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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi, 0. Military is for the last resort, the self-defense. It's aim (ideally) is to protect a group from outside coercion when all negotiation fails and threat is present. A. There are women perfectly capable to shoulder smash a door down, though very few compared to men. Plus statistically women are better at tending the injured than causing physical harm (except unequal power distribution, see child beating, single mom's putting children at risk willfully) B. Women as a whole make different choices in life compared to men and that's great. i.e.: no kids, no civilisation C. White-knighting, 'save the eggs'... Women distract men rightfully (I mean, logically) reducing the effectiveness of such a mixed army force. D. Women as a whole have a higher affinity to empathy... in doing so with an un-empathic enemy, what are the chances? E. Having a right to 'fight for the country' doesn't mean also having a choice arbitrarily (without it's natural consequences) selecting the manner in which to go about it. i. e. : I can choose to work for someone but can't tell the employer how much I will earn, what things will I be doing. (I will have to provide a proof of utility, justify my wish in a way that's a value to the employer. Otherwise 'strawberry'. ) F. Who tends to use manipulation more often as a choice of weapon? and Does an army's overall strength benefit or suffer from the presence of more manipulators? G. Is men's or women's health care costs are higher? Does it benefit an army to become more expensive to maintain? H. Who learns more skills related to the skillsets being applied in the army throughout earlier life experience / life-choices? I. Are men or women represented in fields where there's a greater existence of competitiveness? Is competitiveness important to an army? Can competitiveness be a health-indicator of a responsive army? ... just a few pointers Barnsley
  2. Did you do that instrumenal music on YT with an image (many others... retention, remeber?) reminiscent of the huge stone statues from LOTR, the river scene?
  3. It's for some giggles too but also true. I forgot to add my hypothetical answer to your rhetorical question: " I'd say, we have a 'sure-fire' contact to keep when we want things done, well and for the 'first try'. Keep that business card! " Barnsley
  4. Eh... weeell... I might have been a bit too 'outspoken' and harsh (I do that occasionally, welcome friendly reminders). You're right, having a great amount of confidence in a field can create the illusion of achieving similar sparkling in another. That's cool man, admirable even. (Have no friends! Be the best - Sounded the response... I remember from a podcast where another musician called in with the issue of having no like minded musicians around... etc. Hey, you might even get some good ideas! I'll have a look, it's possible I'll be able to find it. If I'm right it was within the last 4-5 months... my retention, sorry about that.) What do you like about Philadelphia that you wouldn't give up so that you stay rather? Couldn't agree more and would love to act upon it but I also think it's important to go through the 'undesirable motions' a bit or as much as necessary to internalise it's value + know why definitely NO MORE OF THAT and happily pay someone instead. The human brain is wired with a greater sensitivity/recalling towards the negative and painful. Now you think I enjoy suffering. Nah. I just had a few disappointments where I thought I had learnt stuff and it wasn't going to happen ... when it did I sort of embraced suffering. ' I tend to be the mediator towards the group's goal or idea, using THAT as the arbiter, the defining principle. ' I'm not trying make you 'pick a black, or a white hat' rather was curious how you seen yourself. To the comparison, I'm pretty happy disagreeing with logical arguments supporting my views and care little about feelings if others don't seem to be using arguments but just personal assertions/preferences in a group-work. That's why I usually get to lead a small team or feel bored mindlessly following mindless objectives, until I get to have universal standards again. I'm bad at working in too liberal places. Always anxious if crossing the road without looking, not when it's green. Like for example meeting people 'just to hang out somewhere, doing something '... either an unexpected, great get together or out of place misery, not knowing what to do with myself. Neeeeed purrrpose. Haha. I'm not agreeable and relatively average on the openness trait with high extraversion. In many traits I'm strangely opposite. I did the big 5 personality assessment of Jordan B Peterson, but I knew most of it pretty much before. I just never imagined I'd get such a good summary and pointers. Barnsley
  5. Just reading here... but I really like your approach @Stacey Krech I also noticed, (seen it play out) when I'm around the less disagreeable, they're being drawn to the confidence of the 'blunt & loud'. Had been going circles to make the children more 'independent and critical', usually with little success as they fear the negative consequences of the bad influencers(logical, if you'd seen that at home). In a controlled setting, surely they can be shown, how to stand up against those aiming to overrule. The problem is when they are 'out' and the positive reinforcements are far, few & in-between. (parents' lack of involvement technically acts as sabotage, sizzling out efforts for individuality... It DOES rest on the shoulders of whomever runs the home, teaching the 'tribe's survival strategies' ) I remembered when Stefan Molyneux would share snippets of his conversations with his child. When he'd be asked about his mother by his child and why he doesn't want to see her. (the child had never met the grandmother I suppose) He then would proceed, asking the child if she'd be willing to visit kids she had had a negative experience beforehand. The outcome was obvious, to us listeners perhaps self-explanatory. I thought, that was really well graded to the understanding of the child, plus it illustrated philosophy 1to1 with the potential to strengthen the child's decision making process. And then I recalled how you can't will authority over others. Only with reason & evidence will people choose to trust you and then it's easier to say stuff like: 'You remember what we talked about..., that's why I don't think it is good if you do x, y... What do you think about that?' Not as a way to scolde, instead trying to get a conversation going on, as much as possible. Barnsley
  6. Brave stuff you did. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In some cultures people write wishes, thoughts down to later burn them away, 'releasing' the words, often doing so with a Chinese lantern or using a small raft, that then gets taken care of by the river. This might sound quirky but once I did burn a bunch of personal notes, letters and used the char to plant medicinal lemon-grass + tea-herbs. Thumbs up, bud! Barnsley
  7. Yeah, right? Smiles. (Dunning-Kruger effect) Since you mentioned business and artist(ry?) , would you say that artists often forget that marketing and sales is over 80% when considering running a successful art-related venture? Do you also consider yourself high in openness and relatively lower in disagreeableness? Barnsley
  8. Hi there @GatoVillano It was a bit strange to read when you wrote about not being sure if you were going to revisit your post and how much you needed to get things off your chest while not asking for solidarity or that a part of you even had wished no one read it. I somehow understood that, like I was expecting something similar. It made me think why I came to read and what might be ahead. If I'm making comments, they're just mentions without any specific aim other than letting you know some of the things that happened while reading. After the introduction to your brother : Kinda reminds me of my father. Size, strength, character. People watching but not intervening : I once had the same realisation, perfectly can imagine why you felt that. Parents in their own world, projection, strong propaganda : I had that too, strange how I didn't become an actor. (must have been really tiring for you to put up with all that 24/7/365) The cloud moment: turning point, strong memories I suppose. Thank God there was a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back up. ' wh..? Why did you move back? ' - I asked myself. The story about the brother : ' wh..? Why did you move back? ' - I asked myself, again. Talking to the mother : I remembered a similar setup (not regarding the back story, just the emotional charge) and my mother's response was like 'It was the right thing to do, society expected it from her and my father. One day I will understand.' - I never told her I understood something there and then that I will not forget, can't and don't want to. About going the opposite direction, ideology, plans...: It made me think, what I used to say to myself when contemplating back then (just after getting out) over my past and the accumulated life-experience till then... what else is real other than the shitstorm I went through? What else is out there? Only the direct opposite?...Something I can imagine but not really believe, how's that even possible?... well, until I don't figure out,... perhaps... it's possible...that...You can't go wrong if at least you are NOT evil. - Yeah, I can do that. ; Told myself and started a new 'journey'. Read it till the end, but don't want to add more than what you might need, except for a thing that's occurred to me at last. I was never read goodnight stories but I WILL to my children. I used to think that it is about just making the younger generation engaged in heroes and monsters and other-worldly places... The more I think of it, the more I see how through stories we can develop curiosity, using our imagination to find the right story where the hero is courageous, humble and so virtuous that every other virtuous creature and character finds a way to contribute to his journey. Stories matter a lot. I appreciate you sharing. You choose what's next, Barnsley
  9. Thank you @wyattstorch That's exactly what I had in mind when creating the thread. Vvvery constructive! I'm sure I'll learn new things. If you have an inkling to something down-to-earth entrepreneurial : Not a huge follower anymore (got tired of too much PC attitude) but I benefited anno a lot from a YouTube channel called - Video Creators - (the guy's called Tim) and their two books I've read, taken certain elements to practice. (RD / the teacher / mentor... somehow I never got the sense of a real person, but a necessary cliché fitting neatly in the scenery... similar in some way creating greater freedom of expression, no boundaries just ideals, mixing - inflating realities... etc. a technique. Doesn't matter as long as people remember it's a book, (well) written by a human.) P.s.: there's a longer response awaiting the thumbs up in 'Koestler' (being a rookie 'n all here) Barnsley
  10. Huh. I did not know that. Thanks. Yes, you found my meaning nevertheless. Before I proceed, a few caveats. I'm a little bit more than a complete amateur... by a smidgen = I can ask questions. I think it is important to frame any human/biologically related argument with the supplement of the 'existence of consciousness'... sorry for 'tossing the wrench in the works' I didn't start it. Also, paradoxes are (I think) good... eh?! , no... they are necessary, while at the same time structured so there's hope...I, eh... I mean work to do. I did not know that. Thanks. Sounds like a guy who's got a spine. Good scientist. He withdrew it, which is not disproving but... I heard thanks to Jordan B. Peterson about Dr. Jaak Pansepp (and his colleagues), from here I'm clumsily summarising... discovering in rats that if the stronger rat didn't allow the weaker to 'win' at a certain rate the partner in play would not propose in the future again. (until here) (Pass the ball or I won't play with you again.) Ergo it's easy to conclude that for authority/hierarchy that lasts longer than a quick flame, pure coercion isn't the right path even amongst with lesser intellectual potential... nevermind consciousness or levels/varieties of it(not proven entirely, though no buildings, culture and heritage in the animal kingdom apart from the biological, plus we use our standards... etc.) Jordan B. Peterson than mentioned monkeys showing parallel dynamics, ...(I laughed so hard at the snarky comment, he really has a way with words) Tieing things together a bit. From what I came to understand (low retention, I'm average by I.Q. 'n stuff, occasionally hypocrite) until now listening, reading about evolution of biological and other 'passed down' information : 1. definitely there's r/K selection but it's within social dynamics, especially amongst humans (that, I'd give a 10/10) 2. ideas, as long as humans think do matter more than our biological evolution (4-5 generations ago a large number of currently breathing people would have been dead 7times over and it's a conservative estimate) 3. But! Just as the quality of rest matters when you exert yourself, so than rather something light after moving a mountain you indulge in something that is much more rewarding... People who have been through hell and back might (I theorise) still find the way to not become inanimate object-like deterministic golems. I doubt any other specie has anything even close to that gift. What are the limits to our brain plasticity? Would we be able to observe a complete reversal of previously labeled mindsets as 'irreversible' if the incentives were changed or the life-span got extended by a 1000years? Some of these questions are interesting but take us away from the present. (I know, I started it) Allow me to ask you why are you seeking answers? Would I be wrong by guessing you are after the boundaries / limitations? Barnsley P.S. : You should remind me if I forgot or didn't respond to something you hoped I was going to. and rats playing (Dr Jaak Pansepp and his team)
  11. Hi @wyattstorch Very interesting thread, lots of things for me to catch up on. Have you heard about the '5 monkey and the ladder' social experiment? If yes, do you think it might have a role in the creation of epigenetic changes? Barnsley
  12. We might be seeing different dynamics, interpreting two different things. My approach regarding why European mentality as a whole isn't moving in the right direction stems from how within the EU (following central planning directives) industries been re-located, replaced in turn with monetary incentives, reducing basically each countries independence to better 'integrate' and serve the 'new colonial mentality' of the leading EU countries such as Germany and the UK(anno), generally. To give a few examples from Hungary, think back to the selling / moving of sugar-, mill-, automotive industry let's say 25 years back and now. Of course education had to be corrupted too, that's why the Bologna system was put in place. My point is that people didn't stand up back then, nor do the majority seek a better understanding even to grasp what economical and power allocation transitions have come to exist/currently are still in motion. I wouldn't say I'm pessimistic (lacking a positive, constructive mindset) but perhaps I don't see the counterforces to those 'suicidal and ignorant' dynamics equalised at all.
  13. Hi @Mishi2 Thanks a bunch for your attitude towards responding and for the info itself. Curious, thanks for the reference. I'll check it out. (direct link if anyone interested) Have a good one, Barnsley
  14. Isn't this a great question? What's a bubble? Why does it happen? Why did the (for example) property bubble burst? Is crypto currency just another 'fiat-currency' or is it similar to physical gold? What is 'mining' bit-coin? Can you fake having more crypto currency than you actually possess? Why is sending money with crypto currency internationally near-instantaneous? My dude, they are all good questions upon having found an answer your grasp of the topic will be complete. (including risks and limitations) Barnsley
  15. Two long-ish posts awaiting the thumbs up. I guess I had said all I could. Thanks for the both of 'ya. @Goldenages @Mishi2
  16. Occam's & Newton's shining lightasaber tells me the tendency of the European cultural suicide is on the 'speeding up' side rather than the 'whoaa, sh%t..! Take a step back and have a 'thunk' ' Is my assertion (apart from being non-professional and blunt) missing the target of what's currently representative of the community as a whole? Barnsley
  17. Hi @Mishi2 1. Are there less or more illegal immigrants in the Eu compared to last year? a. are routes to the inflow cut/or being re-assigned 2. How's integration going on as a whole? 3. Publicly announcing and making active steps to 'have no cap, plus be enforced as much as possible ' facilitates or throttles down an unknown factor's chances of blowing up in the face of the whole European Community? Barnsley
  18. Sure, Andi ( @Goldenages That's what {your argument} I call wishful thinking. And I don't like saying that. I know I'm making a very harsh criticism of your proposal, without any reason & evidence. Yet. The reason I'm saying this is what has been the tendency amongst the 'big players', decision makers and the outcomes of their dealings. (Germany, Italy, France + multi national / certain international interests) Their people keep supporting them, acting as mindless zombies. WARNING! Flowery language ahead, readers discretion... How's civilised talk gonna fall on indoctrinated, weak and selfish individuals? I mean EVEN the BOOMERS didn't make a stand! After a WORLD WAR! I dunno, man! Perhaps I don't have all the necessary information. Insertion(I would highly recommend watching an informative and 'geared towards an opinion' documentary called 'The Brussel' s business' to anyone who had the capacity to integrate and filter in the current 'zeitgeist') The direction of my approach: 1. Bottom up organisation, the way a society is run makes it's effects felt - on the long term. Like a heavy, multi-carriage freight train (i.e.:any government), continued, after the first sign of demise there's much more to come, regardless of wanting to save what's left. 2. Too late to save/minimise the fallout, minor cosmetic changes won't do considerable alleviation to the debt crisis the EU is about to face. Maybe if a European country invented cold fusion. Chances? Aww... fairy tales. 3. The over-abundantly majority of European's favoured attitude, still to this day is 'ostrich politics'... even today? With all the available information, the possibility of being heard?... rrreally? They are not searching truth in their surroundings. I don't see why they'd in the near future, other than in a reactionary way when the' milk goes sour'. No, I don't think it's scouting (preparation) I see it definitely more than just 'testing the water', see what's going on with the BRexit? Drawn out sabotage? (because it works on people who lately lost the ability to retain, focus, follow-up... it works in all the fields where 'controversial' thoughts are viewed as a net negative. And please notice, how I'm saying now, currently, as of yet... etc.) These people have no spines and they're actually great at 'playing the tunes to which people dance'. Last hope V5-4? Small dent in the grand scheme of things... I ask you to correct me, completely abolish my claims, explaining with reason and evidence why there's no continuity of the 'same shite different day' still and the 'tides are turning'. Unrelenting force vs immovable object. Darn! Barnsley
  19. Hi all, I'm seeking (ideally a case study) a side-by-side, impartial comparison of Vertical and Horizontal axis Wind Turbines. No pitch-sale or willingly omitted, partial facts. Scientific papers, video clips... anything really if you have seen any that is fair and square. Barnsley
  20. Hi @Jsbrads That's a hard one for me too. As part time I also teach. Not creating an additional problem for him/her, plus not getting sucked into his unconscious 'manipulation' would be certainly a good idea, I am guessing his 'acting out' isn't for the purpose of disruption itself but to call attention and/ offloading anxiety. He/she hasn't learnt how to put things in the right place, as of yet. I wish I could give you a brilliant answer because that would mean I had 'cracked the code' myself. I'll certainly try my best. Here's my best 'two cents' : 1. Draw up and remind the solid boundaries serving healthy group dynamics he/she can choose to accept if wants. A ten yr old needs clear guidance, critical thinking is in development, role models are essential. You can be one such example. (punishment for being anxious is a 'duche' move, it's better not granting luxuries as a way of demonstrating consequentialities if necessary. Offer a way back to preferable behaviour. Isn't it better if he/she have an option to positive motivation to try to deal with 'demons', rather than worry about things he/she might not be able to 'lock up'? ) 2. Graded to the level of understanding - explain why it's bothering and what would be better and why you are asking(how it's for the benefit of him/her - what's in it for him), while highlighting constructive goals that will be maintained. Invite student to make a decision. 3. Extra activity that can absorb the student's 'energy bursts' and turn it into something productive. Possibly making him/her realign focus. Have a few 'plan B' prepped for those occasions. 4. Short attention span (youth), boys (moving as much possible), boys (competitiveness) Kinaesthetic activities (5-10minutes,many) geared towards utilising all of the above. 5. People like stories. If well told, captivating, enticing and can be used to attract attention to things. - Graded, referable, relevant to class/topic at hand. 6. Make student feel important when trying to reward... wiping the board, handing out, collecting stuff... little autonomous grants. Hope there's at least 1 useful thing for you. Barnsley
  21. Interesting. That's okeii, I see I'm not the 'right' person to discuss the topic with you. Although I appreciate that I could think some things over again and get an even clearer idea. Appreciate the opportunity. Have a good one, Barnsley
  22. Ill try again, quoting the same question with a highlight of the part (that perhaps by mistake you skipped, and) I kindly ask you to DO read this time.
  23. Am I following you. A person can choose to not have the outcomes of having been beaten by choosing to focus on the past prior to that? Me neither. I answered your question : with a 'lighthearted' but accurate example of 'enough' Barnsley
  24. Hi there @August Boulder Forgot to check when was the last time you signed back... 2years ago nearly? Anyhow, in any case you find your way back I hope you are in a better circumstance, mindset now! You could always tell people what worked for you and why? All the best, Barnsley
  25. Hi @Boss If I had to give an approximation : 'Generational reproduction of the same flaw, during which the new generation isn't aware of/chooses not to change the outcome of a flawed mentality they were raised with. Passing on the same mistreatment as it had been received.' i.e.: single dad's /mom's (the dishonest, weak, bad ones) lack of 'coming clean' regarding their bad life-decisions, sabotaging the child to keep him/her in the dark. Supplemented with propaganda to keep the child weak and dependent, likely anchoring and stunting their emotional development... at best. I hope you can clarify. At yet, I only see relativism. I would like to think that I'm wrong. 1. What is "histories of everything that happened"? 2. The easiest way for me to understand you would be if you made an example with specifics. If you want, that is. Oh, that's easy. Imagine you feel the urge to fart in public but you keep it in to avoid embarrassing yourself(Dammit beans..) . When there's enough pressure in your intestines, you wouldn't but can't... and 'let the flying biscuit roam', regardless you considering it being untimely quite a bit. It happens to the best of us. Elevators are the worst I guess. That isn't the best but certainly an accurate way to describe the concept of 'enough'. Perhaps to you. It don't have to be. Only if you choose to. Only if that's what you prefer. You could prefer understanding and clarity, I'm happy to proceed constructively. Barnsley
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