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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. In the book "Man and his Symbols" Carl Jung. Towards the end of the book he brings up the question of evolution and the selection of different alleles over a fairly rapid period. I've heard J.Peterson say that some of C.Jung is similar to R.Dawkins in respect to memes. No moral responsibility, could that involve a potential for "brainwashing"? Perhaps somebody has read some of R.Dawkins, C.Jungs or someone else's work related to meme like content. I wonder how hypnotism works.
  2. The UBI would cause rent seeking in the private sector? as with agricultural subsides. Also with a UBI, the potential to end up in a "Blade Runner" scenario with small apartments and "Replicants" confined to "off-world colonies". There is also kind of a violent scene in the movie "The Prodigal Son" where Roy is asking for more life from his maker and discussing ways to extend his life, that are met with counter reactions in theory. Having said that, if there is a "welfare" system then a UBI would in theory at least give everyone(all races) the same "potential" treatment and help bring down the monetary system quicker and perhaps the state, or establish a kind of aristocracy.
  3. Yeah I'm sure the suggestions getting a job and not being depressed never crossed his mind at any point. I personally have thought about microgreens as a business. There is a guy on Youtube that has a lot of videos on running a business in that niche. He lives in Kelowna, in Canada "Urban Farmer Curtis Stone". I have actually been to Kelowna as a backpacker, it's a fairly wealthy city so that probably plays a part in the success of his business. What State do you live in?
  4. "What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love!" Victor Hugo. If you're interested in Robotics maybe you could find someone with a similar interest ideally employed or contracted, work with them before you do a degree. Things don't look to grim from my perspective you can always consider moving around Australia or to the US, Texas from what I've heard in some areas can be pretty wealthy.
  5. NO PAIN!!!, NO PAIN!!! NO PAIN!!! Rocky IV (Stallone at 40 from a Youtube comment) 1. Scratch the job, think "living". Noticed from your profile you live in USA, whole continent to explore, that speak English or Spanish. As example, maybe sell cheap books, buy low sell high, buy from rural american thrift stores sell at markup to bimbos in city with too much money. 2. Write whenever you like. If you know better forum tell me. I think the forum imo is good on the intellectual side, but not so much on the more hyper charged left wing r-selected side, the left never sleeps. 3. If someone breaks your knee caps with a hammer its ok to feel unhappy. 4. Maybe look into stoicism, think about your personality type. List problems as Aviet said, maybe discuss solutions on the forum. Double edged sword if you like Youtube try and manage it rather than eliminate, if you watch Youtube imo. You have total anonymity if you want it, seems to be a lot of Americans from Texas, a joke from Full Metal Jacket joke comes to mind. 5. Read information about people who are radically different and/or speak to them. Join the Club. Take my advice with pinch of salt. Diet book from a fatman.
  6. YEAH!!!!!!!!! Roman Orgies . Go Nutts?
  7. Not seen it before, read through some of it now. Thought it was satire at first, but the blogger seems to believe in what he is doing. A lot of it is contradictory and many of the premises are misleading and incorrect.
  8. Ideologies are not Holy or Whole, Libertarianism included. Not really sure, maybe a Faustian bargain with the one Ideology likely to dominate is a good idea. Work with, where interests are the same perhaps, not sure if that is possible. Bit harsh on the Heretics, looking at a large chunk of the Northern Hemisphere I agree. Spengler looks well worth reading, reading briefly on wikipedia about him seems eerily accurate and prophetic if not widely referenced for some reason. When I read your post the Benny Hill theme tune came to mind for some reason, later saw an article on infowars that linked the tune to migrant crime in Sweden, a bit bizarre, don't know if it is some collective unconscious, World Spirit or something at work. Saw a video on the Internet that there are 10 dimensions in total, doing a search, there are some videos that say 11, thought came to mind when you mentioned Tolkein. Limits and discipline have been concepts on my mind a fair bit. To boldly go where no man, women, gender fluid...... has gone before.
  9. There is only one ruler (Monarchy). The amount of power the ruler has, is only what people give him or her. In the UK the Monarchy imho stays out of politics the majority of the time. The Monarch isn't subject to any laws. I know a while a go a legal trial on Paul Burrel (Diana's Butler) was stopped(No explanation). I think maybe Marriage custom has changed now with Kate and William. The Marriage Act 1753, I think was to better formally recognise marriage, an Act the Royal family was not subject to. If the monarch acted like an absolute monarch from history in general bad things usually happen. Whether it is the Kaiser dismissing Bismarck, Napoleon invading Russia in part for breaking the blockade against Great Britain, Tsar Nicolas having Ultimate control of the Army, Caesar being assassinated, Caligula going insane, Alexander proclaiming himself as a God etc. They all go crazy in someway or they abdicate. If however a ruler keeps to what they have experience in and expertise, usually things can go OK. I read that the only other Pope to abdicate was a Hermit.
  10. Anglicanism is very unlikely to survive into even the near future. The UK compared to the rest of Europe from what I have seen has the most churches and chapels, many of which are now abandoned. One reason is Anglicanism is not as integrated into the culture as many other religions are. Catholics have Saint days, carnivals, better schools, various laws that are directly part of the culture. Another reason is Anglicanism is a direct arm of centralised state power and I don't think they have as many tax exemptions as religions in other countries may have. Many old people are tempted to move to different Christian denominations including Catholic and I don't think there are that many young people joining Anglicanism if any. Protestantism is much more prevalent in the United States, have churches on nearly every street corner it seems in some places. Bible belt that runs up into Canada has a lot of churches as well. I think they are exempt from taxation in the USA, Trump said something during the election of allowing the churches to participate in political discussion and retain their tax exemptions. I think Protestantism is likely to continue to survive for a long while in the USA largely because of it's decentralised and tax exempt status. They are also prevalent in missionary work I believe. Catholicism imo is more integrated into the cultures and daily lives of the countries it has followers in. How prevalent it will continue to be into the future I have no idea, I'd imagine Catholicism will survive for sometime still. I don't think Pope Francis did much justice when he commented on Trumps wall plan before he was elected, when Vatican City has one. Listening to a Catholic Podcaster/Economist Tom Woods I remember him commenting on how some of what Pope Francis is saying is very socialist in nature. Compared to the last Pope Benedict(Why did he quit? Is there a theological basis for Popes quitting?) making at least some comments on Islam not being peaceful and pissing off Turkey there is some difference. I don't think anyone wins a war, but if the question is, what is the way to the most authentic religious/trans-formative experience? then that resides in the individual, but also in compassion. Though I don't really know, sounded good to me, so much seems superficial. In the big picture why does it matter if one group has 100 million followers and another 5. The rise of Islam is the shadow of the West.
  11. What is the cost of having a monarchy? Can't say I think monarchy is the best system. Absolute power corrupting, absolutely. Plus the strength of the individual is going to be tested to the greatest extent imaginable, and I don't mean by hardships, but by comfort, seduction and lies. To say nothing of the age, competency, character of the monarch and those looking out for their own interests. In the past in the UK a regency council was sometimes used, where at least the individuals had decades of previous experience governing and looking after assets. Two ancestors of mine were Lord Chancellors of the UK, the first served for 19 years Philip Yorke, the second for 3 days Charles Yorke.
  12. Ask what's in it for me. As I remember Stefan saying before the Presidential election. Be careful what you wish for. Make like a tree and get out of here.... As Biff would say. Stoic training in combination with higher ideal. Maybe the occasional trolling. Reinforce the original definitions of concepts through Integrity. Or something.........
  13. "For Why? Because the good old rule Sufficeth them; the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can." -Rob Roy You seem to have very in depth knowledge on Anthropology Jabowery imho. Find it funny how your profile pick looks a bit like Scott Adams, the Dilbert guy, bring up dogs talking to guy with Dogbert profile pic. I wouldn't be surprised if it was humans mimicking dogs, it's interesting how Muslims find dogs unclean, police put shoes on the dogs for searches in Muslims households. Various cultures revering certain animals or not.
  14. Maybe America might accept some native non Islamic European refugees in the future. I like America; Steamboat Willie toot toot, Beety Boop what a dish, Betty Grable, nice gams. I say can you see, I say can you see....
  15. The Austrian guy looks pretty soft, groomed for leadership, Time endorsement, fortunate son, enjoy some spa's, beer etc... Maybe not, perhaps has balls of steel, to get things done, but doubt it. I remember a post somewhere on the forum a while a go from Germany at migrants receiving 1,000 EUROs plus a month in welfare. Perhaps the people should be losing their shit about that, but 1 guy unless he's superman what's going to change. Mastermind behind the balkan route closure, maybe but I would find it hard to believe if some wealthy residents of Austria didn't have a say somewhere. Oh well just dump em in Germany instead or fast track them through Italy. Can see a very subtle smile(cynical) as he comments on the Brexit decision.
  16. uhhh... Je suis Londres? Don't know if there is anything much that can be done in the UK. FDR and Paul J Watson seem to be doing the most good, seem the most sane and Intelligent, and a few others. Occasionally read about tens of thousands of people marching in the North of England and in London on the Internet, nothing on the TV. Makes me think of the movie "Mars Attacks" with "don't run we are your friends". I think the majority of people are crazy in someway, maybe it's a requisite to continue to live in most places, maybe like madness being perhaps relative, like discussed in the video on Hamlet. Maybe put FDR on speakerphone somewhere, bit like the ending of Mars Attacks... Either that or when in Rome.... pick a crazy group most likely to survive or not stab you in the back. When Worlds collide? No middle ground? Uhhh... Onward Christian Soldiers? Save me Jesus...?
  17. I would also say the traits balance each other out. I think Stoicism is actually a more feminine trait by default, than masculine. "To live according to Nature" as Nietzsche said. That being said I think it is beneficial to systematically integrate it into a masculine personality. Kind of makes me think of Asceticism, Buddhism, the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius(A Stoic) then his insane son Commodus. Commodus who according to wikipedia was strangled to death by his gladiator partner "Narcissus" could hardly make this shit up, who said the Romans didn't have a sense of humour. Stoicism being feminine by default as greater pain tolerance(child birth), men more likely to go into shock perhaps or pass out from the sight of blood. Yeah they become worker drones like an Ant or mole rat colony, eventually... "HG Wells, Time Machine". I think women also generally have that greater in group preference, especially if more r-selected, W.I. for example or a plethora of other groups, official and unofficial. K-selected more diverse. Though r-selected can have very good physical fitness. --------------------------------------------- I wonder what would be the best way to have inter male cooperation with one another, or at least direct their attention to a specific goal?
  18. "From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now." Highlander
  19. Is poison not a real concept? If an entity can't be measured, has no limits. How can it be said to be real?
  20. A lot of people posting on the forum from Sweden. Had a look at that map of crimes, asylum centres in the North as well, looks like the whole country is an asylum. I know when I did some backpacking in Norway, student accommodation in the North was being converted into asylum centre housing from a local. Is there anyone actually doing something to stop outright chaos? The cost of all the social programs is a fortune, is there any movement to try and achieve local autonomy for the non city areas? Partition what's left of the country up, I mean it's quite cold right, in Sweden in the Winter, eventually the whole setup is going to end one way or another. Maybe groups going door to door, village to village, like the Jehova witnesses. Is there anyone being effective in stopping the crime, I'd like to help (will work for food basically), I think it must be possible to prevent the rape and murder. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics".
  21. Non-sense, nonsense? Non-sense, so output orientated, the creative sense, an amalgamation of all the other senses. Not aware enough of the unconscious mind perhaps. Maybe meditation is a way of allowing the creative sense a way of expressing itself in more conscientiousness individuals. Perhaps if the mind is at rest, when conditions are stable, what is left is creativity, maybe like a snake eating its own tail, Ouroboros(symbol of introspection). Reminded of an experiment with a chimp, a human child and a box. In the box was food initially shown to the child or the chimp, then placed in the box. The researcher then used a stick tapped the box a couple of times(a superfluous act) and removed the food. Which one copied the researcher and which one just removed the food? Which was more creative?
  22. Willard:"Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another." Roxanne: Do you know why you can never step into the same river twice? Willard: Yeah, 'cause it's always moving. Willard:"Never get out of the boat." Absolutely goddamn right! Unless you were goin' all the way... Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fuckin' program. Kurtz:"You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us." Mistah Kurtz—he dead. An Epigraph of "The Hollow Men".
  23. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that in large parts of the west the populations and cultures are so diverse and numerous that uniform rules of engagement don't apply in any way. I think it would be great if political leaders would fight each other to the death rather then declare war, but it ain't happening. For the rest of the population, choosing between a shiv in the side or a more honest form of aggression, no contest really imo. Can see on Youtube gangs of Serbs and Muslims fighting each other in pitched fights. Serbs basically win, because they have way more upper body strength. Western culture is also very hedonistic and materialistic. Family ties are generally pretty weak, especially in the northern countries. I mean thinking of the Northern European countries housing is pretty dispersed, with the exception of former industrial cities. In the more southern European countries they have the families living much closer together, tend to live much more in apartments. I think it would be great if the welfare state was ended Or as large sections of the population depend on or want social welfare(single mums especially), pay for it all locally, without debts. Pursue principles of equity to their logical conclusion which would end up investing authority in small groups and at the individual level. How this could be implemented and what groups would be willing to implement this again I do not know (I'd really like to), but traditionalism is going to take generations to implement if at all, unless its Sharia.
  24. If king George III hadn't sent in any troops, then I wonder how a federal government would have developed.
  25. The movie "Forbidden Planet" comes to mind.
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