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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    38. Yoko Kanno - 35.7°C 39. Bonobo - Cirrus
  2. Hi all, Sargon of Akkad did a video on a subject closely related. Sargon of Akkad 's video. I think it is good to know that there's a list of professors out there associated with problems. the link of the list Barnsley
  3. Hi @Kikker I appreciate the time and effort you put into answering (to me what it seems like) in a way that's rather on the digestible side. Thanks for that. Yes and no. What you're describing isn't the state of the art anymore, since 2011. You can with relative ease make a neural network to recognize a chair. There are two main breakthroughs since we were able to do that. That's a gentle way to put it. I appreciate. Isn't that what everyone does for free for scroogle and alikes? ('click the squares that contains an image of a car') I know for a fact, that many aspects of webdesign are already implemented into the way interaction is, ie. in A/B testing to name one. Isn't that a bit of a far-strecth... I mean inspired - light, no caffeine, no sugar, no nothing? How many connections does an average neuron have thousands??? (well, I suppose evolution has a couple billions of years headstart to computer science) Huh. Reducing cost. This is going to be a cringe inducing question but if you don't mind, I'll risk it... Isn't the purpose of learning, is to encounter unknown parameters usually not within the previously projected boundaries? To any keen eyed (or 20/20 vision) observer, it'll be apparent that undergrowth, vegetation appearing/disappearing on lamp/electrical posts shouldn't be a part of reality. It's clear that the video is an approximation only, catering to expectations. It serves the purpose but naturally doesn't stand up for scrutiny, almost just a foreshadow of a 'could be virtual reality 2.0' in my humble opinion. Nevertheless, creepy to me. I suppose that's the end goal that so far no one has figured out how to manifest physically. Oh, no man. Absolutely, fascinating stuff. Thanks again for making an effort to translate it into 'plain English'. I'm sure many agrees with me at least on that one. Barnsley
  4. Hello @fstearns1 Well, there's... that (see. Parent-offspring regression) Barnsley p.s. (isn't particularly important, though speaks about your views how you chose the language... Countering an effect is only possible if it exists... So, yeah. Your ask is not valid.)
  5. Hi there, First off, apologies for answering so late I hadn't noticed that you wrote, plus didn't check the thread regularly. Sorry, man. (I wish I had bookmarked my sources, will have to seek them out again... no worries.) You put me into a tight spot (or I've put myself... whatever), appreciate it. Thanks for your directness too. Now, that housekeeping is approximately been done, let's do this... Would you say that a person having been a participant/involved in pornography is more than likely to be biased? (for full measure, I'm sure I have my own, other biases) Neuw.. I didn't say tabacco sales were immoral, nor do I think porn related merchandise is. And I didn't say that. I haven't even implied, did I?! If I did, I made an error and upon you quoting what you think was that, I'm happy to put out a correction. Square cut, my issue is with the message that porn is in our society. Sure, lewdity's been around since the genders separated but I aim to raise awareness (here also) of how porn is misconstrued same as smoking (not so much now, since the horrid images and all but the additives and no exclusion from health care doesn't help... and I don't mean that state interference is good in any way-shape-form either, but let's not go into that, here. Bear with me.) Ultimately, it all boils down to the susceptibility of humans to adrenaline/endorphin... etc. inducing lizard brain rooted backdoors that in a society that has been dumbed down (thanks boomers) takes immense effort to counterbalance even to the point of starting to formulate a basic understanding. That's why I'm here, why I believe conversations like this can one day get the hedonism without boundaries be properly framed for 'hedonism without boundaries, now you know and can make an educated decision' type of a realisation in more people. I have no qualms about people making 'bad decisions' or people thinking they aren't but they are in fact due to being obnoxious... sure, it's all fine with me. Unless they are my friends or loved ones. In which case I'm in their face(well intended, caring a loooot) , doing my best to get them to see things until I'm sure they do. I understand the transformation of the industry, same is happening to the media industry... except for the addictive hormonal lure that is way more harder to rationally control than which outlets you turn on for your intellectual needs. You see, I don't think it is clear just how disproportionate the addictive nature of porn compared to other online/visual related triggering mechanisms. It's how the specie reproduces, certainly a few hundreds of millions of years count more than a couple decades(additives), hundred(commercialisation), thousands(origins) of smoking. I think it matters how susceptible is the human specie to certain impulses, they all differ and the deeper something is 'hardcoded' the more warning should be presented. "- Porn is not courting. No porn stars think "Hmm let me get into porn so I can find marriage." Hahaha, that's funny. And true, yes. I don't think that would be the case, no. However, the chances of getting a proper look at just what the real world is, given the zeitgeist (politics, the bloated and far-reaching nature of statist organisation) doesn't really encourage a fair introduction to what future consequences are out there. Maybe you've been lucky and had 'woken up' parents, nurturing and caring support groups... but I didn't really got to see that happening throughout my short life, so far. (I have disregarded my own foo experience here, as it's been f'ked up, so no good reason including it due to bias. I am referring to friends, other people and their background I got to see.) Perhaps you are right, if you've meant that my arguing goes much further than just the topic at hand. Nevertheless, I don't take kindly to seeing you including me within 'blanket terms', I don't think you had the opportunity to get to know me well enough for that. Still, you could be right. In a sense, I get what you mean... Integrity of the values that you guess I uphold, therefore I shouldn't speak against those... right?! My problem isn't with what people do, but 'from what set of keys they choose for different doors. I am here, to add more keys/dust off unused ones, even if people choose to pick up another one for a different door.' You are right in one thing though. I am arguing for the greater good. BUT I can only suggest, add to the conversation a piece, any questions regarding 'what is the greater good?' I can only answer by saying 'the more bad things we get to eliminate, the closer we get'. It would be trying to come up with the best way to survive during the next ice-age/extinction event/cringe inducing social gathering. How the hell, would anyone know ahead of time? Though some will get lucky, that's for sure. Others will be easier at adjusting, a few might even take a radical 180...statistics, but no certainty either way. You asked me to provide 'proof', here 'tis: (yes, read them all... I had to. I went back to the same ones. Or skip it, free choice.) source 1 source 2 source 3 source 4 I have nothing against porn stars or politicians for that matter. My qualms are with their actions/message or lack of, but ultimately it's not even that. A snake oil salesman won't sell much if people had the opportunity to not be coerced into thinking a certain way... or at least the scam artists will rather look for a more lucrative market. Not really. Smoking weed is a mind altering substance. It might not impair judgement the same, but it does and same with people's tendency to drink&smoke, I think it is safe to say smoking weed doesn't allow for full moral agency. Hard drugs? Yeah, maybe less heroin... BUT They do lots of cocaine & drink alcohol. Probably the men do less(cocaine). Same as the movie industry, right?! (((c. Not true. Pornstars actually have lower rates of STDs.))) I grant you that, once they become 'professional' they might do more screening for things like that. "d. If capitalizing on a human desire that leads to addiction, I am assuming you consider all people involved in adult industry just as equal to gambling, alcohol, cigarettes, TV shopping channels, credit card companies, things like ebay, facebook, McDonalds and a million other things that are KNOWN to be addictive to weak people." C'mon man, what am I supposed to say to such a ridiculous claim? Please don't exaggerate. Of course I didn't say that. I wish to keep my respect for you and the convo... I'd prefer that. Barnsley
  6. Came across as I was doing research (amateur, I'm no scientist) Worth a read here (infogalactic) Mind-boggling, fascinating. Barnsley
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    36. Pfm - The Western (1995) 37. Juryman - Overstrechin
  8. Very nice @Kikker I am not able to say more now, than just that. Later I'll expand, promise. Barnsley
  9. Yes, you did say. I am glad we both agree, narcissists can't be fixed from 'the outside'.
  10. I don't think it is force if the other habitants of the village withhold EVERYTHING they own from the said 'well-owner' and just keep up their own right to property by lets say fencing off EVERYTHING else. Sooner or later the 'well-owner' must come to terms of not being able to survive on only water and the negotiations can begin. Easy peasy. (even though this is a ridiculously restricted thought experiment.. I know, I know.. but don't see why such a thing would exist in reality)
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    34. BADBADNOTGOOD - Confessions (ft. Leland Whitty) 35. Yoko Kanno - 2nd life
  12. Hi, Yes, sure of course. Nobody feels great getting aid from unknown individuals with undefined motives. I was into the 'how' to define those intentions... ie. - I can trust more an unknown individual if there's a stated monetary gain involved or an expectation of a clearly stated reciprocal favour request. - Would these fall under your 'pure' category? Barnsley
  13. Hi @RichardY Again it seems like you are going into many different branches and I can't follow, nor see the connections to what I had responded to you but just vaguely. It is annoying me, but I'm not angry just inconvenienced. I think I'll pass for now. Take it easy, Barnsley
  14. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    32. Kitaro - Symphony of The Dreams 33. Yoko Kanno - Bells for Her
  15. Welcome @J. John The red-pill stuff... yeah, there's a whole new world out there. Good stuff, seeing you around! Barnsley
  16. Thank you @RichardY, that's exactly what I had asked for. I need to re-read the flow... but you made me bog down with because I don't know if curiosity is a manifestation of kindness or the other way around. I don't think it's part of, it must be since scientific curio... later. Not the current topic. (bookmarked it) I went through the whole flow but couldn't find any other mentions of comfort. I'd prefer some leveling if you don't mind. A. Were you referring to it as a noun, synonymous to : convenience, cosiness? (ie. being in a bubble, protection) B. Rather a verb, as in: mitigate, soften? (having 'cared for', looked after) I got the direction of the questions given the 'soul rotting' property you'd put forward. Yes, you're certainly right about the opportunity cost and the value of boundaries / self-knowledge correlation (The vase, the boundary...) . Probably it's me who went astray previously but I had thought you were implying that virtues could run out in a real friendship, that they were finite. I don't think we always act with virtues in a friendship, nor that we have an equal amount of opportunities for acting virtuously over time (consequences, stacking, op. cost as you'd mentioned). We always have the opportunity to choose to act virtuously, even if the effect of it won't be as strong, say if we had always acted virtuously. Similarly, I do think that 'a well maintained car is much more likely to keep going still, after the 10th day of grueling safari ride'. The only problem is that we all know when we are sought after because of some other gains rather than for being virtuous. It's a nasty feeling, I could never stand a friend reporting it to me having experienced our relationship as such. True friendships don't allow for much 'gaps between the visits to the mechanic' , or that the dynamics (the way in which we conduct ourselves) deviate greatly. That's why my emphasis on truth. No lies to remember, easier to negotiate and enable 'friendly dick-punches'.
  17. Hi @Dylan Lawrence Moore Thumbs up on your creation, hope it adds value and understanding to those seeking answers. If you were interested in my take, regarding how to deal with such individuals (accepting full agency and giving full agency) : What does it mean to 'deal' with? Fixing? Worthless to even try. You can't have a relationship with someone who doesn't want to be in a real time relationship. It's illusory. Until they start caring about others. Then it's different. Managing? Coldly, sharing as little as possible. They're a black hole with a strong gravity, anything that comes near the 'event horizon' never sees the light again. Keeping them at a constant distance with jetpacks pre-warmed is a wise precaution. If anyone is locked up in the ABC (Stefan M.'s reference = Accidental Biological Cage), just do as they say and as quickly as possible. Be as conflict avoiding as possible and start planning your freedom, a future with people who are not seeing you as livestock. Evil people make evil decisions forever, don't risk being infected with their cognitive dissonance. Barnsley
  18. @RichardY True. If someone doesn't manifest curiosity that too excludes virtue. I'm not able to see what your abstractions are about, they're simply over my head. Maybe you did answer all, some, any of my questions... I just couldn't figure out their meaning. Would you like to use your own words instead and say their meanings in plain English? Barnsley
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    30. Leszek Możdżer - Smells like teen spirits 31. Thomas Newman - Any Other Name
  20. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    27. Yoko Kanno - Queens Valley 28. Diplo - Sarah 29. Apocalyptica - 'Coma'
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    24. Boards of Canada - Poppy Seed (BOC remix) 25. The Herbaliser - A mother 26. Yoko Kanno - The goldfish (part 1)
  22. [Off topic, feel free to skip if preferred... I'm not texan, don't plan to live there... yet, and have heard quite a few good things about the state.] Is it true that Texas is somewhat regarded as one of the most important state when it comes to festivals, art related programmes within the whole U.S.A.? (big names, well established venues, frequent and diverse assortment of events?) Barnsley
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