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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    294. Dj Shadow - High Noon 295. Lemongrass - Nostalgia
  2. Well, ok. Let's see... 0. argument (to re-iterate quickly: I had likened 'time' as a concept to 'government' as a concept, since neither of them exists in the physical world in the same way as a solid object, a 'chair' or a 'table' would, they are abstractions.) 1. Q1 Does a unicorn (no ref. intended) exist the same way as a horse? 2. Q2 Can 'government' refer to inanimate objects like buildings, infrastructure too? 3. Q3 When you say "Time is argued to physically manifest itself," - what does that mean? (I haven't heard time materialising physically, if that's what you are suggesting...) 4. Q4 "That which exists...[...]" = Is it fair to say that this is a tautology? ... I'm curious as to what you thought, maybe the remaining parts afterwards.
  3. Hi @Teiid Not sure if you're plugged in to what's been coming out from Project Veritas... Check it out if you can!
  4. I see. Can't say I share your POV but I'm just trying to be honest and not claim to understand or be able to live it the same as you do. Actually, time as a table or a chair does NOT exist(no need to verify). Same as the government, it doesn't exist neither IN THE PHYSICAL realm. Sorry, but I have to say... There's a myriads of flawed assumptions here(objectively, scientifically, I could direct you to some sources in physics if you wished) not sure if you have verified the claims you are putting forward. I'm not saying you have to or that I'm 'diss-ing' everything you say from this point on, but there's strict set of steps one must follow in order to validate truth-claims. (in science, the scientific method) Having said that, I don't think it's a sane idea to try to apply the scientific method to the metaphysical, e.g. 'the soul' or morality to name a couple. It's like quare shape, circular hole... cccan't. Therefore, I suggest we keep the two separate. I mean, for the sake of constructivity.
  5. That's ok, let me try again...describing how/what I see happening. If you are to get along in a society, certain principles must be aligned even if some preferences/beliefs are different. Those individual differences don't impede 'working/existing together' and therefore are lesser priority than the main 'pillars' of the group. It's preferable, logical to have therefore a focus on shared virtues, if not / without them, doesn't really matter anything else, there won't be 'conversation' or 'cross-pollination' of ideas. Yes, they're highlighting some ("everything" as you've worded it, is perhaps a bit too much) important aspects of religion, helping people remember some elements of our past. I agree. (Though, I'm a bit confused as to why you wrote that.) I can't say anything meaningful here, other than: If you think that's the best use of your time and resources... Go for it! Are you referring here to un-proven theories, not yet confirmed particles, things that we haven't/can't measure yet?
  6. Think of this: Regardless if Stefan Molyneux has some atheistic arguments, he IS (... not just 'would be capable' , but is doing it... interviewees multiple times, proven, empirically...) reinforce virtues that are harmonious (because isolated, they are NAP compliant) with Christians, and alike. 'Sweet' I do tend to think of it as 'bridging the gap', continuing 'The conversation' in which we all get crumbs of benefits, get to see preferable than other approaches of 'updating/perfecting'. Sweeet (*2)
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    292. Lukács Miklós - Zöld Az Erdő 293. Turnz - Regression (6:35, Original Mix)
  8. And I could be wrong, too. Never-mind, my aim was to demonstrate 'screenshot' vs. 'developmental arc' + The importance of who does/doesn't follow up ... never-mind(*2). 'Khillary'?! That'd have to be a 'miracle-on-demand'-ing thing...'M.o.D.-ing reality' type event... miniscule to none probability, me thinks. Maybe the reason why I tend to not see so much the atheist in what Stefan Molyneux puts forward is because the philosophy aspect is faaar more abundant. (again, don't just 'snapshot' but observe the 'arc'... in my HUMBLE OPINION, mate!... this allcaps now makes it look silly, but nonetheless I do intend to be friendly, at the same time)
  9. So, there's the fact that the op has 3, three posts in total and by looking at the longevity of having been registered + this thread's creation DATE... it isn't an unfair assessment that the question is rather on the 'whatever' side for him/her. It certainly does seem so... kinda already diminishes the 'ask' to something faaaar minor...,but whatever. An argument is an argument, is an argument, nothing more or less but an... you know... So, I'm wondering... How's this NOT about 'venting' ? Additionally, Who am I to tell, that this person omitted the most valuable contribution of all, the 'what-have-I - gathered-responded(not really) - during this time-addition'? The part that is about comparing, you know... the bi-directional thingy called 'back and forth', the 'development part'? ... running out of 'pinches of salt'. Barnsley
  10. Trying to explain to people the logarithmic aspect of vision... humbly, yet with an 'umpf', may I put forward / people checking out the ... p.s. (again)
  11. Great video... Rational, witty, no dancing around the fire (imo). It reminded me "Wood 13 - from here" "The Merchant and the Arab A Spanish merchant traveling a lonely road did business from town to town. One day he came aross an Arab sitting in the middle of the road with a chess board. Curious, the merchant asked, "Why are sitting here alone playing chess?" "Oh, I'm not alone," said the Arab. "But I don't see anyone with you." "That is, the Arab replied, because I play the great Allah, the One who is everwhere!" "You have a powerful opponent, then!" "Yes, but a fair one." "And is He winning?" asked the merchant. "It seems so. Can you see how I can avoid being checkmated by His next move? It will mean I cannot play anymore today." "Why not?" asked the merchant, puzzled. "I will have lost all my money," replied the Arab. Stunned and not believing his ears, the merchant said slowly, "You and Allah play chess for money?" He had never ever heard of such a thing. "Yes. See, here I lose twenty gold pieces." "But wait, how do you pay Allah?" "Oh, of course Allah doesn't take the money Himself. He sends some honest holy man who takes it from me amd gives it to the poor. That is the same as giving it to Allah. And, since I have indeed lost, you must be the man Allah has sent today. Here, do Allah's and take these twenty gold pieces." The merchant, not as honest or holy as he might have been, was delighted. Weeks later, again traveling that road, the merchant shook his head at the thought of the Arab playing chess with Allah. Suddenly, in the middle of the road was the Arab, sitting alone with his chess board. "Is Allah winning today?" asked the merchant pulling his wagon up alongside. "No," replied the Arab, happily. "In fact, in one more move I shall checkmate Him, and win a hundred gold pieces!" "And however will Allah pay you?" "Oh, of course Allah doesn't pay me Himself. He sends some honest holy man who will give me what I have won! Today," the Arab finished, you must be the man Allah has sent to pay me one hundred gold pieces." My take: Good f*#& riddance for now, but let your eyes do not fool you... It's for a good reason, of course.
  12. Hi @Troubador Good lyrics, imaginative animation, good story... Thanks for that! So, this is another one I really like... Have a good one, Barnsley
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    > 290. Pain Of Salvation - Idioglossia 291. Riverside - Lost (Good post, welcomed it,...I took an immediate liking to 'Octavarium', a nice homage to many... Nice one! The least, I hope you like those in return, @Spladam.= Have an awesome start to your entrepreneurial day, mate!)
  14. Hi @Jsbrads Not to agree or disagree on what you said, or to add too much value as a matter of fact ... But instead be reciprocal for the Latin phrase I understood today. Fun fact, it has been the motto (not to be confused with 'slogan') of Virginia state and... (from 'Wackopedia') "[...] Trump became the first Republican candidate since Calvin Coolidge in 1924 to win the White House without carrying Virginia. [...]" I thought that was pretty Hillaryous... I mean, hilarious!
  15. Hi @MercurySunlight Um.. I stumbled upon your latest message just now, as it didn't have my handler's mentioned (@),plus like you I haven't subscribed for notifications on this thread... yet. Skidboot...(sure, glad I could) A fine hound, when I first saw the videos (story 'n all, after I had seen the one I linked here) it kinda made me teary so I thought, I was only going to post the 'fun bit' here, but yeah... 'Time waits for no man' or dog for that matter. It's the order of things. Sorry, just ramblin'... Btw, I'm also partial and take sides with breeds such as this one (especially with 'shoes'): (subjectively) Now, regarding Morgan F. I kinda still like what he does (professionally), it's just... it happens quite often to me (don't know if you have had that, probably yes) when I see some of the actors speaking in a casual conversation, no prior preparation... night and day. Others (a few) are instead, rather more 'chiseled', make me like them even more...funny video, nevertheless.
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    285. Boards Of Canada - Carcan & 286. Boards Of Canada - Helter Skater 287. Wayne Shorter - Footprints
  17. Hi thinkers and alike, (Frank Drake) 'Drake equation' to estimate probabilities (optimistic-/pessimistically). Those interested further, should look into the 'Fermi's paradox' coined by Enrico Fermi & Michael H. Hart. (references at the bottom) Without going in too much of the calculation and all that jazz, here's a neat list of some probable reasons, +1... as always, since that additional one is likely to be always in your head... (probably) 1. Extraterrestrial life is rare or non-existent 2. No other intelligent species have arisen 3. Intelligent alien species lack advanced technology 4. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself 5. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others 6. Periodic extinction by natural events 7. Inflation hypothesis and the youngness argument 8. Intelligent civilizations are too far apart in space or time 9. It is too expensive to spread physically throughout the galaxy 10. Human beings have not existed long enough 11. Humans are not listening properly 12. Civilizations broadcast detectable radio signals only for a brief period of time 13. They tend to isolate themselves 14. They are too alien 15. Everyone is listening, no one is transmitting 16. Earth is deliberately not contacted 17. Earth is purposely isolated (planetarium hypothesis) 18. It is dangerous to communicate 19. They are here undetected 20. They are here unacknowledged +1, my take: They thought about it and then realised, resources can be used to other, more important things. (like perfecting alien versions of 'fidget-spinners', I dunno... Ok, no seriously! Dyson spheres?!) Another important thing to mention is that we humans only, barely, just recently started taking locating/establishing the 'MAIN reference point' seriously: Erm... anyways... One of my favourite video on it (part 1): ref.s.: Fermi's paradox Drake equation Gaia mission (parallaxing) Dyson sphere
  18. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H. A. W. / 21. Makai - Beneath The Mask
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    283. Mediaeval Babes - Verbum Caro 284. Björk ft. David Arnold - Play Dead (Tim Simenon)
  20. Tee-Heee!!! '[...]To go to your college professor and ask how the real world works is ridiculous. I mean... You really,.. you understand... It's like asking an Anglerfish how to get a good suntan? They are NOT in the freemarket!...[...]' - Stefan Molyneux - ref.s: podcast (Question 1) Anglerfish
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    280. Kormac - Behind Locked Doors 281. Flytronix - Heavy Traffic 282. Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
  22. I tried to explain the consequences associated with lacking an understanding behind who we are, why we do things and argue against my generalisations with examples of exceptions where it could be possible to observe the same principles work differently. If I could choose a message for you to be taken away from it, it'd sound something like this: THINK! DON'T ACT WITHOUT IT! HAVE BALLS AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE, ALWAYS! STAY CURIOUS! (I don't know how it will fly with you, but I obviously wish you the best so the allcapps and bold is for effect only, I know you're a smart and probably nice 'fella'.) ... me said... ... you followed up... Can I offer up a perspective for the taking? Let me know if you agreed: Aiming for the stars and landing on the highest mountain doesn't mean you have failed. Be weary of those who set unachievable standards, never cut you slack even when considerable effort has been invested... (I see those people sadists, soft- or hard-core... whatever, the principle is the same. Credit is due where struggle has been made, alongside with an honest assessment. NOTHING LESS!) Be practical and don't hold back when you could be giving your best/your virtues can grow... fuck procrastination but be smart and don't waste your precious, valuable, finite, unique opportunity costs!!! Use them for good, or the least for 'not messing up/around'. That's what I strongly believe/uphold. ... me said... ... to which, you... Erm... Ehh.. Sure, a'right. No worries. Desi... - rable... To me, that's someone I look up to. Like a painting or a street performer that you can't walk by. I mean, you could if you had to but for some reason (good reasons) you stop in your tracks and just want to see more, take in what's 'there'. A person I look up to can capture my attention, seemingly without my participation, can amuse me with something that just 'rings true' to me. (btw, it's how the 'μ-Ziq for U' thread is maintained) It's effectively the same in women too... i.e. - superior self knowledge, self-awareness... arouses my curiosity immediately. And then there are other virtues that tend to have the same influence such as: integrity, 'on a virtuous mission'... etc. You'd think that these are big words 'n all but actually they are only visible/detectable in their true form if your vision is adapted... Be careful with only focusing on 'committed' or 'loyal' as they in themselves solely, don't include prescribing to truth... which in my opinion comes before anyone or anything else. What I'm trying to say with this is, there's a very important difference between: Achieving a thing but not with the right methodology. vs. Failing to achieve a thing, while the methodology is sound. (I denounce the validity of utilitarianism, no learning possible, quick shortcuts but no internalisation, no 'gradual increase' effect.) The reason is, you won't be able to retain a lesson, can’t distinguish between preferable other than momentary happiness. In short: The risk (as I see it) of failing lomg term is very high, even though on the short-run you could seemingly be happy with acquiring 'that'.
  23. No, and I rather wait for the info coming from the source. (can't go this time)
  24. Board member's original post on the forum, under Current Events :
  25. Hello, As you wish (re: my earlier points in 0., 2., 3., 5.): 'Before many a red pills, in the past-past... My gf then would have family, friends over with no notice whatsoever. My preference has always been is that people must let me know in advance whenever they're coming to visit me, if that's possible. A simple: 'So and so is coming over on _day, ok?!' to which I normally say 'yes' to. Now I can't stop thinking about Vogons "... without an order, signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public enquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters." Hahaha sorry(reference)... So, as you can imagine I was flipping out most times when someone would knock, press the buzzer, call to have the door opened/the garage door prepped as they're arriving in MINUTES and I was not expecting them! When I brought it up, it perplexed her to the point that she'd ask me things like: 'Is it, that you don't want to meet them?' - to which I would repeat myself again (I try to reason when expressing discontent) saying stuff along the lines of preferring to prepare the place, having the option to decline/re-schedule if something was more important; boundaries in general. She then seemingly understood, apologised and vowed to do differently. Or so I thought. It wouldn't happen as often as before but it still did, and each time it was sort of handled from her side with an excuse, coupled with a new promise to change. After a while, upon the same thing happening yet again, I got very upset and it didn't help her calling me 'fussy' for 'still' having this as a thing of importance. I can be fussy at times, sure. Having known that, it was clearly for a different reason my blood-pressure shot up... It dawned on me, she had not internalised the whole thing when I first brought it up and ever since it was applied partially/incorrectly... or not at all? That, in reality she didn't respect my preferences enough to see her promises being fulfilled, reflecting what we had seemingly agreed on, back then? Maybe she disagreed all this time, but then why wouldn't she ask me to try and find another alternative solution together? I love her, I'd be more than motivated to help as much as I could, why not accept my help? Was she trying to have me grow tired of sticking to my preference and finally give in? If so, was it conscious for her? What is going on here? Why didn't/couldn't we deal with this earlier? Who's avoiding, what? We had a big talk, agreed(yet again),for a while things seemed rosey... a month or two went by and it started happening again... I now know it was silly from me but I literally spoke with the visitor this time in front of her. It was in a friendly/neutral manner, asking the person to let me know in the future because my gf didn't want to and it's because I would be more comfortable if I had the opportunity to properly welcome any visitor when they wished to come over. Obviously she was upset, angry even but it hasn't happened afterwards. Don't do what I did, it's not good! (at least I should have told her, this was going to happen if she wasn't going to... but even then it wouldn't have been ideal) Maybe necessary in certain circumstances(defense), but definitely avoidable and very well should be. I got what I wanted (not really) but not because she agreed or respected it, instead she feared the consequences of me 'making a scene'(as in: assertiveness). As a result in that situation, the distance grew between us. Not good.' Hmm... I simply don't have enough information to know whether "tactics" could be at hand, that's why I had stayed away from implying that it's what she is/was doing. I wrote about people in general, not specifically about her. 'these'... pretty broad, right?! It's ok, just letting you know I noticed. So if I'm accurately grasping things here, it's been up in the air for you for the last 7 months? (maybe it didn't bother you as much in the beginning) Is it true, that if she found the right solution it wouldn't happen again, not return 'eventually'? As an added bonus she wouldn't have to apologise and feel bad each time she broke her promises. Is it possible that it did? How do you know? I'm doubtful that your statement is accurate because logically then it should not affect you, you shouldn't be Um... mixed message? Oh, I got this 'uneasy' part... Of course you don't punish her. Nor do you manipulate, blackmail, withold love... etc. things without genuine care and understanding should be discarded immediately if your aim is true. Think of this. A. Does a customer refuse to run a business by being a customer? Does a customer worry about how much the business makes as long as the price and quality of the product is worth buying? - No and no. The two don't need to do more than what their separate roles are. What would you think of a person who was just a customer of a business, buying products on a regular basis and when you met him, he'd say: - 'It drives me craaazy, how the management is allowing for the phone in the office to ring all-day long!!! Man, do you know how many potential customers they could be missing out on? If they only just picked up a third of the calls...' B. Now, imagine the same business but the person who was complaining was a client, an associate in the same business. How would you assess the two different types of relationships? What are the differences? Not surprisingly, I would feel bad too if someone who I cared for told me they miss me and... Has she told you this before? What if she hasn't, why? as in: 'Hey, listen! I really feel that we don't spend enough time together, could we make it happen more often?' Have you thought about that maybe you weren't spending enough time with her? Any probable signs that could be attributed to this? Thumbs up on your curiosity man!
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