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Everything posted by barn

  1. I'm not sure. (Do you wish me to chime in? Although you quoted my words, it seems rather neutral the way it's appearing. Almost as if you wanted to ask me directly but not so much. Maybe I'm wrong in my assertion about that.) You can disregard my clarification if you weren't interested in the first place. (I'm mostly gearing it towards to those who might have a similar 'hiccup' or haven't read UPB, haven't seen all the movies... etc.) One of the main & necessary foundation (how I internalised it) of UPB is free will. Another (here) relevant is you'd not want to be instrumental in more tragedy in someone's life who you know is on a path to self-destruction because you confirmed it with reason & evidence. (It's against UPB) I think it is fair to say that Anakin was choosing the dark path several times, out of his free will...(some caveats like slavery and having been born with the force can be set aside easily, none of those came from his free choice) In my mind (if you add up all the above + a UPB MASTER isn't gonna allow for the detrimental of his/her own values due to maintaining integrity) Anakin would have been sent away with his 'lunchbox' and a great reminder of the intrinsic values of 'being a Jedi' after a great chat with Yoda or someone equally perceptive. He would have been gently and honestly told, why he wasn't ready (yet) to be equipped with more responsibility and probably offered free counseling in one of the pleasant wings of the academy, near a soothing lake or park. But straight up refused. Filtered out, rejected with reason & evidence. UPB stuff really. Have you read the book if I may inquire? Barnsley
  2. Yo, @Spladam /I did my best to condense, yet not lose meaning. Please enjoy reading, looking forward to hearing from you./ I think it really depends on the experience they've had before they begin their apprenticeship. The mind set one has when going into an apprenticeship is crucial to success in the apprenticeship. If you have a negative mindset, you will look for the worst in it, and Vice-Versa. As for choosing the apprenticeships, both need to be considered. If the apprenticeship is for Elizabeth's sons to learn skills, then it should be in regards to personal attributes (strengths/weaknesses) if it is for education for a future career, then both need to be considered. How far is the apprentice willing to compromise with each factor? It's really good that you asked, I can see how my wording is less than 'most efficient'. I'm enjoying the 'convo' with you. Really, I wish nothing less for you, surely let me know if you need me to adjust or have a comment to share... really. Allow me to clarify (1,2,3) first and then reply to what you wrote afterwards. (My intention is to be succinct, sorry if I repeat concepts you already are conscious of, seemed like it was a necessary thing to do.). All the points are regarding best suitability, how ONESELF's best integration is chosen by HIM/HER, in order to get what's desired, harmonious with HIS/HER interests. I know they are two boys, but this is a universal for everyone. I know their mom is trying to help but I wanna' make sure she only does that, plus allow for mistakes. (and I'm not saying she isn't at all. That's why I am asking questions, being curious to her.) (Others choosing for us has nothing to do with taking responsibility/free will. = there's no agency of the self, unless we defer to someone (preferably because they have provable authority) but that's a conscious choice already, we choose to not choose but let others do it for us.) That's why I wanted to establish if she was ready to negotiate without coercion. That's why I wanted to establish you yourself subscribed to your apprenticeship, back in the day. That's why I inquired about how the 'vetting' is formulated in her mind. (i. e. - The goal is...(X) Therefore the opposite(-X) or unrelated(Y) isn't appropriate for the goal itself. Either the goal or the approach should be reviewed as in -> Am I still certain/should I change any of these? = X,- X,Y). because One chooses the 'price'(what effort is required, direct consequences encountered) to pay, and the 'allocation of opportunity cost' (while you choose one thing, you can't do another. If you enroll in a course and it's booring, you miss out on an interesting one, better use the opportunity more economically the next time) with the natural (and great) requirement of taking responsibility for choosing. Your success is yours only if you do that. Clarification (1) of 3 - 'makeup of people there' - the importance of being in an environment of dedicated, helpful, responsible, industrious people who are pro-actively doing stuff, radiating enthusiasm. VS. none or little of those Clarification (2) of 3 - 'personal attributes' - the importance of motoric skills, verbal affinity, abstract thinking capabilities, + big 5 personality assessment VS. not taking stock and essentially going in 'blind'. Clarification (3) of 3 - 'curr./proj. economic value' - the importance of assessing through research, interviews with actual professionals the need for & ROI (return on investment), the 'niche' nature of any activity/skill now & in the probable future VS. enrolling in something that has already started to get automatised and will become sooner rather than later a 'thing that's also done by robots/holds little and decreasing economic value already.' I had posted a thread here about automation. Very sobering reminder and a great example of how free market IS making the world a better place. I hope that explains very well my motives, approach, intentions. - - - - now to your constructive additions - - - - 1. (A or B) What would you prefer and why? 2. (A or B) If it turns out that the route wasn't good, which could net you more and better quality information in order to make better decisions in the future? Why? [A.] That a career path had been laid down for you that you didn't partake really in choosing/consciously gave up the choice (even no action IS a form of action)? or [B.] That you laid down your own career path, doing the best you could in choosing and striving for success while in pursuit. (You'd formulated prior the answers to What?- Why?- How's that a benefit?- questions.) Wabalabadubdub? See 'ya, Barnsley
  3. Hi @ShindouHikaru Those are strong words directed at yourself and others. (I'm not saying bad/good, only noticing the ferocity) There are a great many conflicts going on in the 'rationale' you put forward. Many questions too. Curiosity is definitely healthy and essential in my opinion. Before any knowledge can be lived, it has to be integrated. Before integration you need to understand it, that's why critical thinking is so helpful. Seeing the IS, that's where the truth begins. If I had to encompass various responses to many of your questions (coping, being part of society, social groups...) Because I choose to. Wholeheartedly. I prefer to be my true self, rather than adopt continously a persona to the whims of others and feel the fading away that comes with it. (and I can only love the virtuous, they are the only ones who are real in life so I even feel good to be rejected by someone despicable, devious. Someone who preferred for example that I was someone else.) Barnsley
  4. Hi, a couple snippets, You are making it work, one paper at the time. (nobody hears the trees growing, only when they fall.) So basic but so few people actually take the effort to speak to a real-life professional before starting at Uni... (my other anecdotes come from a friend who's now a poor but dedicated archaeologist, the other who's a lawyer without 'plugs' and an architect who's been doing mainly odd jobs with occasional success at getting a few temp contracts. 'Failing to plan is planning for...') Part of the 'game'. Ouch. Yes. HR. But. How about this? Recently I was interested to learn more about panic attacks (lovely isn't it) and was stunned to learn how easily it can be treated. Obviously I will have to run it by a few people I know have trained in relevant fields... But the 'truth' is "Panic attacks can produce some of the most terrifying sensations imaginable but they cannot cause you any actual physical or mental harm. No matter how extreme. " That's interesting, isn't it? Now if we shape it to fit your issue... Would it be possible to keep your cool in sessions with those 'succubi', reminding yourself that you are a professional and emotional involvement is distraction? I would recommend you observed your own self-fulfilling prophecies (if any, maybe there aren't, but I suspect that there are a few...) Who knows, you might get down to de-weeding bad habitual thinking and coming out a new you, a balanced and professional you. Imagine the scenario where regardless the 'perceived' stress you said what you wanted and didn't what you preferred to hold back. Another good way to look at it is that there's absolutely nothing personal in the 'roasting'. Like a personal trainer, who is paid to make people suffer. He is working. That's what he is getting paid for. Any of this clicks? - - - - Flowery language - - - - No sh@t. How about caged animals or divorcees leaving the court(thinking about whether they'll be at least able to hold onto their own toothbrush) ... I bet they don't feel too upbeat and dandy neither. Of course, man! Approval is essential. That's why you must choose goals you have a chance reaching, therefore proving to yourself worth and follow-through. Self-esteem is rooted in your success, appreciation of your values. i. e. - Say you had dark hair. If I tried to tease you for having dark hair (other than you looking funny at me), you'd just brush it off. Why? Because YOU KNOW YOUR HAIR IS DARK. What's the counterpart to doubt? Certainty. Certainty in yourself. Acceptance and feeling proud because of your virtues you have developed. No extremes are healthy. The one I suspect(I'm theorising here, excuse my extrapolation if any) you hold, therefore kicking yourself for not having already 'conquered the world'. (irrational, un-examined objectives without proper warm-up, and finally not seeing results because they are to huuge as of yet. With the current set of devices, at this stage, temporarily.) or Feeling on the top of the world, until you realise you've been just lucky and/ the surroundings was no match for your skills, abilities. (irrational, un-examined again... you see this a lot with over-bearing yet under-performing bosses) Start winning. Start it now. Look around, what IS that's a healthy challenge and you could win it. Reasonably. And first complete the challenge before you would carefully nudge the aim a bit higher to proceed for a greater challenge. No half done stuff. i. e. - I can make 700 on the side. I am now committing to making 750. Is it a challenge? (yes.) Good. Now, what will I need to reach that? (improving? how?) I got it. Good. Now, what will I do to help myself to ensure I can do it? (doable? when? how? - if no, go back to the drawing board and scale back a bit, until it's viable.) Got it. I'm prepared. (Yes,I'm fully equipped for winning, it's doable) Let's do this! I'm winning again. I feel good. Barnsley
  5. Hi @RichardY Thanks but no thanks. (Very convoluted, I couldn't figure out the jumps many times but looong seconds later. I guess this is what it means when people tell me I skip too many steps, running up the staircase. Humbling reminder, thanks.) I'm not comfortable with the continuation under (seems to me) the same standards you had followed. Too fragmented for me and I don't feel connected enough to be able to focus on what matters. I also see that if it continues we won't be having a dialogue and I'm not into monologues here and now. That's not saying I didn't have fun with what you had posted. See you round, Barnsley P.S : Multitasking. Would worth a thread of its own. I did research (amateur) into it and so far it's 'cutting a cake into different sized slices, the cake never gets bigger. The smaller the slice(allocated attention) the hungrier(quality/efficiency) the kid'. i. e. If you had to send a sealed envelope with a stamp, a letter inside.. Would you be quicker & better done doing all at once (fold, place, stick, glue) or by proceeding each sub-task separately. (production line, tasks in blocks obviously. Even in art there are blocks) But I can understand why someone with exceptionally large base pool of attention can seemingly allocate from it without (seemingly, illusory) noticeable (to the average person) drop of performance. Barnsley
  6. Ah, I see. That's different. No. This thread isn't just 'in relation to willpower' (please read the first post, because it seems.. ) Were you lazy enough to not have read the first post? (There's no mention of how to achieve/strenghten willpower.) Did you choose to ignore the first post and went ahead disregarding the query? (About the origin, correlations, philosophy.. ) Sure. You're free to not read what I wrote(I remember, I started the thread) and speak your mind randomly on this public forum that many people will see, yes. I don't think it is very productive or respectful but, yes feel free. You're absolutely free also to quote from books, not pertaining to the thread's intention, possibly making others doubt if you had any original thought or what and if you wished to partake in the actual topic or pay no attention to it. I encourage you to start another thread, so far your contributions (as I see it, in this thread) hold little value, other than the words 'willpower'. Regards, Barnsley P.S. : (and I'd been really accommodating before, haven't I? Yet you haven't responded to my questions there neither...)
  7. True. Not all 5 petalled flowers are roses. At least botanically. True. A crying baby is(without second guessing) indefinitely right. Always, no exception. Me neither and... shouldn't. Cold, maan. Mostly true, Though I did graduate with someone who became to be one of the best GP (I guess, seeing his dedication) And I have no intention muddying the water between said groups. If it seemed I blurred the lines, let me be clear. Gypsies are Gypsies. Romanians are Romanians. Sure. (compared to what) Yeah, well there are occurrences of 'Venn diagram style' overlaps but I'm not saying anything more or less than experience data at an individual level. (1 anecdote here, my emotional biases incorporated) Do you think I've clarified it fairly? Barnsley
  8. Eh?! Ou.. key..?! ??? (Oh, the funsies..) Barnsley
  9. You're welcome @Elizbaeth and I hope (occasionally) me being a bit of a 'shard in the eye' is perceived as my constructive attitude. I would certainly ask myself them first, hence my line of thinking. I still think and repeat the same. Brave, intelligent woman is the image I have in my mind. (kinda jealous of your sons, looking back im my own history ... ya'know, there's a bit of a longing for a past I never had as a boy growing up, but your children will do. Thanks to you. Good stuff. Before you'd console, don't worry about it, it'd been processed in my past before and all I wanna say with this, it is probably partly responsible for me wanting to help here. Anyways. More power to you and the unity of your family. Rooting for ya' all, no doubt about that.) Brown colour - Is it just me, or I'm correctly sensing that the topic is largely under your district only (As in, the only person really in charge is you. You make the decisions about the children's education (?). Nothing wrong with it, if the two of you had agreed to deferral of authority to you by virtue of being superior or... similar). I am assuming this due to not knowing anything about what your 'other half' is thinking. I just don't remember you mentioning it. Have I missed it? Am I mischaracterising by saying there's not an overabundance of 'we believe/agree', 'our idea is... ','I see why my husband would want to...', 'He's been aiming to... to which I said... and then we... ' - frameworks...? I would be curious as to what your super smart (you claimed, I believe you, zero condescending) 'other half' had contributed. It's 'cos (married life is = siami twins = joined at the hips = 'I see you, you see me) you are a team. A unity. Ruby - Pertaining (a smidgen) to the first point but gently transitioning into my next point. If you can't ensure safety, beneficial outcome to the aim you'd set out to reach, shouldn't you go back to the drawing board? (with Bob Ross to soothe your anxious wanting to paint the 'bestest of the best scenery'... nope, forget Bob Ross, there's your husband.) Get some manly insights? He's a man, he's been once a boy. I'm sure he'll have really, really good insights when connecting with the topic. Work together. Voice your concerns the same as you did starting the stem of the thought, plus verbalise the desired. Having a concept for an ideal scenario helps you navigate better. You told me what you wouldn't do, and I got a glimpse of what you supposed, could be/might a doable path.. nothing solid though, (this is my assertion, I might be wrong but hey!...) ... why not run that past by your husband? Who knows, what he'd be able to contribute, adding to the plan something you'd missed. (You never know, 'other halves' tend to do that to the pleasant surprise of everyone involved. More often than anticipated.) Sand - I asked specifically for the knowledge of learning styles because you shouldn't encourage an activity that isn't in harmony with their (each individual set of) traits, naturally. In short, you wouldn't recommend that someone did the same thing you'd struggled with if you wanted them to succeed better than you did. Or at least you would tell them about all your failings, difficulties, so that they might start out 'prepped, smarter'. i. e. Kinaesthetic learners strive better with tactile reinforcement, auditorial preferential is towards linguistic/heard word & retention of spoken words and the visually oriented got to see the big picture or else, she/he feels lost... so on, because there's also gradients. What I'm getting at is, you need to properly identify. Why? For the added benefit of having a structure for your children to utilise, employ in any field. Yeah, any field. You can learn the same but with different approaches. Children who have an awareness of tools to employ at their disposal when conquering any subject WILL do better than those who innately gifted at one or the other field. Talent isn't really a big deal, really. Even better, industriousness and conscientiousness can make up for many multitudes of 'blessed with' attributes. Mind blowing, eh?! - - - - Flowery language ahead - - - - I don't think I have to introduce you to the bullsh&t detector kids come with straight from the assembly line. Therefore I would like to highlight two quotes I feel are good to be heard and fully subscribe myself. (because sooner or later, your sons will see them for themselves, they might even read this comvo for all I know. In which case, hey dudes! How's it going?) "You need a meal, you eat anything. You love a meal, you'll wait for the BEST. " and " Love is our involuntary reaction to virtue, if we are virtuous ourselves." Barnsley
  10. May I (and probably others) inquire why you think this is of outmost importance, other than the words being drawn up by the publishers? (Well intended, genuine curiosity regarding your thought processes.) Barnsley
  11. Something on the side. In a Spanish city, culturally held up high and to the south... I'd seen with my own eyes a Romanian woman (recognised the half gipsy words, when spoken to the associates) wondering about on a touristic venue asking for money, holding her(?) child. I was naturally going through in my mind about (Wrecklessness, vs. survival / grab at anything dynamics usually being involved in the life's of many if not all similarly 'down in the dumps' /possibly/ individuals when our tour guide made a comment that I bet not many would be able to forget) circumstantial inner-chatter, until... I was told that it's (supposedly, by whom are locals, should(?) I take their comments serious... damn.) common for the child to be mildly sedated using opiates, poppy seeds extracts or tea of some sort to instill the desired effect from the tourists... Faaaa&#k! Mindmelt. It's very difficult for me to think back. Have I sinned? Well, no. I'm not batman, nor was I on a mission... but still. Changing / ruining the world one child at a time. Faaaa*&k! (this is me weaseling out) It also happened before I was red-pilled. Perhaps my punishment is to never forget that, definitely won't be the same again, if I am to face the same dilemma. I honestly don't want to test it,though. There 'ya go. Sigh. Unease. Barnsley
  12. The Dunning&Kruger effect should be a mandatory interview question. (the abstract - find it here) Barnsley
  13. Exactly. {If I've extracted your meaning correctly.} Correlation itself isn't proof. Execution is equally or more important than the aim, failing to maintain high enough standards will ruin the effectiveness. Giving a 'sextant' to a child doesn't mean it will be able to navigate the seas. Barnsley
  14. Hi thinkers and alike, (some housekeeping first) Disclaimer : From here, there'll be spoilers. So continue reading at your own discretion. I wouldn't dare to take 'pot shots' at UPB or the well intended (unless I had good arguments against, which I don't = I use it, it works... not an argument, though.) , simply because I hold them dear to me, plus have a great respect for the virtuous. (If I do, please call me out on it.) This is a video Stefan Molyneux did on the Force Awakens and another, Harry Potter, Star Wars and the Violent Fantasies of Crushed Souls and about Carrie Fisher.. RIP Carrie Fisher | Star Wars Princess Leia my aim here: Is to discourage the uninitiated from developing a liking to Star Wa... nope, that's not it lemme' try once again.. Is to shine a light(no pun intended) on the 'bright/good side' suggesting that certainly it wasn't so bright, while also reminding people/having a discussion about the sophistry that's been going on in each&all movies (at times), caveats that will rewrite entire narratives but are rooted in philosophy. - - - - (now to the 'meat of the matter') If a MASTER UPB philosopher had taught at the Central Jedi Academy, there wouldn't have been any problem teaching the young Anakin Skywalker (mind-fiddly: Jesus-ish connotations regarding his birth?! Eh?!) to fully embrace the 'suck', learning to properly allocate responsibility/process emotions and he wouldn't have wanted to join the dark side. E-veR. No way. Barnsley
  15. Hi @Chris hart Sure, let me know when you are ready, I'll share my current responses afterwards. Also, take your time if you need to. Later, Barnsley
  16. Hi @FMMLiberty (background: I'm no manager now, though had a tiny bit of experience several times leading smll-mid sized groups of people, doing my own 'thingy' entrepreneurial-ishly. Currently working my way towards making even more and bigger failed attempts at the next stage of success. Yeah, baby! embrace the 'suck'! - definitely, no pun intended.) 1/4 contribution - I'm not able to 'square the circle' around why aren't you hiring yourself. Could it be done you think? I wouldn't be hyperbolic if I supposed you could stuff your brain quite easily with more skills, 'knaaalidge', would I?! My favourite approach so far is of Mike Cernovich's (I'm not giving it justice here, better check it out in his book Gorilla mindset) "start small, keep your job, 'GIT GUD', watch your heath-inner talk and stay centered" and then notice how you are beginning to transition to the 'big-league mindset' with proof to show for. 2/4 contribution - Isn't social awkwardness tightly related to self-esteem and the 'not up to par operation of your radar system'? my line of thinking: (cliché but could be useful) " Birds of a feather flock together. " i.e. - Your conscious standards DO NOT match that of your unconscious desires, manifesting in some form(s) of unintended cognitive dissonance(s)? (If I'm projecting or way off, apologies for that. Really, just thought I might mention it.) 3/4 contribution - Stefan Molyneux once said something like (sorry, yet again I'm approximating..) "You need a meal, you eat anything. You love a meal, you wait for the BEST!" < 'wait'ing I think he meant = keep your eyes on the ball, while being pro-active in the direction of > 4/4 contribution - Yeah, sure everyone expects from the entry level staff the job just to be done. No high openness required (in most lower rangs) but if a company is well-run, for sure the higher ups are looking for candidates who will be their replacements (upward mobility) and that's when the 'out of the box thinking', the reliability, the dedication to the brand is being tested for real. And hope you don't mind me not going into the usual caveats of cultural/plug related(networking) and exceptional market scenario related things. I'm trying to make point, a rule of a thumb sort of argument. Here I would recommend another great read from Scott Adams, How to fail... - especially (for my point here as a supplement) the part where he speaks of having been accepted for a position but already applying for the next one going up... and makes a staggeringly good argument there. Read it if you can, you'll do yourself a favour (I am certain). +1 contribution - When I was looking for therapy, I went through a couple. My thought process was this: "I'm not looking for a therapist or counselling. I'm doing my best to find answers and I will need the best way/person to help me with that." - - - - Thanks for your time and effort coming back and posting an update, don't worry about how much it took you. You did it, most of the people don't. Looking forward to reading your posts, oh and one more thing... In here, I didn't experience you one bit awkward. Is that because I myself am too fall in that category or categories are just categories... Have a good one, Barnsley
  17. Obviously, you're asking the wrong crowd (imho, as a whole, from a medical standpoint). Speak with professionals, get a second opinion. Look up trusted sources, do the math yourself. Contrast your medical history to those who already received 'shots' and weigh the negative consequences of the other side too. All in all, I have this highly intellectual contribution to remind you of superficiality.. Barnsley
  18. Hey there @RichardY My constructive intentions (those are colours) going forward.. (feel free to subscribe to them, or not) Brown (I .) - If I am correctly projecting into the future(humorously a smidgen), your long post is due to be completed in the next 'eon' +/- an eternity & a blink. Do you think we could shave off just a little bit? May I ask that we do that? Ruby (II.) - Would you say it could work to place new, relatively lower priority ideas/concepts on a parking orbit (we agree to come back to it later) and pursue the main path with 'less stuff in our backpacks'? May I ask that we do that or something that nets a near identical outcome? It's 'cos I know myself enough to not give into 'fragmentation' and at the same time I also wish to retain my intellectual integrity towards you, aiming for (rather) quality responses/additions. And I know I won't be able to do 'dat' if I am to partake in the current trend. Sorry. Sand (III .) - Quotation are fine I suppose, though they come with the potential of 'interpretation cost' and the obvious nature of them being 'reduced to the core' which is also fine, I guess. What I'm saying is that I don't necessarily experience (see, no judgement on you, it's my perception) YOU IN YOUR POSTS as much as I would desire to. I am perfectly fine with people using their own words more often, trusting that their partner(s) will seek common understanding, signaling if feeling left behind. (ultimately that's my main GIST for 'ya kind Sir!) Wabalabadubdub ?! ?! ?! Barnsley
  19. Haha... You a'right, fella! (I always find the way you greet so upbeat... giggles, respectfully) I think all of those are important distinctions from the standpoints of the quality/weight of the experience and your learning to continously making better decisions (if you are responsible, which I suspect you are). Thanks for responding to that. One last thing. What would you say, how much weight the makeup of the people carry when it comes to any apprenticeship experience and if apprenticeships should be chosen regarding personal attributes (strength/weaknesses) or current/projected economic value TO ONESELF? < i.e. - Working amongst highly industrious people/not but the skill is it's own value - choosing something that you have had an inkling/not but you get to improve 5% in the end - online brand management is and at a rise/people will continue to live in houses, the good tradesman will always have clients > I'm definitely going to start learning a trade physically too (e.g. - solar/heat collector installation, electric bike repair... etc.). Currently reading up on my own, looking for a cheap entry opportunity btw. I should perhaps create a thread soon about it. Barnsley
  20. That's a very healthy observation if you ask me. Even if there are those who only see 'magic' while others know how it is performed, large crowds had gathered time and time again to see/be part of 'the magic' happening and it probably won't change for a few more thousands of years. Knowledge is economic potential, such as others' laziness and superficiality. From where I stand (layman), your understanding of the topic is good enough to actually start learning about the different methods bitcoin can be connected with 'monetary devices' (at least that's what I would do next). Hand in hand with continously researching the background of the 'operators' and their commitment to security, keeping bitcoin 'untainted from central control' if (in any way) that's achievable on the long run. (because to me it seems the majority in the sector is trying to demote crypto from it's true form to something 'manageable'... my suspicion, that's the wrong direction.) (two cliché-s, I hope I'm not boring you with.) Great starts makes great finishes. contrasted with It ain't over 'till it's over. I saved your comments as they further helped me simplify articulating characteristics and added valuable experience based info. Have a good one, Barnsley
  21. Hi @mgggb That's O. K. at least you did respond eventually. (Although full-in sounds good from the dedication aspect, hopefully you'll be sensible enough too... having read your other comments, I'd say 'haphazard' isn't your style.) Live long and prosper! Barnsley
  22. Howdy, (adressing the thread's query.. ) Nope. Pretty cosy, all is well. I wish to see the continuation of growth of the forum and it's 'inhabitants' the same. /About the vote system - I support and facilitate any mechanism that enables greater self-awareness and the opportunity to experience positive/negative consequences closely mirroring choices of individuals. So, that's exactly what I have experienced, so far. Still cosy and having a good time. If it gets better, fantastic./ Have a good one, Barnsley
  23. Hi @Eudaimonic All of my living real-life rolemodels have been people with a 'straight spine', had developed above average listening skills and solid, simple arguments about why they do what they do (and I don't mean empty justifications). Either for support or criticism, there was a steady and consistent style. I'm sure they had their flaws but when contrasting with their virtues it wasn't anything that constituted to much. I couldn't help but lean towards giving a second thought to their recommendations even if I wanted else. I just could never shake the sensation of their words coming from a 'genuine place' and me being in the phase that the adults called 'rebellious teenager years'. Not all of them are intelligent or adept at interpersonal skills to the same level. Though I am certain all of them stand for something(their life has a meaning) and pursue things pro-actively, embracing bumps&hiccups. (My parents and family... like night & day. I rebelled a lot against any and all at a certain age, then withdrew as the oppression got unbearable, until the day I waved good bye forever. It's one of my decisions that I'm truly proud of having made.) Barnsley
  24. Hi there, Did you get to choose or was it a requirement?
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