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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    98. Gustavo Santaolalla – Vanishing Grace 99. John Martyn – Solid Air
  2. Hi @Jsbrads What is that you are consistently (, for real) doing and it's related to the field you're in? i.e. If you were a designer, do you actually pursue all the activities hands on or just in abstract? - building a model, materialising ideas in small scale in the real world... - training yourself in skills closely associated (presentation, sales, keeping up to date) - etc. But, most importantly!!! ° What is that you do for free within the field you're in because you just want to do it? ° Rolemodel? How did they do it? How are you going to replicate their arc? ° Can you give succinct, short, deeply motivating and interconnected answers to the questions of : - What(?) ___________________________ - Why(?) ____________________________ - How(?) ____________________________ Barnsley
  3. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    96. Adam Freeland – We Want Your Soul 97. Atmos – Raumwelt Signal (Hernan Cattaneo & John Tonks remix)
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    94. Hans Zimmer - Imperfect Lock (Interstellar OST) 95. Plaid - This City is Hell
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    92. Underground Resistance - The Final Frontier 93. Gabor Szabo - Galatea's Guitar <Galatea>
  6. Hi @Mole Clearly in some aspects you've been travelling by lightspeed. I don't know from 'how far away' you started out but kudos on your achieved track. I have read your post 2.5times and am being hesitant to answer some of the questions (from my perspective), maybe you aren't looking for answers now. I am (in a something similar had happened to me way) sorry that you feel that way. However, taking a glimpse and seeing if they stick, the following three questions might serve you ... 1. What if you are tired, naturally exhausted from all the effort you put into? 2. Who are you comparing yourself with and if those are realistic parameters given your past, past actions, their past, their past actions? (the number of 'I don't know's surfacing should indicate level of realism) 3. How have you been treating yourself, what's the evolution of your dedication-to-constructivity arc? (It's been a biggie for me, as self-soothing and many more I had to learn on my own not relying on support... but perhaps you didn't/don't) Barnsley
  7. Hi thinkers and alike, While listening to [FDR Podcast - 3976 - 2nd caller - from minute 57] ...(I heard myself say)... Did she just say what I had also been thinking about, almost 'down to the last tee'...? [...] "up is down".."east is west".."the world fell into a weird chaotic wormhole"..." everything is going insane".. "what's next"..." What dreams do you have?".."Do you want to travel? "..." What's your dream job? ".. ".. and they have nothing to answer with!"..." They never thought about it!.. " [...] I'm posting this here, not under education for its relevancy to rather self-knowledge. Though, I'm mainly experiencing it within the boundaries of the former realm as a job, but it also is the same outside of work. Please help me find answers to the following question: 1. How to make the most impact if there is very little time alloted and the setup is coercion induced (=learning sth that which the students wouldn't have chosen in the first place if they could have) a. critical thinking is required, however they were ONLY taught/had exposure to ONLY memorising, repetition based group think, regurgitation. b. overburdened from the get-go, but worse they don't even have the time for proper free-time because of other obligations... tiredness physically, mentally. c. all and every extrascolar activities are either based around no-negotiation & structured(already set up) sports, family time (kids are mainly bored because the parents are who are having the fun) d. hardly any kids hang out on the streets playing, there are no 'clubs, groups, gatherings' self organising... except for religious stuff (again, highly structured... my only qualm is lacking critical thinking, plus it's fake-religiosity for its 'fan-factory' like effect so that people can pretend virtues) d. zero tolerance to criticism (the person's either upset or aggressive in return) and you commonly see intense self censoring, fear of speaking their mind at all (takes ages to dig down to ANY genuine opinion/preference because of loathing probable negative repercussions, pretentious society, close relatives aren't encouraging individuality) e. parents don't care but claim to want to raise well-rounded adults in the process, meanwhile facilitating socialists to prosper in every aspects of society. (I'm pro-active, dedicated, woke and won't give up just doubting the worth in this setup, definitely could improve my approach to it... etc) Barnsley
  8. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    90. Nicolas Jaar - Mini Calcutta 91. Dimlite - Roo (A dedication)
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H. A. W. / 06 Peshay ft. Co-Ordinate - Rotation
  10. "If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was." - Gibran Khalil Gibran -
  11. Hi, Err... Eh?! I am puzzled. How have you not found the plethora of data generously provided in the link descriptions, here on the board? THAT elludes me. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm sincerely surprised. What I did was... 1. went to the debate with Kokesh, checked the description (found) Immigration Presentations The Truth About Immigration: What They Won't Tell You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV7JI... The Truth About America's Survival | Demographics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN_FO... The Truth About Illegal Immigrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6NYP... The Truth About Immigration and Welfare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u1J6... IQ and Immigration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x-tY... 2. Picked the first, because why not and found... Sources: http://www.fdrurl.com/immigration 3. Checked out a few links (they did work) 4. How did you not find the literally hundreds of links? 5. Is your "... the actual research that Stef eludes to regarding immigration." statement a truthful one? Barnsley p. s. {It could be that we mean (one of us isn't clear on the concept of..that's all-right.. ) different definitions for 'research' and 'source'. If it is so, I'd be curious to see it.}
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    88. Deiseal - Women of Ireland 89. Little Dragon - Twice
  13. You're welcome, I hope you get closer to finding answers whatever they might be... of my Say, I knew you for a duration of time, got to see your reactions to things, got to hear and see how you are. It isn't far fetched to assume in similar circumstances, I'd become suspicious or at least surprised to see someone I once was closer to initiated the end of a conversation like that. Perhaps I would ask why that was, maybe even ask if everything was ok... The fact that 'she' didn't, means to me that perhaps 'she' knew more than what 'she' expressed and finally did what you secretly hoped she would. Am I going astray? Isn't that like seeing in the future, knowing the lines of the characters of a movie, expecting the lines they'll say? ('scripted', pre-determined) Obviously, the context matters and I am only seeing some words without the voice, body language, accompanying signs... but perhaps in a certain setup that can be perceived as a bit too straightforward, some people (quite a few in fact) have a hard time absorbing so naked of a truth, might see it as an unempathetic remark. (I could be tooootally wrong about it, I must admit) This sounds as if you are living with, carrying regrets. Unanswered questions of some sort about the past.
  14. Hi @Olle Persson A few questions in hopes, that they help you, or those 'seeing' more than I do. a. What was happening in your life around the time of the conception of the dream? b. If in our dreams people aren't the real life equivalents but rather our own partially materialised psyche, characters... What aspect of you does she represent? c. If you 'knew' that she was going to do exactly what she did, why do you think you chose her to act in that way? What were you trying to make yourself 'see'? d. Which were the elements of your dream that you welcomed and those that you wished were different? What were the actions that depended on 'you' and those that were coming from 'outside'? e. When 'you' brought the conversation to an abrupt end, why didn't 'she' comment on that as 'her' being puzzled asking something instead... (but rather went along with the 'script') d. In real life, what did you like about her? Why were you attracted to her? What are the things that tend to remind you of her? Barnsley
  15. Hi there @Roxibillion, The main points perhaps (I reckon could be helpful) regarding your inquiry are: 1. 'Scaling down' - To a point where your means are in harmony, enabling a healthy focus for a suitable work&life balance, with THE CHILD(REN) in the centre of any and all decisions. Stefan Molyneux's short titled 'Teeth' sprungs to mind (income, parental attention, priorities) on the wayside. Homeschooling gives your kids an advantage (Peaceful Parenting, headstart in reading comprehension or math skills... etc) You only need to ensure that 'the arrow is placed in a well aimed, sufficiently drawn bow' - the first 5 yrs (I hear people say) , after which the bulk of parenting is done. Maintaining/aiding a good heading becomes so much easier. It's due to established trust, reinforced critical thinking, loving reciprocity, an incremental growth in becoming independent and encouraging assertiveness (and btw... are all part of being a responsible parent/guardian, I strongly believe.) 2. 'Security is an illusion' - diversifying skillsets, pursuing efficiency and investing in becoming more employable over time will raise the likelihood of better adjusting to unexpected events. What matters is that you have a steady income, more important than what's that you actually do in the moment (you can work towards a goal and achieve it over time I'm sure but it's awfully difficult if you are anxious in the process, having to continuously worry about the next day/month. So I'd stabilise first, then look for venues to expand. Foundations(scaling down helps a lot, here) ) 3. Interview - Do you know EXACTLY the qualities (traits, experience, skillset, overlaps) the job requires, what makes the person doing that specific job someone productive? How do they compare to those who are bad at it, why that is? caveat <If an applicant possessed 75% of the requirements you'd established, what could be perhaps overlooked, reinforced later in the job, while at it?> If yes, well.. Merit based filtering, people who are 'in motion', have proof(experience in the field) or achievements to show for are the way to go, I think. The most important thing being (from my own personal experience) is to establish whether the person is going to be a burden(no good foundations) or a fine addition(learns quickly, willingly, organised). People who simply do stuff, only coming to you if their best wasn't enough or if they see something down the line that could become potentially a problem and you should be pre-warned ahead of time to prepare adequately. (if it's required...) What are the signs that indicate critical thinking, pro-active attitude, constructivity is present in the candidate? Any real-life event based interview question in mind? I'd consider an individual who'd done things in the real world much more seriously than someone who only has 'papers'. If I'm being asked intelligent questions with hints of prior preparation of thought, that too speaks of 'how will I fit here' NOT 'what can I get from you' characteristics... etc. Have a look in here (getting a job, evaluating, to do's) And also here (for more resources for homeschooling related topics) "Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School.(...)" Will you let us know how things progress? (I'd be curious to know) Barnsley
  16. There's a lot to take away from the video but the most appealing to me was how Jordan B Peterson kept his composure, and actually listened carefully what was being said and their implications...contrary to his partner in the 'debate' (probably he kept reminding himself the lack of validity, the mere 'feels' charge of the comments made by Cathy N. each time she said anything) His body language also was masterful (not saying he acted, but..) appearing relaxed mostly at the same time radiating authority with conviction while providing arguments with reason and evidence. I am more than sure that he expected most of the 'inquisition' style questions, again that level of preparation clearly was absent for the other side(as so well put by Stefan M., Tim P., Sargon and many many more thinkers). The 'Gotcha' moment although is a clear sign of victory over ideologues, I believe more importantly made many viewers rooted in false beliefs get nearer to actually reconsidering if this well-spoken, serious looking man... is in fact a likeable, sympathetic person, perhaps not as evil as the propaganda tries to make him seem. At least he's been very respectful and DIDN'T INTERRUPT continously, like Cathy N. (Jordan B Peterson imo has 'planted some serious oak seedlings that'll grow to become majestic trees, overreaching the bushes of the fearful feminist swampland', the best time is now to help more waking up [internet] All he needed to do was: ° do his homework ° be honest ° listen carefully ° integrity with reason & evidence ) The video is 'educational' (especially because it's civilised as usual from J. B. P., role model material) , everyone should watch it, share it, discuss it... Barnsley p. s. Oh, one small addition about the fake news afterwards; how the fallout was reported and how the actual truth compares (source) to it.
  17. Hi @Phuein No, I haven't... to kindly answer your question. Have you tried audacity? It's a great multifaceted freeware, for de-essing here you'll find a multitude of 'quick' guides. Barnsley
  18. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    86. Peter Gabriel - The Feeling Begins 87. Dj Shadow - You can't go home again
  19. Hi FDR staff, affiliates, thanks all! Great panel, even greater balance of delivery & content. Downloaded it for a keeper, hope to see many more akin to it. I then remembered, more fan art could be added & updated (but I am no art wizard) Just gonna throw it out there... Mount Rushmore anyone? Big thanks to all, B.
  20. I see, you were referring to not but instead to A bit confusing but I think I got the gist of it. I mean... the other way around. So then a "By-definition honest debate" isn't subjective and can be used to reach universally preferable assumptions?
  21. Hi @Siegfried von Walheim /Nice new avatar./ Could you help me understand what do you mean under the quoted phrase? I mean, we can be dedicated to truth aside from saying things that are wrong but we believe to be valid. (If we are corrected, find out... no longer a problem, or it IS but we are malicious and that breaks universality [i.e. you can't see a black cat in a pitch dark room] )
  22. Hahaha, yes. More precisely "six by seven" (definitely not the other way around) {for those who are scratching their head}
  23. There's a short clip, called 'Truth Bomb', an excerpt from the recent full interview with Cathy N. It (the clip) contains both the positive (pursuit of truth) and the negative (if/why not... questions...) supportive arguments/reasons. It's the same, applicable to all interactions universally, be it a personal dialogue or a public speech. p.s. - Jordan B. Peterson isn't defending free speech. He explains its merit, demolishing the suggested counter arguments.
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