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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Is God really a paradox? I think this might be covered in the Book of Job. Also there is a scene from the Matrix Reloaded with "The Architect" that kind of copies it. Carl jung "Answer to Job". Don't really fully comprehend its significance but seems interesting.
  2. Not to be "Followers" more like dissolved in solution or crowds/tribes. Like a "school of Piranhas" or the movie World War Z. Zulu, Zulu...... 1)Yes reproduction rates are higher on average. The unconscious being more dominant. 2)Yes they identify with the masses now, have become absorbed for the large part. 3)Probably not. The whole Will to Power thing as Stefan mentioned in a recent video "REINCARNATION". Going along a similar vein. I think the best solution other than Kant's Moral Imperative, would be to multiply out countries to the point of absurdity, going from thousands of Gods in early eastern religions to No Gods or maybe just the one, but not an Earthly one. To do this would require a band of conscious individuals/brothers to focus their efforts in strategic locations to maintain local superiority to create smaller countries or self sufficient units of organisation, kind of outnumbered. Maybe someone has a better idea. I'd leave the UK for the USA if I could easily get the paper. Well if the USA does descend into chaos, at least you guys have loads of land to move around to. You can farm and don't have to keep cattle in feedlots. Isn't Florida pretty much Spanish again?
  3. I think its more genetic predisposition, pantheism(animism) as a default position for most early tribal societies, so can't be deprogrammed. Reminds me of someone similar on the forum a while ago, that would not answer questions, ignore faults in logic or argue over trivia(then not respond)Though their reputation was very high. Can't play the word game, they churn out more like the media and keep going, drown you in volume. Consciousness is costly. Makes me think of the film Mars Attacks with Jack Nicholson having a Martian flag sticking out his back, towards the end of the movie.
  4. How can you be aware of your thinking if it's not culturally defined as a language?
  5. Golden rule doesn't "work" some people are into S&M. Kant's Moral Imperative is better... Why aren't there Black Africans in Saudi Arabia? They had their nuts cut off and children killed.
  6. If you accept determinism, you by necessity accept it's antithetical position freewill and visa versa. Light and Dark(photons), Hot and Cold.(entropy). Freewill (an illusion); is a manifestation of an Objective Collective Unconscious (A = A). 1 Potato, 2 Potato. It's root, virtue(manliness, women weren't considered people in Greece and in the Islamic World) an actuality. Determinism (an illusion); is a manifestation of science, its root an Immoral Action(A then B). Metal(A) + Acid(then) = Hydrogen(then) + Salt(B).
  7. I think Goldenages might have missed the joke. If people take Determinism to be "true", then why expend will to power arguing affirming that it is? Why not be determined to be something epic? Kind of stuck in circular logic with Determinism, and the potentiality to exercise virtue with Freewill.
  8. They conscientiously planned the murder of children and all the actions involved. Though very few people care and have the muscle to do anything, less virtue signalling. If they were born good(tabula rasa) and were taught to be bad that just makes the Muslim community even more responsible.
  9. The settlers didn't go in guns blazing. They were dependent on the fur trade for a large portion of income like 80% of exports. Bows and arrows would easily out shoot a noisy musket, for far lower cost, cheaper to trade. Had another ancestor that wrote the Quebec Act which guaranteed religious freedom, and gave the Ohio river valley at the time to Canada.
  10. "Rascals, would you live forever?" Doom, that's a video game isn't it? Was thinking about ways of increasing consciousness. Though perhaps there is only one. "The way of Pain!!!!!!" Psychopath, I guess it depends what you mean by that. I'm guessing it has something to do with someones consciousness and personality being "fragmented" possibly... like the Hitchcock film Psycho. As opposed to being impulsive. Personally I think the UK is screwed, would be good if some of the larger German states broke away, they had Merkel on video binning the German flag. If the larger superstates and organisations are kept together it's just going to whipsaw a bloody scythe through Europe again. The reason being that if the general consciousness is kept low, people with high conscience but total disregard for the human species are going to takeover the large unconscious movements/Ideologies.
  11. They attacked a children's concert, not a military target.
  12. Never said there was. Depends on your instincts, though from reading C.Jung I think primordial memory instead of instinct.The reason we have advanced weaponry is because we live in a civilised world, the West most of all. Noble, I guess it depends what you mean by Noble, perhaps it means to reach a condition as to be unaffected psychically(though to stretch like a rubber band) by other people and maintain integrity. "I’m rubber, you’re glue"
  13. Wondering what knowledge people have of some of the Metaphysics in Christianity. I've heard the word pantheism come up a bit, neo-platonism, arian demi god Jesus, Trinity Jesus. I've also read on Wikipedia of there being an early dualism form of Christianity in Persia. What foundation do some of the current christian denominations stand on, is it just difference of creed or dogma? In addition how does this differ from Islam and Judaism.
  14. Well I haven't been to Ireland, but I'd imagine Ireland is a nice place to visit, at least in Europe. London is good for museums. If you were to visit the UK imo you'd probably be best staying most of the time in Ireland and visiting London. Scotland was originally Pictland, I think a tribe from Ireland invaded hence now Scotland. Haven't actually been much around the UK. hmm I think I'll pass, but throw in at least one set of thoughts. I'd probably shoot no hesitation. If it was someone else's relative I'd still probably shoot. If I could I'd probably give the victim a choice if they wanted them executed or enslaved on a penal colony, I wouldn't allow them to go free if I could. But with real life horrors occurring in S.Afirca and Sweden etc... I can understand why a person would and might act passively.
  15. "If you had the luck of the Irish, you'd be sorry and wish you were dead". John Lennon. Looking on Wikipedia a while a go, had an ancestor who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, managed to prevent wholesale bloodshed during his governorship. Richard Dawkins the selfish gene, I think I remember Jordan Peterson saying that Dawkins was almost a "Jungian" but because of his Atheistic nature he'd be unlikely to be familiar with Jung's work, I think Nietzsche possibly even beat Dawkins in terms of the selfish gene and back we or at least I go. You'd probably find Nietzsche more disturbing than Dawkins, since he openly condones slavery, eugenics, euthanasia, a master race etc Not too keen on England to be honest mostly because it's the most crowded country in the world (victim of its own success). Yeah the climate is moderate(gulf stream), but the damp can soak in, especially in autumn.
  16. In terms of agriculture in Europe, England does have the some of the highest yields in the World per acre(highest wheat yield in the world per acre in the area I live), even today despite being a northern country, Viking settlers were often in search of good land (York or Jorvik, means the bay with good soil). The settlers or at least the governor would have had cattle which would have provided nitrogen, an advantage the Native Americans didn't have. Some Native Americans did have the three sisters method of agriculture(Maize, Squash & Beans) Though yields would have been scarce and movement necessary. Hunting would have been necessary to get enough calories imo. Though Cranberries grow in swamps and I'd imagine much of the area to be covered with forest. Personally I think the Native American way of life is fine, especially with modern technology.... Don't have so many people, take what you want from the land. Though they are massively corrupted by reservations and welfare programs in Canada and the USA. Yeah Stefan can be annoying sometimes, but he's the only person I've found on the Internet to be showing perhaps uncomfortable truths in a fairly effective manner.
  17. "What Pisses Me Off About Thanksgiving" Stefan did a video on it. They pooled their resources in a form of a cooperative and farm labour being hard work they got lazy(plus every man for himself and family) and ate their seed crop.
  18. I know that about the Christians. Stefan did a presentation on the first Jamestown Settlers "The Truth about Thanksgiving"(I think), a large number starved to death. There's also people in the western Canadian provinces with Ukrainian ancestry that settled land after fleeing mass starvation and purges in the Soviet Union.
  19. I've been listening to Carl Jung "Modern man in Search of a Soul" on Youtube. Kind of interesting really, in Part 6 he talks about how to live a fruitful life for a youth is not to seek Enlightenment but to bring about greater consciousness. I guess that is world we live in the West. Talks about God being paternal as well which I'm guessing you'd disagree with. Still to bring about some sort of spirit, which imo is lacking in West and in myself that would be something at any rate. It doesn't seem to be lacking in yourself, just don't burn up....
  20. Just a few thoughts and opinions. Trump (imo): "Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York". Apparently Trump AND Hilary(just did a search) are related to Richard III through the John of Gaunt line. Maybe Trump is a bit narcissistic and egotistic I don't see how that is a problem, personality and the gene war ideas perhaps. John Locke: Tabula Rasa, disagree with that. Agree with the unconscious having primordial instincts perhaps even memories. Though disagree with Freud's enlightened few, don't think the unconscious is all immoral, though haven't read enough to make a final decision. Enlightenment: Everything is God, you are the God Head(Pantheism). Asylum (1972) "You have nothing to lose but your mind.". Enlightenment (Part II): What I think it involves. Getting into contact somehow with the unconscious mind, perhaps through breaking down the Ego or maybe increasing the abilities of the unconscious. At any rate I think there is some equilibrium involved. How and where to step on the gas or starve the engine, haven't decided on, kind of curious though. Power: Based on lies and the lack of an authentic self. Other thoughts/Observations: Pantheists imo usually outperform Physicalists and generally people of higher consciousness(which is neither good nor bad), with superior language abilities. Contrasting this forum with Actualized.org another forum, that has been my general observation.
  21. I think a problem is a herd mentality that can take over like some kind of Mexican wave or a phantom traffic jam caused by following too close behind then braking with a following cascade effect. One action by a person can balloon into something much larger, like the "Hillsborough Disaster". Carl Jung referred to the actions of collective organisations and the individual in "The Undiscovered Self". Stefan mentioned recently about standing in front of the crowd and telling them to "stand down". Or you could stand back and watch people get crushed to death like the MGTOW.
  22. No. Though I don't really comprehend all the possibilities, I guess it would be the most comforting belief I can imagine to have.
  23. Tend to avoid agreement, usually look to blow holes in the other position, though building something is much better. The Law of Identity A is A: Is a lie...(are 2 apples ever alike, as in down to the subatomic level, though a person is able to formulate the concept apple and multiply) although as you have said to posit any theory "you" need to assume this, it is perhaps the most sacred(untouchable) lie of the conscious mind. Imo the reason that this is so, is that in order to fully comprehend why "A is A" is a given, you'd have to know your unconscious or God, Yahweh(I am that I am). Or something... still trying to formulate something accurate if A isn't A, what alternate methods are there? "There is only what is real and nothing else". "Real" in my understanding would be to conform to limits, "Unreal" in contrast would be something totally unexpected, possibly not conforming to any known empirical phenomenon. Existence Exists. In terms of senses. "Physiologists should think twice before positioning the drive for self-preservation as the cardinal drive of an organic being. Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power -: self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent consequences of this." Dualism I guess posits some 6th Sense, but then why make the distinction of senses under monism, everything being interrelated directly in terms of matter. There is a referenced thought experiment on Wikipedia "The Philosophical Zombie" that considers the interpretation of qualia. Though maybe that's similar to the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"... Haven't read any of his books, though from looking on the Internet at various quotes, he seems more apt than Bertrand Russel. I can't imagine him claiming language as invalid even if he was insane. I think Rand termed units or perhaps numbers "Percepts" I have read the book a while a go. Though with Fractions, a human can conceptualise them as a whole as symbols or real numbers, but a computer will be unable to, in certain cases. Maybe if image recognition improves things may change, just speculating in general. Still, at least one theory for knowledge is good and why not let it be Ayn Rands refined Aristotlenianism. There not a dichotomy. Real and Unreal are, of the Totality of Existence. Reality is by necessity bound by the mind, unconsciously and consciously(if not Schizophrenia perhaps). Yeah I meant in terms of people that follow organisations that are monistic in nature; World Religions; Most of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc. But also Physicalists, Atheists and Communists. In terms of freewill, something like science that is deterministic in theory conforms to human hypothesises(I think someone else said that first on the forum) that could be said to be based on freewill. But is freewill the thing in itself? I'm sure neither determinism nor freewill are particularly good expressions of what is actual. Could always write a book if you think you have a good idea.
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