to resolve, "progressives"). The end goal of socialism being Communism - Lenin Another thing I have noticed is that "leftists" tend to become pan-theists(spiritualists, Consciousness) if not a-theists(physicalists, Magic Meat) which is kind of the flip side of the same coin. Freewill is something I have doubts on (consider it an illusion (or perhaps god itself), which my unconscious fudges, while being as real as night & day), whether I'm essentially rationalising expost facto, after I have unconsciously already made a decision and am justifying it consciously, perhaps to communicate that decision. So that would make "freewill" dependent on two people and would be in accordance with a Jungian collective unconscious. But with Lebnizian Monadology if true, doesn't that effectively mean you have direct connection to God? Which being in an insane world past and present, I can understand if being surrounded by tribal and fragmented people, not to say that I'm not non tribal or fragmented. Anyway sort out the knots untie the entangled. Reading the Tao Te Ching "3 treasure were listed" Kindness, Simplicity and Humility. (also kind of randomly heard the same from the head gardener, literally the day after I read the book, at a place I'm currently staying/hoboing around) Looking on Wikipedia they were also in a way comparable to Shia Islam jurisprudence(Ja'fari), which I came across fairly randomly. 1. Prayer (Kindredness towards God), 2. Fasting ( Simplicity) 3. Pilgrimage (Humility) Perhaps there is a Christian equivalent. Perhaps a bit long. So just to be even more of a pain or not. Thought the following passage was interesting from reading Zhunagzi. He too recognizes a “this,” but a “this” which is also “that,” a “that” which is also “this.” His“that” has both a right and a wrong in it; his “this” too has both a right and a wrong in it. So, in fact, does he still have a “this” and“that”? Or does he in fact no longer have a “this” and “that”? A state in which “this” and “that” no longer find their opposites is called the hinge of the Way. When the hinge is fitted into the socket, it can respond endlessly. Its right then is a single endlessness and its wrong too is a single endlessness. So, I say, the best thing to use is clarity. To use an attribute to show that attributes are not attributes is not as good as using a non-attribute to show that attributes are not attributes. To use a horse to show that a horse is not a horse is not as good as using a non-horse to show that a horse is not a horse,7 Heaven and earth are one attribute; the ten thousand things are one horse. What is acceptable we call acceptable; what is unacceptable we call unacceptable. A road is made by people walking on it; things are so because they are called so. What makes them so? Making them so makes them so. What makes them not so? Making them not so makes them not so. Things all must have that which is so; things all must have that which is acceptable. There is nothing that is not so, nothing that is not acceptable. For this reason, whether you point to a little stalk or a great pillar, a leper or the beautiful Hsi-shih, things ribald and shady or things grotesque and strange, the Way makes them all into one. Their dividedness is their completeness; their completeness is their impairment. No thing is either complete or impaired, but all are made into one again. Only the man of far reaching vision knows how to make them into one. So he has no use [for categories], but relegates all to the constant. The constant is the useful; the useful is the passable; the passable is the successful; and with success, all is accomplished. He relies upon this alone, relies upon it and does not know he is doing so. This is called the Way. But to wear out your brain trying to make things into one without realizing that they are all the same - this is called “three in the morning.” What do I mean by “three in the morning”? When the monkey trainer was handing out acorns, he said, “You get three in the morning and four at night.” This made all the monkeys furious. “Well, then,” he said, “you get four in the morning and three at night.” The monkeys were all delighted. There was no change in the reality behind the words, and yet the monkeys responded with joy and anger. Let them, if they want to. So the sage harmonizes with both right and wrong and rests in Heaven the Equalizer. This is called walking two roads. ------ Oh, better far to live and die Under the brave black flag I fly, Than play a sanctimonious part, With a pirate head and a pirate heart. Away to the cheating world go you, Where pirates all are well-to-do; -------- As opposed to the Modern Major General. Uhmmm Trick or Treat??? (more randomness, yeah bit late, but not something I've done)
  4. Show me the money!!!!!!! Oh well as it says in the bible "money answereth all things" Not "With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse."? Isn't there something called "Dark Matter"(also an avid Youtube atheist) that is theorised to exist given the expansion of galaxies. Meaning that not everything is subject to gravitation? Bit like a movie I watched once "The first men in the moon" (1964) by H.G Wells. written 1901. I guess there remains the concept of universals. Whether they can be exploded into particulars, maybe........
  5. @Donnadogsoth I am the very model of the modern Major General...... What would you define as a man? I guess if the animal possesses some ability to count, it has some ability to perceive time. The trick would be if they were able to farm something into the future perhaps consciously, maybe beavers have that ability I don't know, remember seeing a programme a long while ago on Chimpanzees and human extinction, that if chimpanzees had some enhanced ability to defer gratification they would develop much faster.
  6. @Donnadogsoth So would you say that reality ultimately serves some purpose/s and what purpose/s would that be? Would you agree that reality is the imposition of measurement? I wonder of some of the differences between a person and a wild animal, in terms of them imposing measurement?
  7. How is authority established? Divine Right, Psychopathic murder, popularity, competency, tradition etc... Probably a logical answer somewhere, I'd consider Stefan an authority on Philosophy, Ethics, Current Events, Virtue. It's not like there's numerous academics with tenure are churning out well thought-out and informative content regularly on Youtube. If the German state had been imo Authoritarian, then Bismarck wouldn't have been dismissed. If the people or German princes were authoritarian why not put someone competent in charge of state affairs and avoid having Greatpowers 2(Germany, Austro-Hungary) vs 3(Britain, France & Russia). Instead of Authoritarian, I would say a military dictatorship initially under the kaiser. If people are going to be fundamentally conscripted and dismissed how can someone be an authority? Contrasted to the British Expeditionary force made up of professional volunteers(which conversely can be authoritarian if not compelled), had the best rifle in WW1. Like in Iraq during the Gulf War, if Saddam Hussein just shoots or dismisses anybody who disagrees with him (and the people and officials don't oppose his actions) how can anyone be an authority in the military? instead the conscripts just wind up massacred pulling out of Kuwait or fighting Iran. A non-authoritarian military imo can run for awhile, but it would require a "secret police force"(to essentially murder or imprison "Enemies of the State") such as in Rev France(killed all their experienced Admirals), Iraq, Rome (Sulla and then the Caesars), Persia(immortals), Italy, Spain, Russia and Germany.
  8. I like to think of apple trees, if you grow an apple tree from seed from a commercial apple, it has a high chance of going back to something like a crab apple tree. The commercial apple is obviously better for people to eat, though the crab apples are more numerous and less strain on the tree, can be more widely eaten by animals or used to make jam. Objectively(consciously from shear weight of number) the crab apple could be said to be more successful in passing on its genes, with or without human intervention and grafting from more commercially viable scion apple wood, however to even be able to conceive of success in an Objective way the "I" relative or absolute to the world the phenomena of consciousness is required. Maintaining a higher IQ imo would be dependent on a few things. 1) Brute force processing power, the downside being larger brain, larger skull, require larger hips. Interesting as you can contrast this difference between Norwegians and Swedes. Norwegians have broader shoulders and hips due to the demands of the terrain, where as Swedes are more slender. Swedes are also more Entrepreneurial (IKEA, Volvo, Husqvarna and SAAB). 2) Fragmenting the individuals psyche relative to a group(leftists and the dissolution of Ego consciousness) thereby offloading processing power. However, also the sense of personal identity and any individual success. I believe there are various methods of allowing fragmentation occur in order to increase IQ. Were Neanderthals superior to Homo-sapiens? They had larger brain capacity, better cold resistance, were stronger, superior eyesight, superior tools earlier on. Yet became extinct or interbred to extinction with homo-sapiens. One theory I remember hearing was that homo-sapiens were more social and thus better able to adapt as a group. Go team.......
  9. @striped toothpaste I like dead cow over fire too. In the USA they have something called "prime rib"(English equivalent would be Ribeye, though prime is cooked slowly) that is pretty good (sometimes served warmish), I've had 16 oz steaks which I've eaten, no problem, can cut through them like butter. Have these 40 oz challenges which if you can eat it all you get the meal free, kind of grotesque in a way, I wouldn't try it. Northern Portugal isn't bad for steak, they have quite a lot of long horn cattle and some restaurants have helipads. Had an all you can eat meal with steak, goat and all you drink wine and liquor for 15 EURO's a few years a go, price has probably gone up a bit, at the time paid 10 EURO as was helping out a farmer with sheep. Was wondering where the best place for dead cow in Europe might be, France produces a lot I guess. The UK is so so. I like sauerkraut, but can't seem to get it in the UK, maybe at specialist stores perhaps. Hotdogs aren't much good either, too much "mechanically recovered chicken" in the mix. Probably the best food in the UK is Fish&Chips, Chinese, Indian or Italian can be ok, Bacon, Good selection of cheeses, Cider(alcoholic), Sausages, Pork Pies and a good selection of confectionery(sweets and cakes). I like Pickled herring, tried some from an aldi or lidl store in the south of Portugal was hooked/addicted, also it's a cheap food in Norway. I mentioned pickled herring at a place I'm staying at, at the moment, was told a story about arguments over pickled herring being put out at breakfast time for french people by a German woman, the French usually being crazy about cheese for breakfast. How do you like them apples!!! I guess the culinary menu varies a lot for Germany in the North compared to the South? Sauerkraut and Kartoffeln? Maybe "Young Frankenstein" which I've only seen clips of, or "See No Evil Hear No Evil", perhaps. I've played "Black and White 2" by Peter Molyneux, pretty cool graphics too bad there's wasn't any mods to expand and alter the game. Welcome to the forum.
  10. 2. Well I guess they have the equipment there. When I was in Austria, apparently they had some turbine manufacturing industry also their dairy industry was/is heavily mechanised, climate controlled and dependent on Russian Gas. Just not being very industrious pumping out 1 child per couple on avg. 4. Guess it also depends what you mean by authoritarian.
  11. @Mishi2 So you're 25-50% German, 50%-75% Mongolian? German Grandfather, Siberian POW? Going on the train through the north east of Bavaria (the region was at one point heavy in porcelain manufacture before it was moved to Eastern Europe, China and The Czech Rep.) to Passau in Austria(Good scenery, but getting off at the train station, looked like some 3rd world African Dictatorship hangout). Was surprised at the number of vacant buildings Residential, but mostly Industrial, going through the North of Bavaria. Heard a story (before the migrant crisis) of a homeless man just getting a house from the council. Can be expensive in the UK or long waiting lists for councils. I wouldn't necessarily say the Germans are industrious, they are much more on the orderly side. (Ok there's STHL, BMW, Mercedes Motorola, Siemens Etc... But they throw down the towels with patents) Immaculate streets in some areas like in Norway, favourite colour for their cars grey......... The English can be more industrious (Industrial Revolution), but are less orderly(muddle through). The Germans in the South of Portugal still mostly speak German to each other and stay in their own communities, same with the former Volga Germans, perhaps the same in Argentina. Tyranny(goes with being high in orderliness), I wouldn't say that the Germans are Authoritarians, else why get rid of/dismiss Bismarck Chancellor of Germany? Teutonic, had a grandfather use that expression in a diary he wrote as a POW, means to be high in conscientiousness/orderliness to the point of insanity. Used it to refer to roll calls when he was being marched through eastern Germany in the snow. Was captured after a flak shell exploded in his plane over Greece(Kefalonia), killing his navigator. Crashed his plane into the sea, as opposed to the harbour. Later when he was being interrogated, after being treated, as he was cut up and burned a bit, one of his knees was smashed in a bit as well I think. Told the Gestapo he'd piss on their desk, if they didn't let him go to the loo. Looking at the moment at going to the Blackforest (Titisee-Neustadt) in Germany in December (found a place to stay), all going well, if not still plan to go to Germany, muddle through. I think the easiest route would be to fly into Basel Intl (based in France) and then get the train or coach, might have to stay the night in a hostel somewhere.
  12. If you are pre-determined how can you determine your own history(his story)? I can Fly, I can Fly, I can Fly. Oh wait, no I can't. Not enough happy thoughts. Atheism A - Thesim (A God, Not a God issue, there is/not a/irrelevant to Area 51), pantheism everything is one, all is pre-determined Freewill is an illusion, God or Existence Jerking itself off) Deleting Idea of Freewill.........Error.......#2HIGVL##!!!=#. Balls I'll go with Freewill, an illusion. But then if all is one, how do I determine everything either? Conclusion Thor, Loki, Zeus, Aries are all REAL!!!!!!!!!!(because they are) Yay pragmatism (Archetypal). God Virtue, God War.......................................... Why wouldn't computers develop like in the movie Avatar (The World Tree) in the absence of the conceptualisation of objective reality, maybe objective reality is the presence of consciousness. There are no facts, only interpretations. Nietzsche "Well, I stand up next to a mountain And I chop it down with the edge of my hand" William Strannix: You're a maniac. Drown your own crew. Commander Krill: They never liked me anyway. Doumer: I bet they fuckin' love ya now, huh? Undersiege. Note: Did anyone think Thaddeus Russel looked annoyed towards the end of the video? Interesting seeing different people contrast ideas.
  13. @Mishi2 Disagree with Violence(Violation) like I disagree with onions, though I really like onions. The violation part I do not know, maybe that's the point. (though apparently I burst out laughing as a child when the other kids burst into tears, when the wicked witch melted in the Wizard of Oz)Primarily because I believe it can deconstruct consciousness making a person animalistic and herd like(though they have no idea), kind of like in vampire movies, where the vampires indulge in their lusts and become less powerful, though I'd be lying if a large part of me craves mass destruction and fornication. Also been toying with the idea of pain, and for whom it is borne for( Hey, The Bourne Identity.....). If you have no kindred who are you baring pain for, who is there to care for or revenge against, why even feel pain? Ecclesiastes 1 2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? Think aggression can be ok, had a person banging on my parents porch a long while a go at 4:00am drunk and shouting, live in the country, down a deadend lane. Anyway my father who is not into arguments at all, said "go away or I'll get my shotgun." They promptly sobered up and left. We also phoned the police, though they didn't find anyone.
  14. Be humble. Though I do not consider myself successful, maybe talk to people you think or feel are successful and hear what they have to say.
  15. @Donnadogsoth Idiot: Looked at the origin fairly recently, comes from Greek Idiotes and means individual, also heard it mentioned in a series of Youtube videos on Oedipus, Grimms Fairytales.... . Aren't Christians usually against sterilisation? "So [I say,] those who divide fail to divide; those who discriminate fail to discriminate. ... If discriminations are put into words, they do not suffice. If benevolence has a constant object it can not be universal." ChuangTzu Rather than put discriminations into words why not just remain silent, and put the world to the torch or bathe it in ice (lambs to the slaughter, Global warming, diversity etc). Could be a more effective eugenics strategy, like a forest fire that consumes the faster growing trees. Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Robert Frost Game of Thrones style, though only watched a few clips and Trump Parodies.
  16. Con-Fident: With Fidelity, with faith, but faith in what?... Cafe con leche. In-Fidelity: Without Faith. Fidel Castro: Faith in Castles and Fornication/Fortification. Che Gueverra: Guerra - War. @Mishi2 Quality: Girls with a "good" relationship with their father can have princess syndrome. Could always "double-bag" that's a bag over their head and one over yours in case theirs falls off (thinking shorty bag scene from Scary Movie 2), but yeah there is the primal instinct that varies. Courage, having recently read the Tao Te Ching, one of the bits that struck me was to have courage, one must have kindness(Kindred), if they have "princess syndrome" or even if they do not, look for how they are kind.
  17. 1. Bad Boy Motorcycle riding like Terminator 2, Bad to the Bone? Wouldn't a Bad Guy be partially camouflaged to nearly everyone?, kind of like the liquid Terminator, milk scene, which is pretty funny. In the "Two Gentlemen of Verona", Valentine a Bad Boy (Strong & Youthful, but kind of smarmy) ends up as Captain of a group of Brigands(brigade, also mostly banished suitors), after he is banished by the Duke of Milan for planning to proposition his daughter Silvia(who "loves" Valentine), although Valentine does show a level of persistence and honesty if not necessarily commitment. Proteus(Old man of The Sea and Prophecy) the other main character, agrees to marry Julia another character earlier in the play. But after meeting Silvia, in Milan he changes his mind and wishes to Marry Silvia(Spirit of the Wood, but Old) whom he considers "Earthly". There by breaking his commitment. Anyway Julia(Youthful) later dresses up as a man to go find Proteus who went to Milan after meeting Julia towards the beginning of the play. Silvia will not have anything to do with Proteus, perhaps being similar in temperament and personality, although the flip sides of Masculine and Feminin. Proteus(feminin), Siliva (mascuiline) Valentine(Masculine), Julia(Kind of Both, Initially feminin but then Masculine) JULIA Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, And entertain'd 'em deeply in her heart. How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root! O Proteus, let this habit make thee blush! Be thou ashamed that I have took upon me Such an immodest raiment, if shame live In a disguise of love: It is the lesser blot, modesty finds, Women to change their shapes than men their minds. PROTEUS Than men their minds! 'tis true. O heaven! were man But constant, he were perfect. That one error Fills him with faults; makes him run through all the sins: Inconstancy falls off ere it begins. What is in Silvia's face, but I may spy More fresh in Julia's with a constant eye?
  18. Double-Think phenomena. I've wondered recently if Psychedelics and Immorality may have the effect of fragmenting the psyche. There does seem some advantages to having a more liberal mind, perhaps lack of hesitation, which in the modern world does not seem to have that much of a downside. More a tune to group politics unconsciously. Relentless, "The Left never sleeps". Seem to be able to write reams on forums, in books and the Media, not necessarily very original in thought though.
  19. During my travels I met a woman in the Pyrenees region France who was an Aerospace Engineer on contract for various companies. Anyway was highly intelligent from my perspective and most people are probably going to struggle if not, even comprehend the required maths of which I have next to no idea.I guess a lot depends obviously on what career you develop. I would also say she was kind of masculine in the sense of being high in conscientiousness and opposing order on her career, although she didn't seem particularly happy. Had lots of stuff, Vintage Valve amplifier, Egyptian Artefacts, Furniture etc Thought it was interesting that a woman could be so masculine in a way. Talked to a woman recently who's an Entrepreneur, business woman of sorts. She told me about a restaurant she opened in New York when she was younger, said she phoned a person about a lease on a building in a prime location for 6 months consistently, had a 3 minute talk with the owner of the property and got the lease. Said to her, so you are Entrepreneur then, said she never thought of herself as that. My point being that perhaps to be an entrepreneur is not to be conscious of being so. Thought it was interesting as it contrasted with a quote I'd listened to on Youtube. "A man of superior virtue is not conscious of being virtuous, hence is truly virtuous." Tao Te Ching Millennials vs Babyboomers: Totally screwed over work wise in the area I live in for entry level jobs. Literally 50% is Eastern European in the area I live in. Tons of BS propaganda and virtue signalling. I've wondered how much a person's psyche can dissolve in a group or by performing acts they find questionable at the time. Whether such a state is recoverable, perhaps the double-think phenomena is related. I don't think that Socrates sacrificed himself for moral virtue, more like giving the middle finger as he entered oblivion. My opinion would be to pump out children if you can, you'll be lonely potentially, if you don't/haven't already? Why the turkey?
  20. How can a person have intimacy when they are biologically Male, but masquerade as biologically female, although feeling Feminin personality wise and sexually? i.e What guy is going to fuck another guy, fully conscious?
  21. Perhaps the USA state was initially just to preserve the commercial specials interests of Tobacco, Cotton, Slaves and selling land to settlers. What interests would a central government serve at the time?
  22. I wouldn't say shame the Alpha, I tend to think of a pride of lions, the Alpha often doesn't give a shit what his subordinates and females may think(higher serotonin), but when he has to defend the pride or help out other members, presumably he's there. Yeah within a group there is the Alpha or Alpha pair, but there is always a more Omega approach to group psychology, you could look at ways of planting/incepting an idea so that the Alpha thinks they came to a particular conclusion independently or become indispensable to a group. Perhaps there are other methods? "The against me argument" used previously by Stefan. i.e You support the government and state, I don't, so do you support the use of force against me? I tried something like this in Spain where an English women was arguing that Turks should pay reparations for the Armenian Genocide, I said fair enough, but it should be those families who profited and not Turkish peasants. Anyway she didn't like this, got upset and I couldn't really careless about some persecuted Armenian peasant or any other peasant or person unless I knew them directly. Maybe Stefan read your post just watched a video he did "Millionaire reduced to under $10 by divorce" mentioned ostracism not being effective in a democracy. Makes me think of the Paul McCartney and Heather Mills divorce remember her mentioning on TV that her daughter was only going to get £60,000 per year from the divorce.
  23. Kind of like the "Circle of Trust" from the movie "Meet the Parents." The ostracism thing only works in my experience along regional, tribal and cultural lines. The NAP supporters and Libertarians do not have much of a culture, the Identarians in Europe I guess have tried mostly in vain to establish/re-establish one, maybe they'll have success, but I doubt it.
  24. Is Personal(but, still compared to others) Happiness( Happenstance, Luck) the most(maximum,quantity, pinnacle, divine spirit/kamikaze)important (imported) thing (of limited or quantifiable quantity) in life(body)? Health or sanity could be said to be the more important thing. In France they say santé in a toast. Although geniuses and entrepreneurs imho are often insane in some respects, probably like everyone else just more so, but obviously sane enough to be functional. -------------------------- "Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing, gonna be alright." - "Three Little Birds" Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Would it be fair to say that in the fairy tale the people were unhappy it had no golden eggs inside? If so why? The people had wanted more for the sake of it, when they already had ample wealth. "Oh, Agent Starling, you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool? You're so ambitious, aren't you? I will make you happy — I'll give you a chance at what you love most. - And what is that? - Advancement. Listen carefully. Look deep within yourself, Clarice Starling. Go seek out Miss Mofet, an old patient of mine. M-O-F-E-T." The previous heavily edited dialogue from Silence of the Lambs. Was thinking how although mofet is an anagram used in the movie in finding a storage locker. It also has psychological meaning referring perhaps to the children's nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet, my thinking being that even if you are unhappy by surprising events you still have a goal and can stay the course, where as if you don't you act more on short term impulse. -------------------------- "A man of superior virtue is not conscious of being virtuous, hence is truly virtuous." Tao Te Ching - Verse 38.
  25. Should just use penal colonies, plenty of land that can be intensively farmed, dump people on small islands.
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