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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Red flagging potential issues. 1. Communication, going behind his back to write on the forums. 2. Short courtship. 3. Concerns about children. 4. Age Difference. 5. Lack of Self-Knowledge, so imo will probably tend to mirror his parents behaviour. But also to the fact that people don't know you and their own potential ideas of what is good or not seep in, possibly corrupted. The impartiality of the people you talk to.
  2. That Jeff Sessions guy looks like a real hardass to me, which I guess is good if he is going to be enforcing the law, as at least people know where they stand. Can change pot laws latter when civilisation is not imploding. Maybe someone could get a hall of fame, or video of the month competition going, instead of ploughing energy into posts and complaining about opportunity costs.
  3. Yeah, Nick Griffin and his team also worked on the exposing the Rochdale grooming cases in the UK was put on trial for Hate Speech. Also worked to expose the MP's expenses scandal, had something similar in Canada with their Senate. Basically crucified him on BBC "Question Time". ------------------ The whole biodiversity thing is pretty interesting to me, kind of seemed obvious to me since I was 5. Though an agnostic view of God kind of brought in the question of people going beyond their limits. I wonder if natural redheads/gingers are a later genetic development so likely to be more intelligent and have no souls. (Ramseses The Great, Barbarossa, Genghis Khan, Queen Elizabeth, Boadicea, Erik the Red). Regression to the mean,Granny Smith Apple going back to a crab-apple from seed. "how do you like them apples?" Even within countries you can see a lot of biodiversity. Rhinelanders, Dutch and Amish being taller than most. Cleave people in half with their Zweihänders in the past. The UK is kind of a large mix of biodiversity with all the immigration over the decades, industrial revolution,invasions. Kind of look like a Norwegian myself. Makes me think of the book Gulliver's Travels.
  4. Predator II "This is not about money." "This is about POWahaa..." "Voodoo Magic, fuckin Voodoo Magic Mann, Hahahaahaa..." "But you know what, I tell you what I believe mann, Shit Happens"
  5. Addiction to Perceived Psychological Power over others. Christians have an Ace Card "The Lord is my Shepherd......" God really is immaterial. "Germany is a Confederation"; suppression of free speech, code of laws and perhaps political power in Berlin nullifies that. "UK is a mess" I agree. "Belgium isn't a real country" which is good, because at least the people know their enslaved by that particular hierarchy and maybe something could be done to improve the situation and other nationalities/peoples learn from a fresh example. "Norway" Has migrants North of the Arctic circle and has housing being built and converted for them. Thought it would be too cold that far north. Oslo which parasites of the rest of the nation, also has a lot of migrants some working in the postal service getting subsidised housing under the table. "Finland" I think might have a migrant problem in Helsinki, large physically indefensible open border. Plus "use the force defence video" "Ireland" Don't know much about Ireland, I think it has one of the better economies in Europe, doesn't have same insane expenditures of UK. I know that people/Boys from Brazil try and obtain citizenship in Portugal then can work in Ireland. Not sure how strong religion is followed in Ireland, intuitively I think much less so. Big corruption story on MSM recently about renewable energy scheme, state/thugs beginning to drain off some of that wealth. "Luxembourg" Not in my backyard. "Italy" Had pictures of some guy getting thrown out of his Hotel in Northern Italy to make room for migrants. "France is the Dictatorship of Paris" Hey maybe, I've heard and seen that a lot of the local mayories are corrupt take bribes, build useless crap, extort money for having HEP in the Pyrenees. Maybe that's why the Japanese Shogun had the order executed in Japan in the past. Loads of non-disclosure agreements in the NHS was on TV a while a go, driving test examiners go one-step higher, go figure. I know Stefan talks a lots about being and cooperating in the free market, but I also remember him saying if you don't have a free market in money, you don't have a free market.
  6. I think a few continental people use the forum, does anyone know some active non-English language philosophy forums or if not philosophy, current events? German, Spanish, Norwegian, French or Arabic etc. Might be a good way of learning and spreading philosophy, as well as learning a language.
  7. Marriage; Not a social experiment. A form of contract, a type of communism. Chains that bind, broken by violence or God... "When you have to shoot...Shoot! Don't talk" Tuco(The Ugly), The Good, Bad and The Ugly.
  8. Yay, counter-terrorists win! A Bomb has been defused. Next round.....
  9. Mine-sweeping, blindfolded. Be careful of the well you drink from.
  10. He's behind you..... The timing of the speech occurred to me as well, good point.
  11. Haven't played HOI3, reviews I've read said there are too many superfluous provinces, much more activity and mods for HOI2, looked to me that there is a tighter game in HOI2. Don't really want to add stuff that would impair my attention span even more. Not played Victoria 2 for a while and just played the vanilla version. Thought the game was lacking in waging economic warfare couldn't embargo goods, soldier stacks were all messed up where you would need like 3000 men to form a unit, but would have multiple different nationalities of like 50 men each, would usually oppressively tax to make everyone go into the army. Battles and encirclements were annoying have to chase things around. I'm sure the game had a memory leak issue somewhere as well so would slow down in time. A lot of the information about changes in the game were hidden. Maybe the issues were fixed in the expansions. ---------------------------------------------------- Hellraiser (1987) Creepy East Asian. "What's your pleasure Mr Cotton." Mr Cotton "The Box." East Asian "Take it, it's yours." East Asian "..it always was...." Hmm maybe he borrowed or stole it, I wonder what games he got on it, probably not Crash Bandicoot.
  12. Not lazy, vicious. At least the MSM and State ones. I wouldn't say follow the money, follow the currency which is blood.
  13. Truth; a Good to most, a nightmare to others.
  14. Both and all of the above as well as TBS titles, Abstract etc..... I like Crusader Kings II, in the Grand Strategy RPG arena, time compression could be better though, but I finds it runs smoothest of all the paradox Grand Strategy Titles I've played. I found the depth of the mechanics lacking in Victoria II which would have otherwise probably have been my favourite title. Hearts of Iron II is good as well, though it doesn't let you play like a genocidal maniac and the ideology labels are wrong. For example if you play as "Far Right" Authoritarian, it lists the Government as National Socialist. But it doesn't allow the military officers to openly Assassinate one another for command and move up or down their hierarchy. I like the economic strategy games as well, but they go into even less detail and the newer ones often seem to have worse and worse mechanics and AI's. Still the games often seem to have one big evolutionary tree of code, but the quality of the end product imo is often devolving while adding superfluous crap. Perhaps there is a way to mirror preferences of people onto an AI through the Internet. Though I think when it comes down to it, simple games to learn different concepts, build from there. Lot of people seem to like(slot machine addicts?) the swirling bright colours of smartphone games(Walk into the light....) I guess that's where the money is, Angry Birds, Bejewelled clones, clickbait games, Farmville. Though I need that hardcore fix, probably have to design my own game, organisation, but not art form, not addictive enough. Or I could accept reality as is, pursue an art-form(aesthetics) beauty, truth, health, love, justice, Integrity, honour. Well I guess artists in the drawing pictures sense are possibly a dime a dozen, maybe a simple flickbook game with pretty pictures being displayed on an Ipad. "You come to a castle do you enter the dungeon?" or some crap, like old ibm or apple mac computers. Wouldn't require much coding would be interactive and educational.
  15. 1. Prime Rib some of the time for me. 2. What stupid people or guardians say is goodness, and often badness for others. Preferable; what you are doing at the moment, whether you consider it Good or Bad the distinction is irrelevant.
  16. Wouldn't that make many of your thoughts, dreams or fantasies, and not great ideas. Glad to know that various art-forms were of benefit to you, I play video games as well. Generally will play an action/adventure game once. Strategy though, addicted, something about the synergy of it. Bought Postal II off steam once for £0.69 I wonder if they chose the price subconsciously... Video games are in part a reflection of the person. "I regret nothing". ------------------ "Know a guy, has a chicken play tic-tac-toe, never loses." John Milton, The Devil's Advocate. As soon as you understand the "game"(Principles) "it"(you/freewill) ceases to be a "game" and becomes an art-form.
  17. Equality and Equity, while sounding similar are very different. Equity is concerned with fairness and justice, equality is merely equalising. Communism is the elimination of property as a concept. When you have "public" property 2 people can't use it at the same time. You could have Public or National Parks, but this would be no different from having wilderness. Equally to hold "Private" property as sacred above all to the owner is to eliminate morality. Merely the word "Property" is sufficient. I haven't heard Stefan argue communism as immoral, if its not wrong its not even right. Which is often why its not just Communism, but Marxism, Stalinism, Chavisma etc. The effects of "getting to communism" through various socialist methods often involve violence and rarely Coops, Kibbutzes or communes. It is possible to resolve conflicts through a communist system, but only through compromise, as soon as there is no compromise there is violence or surrender. You can't argue communism is immoral, what you could do on an individual level is show them where their assumptions are wrong and how UPB is consistent or their behaviour is inconsistent. UPB imo is not just about ethics it is about integrity and while there are some sections that come to mind that stick out like sore thumb imo. The "protesters" Anarcho-Communists, Feminists etc.. lack integrity, which is why they attack Donald Trump, despite Clinton being soaked in blood. Argue with them. A part of me says let them slit each others throats when they run out of easy targets, victims if you have a soul. Though I guess this is where psychology comes in.
  18. The Beatles- Elanor Rigby. "Ahhh look at all the lonely people." You're not confused, think and feel.
  19. Then that would have to be freewill. Unfortunately imo I do not entirely have freewill, but can conceive that I might eventually have it, though my feeling are still tied to the concepts?/Illusions? of social or at least intellectual hierarchy. You say that "obviously opinion of self tells doesn't count" it tells you nothing, that everyone should be tested. Everyone should be tested is an opinion of self, as well as an opinion of others. IMO Stefan is a genius, by the work he has done, perhaps you disagree and I would not dispute your opinion, I may ask who you think is. Is it better though to have an IQ of 150 in someway crippled psychologically or one of 120; a computer with the latest processor with tons of malware, or one with an old processor and no malware. Glory to the Zerg Overlord(Kind of... a nerdy PC Game joke), yeah looked too psychedelic to me, even girly. BUT, still different perspectives. Typing Self Knowledge into Youtube I found a philosopher J.Krishnamurti, slow and often black and white, though I have only watched 4 videos I found it very insightful. ------------------------------------ I'm not sure if Organisation was the best word to use, I know the word community is used and imo is perhaps the better one psychologically. While having social connotations Organisation also has, processing connotations, if a picture says a thousand words how many does a film clip say? "The Best of Both Worlds Part 2" comes to mind for some reason, I have heard Stefan say that "all organisations drift to the Left and that the Left never sleeps". In the episode "The Best of Both Worlds Part 2" The Enterprise crew basically stops the "Borg" from assimilating the planet by getting them to go to "sleep" and that severing Picards link from the collective would be like getting them, though perhaps him to "cut off an arm". One other thought comes to mind. In the past in England there were "temples" where a person would go to practice law, though maybe justice or philosophy, open to all, perhaps there are similar organisations providing some form of value. Thoughts, opinions, revelations focused on Philosophy, Self Knowledge, Journalism.... Miscellaneous section.
  20. Could convince me.... You'll convince yourself or you won't. I will say though that the fact people often prefer to talk rather than seize things by force means that both parties "wills" are not in conflict. Yes a person could use force, be it shouting at another person stealing their stuff, which while it is not universally preferable behaviour, it is also a lack of integrity. Unless the person willing to use force to achieve their aims, goes all in Conan style, in which case the idea of even having the debate goes out the window and the issue becomes guile and deception; clan loyalty, not truth. Which is why, Stefan did a book called real-time relationships and has done many podcasts on self-knowledge. You can't expect people to listen to you anyway, even if they did they may lack the capacity to understand the meaning being conveyed. I guess you could go in Pulp Fiction style "Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya" but even then some people might utterly freak out, could be kind of fun, enough motivation?
  21. The mind is a real material thing, to be real "it"(freewill/frontal cortex) has to interact with something, can "it" talk to itself, to reflect on experience real or imagined, yes I think it does, subconsciously and occasionally consciously, try not to fill it with assholes. To accept freewill, to think inside the box(The only thinking possible) is to accept reality, your reality. To think outside the box is madness,God ,a child or perhaps an interesting thought experiment. While freewill remains there is work to be done. A forest/Jungle is never just a forest is "it", "it's" always your forest, their forest, a boreal forest, a collection of trees; but never a collection of fungi. An army/navy/fleet is never just an army "it's" always my army, the generals army, the people's army, the salvation army..... In short it is a hierarchical construct, would you accept that I have an Army of ants or a forest? Government. Illusion. "I am from the Government/State and I'm here to help you". I think that hierarchical constructs while illusory are useful from a biological survival standpoint and an organisational planning standpoint. Within the body perhaps there could be said to be a hierarchy in the brain, the newer frontal cortex moderating or not the more baser instincts and parts. Welcome to the Jungle. Jay Earley, I'll probably check the guy's work out. Found imo an interesting Indian philosopher guy on Youtube "Krishamurti" typing "Self-Knowledge" into Youtube, was a bit slow at first but I did I find the guy brought immense clarity in just a few videos.
  22. "It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger." A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume (Lifeboat Survival 101) Basically if it came to it, scratching a finger or hacking of a hand, if it meant preventing further destruction would not necessarily be in conflict with violence being morally neutral, being equitable though is probably worth baring in mind. I remember an early post on the forum where I asked if there was no truth in the NAP(Non Agression Principle) and people basically freaked out imo. Yes methodology rather than refinement, not a moral itself. The "should" being an umbrella statement, which I agree is winnowed out in UPB. Intuitively I feel though, that perhaps UPB misses something in Ethics. It would be interesting to see what other moral rules or maxims are out there with expressions of truth.
  23. Rape by definition and necessity contains the concept of Morality, as does Property. I remember a joke once during Jiu Jitsu where someone said "Its not Rape if I enjoy it". UPB in my understanding is a refinement of Kant's Categorical Imperative "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." To overcome Subjective or Objective definitions of Morality. Objectivism would be holding man's life as the standard of value.
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