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Everything posted by regevdl

  1. OMG! You know, this is bone chilling and this didn't even make a blip on the MSM. I don't consume MSM directly but many people I try to bring logic and reason to still do. I don't want to be 'that gal' but I just thought...what if this was a white male...would this hit the national newstands? Even a white female? Probably so. But instead, a black female...a black female slave master...she falls into 2 protected classes. So this goes as underground as her victims were. So incredibly sad. You are spot on Laforge. Not only the incentives but the depths that the government and media will go to, in order to not shed even one damaging light on the possibility that this incentive program might have some serious SERIOUS flaws and predators. This is how far they will go, what they will allow to happen on their watch, not allowed to be shown or discussed as to not tarnish the self-congratulatory social justice warriors. Lastly, they reported they stole $200,000 over 10 years. Even if she did this alone, that comes to an average of $20,000 a year. I am sure she herself was on welfare or I guess made some kickbacks from the prostitution. That is a very low amount of money to receive from enslaving and torturing people and knowing that if they are caught would carry heavy sentencing. I mean I guess....it's like....if you are going to do a disgusting crime....at least do it for a ridiculous amount of money..this just makes it that much more creepy that they probably ENJOYED doing this. And to think this was a group of people who had to divvy up the average $20,000/year. That's quite disturbing.
  2. I just listened to one of the recent podcast interviews "On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse" Very interesting analysis on how a war by the "R"s plays out (current M.E. situation) versus a war run by the "K"s.... yes, the end result in any case is dumber people because the R-gene pool is most advantageous and prudent when war kills everyone around them, so it's a fast way to breed the population back to life. But beyond that, a K gene pool is more intelligent, forward thinking, etc and war just doesn't produce that....if anything it kills off the Ks because the Rs are too timid to fight or don't have the guts for it.
  3. I've been looking into Tesla Power Walls. I think they will only pay off in new-builds and in certain environments (very sunny most of the year) rather than revamping an already constructed home. For anyone doing a new build the power walls aren't that expensive considering. But I think Americans get too caught up in the auto sector of environment conservation and you are right...many times the production makes up for the savings of carbon foot print or...sadly, exceeds the carbon footprint. We are a nation proud of our cars and making a statement but we use so much electricity 24 hours a day...more running hours than our cars. I used to live in AZ and it drove me crazy that you barely saw a single solar panel. What a wasted opportunity! The Tesla Power wall stores the energy so it isn't lost in the evening or during cold weather, etc. That's the added benefit.
  4. Malaysia will arrest Bush/Cheney (possibly Indian too but I know for sure Malaysia.) Their Supreme Court founded Bush/Cheney guilty of war crimes. I used to share this information with people and the reaction was....ahh...who cares...it's only Malaysia. So people are in a serious mode of cognitive dissonance in that even if they truly believe the Iraq war was just and legal and such, then that means, they felt that country or any country deserves the same standard as us and the people have equal rights as us. But then when evidence rails against the purpose of the war, all of a sudden the other countries in the world are just 'play pretend' countries and only our country and courts matter and anyone's opinion or judgment based on evidence of our country (leaders) is irrelevant..only the judgment of our courts against our leaders. It's really sad to see people in this state of mind. I wonder if their arguments would have worked during the Nazi period. Ahhh...it's only Canada who sees Nazis guilty of war crime...who cares. it's maddening.
  5. What an interesting article. I am not sure if it's just too early in the a.m. for me but I am not sure I understood it all. To put it simply, they created a a synthetic polio virus which isn't something newly created rather a rearranged atom formation of the actual virus? I got a little lost of the technical speak but sort of get the 'punchline'. Also, is NPAFP contracted from the vaccine (as some flu vaccines can actually give you the flu or a worse version of it)? That is often the case with many vaccines. some people get the disease they are being vaccinated from but it comes down much harder on them than had they caught it 'naturally'. Is my understanding correct?
  6. Stefan recently had a guest on that discussed the genetic factors of homosexulity...It was 2 or 3 episodes ago. But I agree with RoseCodex that sometimes it's during gestation or even after birth that can (my understanding) even trigger those genes to turn on. Again, maybe I don't have a full understanding but possibly one could have the so-called 'gay' gene but it may not be triggered or the enviornment can trigger it. I think this is why some people who smoke get cancer and some do not. (not in all cases, of course) but some are more genetically susceptible and they add more risk factors and boom...cancer, etc. I know many of the gay community who suffered physical and emotional abuse or exhibit gender resentment symptoms which then causes the stress that might trigger the genes to activate (again..sorry for my lay man terminology). Where as others seem to have a less stressful or non abusive childhood and are still gay. I full support ppl's lifestyles but here is where I caution anyone to simply keep an open mind on the subject. I wouldn't treat or deny any person for any biological or life choice, by any means There is no excuse for being a douche in our society. But that also means I am not going to jump and give people special treatment because of their differences either. That goes for these women who think sleeping around is empowering and awesome. I used to think that way! oh gawd!! But in reality, they are cheering on these women to carry out and glorify personal traumas and I refuse to be part of that 'celebration.' When people 'celebrate' and the verdict is still out that abuse may have some connection to SOME of those who are homosexuals I just want to make sure I am not celebrating a symptom of abuse, which can only be partially sorted out or deduced through individual dialogue, not cheering on a group. That's why I don't get into political groups or other groups that are directed at supporting and applauding the group as a whole because when it's lumped and grouped together, you cannot get an idea of who might be that way because they were born that way and who might be that way because of stress factors and abuse which is nothing to celebrate. There is homosexuality in animals and insects and it could very well be that during the gestation there were stress factors or a period of environmental stressers, etc What's ironic is that lefists typically like the big spending large gvt and homosexuals so the less heterosexuals breed (due to overtaxation) and the more homosexuals there are the less taxable income or offspring there is to cover the cost of their social justice ventures. So another reason to make sure that there may or may not be a gay 'side effect' from environmental factors. I have a few gay friends who came out to me right away, as soon as they really 'knew' or had their first experience so even though I am not the leader of the LGBT group, they felt secure in sharing with me and knew they could without me judging or rejecting them. They are fully aware of my views and have a lot of respect for them and we had many long talks about their childhood to rule out if abuse might have anything to do with it.
  7. I give him credit for accepting responsibility that was induced by public shaming of HIM. He tried to shame his daughter for a better behavioral outcome and yet he was changed by shaming...and someone mentioned out of 47 comments only 15 are against it....great!!! Proof that it doesn't take a majority to ostracize in order to have a reforming effect! When he no longer had shaming in his toolbox, he recognized the cause of her undesired behavior and found the appropriate solution! I think this is a great example if you shine the light in the right places. I say this as helpful criticism because I used to do that...post a bunch of 'proof' and thought everyone's silence was either because they were busy reading it or they just couldn't refute my proof. The reality is...the average drone doesn't read what we put and they usually go and search for counter arguments (hence the silence...they are busy googling) or they just find a new forum that matches their confirmation bias so they feel validated. I make it more personal...not attacking but I ask them logical questions like: I see the majority of people support spanking, do you agree? (they usually do) And the argument is that most people are spanking or agree with spanking, yes? (yes) The claim is that if you don't spank your kids will be spoiled brats who don't respect authority, right? (yes) And your complaint is the world is full of snot nosed kids who don't respect their parents/authority, etc right? (yes) so how does that prove spanking works. if most of the kids are spanked or threatened with spanking and spanking helps teach respect but we are complaining about too many dispresectiful kids...how can that be the fault of the few who don't spank? I get them engaged and follow THEIR logic to it's dead end. That way they see the fallacy for themselves and it gets their mind ticking. It takes time. THis is not something people (most people) will change in one online disucssion. A friend of my hubby's (not mine nor do I allow my children to visit them) is into spanking and verbal threats. My hubby has talked to him to try to get him to not spank and he verbally taunts my hubby and mocks our children (not in front of them but I don't split hairs and why I have nothing to do with this person). Anyway, He always hated that we don't spank and now....I'd say after 4 years of actually trying to convince him he is OPEN to the idea. he is starting to see negative effects of his spanking versus the positive effects to our not spanking. If I would drone on about articles and research and such he wouldn't listen or care. So my constructive criticism (because I want us all to succeed in this mission) is to have enough empathy to engage with your audience. I know threads can be comments of dozens or more people....choose one and engage with them. LIsten to their arguments ...even if they are asinine and predictable....just listen to them. remember, if they support spanking they are a victim of it and if they are a victim of it, they weren't given the opportunity to be heard...so give them what THEY need. Listen to their justifications and work through them with logical arguments. Then once you have established that mutual respect and 'trust'...then you can offer articles and such. And remember and trust that when your rational discussion and refuting of arguments is on a thread...even with one person...many others see it and learn from it and take what they need from it. That's why these forums are so useful. You don't use that tactic here, so avoid using it even with less rational people. I used to be one of those drones....and Ifound my way....there are some hungry for a rational discussion even if they resist it at first. I am more likely to read someone from a trusted source from someone who sort of 'makes sense' to me...even if I don't agree 100% than just someone dropping articles on my doorstep. AGain...I learned this the hard way but glad I learned and will give you the short cut. Dropping a bunch of articles on a thread is no different than those guys in Vegas dropping out 'flyers' to every passerby and people value then as such. So earn the crediblity as YOU first and then they will be more inclined to look at the articles and research. Believe me, it works but be patient. It works in every aspect..regardless of issue. I use the tactic a lot to diffuse tension between Arabs and Israelis here in the region and around the world. I don't post one graphic photo or one article or one interview with a politicians...I do it only by rational discussion etc. I've had arabs who hated Israel so much who now visit here. I had Israelis hate Arabs so much who now travel to meet them in their countries, etc. It's phenominal. So the progress is slow but...much faster than doing nothing or doing it ineffectively or...god forbid....thinking laws or gvt will help. lol It does take time and moves slow and part of that is at the fault of the average drone but part of it is how We present the idea. If we use ineffective methods, we have to be nimble and humble enough to recongize that, accept it and try new methods of presentation. Best of luck!!
  8. Certainly...I appreciate your responses. "That is only ever going to be an incomplete experience, unless of course you find your unicorn. " A ghostly experience will also be incomplete...but I guess we have to first establish what constitutes a 'fulfilled' life, if it's achieving philosophical enlightenment even if you don't see the global and immediate results of that..the individual accomplishment of that can take a lifetime and is very fulfilling. It's the journey...not the destination. I haven't stopped the federal reserve but I have gotten a lot of people to stop and take a look at their lives. the most we can ask or expect of ourselves is: always work towards personal growth and....do something to try to influence others or another. that doesn't mean expect that person to change and validate you...that rarely happens. ut means be someone's ah-ha moment. YOu may not even know you are someone;s ah-ha moment but trust that you can be if you stick with enlightenment. I didn't know a small, unconscious thing I did every morning (literally saying hello to my neighbor every mornung even when he never replied) would have 4 years later come to validate how it changed him. 4 YEARS. He was in an ugly feud with my falther and mother in law. more than 10 years the two wouldn ot speak and would try to sabotage each other's businesses. ugly stuff. I happen to move in next to the so-called 'enemy'. He never harmed me so I give everyone a chance. I treated him as best I could as I do with everyone. I said hello to him every morning. He rarely looked at me and he never replied. After 2 years he would at least look at me and occassionaly grumble something. Finally.... he called up my FIL and ended the 'feud' with a friendly chat and beer that lasted for hours. They reconciled. ONE of the main reasons he explained why he felt he should end the feud is that he saw what a nice family (his son) he raised and a nice wife( me) the son chose and how we raise our kids and are so friendly that he couldn't carry the anger anymore. Do I give a shit about the federal reserve when we can change one person at a time around us? Our power is in helping each other. that will eventually break down the evil people....you cannot go after them directly that is chasing the unicorn. If you go through all of this personal enlightenment expecting immediate change from everyone and everything around you, then yes...that would be a self-sabotaging unicorn hunt and very unfulfilling and incomplete. if you are only looking to work and play thinking there is a unicorn....which there isnt'. then that too is incomplete.. but to suggest the philosophical life won't bring immediate change so 'so what's the point'.... neither will a ghostly life. There seems to be a double standard there. You say that you cannot not be cynical and I get that but you hint around that a ghostly life will some how save you pain and annoyance of the evils in the world. But you are already aware of them and the ghosts you want to be around are not. You cannot UNknow what you know. you cannot forget evil when you have seen it and recognize it all around you. So this is your unicorn hunt. seeking immunity among ghosts from what you already know which will leave you an unfulfilled andincomplete life. you have already made steps towards enlightenment and you want to turn away because it's grim and ugly and frightening. I completely relate. It takes practice on how to cope. I went through stages of anger and realized that's not working. stages of cynicism and found the right amount that works, etc. It's a process, that's the whole point. ghosts have no process and you have no place among ghosts becuse you are already more aware than they are and they won't understand you and you will feel more isolated and carry on this self fullilling prophecy that you cannot connect with people. We;ve all had shitty parents in one shape or form and severity... find help...call into the show, seek a therapist. I mean isn't it more logical to think that people who have takent he path of philosophy would be more compassionate and empathetic and helpful to your symptoms than ghosts who can't even see beyond the tip of their noses? You are already aware of your symptoms of a bad childhood. ghosts are not. They will minimize your complaints...even if you dare to share any with them. It'
  9. That's interesting and I don't watch porn...not for any moral judgement against it. I have thought about these possible findings. If men and women (consumers of porn) were more aware of who these men and women were, would they still enjoy watching? Can I or anyone take pleasure in watching a symptom of dysfunction? And I think it's a healthy mental exercise to see where we are in our levels of empathy. I sort of have this condundrum with people in less provocative professions. Like Robin Williams. His humor and talent was a coping mechanism for a highly dysfunctional life. As long as that history was hidden from the common person (including myself) I could easily enjoy his 'raw talent'. But I guess after his death, a lot of the skeletons came out of the closet and my heart broke and found it less enjoyable to watch. I'm not saying my reaction is more moral or correct, but just a thought to simmer on. I knew a few girls like that in college. However I think the shoe still fit them in that they were drawn to that because they exhibited other dysfunctions in their life. I don't know what their childhood was like but I too found good ways to pay for my college...I worked 2 jobs, I joined a work-study program. One job I got paid an hourly wage that I could use for spending money, the other my 'earnings' went towards my tuition and I gained value skills. Coincidentally, someone just updated me about this particular girl I knew and her life is a hot mess. She was on the University track team and stripped! So....I guess her full ride didn't cover all of the expenses she needed. She was a heavy drinker, I believe got into cocaine, got pregnant immediately after she graduated, wasn't married, was in an abusive relationship with a guy from the wrestling team, they married, divorced, he is out of the picture completely,....I mean it goes on. So to say it so innocently like, "well they jsut want to pay for college.." I think still needs to hold the caveat that there is a reason they are drawn to that type of work when many other programs and opportunities are available on campuses...at least our college. She had a drinking/coke habit and needed that type of cash to fulfill it. Why she had the drinking/coke habit could probably be explained by her childhood.
  10. When you described the lower 1%, I understood but then the top 1% seem to only include the ruling criminal class. I guess if you count 'financial' acquisition they are the top 1% but I'm not sure they are incredibly intelligent. Dumb people can be savvy. They cheat...which actually proves their lack of intelligence. Actually the top 1% has only sociopathic intelligence. Meaning, they prey upon the empathy of others. The empathetic majority mistake themselves for the rulers..thinking their intentions and empathy will carry on in the people they vote for and rule over them. The rulers only mimic the quality of empathy, etc in order to elicit and exploit the rest of us. And that quality exists in a LOT of people...not only those who use it to extract all the money and power... so based on that observation, I personally don't see those qualities as the top1% because they are so common among people all over the world. (again trying to imagine if I was an alien looking in) So, why couldn't the top 1% be the actual virtuous and intelligent...not saying they have the most representation in our matrix but it just seemed like a sharp left turn of how you described the bottom 1% and their level of intelligence and view of the world or how they viewed their place in the world etc I see the top 1% as us....those seeking self knowledge and ethical philosophy. We are a rare breed. So to go along with the thought you posted (which is very interesting!!) that even the top 1% of the most virtuous and knowledge seeking is still 1% behind a supposed life form we have not yet discovered and if that life form discovered us...would perceive us as we perceive chimps or.... 'intelligent' children. So to go down the 'rabbit hole'... if I were an alien looking in on the earth as Jane Goodall looked in the forest at the chimps, would she be mesmerized by the predictable large ape beating up the lesser apes and all of this or if slowly, over generations, some of the apes (or chimps..sorry forgot which ones) would branch off and resist 'peacefully' the big ape and those 1%...few chimps/apes followed a whole different 'philosophy' of ape-life... which would she indentify as the top 1%. Even if there are fewer alpha apes, they are making the most noise and catching the most attention but not necessarily the most intelligent to speak to, so to speak. lol sorry..weird analogy, I know. So if the aliens dropped in and saw the ruling class...sure they shine and stand out the most and are a few compared to the populations they rule but I can assume the 1% higher intelligent being could see more than we could see if we peeked in. They could instantly see the rulers, the followers and those branching off finding their own way... Fascinating. So after that long reply, you seem to be pulled in by someone into this ghostly state. But you also seem like you are in a purgatory. Not fully assimilated into ghost-life but not fully in an awakened life. This is not sustainable. There are people that want to be real and already are real. There are people who want to be real and are also afraid. Sometimes we need to fake courage to make the first move and pull others in this ghostly purgatory out of it. Be real with yourself, be real with others around you so you can begin filtering out the ghosts and the real people will show up more clearly to you. You are already in pain and shedding ghosts might be painful but it's blue on black, pain on pain. But after you shed the ghosts, the pain finally goes away rather than a dull pain for the rest of your existence.
  11. This is borderline circular logic. The more war the more smart people the more smart people the more war. I live in the Middle East and none of what you said is what is happening how you think it's happening or why it's happening nor is good that it's happening. FIrst off, I guess if we go by the Rvs K analysis war and chaos actually make dumb people breed MORE... when resources seem finite, smart people anyway conserve and R (usually lesser intelligent and impulsive) breed more. So out of the gate there is a disparity in logic. The Arabs and Muslims live in very dictatorial, not free societies...so basing their behavior as if it's totally free will and without detrimental consequences (honor killing, martyrdom, etc) is very careless. This in itself shows a low IQ population compared to other parts of the world and thus is the cause of these irrational behavoirs. The higher IQs in the Arab nations typically focus on higher education or get the hell out of dodge which leaves the dumb people behind, to breed. But again, because of the social and political pressures in most of those countries, even the smart people become ensnared...so they aren't doing it out of believing in the ideologies, but rather coersion. The middle east has been at war for a long...long....long...long time so if your theory is true, then we would have so many smart people on this planet and probably the Arabs would have founded Democracy or Liberty and Philosophy etc but they didn't. There are some really intelligent ARabs...don't get me wrong... but when we think of the Golden Ages and Renaissance periods, ARabs don't usually jump first in your mind. Lastly your theory forgets one critical element. War is win-lose. Meaning if war draws in the shitty genes and ideological fanatics, then of them one will win and one will lose. And since BOTH are willing to use violence and shed blood from their own and others then the victor will use that tactic on the smart genes of his 'tribe' or society to pass on the idiotic ideologies and propaganda, etc There is a reason why smart people avoid war...they don't have the stomach, it's too risky for very little to no personal or long term benefit. However that is the reason why smart people are always ruled by the dumbest of society because the dumb use violence and threats over the smart.
  12. I could have had that backwards. It was something I came across a few years ago an since then I just try to tune the guy out, so I wouldn't claim myself to be the most accurate in reporting about him. lol I had no idea he's even interested in circumcision in Africa...good lord...he is simply vile. The ultimate concern troll with a billion dollars to probe and inject and snip. There are very few prominant people in the world who give me the willies and he is one of them He has definitely turned to the 'dark side' if you ask me.
  13. Stefan name drops these all of the time in his podcasts.... are we being brainwashed? lol
  14. it's a symptom of cognitive dissonance. People know they are enslaved to taxation and aren't willful enough to fight against it in any useful way (and I'm not suggesting risking jail in the quest to end taxation..that's counterproductive and makes the rest of us schmucks pay for that person to sit in jail) but I digress. lol It's just more social justice warrior. They have to choose the 'battles' and 'causes' that they can actually or potentially change or at least make a lot of noise without much backlash or risk to them or their character while ignoring the overall principle (otherwise it will reveal their own hypocrisy and lack of consistency). Plus, I am sure the leftist would argue back with, "well you are stealing a movie for your own pleasure...I am stealing your money for the greater good...starving kids and single moms and dying grandmas' and what-not". I agree it is a hypocrisy. I don't believe pirating is moral or beneficial in the long run. It's a short term gain for a long term loss...especially when gvt is out there regulating and itching to come in and 'save the day' of the next 'victim', even if it's Hollywood. It's tempting but I'm quite startled at people's responses regarding the morality (I know that wasn't your initial question). Should it matter how easy it is to steal something? I guess some people feel that if it's easy...then the person deserves to be stolen from. Yikes :-/ That's very revealing of people's ethics when they use that argument AND unfortunately they are just validating those who say we need a state to protect us from people such as themselves. So again...self defeating. Take what you want and pay for it.
  15. I agree in this discussion that revolves around the aspect of the Petro Dollar as cause of many of our foreign 'policy'. Saddam announced he was considering dropping the Petro Dollar in order to trade with the EUro or other (maybe gold?) That was about 9 months before 9/11 and why the US was so hell bent on invading Iraq and taking out Saddam. Gadaffi announced he wanted to use his Gold Dinar to trade oil and not the US dollar and suddenly he is accused of genocide or pedophilia (they use a predictable list of character assassination on their next victims). Iran.... tried trading in gold with China and was threatened (or maybe we imposed already..I've lost track) sanctions against them...because you know...it's about the nukes that we are obliged by the Non-Proliferation Treaty to help them build. lol Now, regarding Syria, I have come across some facts about the Q'tari Pipeline. I believe Assad was against it. about 9 months before 9/11, Saddam announced he wanted to drop the Petro Dollar and switch to the Euro (or other currency). I believe that was one of the primary drivers (one of many) the US was so hell bent on going to Iraq. I don't know if then that means 9/11 was planned by the US but I would say even if it wasn't, they made sure to use it as a distracting segway into Iraq. Gadaffi announced he wanted to use his Gold Dinar to trade oil, stepping away from the dollar. And...we know how that turned out. Iran, likes using gold to trade for oil and we threat or impose sanctions. I think Iran was trading gold with China for oil and the US got all bent out of shape about that. They US gvt is so desperate they aren't even trying to hide their crazy anymore. I have seen this interview with Gen. Clark. Keep in mind he's a democrat and what frustrates me the most is that he came out with this in 2007...conveniently before Bush's end but in the campaign season.... after he secured himself and it's too late to do anything about it. So it feels good for the public who already had suspicions to be validated but then it's like a big middle finger since we can't do anything about it anyway. And even after this came out... no trials, no recourse, nothing. Not from the Bush administration, not for him who kept this vital, war-preventing info from the public. It's sickening. I saw this on Al Jazeera...he is a Democrat and Al Jazeera is part of the CNN family.... so keep that in mind on the timing and motive. This was carefully timed to be 'admitted' to give one last blow to Bush and the Republicans and help the Dems in the 2008 elections in my opinion. He did not expose this in order to actually call for recourse or to make change.
  16. I think that's reasonable request for anyone. And, some people try to play it off as a weakness but actually it is a very strong and brave request that shows you are not afraid of not understanding and have the respect and curiosity to find out rather than be fake and 'go along'. I love it when people are frank with me. Unless I feel comfortable with someone who I know already understands my jokes and humor, I tone it down or try to turn it off with someone I am less familiar with until I grow more comfortable and familiar with them and vice versa. I think that is just common courtesy and good human interaction to say the least.
  17. oh gawd...sorry. I normally can stomach through crappy logic but the title.... I need to take a minute. This is a man who FULLY set him and his future offspring for many-o-generations for life is now bashing capitalism. I .....am having a hard time digesting that. ok...breathe, breathe...hold my nose and I'm diving in.... oh.... made it through the first paragraph. Whew. Ok, Mr. Gates.... of course there is not as much money in the free market when you have other leeches hooking up their corporate feeding tubes to the gvt...making it that much more expensive for privateers and now you have become or are propagating to become one of those leeches which in turn makes it more expensive and less profitable for the privateers. Oh....the NSF funded research by over 200 Nobel laureates...well.... case closed. We shouldn't be skeptical about the nobel prize handouts... I think I'll find the next one in my Kracker Jack Box. <<cough cough>> Obama <<cough cough>> Wait...we shoudl look to China because it's socialist or because of it somehow being the role-model of clean air and earth...did I miss something? You said it.. He is GROSS and a fake humanist. If I understood the last 'smoking gun' I came across is that he invested in the vaccine manufacturer for the vaccines that he 'donated' to AFrica. Meaning, sure..he created a tax-haven charity, donates vaccines but bought shares in the vaccine manufacturer...cha-ching-bada-bing!
  18. I have....it was very insightful and sort of legitimized my already existing suspicion that we are taught/learned trauma. I agree and know exactly what you mean when you say many of these 'anti' sentiments are caused by the people claiming it's against them. I see this often and call it out as often as I can. Most of the anti..... has little to do with wearing funny hats and speaking like you are coughing up phlegm, rather.... some segments of the Jewish community behaving as.... communists, espeically among the uber religious, which is not surprising but causes great divides in a statist culture in Israel. It's interesting and frustrating to say the least. they are the 'jewish' form of american feminists in that they see the most trivial things as micro or they play it as MACRO aggressions against them. So it is that behavior that is causing anti...not because of their religiosity, but their behavior in interacting with others. But they refuse to separate the two. I am vaguely familiar with the Dutch Famine. As with any thing with movies, even based on real events.... we always need to assume much will be twisted, turned or glorified to fit a narrative or bias or just make for 'more interesting/entertaining/profitable' storylines. I find it a bit redundant to point out that the Jewish director over exaggerated the lives of the Nazis, etc. I mean look at military movies....all the American characters are heros....think that didn't exist in Nazi Germany cinema? And the terrorists or bad guys are all the same, etc. So I rarely use movies as my guide to reality in the here and now. And, it's been documented that some directors in Hollywood get special access to the Pentagon info and in exchange of that 'privilege' the Pentagon is part of the 'editing' of movies, you know...gotta' make sure the US military in movies is ALWAYS right. When I speak to common Israelis you get a few perspectives on the existance of Israel so I hope it will help clear any preconceived notions and biases. You have those who full heartedly use the Holocaust as the justification for hthe existence. These people are so few and far and rarely involve actual Holocaust Survivors themselves. Political Zionists mostly. They seem to be the loudest miniority, however. You have those who present the Holocaust with the reverence it deserves but are also compassionate that there are such atrocities that still occur and need focus and attention, that 'my atrocity was bigger' shouldn't be the poker chip of this issue. And there are those that use the 'dick measuring' approach to their ancestoral atrocity as such poker chip. Then you have the religious...which existed in the Holy Land before Israel became a state. They feel this is their god given land but don't want or expect a state to 'make it official'. This belief is simply just that for them..their way of life and they will make due with or without a state. These are the people who belief they are in gods hands. . Some of these Religous zionists don't believe in a state and actually find it heretical. Then there are those that find the state convenient to their religious 'destiny'...so even among them they are divided. You have the Religious and Political zionists....they are the dangerous bunch. typically those who carry out the terrorists attacks on Palestinians and their own people. They are nuts. Then you have those who are zionist but not relgious but don't agree with political zionism (or they don't even realize political zionism exists). Meaning, they identify as Jews...accept the bible stories, but live their life as more traditional Jews, they feel rooted ancestorally to the land but don't feel the gvt needs to hammer this into people's heads and wallet. . AMong these people are nationalists...among the nationalists are divided among strong statists and those more conservative (anti-gvt). I would define the nationalists (based on my obersvations and personal encounters) as just proud Israelis as most people around the world are 'proud' of the country they are born into because of gvt schooling, etc. And when I say proud...that doesn't mean they think their gvt is without fault... it's just like people in the US.. you have those skeptical, those who blindly follow and among those who still believe in statism but work to improve the state. I haven't found any anarchists however my 70 yr old father in law does like my arguments about why a no state solution for humanity is the best option, so that's a plus. lol And mind you he came to Israel at the age of 10 only with his brother (no parents/adults) from Morocco so he was a ward of the state but my theory that he was basically without a father and had an abusive older brother as his guardian makes him more open to statelessness. So even when people use 'anti-Israeli' etc it's such a broad brush and is just another social justice warrior term that sounds fashionable and edgy but only an admission that they have not taken more than 10 mintues to recognize, let alone try to understand, the kaleidascope of differences within Israel and Judaism. When people criticize the gvt it's common for people to shout 'anti-semetic'. but again....for better or worse, Israel is designed to only have a Jewish gvt, so it's an argument trap. If you criticize the Jewish gvt and that makes you anti-semetic but there is no option of a non-jewish gvt to compare to and criticize equally. This seems obvious but when I point it out to common Israelis they 'wake up' a bit and see the fallacy and actually...they reform to new logical consistancies better than Americans I discuss difficult and sensitive issues with, so I give them a lot of credit for that. The other part of the 'jewish gvt' is that they manipulate immigration of course to tip the scale and stack the chips. So they have the bragging rights of being multicultural etc and that's all fine and well and non-jews can vote, however when I came as a non-jewish immigrant and have lived here for more than 4 years by now and pay taxes... I was not allowed to 'reap ' any gvt benefits until a few months ago And, as a non-jew I am exempt from certain land ownership opportunities and I won't get my citizenship for a very very long time (multi-decade) which means I live here, subjected to the laws but cannot vote (not that I would but going on the argument in the matrix of statism) yet any jewish person can arrive tomorrow and have their citizenship within a few days, vote in the next election etc. so this is what I mean by it's a democracy but the 'house' always wins. So when people rant that Israel is not a democracy that's still a broad brush because they use things out of context to support that. When I make this argument with Israelis it becomes VERY clear to them why people might see Israel as democracy. The most accurate way I put it to people in and out of Israel is It's not the type of democracy you think it is. They seem to get what I mean by that. They always compare to the horrific dictatorial neigbor countries and sure..ISrael looks peachy! Compare to actual democracies with separation of church and state and actual equality in all levels and...they don't fair so good. So it's just taking a fine tooth comb to these common rants you see on the internet, as i come across them as well and diffusing them with real, day to day contexts. I simply tell them.... it's ok to be misguided because you never had to immigrate to your own country. you believe what you are told and don't go piece by piece to see if it's 'kosher' lol. But when they hear my experiences of the inequality, then they feel there is a great injustice and that is a good sign that they react with virtuous intent. If they heard my arguments and were apathetic, then I would resent it because they constantly try to tap into my and the world's compassion on their 'victimization' etc.... but when they react with compassion and empathy and a desire to learn more and become more aware of things they didn't know they didn't know..then I am much more patient with some of the gaps that exist. It's such a small country with so many extreme elements, everyone came from pretty much brutal regimes in their past or ancestory etc and then you get the most religious of ALL organzied religions jammed packed in one city.... it's a boiling pot of oil waiting for the tiniest drop of water to ignite it. The cameras are always where the action in but the action represents such a tiny fraction of what's really going on.
  19. The test is...if during their "PMS" they are a raging B to you but can speak kindly to the local grocer cashier.... call out their B.S. lol
  20. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/aug/21/study-of-holocaust-survivors-finds-trauma-passed-on-to-childrens-genes Warning: This is a mix of ranting and observation and sharing personal experience, etc. so I apologize in advance if my thoughts are all over the place. This is one of the many articles you can find about passing on trauma through genes. I am not Jewish but I do live in Israel. This topic has been on my mind lately and now my niece is on a field trip in Poland to visit the Holocaust sites with her class. It's an optional trip, however in high school the kids are taught the Jewish experience of the Holocaust and visit the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, etc. She's sending photos of these sites which are very emotional and haunting. I can tell it's her attempt to connect to the family at a time where she needs her family to be there with her or for her not to be there at all! My kids are still young (1st and 3rd grade) but I have already made up my mind that they will not be visiting these sites with a class or without me. I thought I would chapparone but even that is out of the question. If they want to go, it will be just us, as a family on our own time. I had a suspicion that getting into the details of the holocaust while the kids are in school passes on the trauma. Now, having heard my nieces experience (she is 16), I can tell she is already traumatized AND keep in mind, she is in a foreign country, for the first time, without her parents for a week...which can be difficult enough! Now, you can imagine my legitimate concern added to the scientific research done on the matter (even Israeli media covers this research) is seen by many in Israel as mild nazi'sm or 'concern trolling. I find this highly irresponsible and abusive but of course this is the "jewish" right of passage I guess. I'm not stating this as any judgement because this type of teaching-trauma can occur in any way. This is what the 'black slavery' I believe does to modern black people..... keep hammering on about slavery and suddenly they felt enslaved, etc. I find it frightening and fascinating at the same time. It explains a lot about certain Jewish, especially Israeli behaviors.... especially in context of the current Palestinian conflict. You get the extreme right who just goes into spirals that everyone isagainst them and ...I won't get too much into it now, but in short, but these extreme right that are the biggest drivers behind keeping the Holocaust alive and viscerally palpable, think that if you try to discuss peace and consistancy, that you are a secret terrorist. LIke super weird stuff I can't even describe. They say, "you are a terrorist posting as a peace activist'. I mean... that is a whole level of paranoia I can't even explain. it's a riddle wrapped in a puzzle to understand how these people process information and others who aren't like them. Even to common Israelis they are baffling. I digress. I think this issues of how we can pass on our traumas in our genes either by our behavior from that trauma that is taught or by activating genes in our offspring or by literally TEACHING them the trauma so it feels real and present it hugely underrated. I have tried using this avenue of discussion to see if in my own life I am doing this to any degree unknowingly. But when I speak with others to see if they notice this in their own life or in society as a whole because I think if we can put context to this so people really see it, then it can begin, just like peaceful parenting, undoing a lot of the damage in the world. I am so so sorry that my niece is going through this but there is no way in her situation to even make it a 'bad' thing. They are proud to go through this. Even though it is traumatizing. I can only start with my kids by minimizing the damage and keep our conversations open and frequent. I've already told my hubby that our kids will not be participating with their class on these trips. If later in their life they want to visit these sites, I have no problem whatsoever and we will go together, as a family so we can share the experience and take the time to go at our pace and deal with the emotions together with honor and dignity and care. My niece's trip is 200 children! (some are from the same age group but different schools). I was horrified.... not even on our 'fun' field trips in the US could we get 200 kids, if we included the whole school in the whole county! lol But that many kids for such an emotional, scary, confusing and intensive trip it's outright abuse. And, she is already calling home everyday hysterical and crying and then when she gets home, she will sit for hours with her grandmother who lost 3 relatives in the Holocaust which will hit her stronger in her heart and knowing my mother in law, won't get into the 'how'. It's only the 'what'. My kids will learn the precursors to WWII to put things in context..not that it makes it ok but that's why she's so traumatized. she keeps asking, HOW? HOW? HOW? and no one has any fucking answers for her except: because we are Jews." not because THEY were Jews... but WE...they already put THEMSELVES in the past experience. It's so subtle. I tried once to say.... you know there were a lot of precursors that prepare for a dictator to take over and is preventable if society will read the signs. And I was given death stares and everyone's ears turned deaf...stick to the narrative!! They always say on the Holocaust Memorial Day, "never again'. They say you either have Jews who vow this will never happen again to THEM and you have Jews who vow this will never happen again to ANYONE. That's really true and I try to preach how this can never happen again to anyone and pay attention to economics, recognize propaganda, etc but that's very inconvenient to passing on trauma. If the youths don't feel the trauma, the elders feel the youths will put down their guard and it will happen all over again....which is true because the elders never learned or took the time or allowed anyone else to teach HOW it actually happened in order to read the warning signs. Lastly, don't judge Israel by its leader! lol I've come to the conclusion (and since we are all or mostly anarco-caps here) that when we see a leader of any country, it's probably most accurate to assume that he represents the LOUDEST MINORITY, not the rational majority. I know Democracy is suppose to be the mob rule, but from what I've seen in the 2 countries I've lived in (US and Israel) it's the loudest minority that wins the power seat. ok, I think that's the end of my rant. If anyone has anything to add, please do!
  21. I won't speak for RCali on his definition of this but I interpreted it as invidivudals' comfort is stronger than the individuals' logic...not necessarily the unintended negative consequences of their choice of comfort over logic. Meaning, if you bring up challenging issues to an individual, most likely they will feel uncomfortable and they will recoil to seek refuge from the threat they perceive (a logical conversation can be very 'threatening' to some people). Or even if they 'agree' with the logic, they won't take any moral courage to make practical changes in their own life to work towards that. They then become a private 'cheerleader' for you to do the work...they rarely even share with others of their new 'revelation' etc. That is what I understood his comment to mean. of course, we see the wars and these negative outcomes beCAUSE people are taking the easy road, the comfortable road of not speaking up or speaking up when it's too late to matter. (in 2015 it's not morally courageous to only now be against the Iraq war. (not saying because of that they shouldn't!! lol) In 2003, very much morally courageous ,etc)
  22. However try to spin it more positively. Meaning, it's not actually a punishment when people 'react negatively' to you being you. they are doing you a favor in helping you see ALL that you need to see...gather all the information you need to make a healthy, positive decision for you. I know it feels uncomfortable in the moment but the sooner they are out of your immedidate orbit, the sooner that sting goes away and will stay away. And by this, it's assumed that once you are yourself and they react negatively that you also call them out on how you are experiencing their behavior. Their reaction to being called out in a calm, loving cricticism approach will tell you more about them. I had a terrible experience with a mother of a school bully. He bullied my son. I approched her and she handled the situation TERRIBLY. I later confronted her on the incident, not only the bullying from her son but how she did not respond to my feelings or observations when trying to communicate with her. Even though I KNEW how she would react, I gave her a chance to do so, she has to prove to ME who she is. I give everyone a chance. So she acted/reacted just as she had with everyone else and I made it clear to her that she is no longer part of our life, etc. This was a very extreme case. but the point is that don't judge only on their reaction to you because sometimes that can be startling to people..e.spcially if you have put up a 'facade' for so long. Be sure to let them know how their reaction felt to you (good or bad!) and then go from there. Another example is a friend of mine tried doing a 'reverse troll' on his FB page. He normally curses and makes crude jokes and such. Then one day he made an announcement that he is stepping away from that and is following Jesus etc. And based on his YEARS of ironic and reverse psychology humor, no one..not even his brother could tell if he was joking or not. He went on with this for days. It was interesting to see people's reaction. THey were even MORE harsh in their weird sense of humor of bashign one another, than before. It was so confusing. I simply told him...if this is the real him just a new him and he's happy, then great. If it's a social experiment...great. lol It really showed him a LOT about his 'friends' and I think he deleted some of them in the end. But to be fair, he didn't show empathy to his friends base because he literally did a 180/about-face which if people want to make an instant personality change and NOT expect people to be skeptical (they don't need to be cruel) then that is a bit unrealistic. So sorry to babble on, just wanted to throw out some caveats to help.
  23. lol. That's fair. look, even when I wrote it out I had to stop myself a few times because something 'didn't feel right'. lol I couldn't decipher if it's sociological conditioning that I was resisting or logical fallacy. I'm still not clear and maybe others might be able to expand on it, refine it better but it is an important question to ponder and interesting one. I guess my motive for 'defending' this position how I presented it was to create a sort of check/balance for people in their decision making choices. It's a fine line of blaming the victim if the victim compromised their firewalls of security (body/money/property) but to be sure it does not clear the moral or ethical responsiblity whatsoever for those who take advantage of those who are voluntarily impaired. This I wanted to make very clear. There should be recourse as well against those who take advantage in exploitive means....especially if they knew they would NOT receive consent if the person is without mental disablers. I agree and maybe I didn't say that clearly enough but yes....to defraud or exploit someone whether you know they are impaired or not SHOULD hold its own recourse...absolutely. I cannot stress that enough. But that doesn't remove all responsiblity from one who intentionally impaired themselves and this is where I slightly disagree. Then there is really no deterrent or recourse for those choosing to impair themselves and the consequences. I guess I want deterrant measures on both ends of the issues. That is the point I want to also push. That just because some tries or defrauds an impaired individual, doesn't mean we cannot see that crime for what it is in its entirity but also have recourse (doesn't need to be criminal) but some recourse or disincentive to being impaired and trying to drive, sign contracts, etc. Anesthesia is elective, of course but.... it's not a leisure activity so I don't see it as an equal comparison. And anesthesia is typically in the context of life or health saving procedures, not hook-up bars and night clubs, etc. Of course is someone is put under and as they come to agree to sex or to sign over their life savings, this would not be a legal contract and anyone who took advantage of that person should have recourse against them (lose practicing license/insurance, etc). But patients do not perform their own anesthesia. This comes after a relationship is established, appointments, check ups, tests, etc...a trust is established, etc, contracts and releases signed, agreements all beforehand. If I get drunk before I leave my house and go to the car dealership, the salesman may or may not smell alcohol on my breath (or confuse it for their own lol) but may not be able to assess how 'drunk' I am if at all and we sign the contract. Later I sober up and freak out. If the salesman is question he could lie or simply say...well..I thought I smelled alcohol but how am I suppose to know how much someone can drink or handle?..then you get into the hairy issue of what is 'drunk' and how a perfect stranger can assesst hat without police equipment, etc. And even stating 'drunk' is arbitrary. Are we defining it by the 'legal' limits which vary from state to state or even by counties or by behavioral cues? If so, will everyone need to be tested before signing contracts, etc? I don't think it would be so easy to prove and why some responsibility should be in the hand of those who not only choose to inhibit themselves but then try to conduct commerce or put themselves in certain enviornments that may bring negative consequences. It's just risk assessment that's all. Go out, have fun, get drunk but know society will hopefully hold them AS WELL AS those who try to prey on the inhabilitated. I"m not saying the inhabilitated should get as strong of recourse but should be held to some level of responsiblity to serve as a deterrent for future repetition and warning to others.
  24. it's more filler talk, nothing of substance. It sounds like he is saying something of substance but the fact of the matter is, just calling them names "Grumpy Cat' rather than debunking their claims serves no value. And this goes for Republicans too. Just saying, "you are so negative", "this is terrible", etc really states nothing of value. He could have spent those minutes at least going issue by issue and stating what he feels in inaccurate with their claims. I'm not suggesting this as if I actually take politics/ians seriously but at least it would be less torturous to listen to them. Since I've been part of the FDR community, hearing these talking heads is intolerable at times. In short, this is live action viewing of speaking to the lowest common denominator. If a highly 'respected' leader tries to talk like he's your buddy using perjorative and 'reference humor' as his argument, we are in a sad state. It's so snarky, unintelligent, etc. The GOP does it too and it's just gets those non-thinkers all giddy and giggly and nostalgic that their good-ole-boy candidate is just like them. gross.
  25. You have....don't worry. Thank you again for being so generous and sharing. I am so sorry that anyone had to experience what you and your siblings did but very happy for you that you found resolution. For me, I don't feel impaired by my symptoms/suspicions so I am glad you used that as the 'benchmark' because I have overcome a lot of the negative manifestations (my sisters have not but I can only control myself). And why I was going back and and forth of whether or not to dive into that issue as it might be more than I can handle and it's not longer a threat, if it ever existed at all, etc. Anyway, with all of that said, thank you so very much and continued success to you!
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