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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. What exactly is the purpose behind Social Science? "Social Justice", "Playing Populous"? Where does Trump factor into Social Science models? Instead of tracking statistics, is there a way to track individuals ahead of the curve. Or at least correlate individual Politicians or Tycoons etc, with long term national or company performance say over a 15 year period. How does the rent seeking manifest itself in the USA, I mean you guys have millions, upon millions of acres of land. Yes there is the stock market bailouts, but isn't that more outright theft or "Interventionism"(Central Planning). Not like the UK or perhaps ancient or modern Athens, with a restricted amount of land and natural resources. Or Japan, although they have a declining population. Thinking about how a computer might need so much processing power, that even if various data(what do social scientists use?) could reliably be entered into a computer model it would be impractical to process? If a chess game is complex, how sophisticated can a social science model be and be of use to "someone". Perhaps abstract models could be useful as a guide. Perhaps if a smaller areas were used, societal models could be better interpreted, to make better and crucially, more equitable decisions. Maybe there are publicly available models linked with merchant retailers, like Ebay or Amazon somewhere? On a political level, how is an idea such as "spontaneous order" implemented on a local level. Thinking of Europe areas are pretty much screwed, if/probably when the last semblances of order breakdown, Muslim prison population etc. Could a handful of people really make a difference, if prepared and positioned opportunely.
  2. Yes I agree, without fundamentally understanding.
  3. "Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!" Dr Manhattan wasn't divine, because he wasn't truthful.
  4. That would depend on what you mean by artificial. Perhaps by artificial; forward thinking is implied. In the big picture everything can be said to be natural. Ersatz coffee and oil are natural. Culture is a form of selection. How it is subject to, and what is natural about it, I have no idea. Perhaps by propagating various advantageous behaviours, various religious cultures such as the Jews and Egyptians were able to spread more widely. In what way do you mean by stigma, how does it play a role? Do you mean the idea of a will to power?
  5. -------------------------------------- We can examine the question biologically as well as syllogistically. For instance, all matter is subject to physical rules – and everything that lives is in addition subject to certain requirements, and thus, if it is alive, must have followed universally preferred behaviours. -------------------------------------- I think it does to a large degree. Where I think it falls short, is where as lower lifeforms operate on instinct. To grasp the concept of preferred, is to be cognisant of what is preferred. Well as you pointed out, culture is a form of selection. So perhaps the question should be, what is it about culture that selects for survival and enables its spread. "This virtuous consciousness was merely an illusion". If so, then why has Christianity survived as long as it has done. I think Rand got Consciousness wrong when she rejected the unconscious, in favour of the subconscious mind(Tabula rasa). Unconscious mind potentially destructive impulses. -------------------- "2. Ethics cannot be objectively defined as “that which is good for man’s survival.” Certain individuals can survive very well by preying on others, so this definition of ethics does not overcome the problem of subjectivism. In biological terms, this would be analogous to describing evolutionary tendencies as “that which is good for life’s survival” – this would make no sense. Human society is an ecosystem of competing interests, just as the rainforest is, and what is “good” for one man so often comes at the expense of another." ---------------------- On a micro-level I agree. On a macro-level, I think there is more that can be expressed. I think psychologically, if a scientist is working on potentially lethal technology, without the element of compassion, there is something wrong somewhere. ----------------------------- If I buy a soldier’s costume at a second hand store, and put it on, clearly I have not created an alternative universe wherein opposite moral rules can be valid. The moment before I put the costume on, it was wrong for me to murder – when does it become right for me to murder? When I put on the trousers? What if I have the trousers on, but not the vest? What if I have only one boot on? What about if both boots are on, but only one is laced? What if my hat is on backwards? What if I have put on a uniform that - 102 - is not recognized by the first person I come across? Did the Beatles suddenly possess the right to murder when they shot the cover for “Sergeant Peppers”? Did they lose that right when they took off their jackets? I ask these rhetorical questions because they are in fact deadly serious. Clearly, a military costume does not change the nature of a human being, any more than a haircut turns him into a duck, a concept, or a god. --------------------------------------- I disagree with Stefan here, he crosses uniform with costume. The whole biodiversity IQ and personality differences make some small military essential for compassionate reasons (Libya), maybe they could be more of a militia in certain areas. As Stefan said. "Opinions do not change reality." No they don't change reality, but they do form reality for many. --------------------------------------- If you and I are both standing at the top of a cliff, and I turn to you and say, “Stand in front of me, so I can push you off the cliff,” what would your response be? If you do voluntarily stand in front of me, and I then push you off the cliff, this would more likely be considered a form of suicide on your part, rather than murder on my part. The reason for this is that you can very easily avoid being pushed off the cliff, simply by refusing to stand in front of me. -------------------------------------- Kind of sounds like American Psycho here. Whole backstory, but if they were climbing together maybe they were just being an ass. Maybe someone has a more refined book on truth and ethics, not necessarily better but different? Perhaps more along the psychological, Archetypal line.
  6. I think more about pushing boundaries even further, how exactly no idea. Be prophetic and be prepared to be completely incorrect, completely irrational, but perhaps truthful. I don't know how the guys thinking works, but as more people emerge on Youtube, that adds to the pool of knowledge. (collective consciousness perhaps) Maybe, a Bridge too Far though or Kelly's Heroes or something. I guess you could end up going insane.
  7. It doesn't. I guess death is a cultural phenomenon, which is accepted as true by the majority of individuals. Perhaps it is related to the feeling and concept of pride, perhaps there is a particular section of the brain that keeps track of hierarchical information associated with pride(there is in lobsters apparently). That combined with envy, I think may allow for the conceptualisation of death. All speculation. I think Stefan has done the best job (but not entirely correct), I've seen so far in expressing truth & ethics in his UPB book. There is a podcast done fairly recently between Sam Harris(Systematic Truth) and Jordan Peterson (Darwinian Truth), basically they failed to reach a consensus on truth.
  8. Work towards local autonomy somewhere or don't bother thinking about it. NIMBY. House em in Buckingham Palace and Parliament.
  9. A Darwinian self-aware form of Truth. As opposed to a systematic internally consistent mathematical or individualistic form of truth. You can have a culture of bacteria. Smartphone is not a value but a technique/technology.
  10. Thinking of Nietzsche? What exactly would the slave be prevented from obtaining or experiencing so that they wouldn't have Pride? What exactly does the King have that gives him Pride, what make one king more proud than another? I think God is an indirect way of saying truth. How a persons relationship should be with the truth, I wonder. Can a person never have too much pride? The opposite of pride I guess is shame. I wonder what the best way of measuring and attaining pride is.
  11. "Only a Sith deals in Absolutes" (An absolute statement(?)) I remember a while a go Stefan commenting on the Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith. I remember a sigh at the statement. "Only a Sith deals in Absolutes." Having watched some of Jordan Peterson's videos, the word Sith, obviously refers to the cult of Set. From watching a few other videos of Mr Peterson's, a particular comment struck me that; totalitarian Ideologues, maybe even philosophers(such as Rand) end up falling in love with their own work and rationality, but neglect the transcendent, an essential element of truth. Looking at Episode III (Holy Trinity); is it basically a re-hatching of; Icarus, Daedalus, Helios myth. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. Gabriel, Micheal, God Neo, Smith, Oracle. Anakin, Palapatine, Obiwan, Horus, Set, Osiris. Kane, Seth, God. Aristotle, ?, Alexander. Pompey, Crassus, Julius(Sun "July") Caesar. Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon. Might be going insane, might be. For those who have played Half Life. "Its probably nothing, probably......" But has anyone noticed various strange patterns in real life(Half life)? Trump. (Herald of Information) Molyneux. (Moulin Rouge, Windmills, Sun) Micheal. (Right hand of the sun, Archangel......) Jordan Peterson. (Jordan river, transitory) Anyone listen to his conversation with Sam Harris? Kane (Right hand of Clinton) Clinton (Satan) I could probably think of additional ones, probably, but "Genius/Insanity has limits, where as Stupidity/Sanity does not." A butchered paraphrase of Einstein. "Ideas have people." Carl Jung ------------------ To kind of avoid having my strings pulled, or not go completely insane. Does anyone have definitions of Pride, Arrogance, Humility and Hubris? Why is Pride a sin in the Catholic Church? A pride of lions, my pride counter is probably close to zero I don't think its a sin, but a virtue. I think Arrogance could be a sin or Hubris.
  12. A divine comedy. "Its funny because its true."(The Simpsons)
  13. Thinking about how Baptism might be a way of bringing about greater consciousness or tapping into the unconscious mind. I mean thinking of various pop-culture its referenced continually. Whether its LOTR, The Matrix, Revenge of the Sith, Xmen, Excalibur, The ninth Gate, Hostel, Daybreakers etc. Practically I can think of a few novel, comical, perhaps insane ways of going through various methods. Does anyone have any ideas other than illegal drugs, perhaps inhaling incense has a various beneficial effect, on the flip side perhaps putrefied canned Swedish fish has an effect. In Russia they baptise themselves in Ice water. There is apparently a guy called Wim Hof who climbed Everest in Shorts with shoes on, can hold breath for 7 minutes under water etc. Not really listened to much of what he has to say, maybe someone has an understanding.
  14. The object itself is a construct though. So worship exists, but "it" does not. Why would people believe a deity demands worship? I believe that in Judaism, the element of compassion is missing, but may exist as a potentiality. (early scorched earth policy) Which is why in Christianity, there is the concept of compassion in Christ.
  15. How can you expect to tame the tiger, if you can't tame yourself. "High horse...." Hey its Putin. Aikido, Steven Seagal. Lord Krishna lies prostrate at the Goddess Kali's feet. Don't poke the Bear... "You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind...."
  16. Libertarians should. Go throw themselves in front of tanks. Not go throw themselves in front of tanks "Support" a Night watchman state. "Not support" a Night watchman state. Vote. Not vote. Pay tax. Not Pay tax. Not tell others how to act. Tell others how to act. Positively accept a negative. Do nothing?
  17. "This little light of mine, I'm going let it shine....". "Let me take you down, cause I'm going to Strawberry fields"
  18. What would be attained or expressed in the worship of an inanimate object in order for there to be no differential?
  19. "A census taker once tried to test me I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Looking at form and inferring substance. (feminine) Form of the Titan. Looking at substance and speculating action. (masculine) Maybe....
  20. No specific comprehensible rational reason, but then reason is formed transcendentally. Infinite power and wisdom destroy; the concept of power and wisdom. Maybe you're right Hercules, perhaps our lives are trivial. Depends what you mean by divine. Concepts of Ascension and Arrogance come to mind, probably covered to some extent in the aforementioned lore. Why would it have to communicate and why does it have intentions. Why would the divine have a will. Maybe religion is a partial construction of the unconscious mind, not entirely human given the concept of evolution.
  21. I think the issue is not to change the future, because it hasn't occurred, but to affect it. Does the glacier act on you or do you act on the glacier, which entity has the initiative. Now just need "1.21 Jigawatts" of electrical power, to more aptly affect the future..... Maybe it might be possible to loop time for an individual in someway if certain factors remain unknown. Whatever you deny, is generally affirmed in someway. Politicians, avoid denying things all the time, when they do, laser-sight on their forehead.
  22. What about more mundane events like whether she should have a burger or the steak in a restaurant, I think just to mess with "destiny" people would choose to have the other if they already had one item or perhaps most people would be content to order the same stuff? I guess the language does not convey the emotive experience. Makes me think of a STTNG episode "Time squared" where the Enterprise gets sucked into a wormhole and there is a duplicate Picard intent on repeating his initial actions in linear time, which ends up with The Enterprise destroyed and Picard sent back into the past.. Basically the newer Picard ends up phasering the older one. While Baby is alive do X. Solution phaser the baby, time loop ended. I mean if she doesn't have cumulative memory of previous experiences, she is in effect caught in an infinite loop. Perhaps she might wait for baby number 5 or later.
  23. Grand conspiracy to do what? Leverage; Intellect, in group preference and secrecy.
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