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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi @Spladam Your inputs are appreciated, particularly had an inkling with and I am curious. Would you, say in broad terms agree with "amass debt to become rich" can be a wise business decision? Barnsley
  2. This is my point. This^^^^^ above is that vagueness again. Hi, my process is: "42" (Douglas Adams - H. H. G. T. T. G. ), but joking aside... I still don't see how, what I'm saying is vague but should I understand what you are specifically asking, I will do my best to answer. Currently I am unable to identify what one thing you inquire other than "how I live life". Respectfully Barnsley
  3. There's a first for everything. No one ever complemented(by mistake?) my vagueness with a contradictory twist. (Goofey's chuckle..) I think that's an 'I don't know'?! [...] I tried to make sense as for the direction you went for... Couldn't... I'm, sorry but I see little from the' fog' of abstractions... lots of abstractions. Can you distill to concretes or highlight a specific thought? Only if you want. Barnsley
  4. I see @Asazian well, might check it out if it happens. Make a push for it under the relevant threads if you fancy! (to the uninformed 'K thru 12' resembles perhaps an 80s rap band... I had to look it up, my uninformed-self) anyone? 'K thru 12' Barnsley
  5. Good luck cracking that issue! Dooh... Haven't done it yet? Ookei?! I might be reading it wrong, but are you saying basically = not yet, as of a prototype? Hmmm... adding up all the prior... would my assertion as to the stage you're in being, well, sort of, as a matter of wording.... initial, very much? (no intention to sound or be condescending, just a bit disappointed and worry some) Would it help if I asked you : and Have you made a marketing plan? also Have you developed a prototype? furthermore Is this a hobby of yours? I hope I could ask meaningful questions. Barnsley
  6. A last (for now) addition I skipped.. I wish to find(one day or any other can't-yet-percieve variations) the person who have internalised or on the verge of crystallising the essential requirements for the relationship I'm looking for. 'ergo' she's 'looking' for 'just' me. Same as I'm looking for 'just' her. Do you get my meaning @Mishi2 as in 'I already know some but can only be sure when I 'see' her. (no, A.I. out of question - I'm not, wouldn't work.) Barnsley
  7. Howdy @Mishi2 - - - Thank you for taking out of your time and having replied in such manner as you did. Please, enjoy reading. - - - Foreword - I can already see that I am not approaching from the most meaningful direction for the benefit of the both of us and I acknowledge, there's an obstacle in the way. Don't know what would be a better tool to convey my meaning or 'live yours for the purpose of', I'd have to understand your worldview/particular language better, I reckon. Additionally I have also noticed you made a new effort trying once again revisiting my suggestions. That's... that speaks of humility... to me. I consider that worth remembering. (personal assertion but I thought you should know) It's only equal if I give it another try, while fully prepared it won't neither 'click'. Hell, yeah! It's worth it. I. Response - I'd assume(once I assumed we could learn telekinesis to operate doors 'n stuff so I won't break down in tears if I'm wrong, yet again... ) when you meet someone, the unique experience contains little to none thoughts regarding math in your perceived experience. All the assessment is done to a greater degree within the 'on the fly' system, deeper evaluation might happen afterwards but there's no exclusion of impressions, whispers from your inner-self. My approach in general is based on that assertion of individuality but as I stroll further away, I tend to get less convinced of applying the same standards constantly reminding myself that an individual ISN'T = GROUPTHINK. That's why I see your approach lacking in the fully 'human' aspect, forgive me for saying... dry and incomplete. Just as the architect from the movie Matrix - Reload (?). Yes. You DID SAY 'MOST' (me 1to1 {A}.: I had you called me out/reminded me as often as you saw it necessary and I will do my best to be as precise as I imagine your standards dully require but consider me definitely coming short(no idea how often,how badly in your experience) and not delivering near-identical precision. (!!! and for the love of God, don't change what you wanna say, I'm clarifying only. My intellectual integrity should be challenged constantly, otherwise it'll get conformist. Been there, done that... no thanks) 1. - 'exception' Having been called my whole life an exception in one form of another has made me think of the word quite a' tad bit'... at least that's what I believe... always caveats like (compared to who/what but I'd rather preserve my sanity for a while longer so you just have to trust me for a moment.. hehe) - when letting it flatter me, vanity - when group dynamics, 'the shard in the eye of everyone' - when creating universals, the one oxymoron you can't overlook... bla-bla.. (respectfully) a. my take - I choose exceptions to be (failing linguistic reach) not-yet-understood-therefore-potentially-integrable 'pieces'. Sort of = 'probably you don't know' and 'I don't know, so we should NOT DEFINE it yet' but 'treat it as if it was called a name we both accepted for now, with large red letters reading on the envelope: "Don't open until Xmas!"' II. Response - You haven't mentioned, didn't say you wanted to engineer socially! - I proposed as a warning so that you got a better idea of my boundaries in respect of 'my kill-switch'. Was it an overkill? Perhaps. Glad I did anyway. 1. thought process - This I had infered based on my (not yet verified) assertion that if you were treating people as 'math problems' , you could (in a swift succession) apply said framework to universals or vice versa. Aaand... Sort of concluded the same again as I read through your re-visiting of my initial question(doesn't prove anything still). If it was so = No worky. For me, that is. (again, just being straightforward. I also remember we still don't speak the same language. Maybe one day I get you or you get me.) III. - pre. Let's say there's no 'badly' answered question. = There's only(once created) answers = everything has 0+ worth I'm saying, please accept my apologies for not clarifying that I wanted to know your take on the ideas I put forward. Every time you did, the result was larger than 0. There's no 'well', given you didn't erase my questions. Thanks (No, I'm not trying to look smart. I mean it.) III. Response - Full disclosure : (flowery language ahead) The 'fiddlestick' MOST OF MGTOW didn't choose to!? I empathise (good riddance, got a few uncanny memories of my own... but still) You hit 16,18 and you could take back control. 'Hit the road Jack!' ,Jess, Jeff, Joseline, Juniper,... bloody language reach again... (exceptions narrowly applied to basement kidnapees, hard drug addicts and brainwashed MI6 prospects, no fakers pls) So, no. No 'whitewash' to the been-through-more-than-humanly-possible because (God love Metallica) sad but true = they had the chance to break through the land-mined, barbed wired and poisonous honey-laced past called coercion-stopped-a-heartbeat-ago. Sad but true and wouldn't ever want to take that truth away (from myself first... universality eh?! or) from anyone. As I see it, occupying volumes in this reality grants us the dynamics/rules of this reality. Better learn up fast if hadn't, 'cos sucks to be told stuff(hail the wise, patient ones who do charity! khmStefan.. khMolyneux... my throat, smilesss). IV. Response - Tho' you might not get my meaning (my lack of wording probably) I see at this moment, this convo... only two. You and me. Perhaps that's why I'm going over 'yer head! Don't care about what silly, uninformed choices other dudes make... yet. I wish for you and for me at this moment to (Confucious - a drunkerd 'bard' really if I assert... I know) 'stop digging when found in a ditch'. Selfish, hell yeah! But the world desperately needs clear voices, immovable objects, unrelenting forces... for better or for worse. Why should I care about the weak hearts making dolds over folds trying to rationalise and escape from living the once a lifetime '15minutes of fame' there's to live? There's no statistics when it comes to What do you want out of life? I'm still not coming thru'? , no probs. You're probably a good guy! I'm glad I shared what I could. The (+1) end. Mark Whatney - balls of steel, good at math too. Hates 'disco'. Ever considered reading the book "The Martian"? audio book? - and, no, NO! stay clear of the miserable vomit with Matt Damon. I'm ashamed I wrote his reference down, even. Respectfully yours @Mishi2 Barnsley
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks @Typho0n for your rambling honesty, very telling. Barnsley
  9. Isn't the right question to ask: would the lack of respect (or mutually) be an issue? Barnsley
  10. I can see why you would like to have heard it corrected... 'The beginning of true wisdom is calling things by their proper names.' However I am having trouble coming up with good enough reasons as to why he would miss such an important definition. Is he 'stream-lining', maybe? Is it perhaps because it is rather technical and doesn't matter a great deal when seeing the whole argument put forth in his presentations? Is it possible that he willfully chooses to not do it... perhaps because it would make things more complicated? Barnsley
  11. Thanks @Oceanwave @Oceanwave1 for the clarifiers/examples, I like when people are trying to be clear. Barnsley
  12. Hi all, I've read the book and it's companion (Cashflow) and that's how I got introduced to the concepts of 'borrowing your way out', 'delayed gratification', 'gaming the system', 'passive income'... many more. Those two books were and are a fascinating read with a lingering sense of a 'humble mentor' backing you intellectually while you get familiar with concepts rarely discussed in that particular form. Read them if you can. I however think his methodology (maybe that's why I'm not a millionaire with a huge debt also) is for the blunt, courageous, risk-taker who also tries to minimise the fallout to a degree. My aim here is to discuss caveats, useful reminders further aiding inoculation against zealous belief, cult-like attitude regarding his catchy but risky ideas put forward. Barnsley
  13. Hi @RealP I'm not trying to sound like a naysayer by saying a 'watered down simili' isn't needed currently... am I? Perhaps I am, nevertheless it can be useful to you in solidifying your concept you're considering... The reason (amongst others) for why visual mindmap-like concept wouldn't work / why videos-podcasts-presentations with a narrative are a greater success; lies in their more suitable format regarding the needs of the community, taste.... as I see it. You can't transmit non-verbal cues, indicators of word-stress&intonation and while it could serve as a great brain storming in formulating an argument = wouldn't it be lacking in reach for it's shortfalls? How many and to what degree similar apps have attracted a considerable amount of people? (there's already a free mindmap creator for presentations, isn't highly popular amongst 'the thinkers' but works like a charm in creating cloud-based = mobility visuals, - prezi. com-) Would your app stand out enough to not appear as somewhat a semi-novel variation of a crossover to a great degree? many more questions I could ask... Have you done your market research? Prototypes? All the best, more power to you! Barnsley
  14. Hi @Asazian I for one, not particularly interested in this specific topic (doesn't mean it couldn't be mind blowing or anything) but you could (have) post(ed) it under the already existing thread for such recommendations(presentations). Why do you think it's a fitting idea to share in current times, would bring more value than other topics, currently being discussed? Barnsley
  15. By the by @Crusader1986 , have you watched the video of Stefan Molyneux which I posted to you in this thread? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Barnsley
  16. Full disclosure, I don't have contacts in the music industry, yet. However, I wanted to 'jump the rabbit out of the bush with a hypothetical'. I wouldn't be surprised if you got upset... not amongst the most gentle ways to find things out. My theory was that you are maximising obsessively without any true connection to a well defined deep drive, therefore constantly looking for new directions to open towards without ever really discarding anything. I hypothise that although you have made some progress in moving forward, essentially you are back to square one with the same set of doubts = different but the same hesitation state = no real progress, the way I see it. And I might be wrong, plus I'm prepared to apologise for my mistakes or withdraw my conclusions if you convince me with reason & evidence. I wish you to use your potential in the one thing that you really want, not in a myriad of different things that would be / could be / might work. My source of argument basically are twofold. 1. There's no multitasking in the sense of multiplying your energy, can only allocate a set amount. 2. Why do something sub-par if you can think of something better. Sincerely, Barnsley
  17. Well, duh. I'm being condescending. Apology for that, only did it for the effect. Humans don't follow the unrelenting(and boring) path of determinism. Approximations are fine I guess, unless you kid yourself with a moral backing to intend social engineering. At wich point we part ways abruptly. In the milliseconds realm. Quicker than you can... blink, let's say. (clumsy awe effect) By the way, nice try fogging me in fogging yourself. I would still like an answer to my question if you would be so kind(to yourself). Am I correct you have assumed me stating withdrawing from society? (hypothetical) I am not. What I do in all my relationships is R.T.R. (works like magic), people with low integrity choose to give me a wide girth or viscously attack, therefore half bowing into their own swords while I have the opportunity to self-actualise without restricting my true self. It's actually a win-win scenario. Would be happy to clarify if needed. Barnsley
  18. Hi @RichardY In acknowledging the trials you put me through (I consciously subscribed), thanks. Awesome stuff! Would I over simplify and loose meaning by saying you are essentially describing, the identity intrinsically present in any individual? then you adding a/'the' reason to why that's beneficial(more to come if you put the necessary work in)? onto the next goodie.. I am sorry but logically it's impossible. The (1) I mean. I should have clarified that the goal DOES NOT justify the means. My bad, so you are technically right. (2),so true. A great multiplier, weeding out mechanism. Nope. How about it requiring fragility? I can name a dozen pop-culture references... quite sad, should brush up on my Greek-Roman mythology and 'real-thinkers'... wax-up & wax-down (karate kid) I'm totally murdering something here, I can sense it... Joking aside. Yes, no conviction can come from lack of the taste of suffering. Aaand... thaks for the reminder. (Hat raise!) In general I'd suggest against flaming hopes of 'type-fluidity'. Why? Because the way I understand states exist as individual results stemming from a specific equations, resulting from INDEPENDENT set of variables that only share crossovers when the bloody consciousness meddles in. (i.e. processing stuff) If I'm honest, I'm also struggling simplifying this discreet thought, so please be gentle rebutting it. You then so gracefully provided a well-intended breakdown of subtypes.. Cccan't go ttherre... must keep reality in one ppppiece...exhale :-) No. It's the bridge (for a lack of better terms) between us and A.I. Think of a vampire (morals, unlikely emotional involvement aside). Indefinitely alive. Why live? Willpower covers both the short and long term. (but like I professed to you before, I have my selfish reasons too) Was I supposed to be feeling gratefulness, being rewarded for a well earned gratification... say wisdom of humility? Thanks for that specifically... Batman out. The concierge spilled some stuff over my latest stalagmite collection, gotta run... Barnsley
  19. By the by, I am asking you this seriously. No maybes possible. Barnsley
  20. Sounds good. Would you stop doing it if I put you in contact with the headhunter of an established private school(dedicated students, generous bonuses, availability to even work some on the side... if you have a private project) ? I speculate you could make even more than if things went OK with your project? *details later Barnsley
  21. I wish you to see the difference in people with and without those things. You can make up your mind afterwards. Curiosity and reason&evidence all it takes to get clarity. thumbs up, fella Barnsley
  22. I feel you man, exactly know what you mean. (blatant exaggeration of course, pardon) Well, see the thing is I am not sure I can see women in so broad of a term. I would certainly agree that the majority are making a huge mistake and miss out on a happier life by every metric... but I have little sympathy or care for them as they are in charge of their own lives, so hopefully will like the 'product after purchase at the checkout gate'. Similarly, the sea of men who... bla-bla My focus and senses are tuned so that I notice the minority that is also looking for me. From a practical standpoint : I encourage and live by a conscious and active focus forth the beneficial, the more efficient, those who do things better than me. (while occasionally acting hypocritical but that's oookei since a process takes time and practice) btw. sorry for the sliced up manner, normally I try to keep it neat Barnsley
  23. Regarding my quote 'Pay me now, pay me later... ' From a practical example : 0.' Zero' argument - We get better at things we practice. So e.g. you get used to leaving your room messy but one day realise you'd like to change it. If it's a recently acquired habit, changing it requires less effort (less established, less integrated). Say you learn a word in a foreign language and once you get told by someone who's a really good sleaker, you're pronouncing it differently than what the books say/people do. When is it easier to learn the desired pronunciation? After you've just started using the word? Years later? What other examples can you think of where it matters to start doing things correctly as early as possible? Are younger or older people more likely to struggle to correct flaws? Barnsley
  24. A good start is... What do you think self-knowledge is and how can you identify it? Sure, just as if you forcefully make someone do it you will save time and energy and get things done easier.... well, definitely not! but I wouldn't want to take away the joy and opportunity of figuring these fundamentals out for yourself by giving you my distant approximations compared to how you could properly live/integrate your life's true experiences. Barnsley
  25. Hi @Mishi2 How can you end up in a bad situation if after reaching adulthood you could take full responsibility for your actions? (myself included by the way) Are you saying it is possible there's something else than foce that takes away agency, making the majority of MGTOW 'end up' in a bad place? (I'm genuinely curious as to how you see it) Plus, probably you'd agree that pretending to be masters only certifies they still don't wish to make any objective revision. Barnsley
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