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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Man is the measure of all things." Protagoras Chaos is amorphous. Morpheus(Captain of the Nebuchadnezzar) has form. You could consider Chaos a God, but then that would be like Satan devouring his son. I guess you could sleep with the demon like in the story of Beowulf to get the reward(power), though that usually goes badly. Here God has form. I think God is basically to do with the highest consciousness/awareness possible, to define consciousness seems like defining God, no one knows. Maybe the burning bush has something to do with the awareness of the forces of nature brush fires and the following plagues of Egypt. Skyrim or Oblivion? I think Hermaeus Mora is probably the equivalent of Proteus in Myth and Legend, Grendal's Mother in Beowulf or the symbol for Spectre. Every piece of pop-culture seems to rip off lore from earlier sources. I think Donnadogsoth is correct in saying Hedonism and not Nihilism, sometimes people are content with just pleasure, pain and following the crowd. Complaining about nihilism or even saying that someone is a nihilist is contradictory, because if they are who's going to care anyway and why should they.
  2. If there was a way to try and resurrect some semblance of western Civilisation again that would be good, don't really see many people doing that though, I think acting towards smaller local governments would be a start, perhaps where there is the most potential chaos ie Sweden and Germany. Values; lacking in any strong values, I know I don't like the shear volume of people in the UK. With the way things are going in Europe I would like to get involved somehow, saw a group called the Identitarians, not many leaders out there. Failing that some more permanent volunteering abroad in a rural area, maybe I could become a Christian and be a missionary. I think the ones in the UK are bought out now or limited in effectiveness, maybe a few people actually doing good. In general though I think the UK as a whole is screwed, size of the population not helping at all. Not sure about on the continent, from what I've seen on the Internet Hungary seems to be the only the country with any effective focused self-preservation. I wouldn't mind helping out in one of the Nordic countries or Germanic countries, the language is at least easier to distinguish the sound of the language unlike french imo. I guess the only thing to do is contact people directly, word of mouth rather than Internet coordination. As for the crusade at this rate who knows.
  3. Sure talk about the duplicity of the media, show people how they omit information and take things out of context. But a lot of people don't care. Without any on the ground action, with a focus in changing the political situation what's going to happen? It'll just be a grind and it's only going to take the next president to bring in even more censorship, and eventually with what is known about genetics it will be a loss by default, as people in general become less susceptible to contrary evidence.
  4. Psyops for what purpose? Can come up with lots of different explanations but what does that exactly change? I guess it has entertainment value, but nothing actionable and often comprehensible. I didn't present it to one person(you), but as a general comment. In some way like a religion not that those topics are religions. Pfft, hack away.
  5. Damn Jedi(SJW's) with their Moral Relativism. As for the trolley problem, wouldn't it be best to not flip the switch and have 5 casualties instead of 1, as that would be messing with the tram system and could make you liable? Besides doesn't it make ethics and morality some sort of video game in a way ? "Got me a score of 40" . "That Russian cannibal creep is telling everyone he did 50 plus. That reflects badly on both of us, Patty. This record should be held by an American." The Frighteners
  6. Why does it matter if Nuclear weapons are not real, the earth flat, moon landings staged, Free Energy, UFO's, Chem-trails or False Flag demolitions? Isn't this an equivalent of a religion in some ways.
  7. Being Selfish; is zero-sum, win-lose. Think of the concept of the Selfish gene. It is not a virtue or a vice, merely will to power at it's most base. Conscientiously between people it is war. Emotion is communication. An Absolute Moral Principle(Singular) has zero subjectivity. Universally implemented systematically/culturally in society in the form of an Ideology, it is Totalitarian. With a Premier, Fuhrer, Caliph or Wizard/Witchdoctor at the head. Moral Absolutes(plural). Are derivatives of the Categorical Imperative and are negatives (thou shalt not steal or murder). Objectivity is the rational cultural norms, Subjectivity is how the participants/moral agents interact.
  8. The only person it can be is the most conscious or a Pantheist God. I.e a person with depth of character and historical knowledge, to be able to see changes in a general collective unconscious. Ever see the movie Groundhog Day? Where Bill Murray lives the same day over and over, but is able to remember each repetition and variation of the day. Not wrong but inadequate, not changed but repressed. Reason alone imo is biological and is basically Will to Power. Spirit or consciousness is master, as it transcends reason, an example marriage. "I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice." Do you have a specific moral principle in mind? In terms of just being a given or a priori, there are Jungian Archetypes or Wittgenstein Elementary propositions, my knowledge and understanding is very limited for both. There is a rationale that if you can not be truly evil/immoral, you can not be truly good/moral. "What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going." Nietzsche The most just universal moral principle I have seen is Kants Categorical Imperative(Transcendental Idealism). On the flip side, less conscientious people often feel apart of Communism, Pantheism or Islam. (Absolute Idealism) If you strip out subjectivity, its no longer morality. Not a refinement process, but an integration process. A Hegelian Dialect is the integration of different moral systems, often political into a "greater whole", referred to as World Spirit (Possibly the same as Jung's Collective Unconscious). Don't worry too much about contradictions, I'm still learning and there is so much information out there.
  9. Like a Hegelian Dialectic or becoming? If so who defines the moral positions and "why"? I think this is more in the domain of psychology. Yes it is non nonsensical because you refute the position either way, through a moral judgement of your own. Recently I thought about lying, if you know something is a lie or are wilfully blind is it really a lie? Could you elaborate?
  10. Been thinking a lot. I used the word corrupted because of two thoughts that came to mind. One was a video I listened to once on Youtube by Krishnamurti on corruption. The other was an ancestor I read about on Wikipedia that killed himself after 3 days as Lord Chancellor in shame on taking the office, compared to another ancestor that served 19 years and then retired. If you know any organisations working in Eastern Europe that are being effective and are flexible(like FDR) and need volunteers/levy, message me/sign me up, I can divert 100% of my waking time towards the cause, I have done voluntary work in the past while backpacking. Or if anyone knows any organisations/groups in Norway, Sweden or Germany. I'd like to have some impact, it took Stefan say 8 years + on Youtube alone to really make a major impact, not to say helping thousands prior to being noticed on a very significant level was not beneficial. I'd fight alone, but only with orientation and purpose.
  11. I think a form of increased consciousness(enlightenment), or transcendence of personality. How to trigger it who knows, perhaps a near death experience or a acclimatisation to extreme conditions. There is a video on Youtube (Carl Jung answer to Job "son of man"), the music is a bit annoying but I guess it skims the surface. In terms of who might know, Carl Jung maybe Wim Hof, fishing for references myself really. In terms of being outside the hierarchy? Was looking at a Norse mythology story on wikipedia with the Wolf Fenrir(Dominance Hierarchy) killing Odin(Father/God archetypal figure). The wolves drool "Von" means hope, which is a christian theological virtue.
  12. Maybe there's an authority figure you could have her speak to like a grandparent perhaps. If she likes reading encourage that, even if she reads late into the night.
  13. How to teach your children to Lie? Establish a dominance hierarchy, but externalise it to general society and not to the Judeo-Christian God or the Family. You don't want them to disregard social hierarchy but use the dysfunction of society to their advantage, aiming for psychopath. Do not reward children for lying or punish them for telling the truth; if they become aware this will defeat the point, if they don't this will provide only a limited artificial incentive for behaviour. Destroy the concept of white lies, hold nothing sacred, punish minor transgressions as immoral, aim for the Big Fish or Leviathan. "For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?" Romans 3:7 You want them to lie down with the Devil. Eventually they'll probably reach a point where they become convinced of their own lies and that of society.
  14. .......it hath no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up. That's kind of the point. They will remain victims so long, as people continue to virtue signal. "But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated." As for the "Muslim Ban", closing the door after the horse has bolted. 23,000 Jihadists in the UK. How many in Austria or Germany? Maybe Canada being "progressive" will step up to the plate for the USA, Oh Canada.
  15. When you meet a new person, unconsciously you assume something about that person, maybe that's right or wrong. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". But what happens when you meet something/an entity not known to man? You have nothing to go by and thus creation takes place, knowledge known only to the man who creates or experiences it, non-referenced to existing culture. But if his knowledge is exterior to man, how can it be considered man? But if you know the outcome or rewards of the game, its not a game anymore but a pastime. In which case are you still playing for social reasons or is the game playing you. The same way that if people knew God, why would they need to look for or experience something they perceive as God(the self).
  16. Hosea 8:7's “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”. We Reap What We Sow. (Stefan) Youtube
  17. What if what they try to describe is God to them though. "If you think you can or think you can't you're right". By using the word God or "X" as a label/name for something that is undefined and unknown, but in someway has self referential benefits/abilities/dangers, if it didn't then why use the concept God? More primitively would be perhaps having a pantheon of cultural Gods that are self referential to various aspects of a persons psyche. If a primitive saw the Northern Lights they might identify it as God or Human Souls, until they had the benefits of modern science. Grail quest. If you knew thyself, why would someone need to know God. If you knew the outcome/s of the Game, i.e Tic-Tac-Toe. Why would you play?
  18. I guess that would depend on what you consider useful. God is an unknown and has no definition, to me as well. I think the word God is a "reference pointer" to "the self". I don't think you can describe it. "No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what it sees. No human can know." But in Christian tradition God is Paternal, a certain incompleteness/wholeness of concept. "All right: the concept of number is defined for you as the logical sum of these individual interrelated concepts: cardinal numbers, rational numbers, real numbers, etc.; and in the same way the concept of a game as the logical sum of a corresponding set of sub-concepts."— —It need not be so. For I can give the concept '.number' rigid limits PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS I 33« in this way, that is, use the word "number" for a rigidly limited concept, but I can also use it so that the extension of the concept is not closed by a frontier. And this is how we do use the word "game". For how is the concept of a game bounded? What still counts as a game and what no longer does? Can you give the boundary? No. You can draw one; for none has so far been drawn. (But that never troubled you before when you used the word "game".) "But then the use of the word is unregulated, the 'game' we play with it is unregulated."——It is not everywhere circumscribed by rules; but no more are there any rules for how high one throws the ball in tennis, Ever see the movie "The Game" with Michael Douglas. There is a certain incompleteness of character when people play games, otherwise why would they play? But not to play and want to, who's fooling who.
  19. Some people claim to know God. I wouldn't even argue, if they really know God they are beyond that. Beyond Good and Evil as Nietzsche would say... Matthew 16:24-26 24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? Personally it doesn't sound too bad to me to hopefully live like Job from the Bible before all the plagues of frogs, warts and marauders(thinking Europe). I guess the archetype of God has to do with the process of individuation. (yahweh; I am, that I am). Israel(Struggle with God) a la FightClub.
  20. What if God is an experience? Some type of Archetypal experience. "Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God" Not just a cultural phenomenon, but some form of primitive unconsciousness, like a kind of facial recognition software or the very heart of the unconscious mind. Kant's Apriori knowledge, Plato's theory of forms, Wittgenstein's Elementary Principle and Jung's Archetypes. Mostly with out empirical evidence, but perhaps can be inferred intuitively through psychological studies. "Speak of the Devil and he will appear" the idea of cause and effect, and sensation. Not sure what the equivalent for God would be.
  21. Looks like Centralising political power even further. No sensible reason to have large cities anymore really. Just end up with large wealth transfers from the rest of the country to the capital a la "The Hunger Games". Could see it play out in the US elections with cities voting for Hillary, countryside for Trump in general. Sweden in particular is running out of resources now through massive legalised corruption. Well maybe Sweden is going to be the Humanitarian Capital of the World in the Future, but in a different way.
  22. Socrates killed himself, imo out of contempt for people. No dying for anyone's sins, trolled them to the point they'd have him sentenced to death. I don't know if I'd give my life for an ideal. I might give it, if I were to be corrupted completely perhaps, tough question can't really answer it, if I were backed in an ideal by companions looking at history reasonably I'd have to, it shouldn't even be a choice . The real trick would be to endure pain and pleasure and not be corrupted, and to do so out of compassion. Respect in that they the Jihadis are a credible threat, disgust and anger(contempt) that Western society is so decadent as to offer no resistance, even to undermine itself. Being European myself, I'm decadent, if I knew of a way to serve now, to prevent some of the chaos that is coming and still occurring, that would be something I'd fight for, but not alone and I lack the financing. Although I have done voluntary work for lodgings while backpacking and that would be fine. "If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than human hopes, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." Corinthians 15:32 (came across the quote listening to a book by Carl Jung). Hope, that's about it, marginal compassion.
  23. Chloroform? Board games, might be better. I guess it depends on how your mind works and what area you live in.
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