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Everything posted by barn

  1. What would you say (Sorry if me jumping in, unannounced is a bit unexpected) is a good way to 'separate the wheat from the chaff' and also, another additional question if you don't mind me asking... once the intent received a 'clear', how would you distinguish from projection vs. applicable and relevant? ie. 'friends' coming to save/prevent the unwanted... [received clear]... then, what they are bringing is for them/for you? Barnsley
  2. Fascinating. If I understand you correctly(wouldn't surprise me if I didn't, being a layman..) you are describing how people program AI-s pattern recognition, creation of more 'correct' abstractions on the long run. ie. 'what's' a 'chair' and what could be coined as being a chair, roughly speaking.
  3. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    21. Dj Shadow - Fixed income 22. Jeff Mills & Montpellier Philarmonic Orchestra - Imagine 23. Roy Budd - The plant & diamonds
  4. 'Beastbook' is less than healthy for humans. Add to that the manipulation, censorship factor of the platform and the overabundance of attention craving individuals' warped contributions... Less than 'not good'. Have you thought about closing your account there? People used to talk face to face much more before. (chuckles.. while I'm typing this..) Plus all the other alternatives out there.. Just saying. Barnsley
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    Wicked, eh?! (in a positive way) Good stuff. I'm impressed (that you knew all but one). Lately(yrs), I'm more drawn towards less heavy/darkness related stuff unless it's 'cinematic or transformative'. Nevertheless I noted your recommendation for later, cheers for that.
  6. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    Thanks a bunch for the high energy Rock music @Spladam [[[ Off topic but thought you might enjoy these(you'll notice a leaning towards the 'grunge', the 'lurker' and melodic, oh and I have a few surprises too , listen to them responsibly): Tool - Parabola (extended) Peter Thomas Sound Orchester - Synthesiser's melody Avenged Sevenfold - Bat country (instrumental) Soundgarden - Rusty cage Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (full album) Fear Factory - Body Hammer Apocalyptica - Inquisition Symphony Apocalyptica - Pray! ]]] Barnsley
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    @Spladam G'day young sir I was recently introduced to Holst by someone who has quite a few good tunes up his sleeve. (I always seek quality music..) Glad you've enjoyed them. More to come. Feel free to add to the list if you fancy. I try to go for melodies that had invoked feelings/thoughts/realisations in me. Barnsley
  8. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    18. Yoko Kanno - Know your enemy 19. Akasha - Crazy Baby 20. Marvin Gaye - Trouble Man (OG version)
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    16. Pennygiles Roy Green & Protone - Siesta 17. Yoko Kanno - The Lily that won't bloom under the moon
  10. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    13. Shogun - Nautilus 14. Ozric Tentacles - Sniffing dog 15. Yoko Kanno - Idling
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    11. Yoko Kanno - Night owl 12. Jon Hopkins - Circle
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    9. LTJ Bukem - Music (Peshay reworks) 10. Cinematic Orchestra - Durian
  13. Have your critical minds set to 'active', still it's the times we happen to live in. Mind blowing stuff, really. Have your perception extended. For those who wish to read the papers, the rationale.. here and this one too Barnsley
  14. Totally subscribe. Women want, need, find sexy this: Integrity. Barnsley
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    6. Sepultura - Kaiowas 7. Thomas Newman - Whisper of a thrill 8. Holst - Venus (from The Planets Suite) Hi Shadowy voter, Thanks for that too, keep drawing more attention!
  16. The major difference I see (and live) is whether romantically being involved or not. But yes, sharing differently between participants is also the case as most of the time you'll only touch and go subjects the other is less inclined (your spouse might not be into 'light disfraction properties of silicium' or scifi books, so you'll discuss it better with an appropriate friend/acquaintance). Though, I don't think (true) honesty is possible without virtue... exceptions, caveats in place. I always have the same option to share(no should, ought to) the cost of a meal or decline in both relationships. Naturally, consequences will follow but my main point isn't that. In a virtuous relationship, you wouldn't want to be less than the maximum you can share at any given time, nor would you feel comfortable seeing it in the other. Furthermore if you feel you should share but can't, the partner/friend would be also motivated to help you find your way back to the state of just doing what you want without any fear of the repercussions. Actually I normally tell my friends, like : "I'm sorry, I have a problem with this I'd like to discuss." (Again, as a caveat. If what someone did was a unintentional mistake, obviously they should be told of it, after which if they're virtuous it won't happen again.) ie.(practical example) - No reciprocity for spouse.-> Spouse notices or you say so. - >Spouse accepts but wants to know if he/she could do anything that would make you want to show reciprocity yourself, independently. ->Negotiation/support, both always open to new solutions until right. = Sharing again. = This experience actually enables even more sharing and wanting to share. = stronger, deeper connection. Well, given the participants level of honesty sort of confines the extension of trust directly. If I see someone isn't comfortable sharing their mind, I immediately question(conclude) the lack of sufficient trust. Which is fine, but naturally excludes (then) the existence of deep connection. I have seen many friends not coming forth with their real opinions (true-self) out of fear for the negative effect it might have on the relationship. I actually want my best friend to always say what he/she thinks and not worry about my reception. And please note, I'm not, by all means I'm NO saying people should be acting as dicks. Obviously, timing, explanation, demonstrable levels of empathy and support are intrinsic elements of such communications. If people choose their friends accordingly, no one should worry about beating around the bush or exploitation. It doesn't happen. Never. Real friends and real enemies are the only groups of people who will tell us things that are the closest approximations of our real interaction with the environment (though from opposite sides of the same coin). Finally, what do mean when you say virtue isn't an indefinite resource? I was trying to come up with approximations but it's too general for me. (I know you were mentioning it within spouse&friends dynamic)
  17. Hi @robert1986 I would certainly give a browse to Jordan B. Peterson's booklist. It's not philosophy but there's these two great books I thought you might enjoy / benefit from reading. (I did, immensely) 1. Eric Berne - Games that people play 2. Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon Barnsley
  18. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    4. ILS - Music 5. Pat Metheney - Icefire /12-08-2018/ I c u incognito voter, Thanks here also. You're doing great, cheers!
  19. Hi @JamiMacki Very thoughtful of you. All the best with your eventful life at this stage, surely looking forward to seeing you around. Barnsley
  20. Hi @FMMLiberty <In essence, due to reasons I rather not go into(here), forgive me for thinking it's not the right time to act in this matter, yourself. Or that (in my opinion) it's a higher than other routes when ROi is taken into consideration. Again, sorry for not getting into clarifiers and descriptors.> However. If you did take the route, or for others who weren't familiar with the concept of... About contacting Ben Shapiro: Frigyes Karinthy popularised/came up with(don't remember) an idea called something like '5 degrees of separation'. In short, I'm sure you have heard the theoretical possibility of being able to 'reach' any individual through 5 other people. 'Friend of a friend..' You could build towards a final goal being (having heard out) in contact with him and approach individuals whom are increasingly likely to be part of the 'chain of degrees' between you and him. While you also utilise all and any opportunities for trying to contact him, always with a 'clear ask, transparent motives'. Ultimately it will be down to incentives I guess but who knows. Barnsley
  21. Of course you can't... haven't even tried. So I am certain to assess you didn't want to, based on reason & evidence. At least, there's 0 evidence to the contrary, here. I understand and it's fine. At least you know what you need to do if you changed your mind, here. Take it easy, Barnsley
  22. Hi thinkers and alike, This thread is aimed at bringing you music of all walks. (That are a value hopefully, facilitating immersion) Allow me to start by recommending 1. μ-Ziq - Hasty Boom Alert 2. Bela Fleck - Vix 9 3. Four Tet - Glue of the world please enjoy, Barnsley /12-08-2018/ Hello Shadow Voter, Thanks for your interest and the new views also. Running out of ideas, huh? Well, don't be afraid to make an argument, I don't generally bite ..
  23. Hi @RichardY Thanks. I'm certain that's not a bad approach. I know you wrote (under beneficial) about virtue, but figured I'd clarify with you if that's OK. In my mind that's #1 priority/requisite, rather than the beneficial. Would you agree that without full dedication to the truth (meaning: each person, bringing their true-selves to the relationship, even if it supposes direct vulnerability)...Trust and kindness are no longer. I mean, real manifestation of those. Is that right?! Also, did you mean by saying virtuous people generate excess, as in 'lean to/do charitable acts'?... I am not sure if I'm going the right direction here... surely, you'll dispell my fog, here. Barnsley
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