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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    315. Moss - Retread Lightly 316. Boards Of Canada (BOC) - Everything You Do Is A Balloon (today's a deep exploration... Cameron style. Nope, not the 'goner'. The half crazy, gifted one.)
  2. To the FDR team, Humbly, greatly appreciate your dedication. I'm including all whom I seen, most importantly the ones that convinced me through reason & evidence...(feels like the 'phaaauwer' of thought, and some more.) Thank you, best creation on the Internet! Barnsley post script (1000+1 comment)
  3. Hi @crops Welcome back (~1 year) to the forum! This is going to sound strange and maybe a bit 'weaponized' (for normies), though it's a layman's query/assessment : Is it truthful to ascertain that you have done ZERO research into what the consequences of choosing either would be? Barnsley
  4. What do you think about the responses you got in :
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    313. Diplo - Summer's Gonna Hurt You 314. Strength In Numbers - Future Man
  6. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    311. Earth Leakage Trip - String Thief (Ltj Bukem) 312. Neo - Régi Ismerôs
  7. Thank you for the follow up, these things should be banned from driving down memory lane, kept being discussed...as the FDR TEAM DOES SO. Another great presentation people (like myself) can learn from, regardless whether they agree with what FDR has put out so far, nation they belong to. I particularly liked how the 'We got this!' and 'tube' arguments were vaporised by simple logic. We were presented with much better and truthful arguments instead, that's something I can never get bored of. And, yes. When people invested in children's sake are replacing those who are currently running the 'Kabuki theatre' we now live in... society stops degrading. I don't think I have fully grasped the reality of (still, it's baffling) how several thousands of people willingly acted in one way or another as accomplices in the tragedy that took place. (it seems, the greater evil is indifference, rather than aggression) Quite a jagged pill to swallow. The current zeitgeist. This video coupled with the other three should be watched together (I did listen to the last two before, to refresh) for a greater perspective, there's so much more being spoken of in them, pointing at. Previously (hope I didn't miss any) : 1. 2. 3.
  8. Hi @Crusader1986 First of all, (and I mean it) sorry for the situation, these things are never easy. I hope you won't take it the wrong way but I'm not sure if it's a list of clearly defined clues, foreshadowing a likely negative outcome that you are really looking for. (That's basically what you'd asked for, am I right?) This is just my opinion (no problem if you treat it as 'armpit - talk', could be wrong here)... wouldn't it be better if you could see every gradient and sized flags, wherever, whenever they popped up? Mind you, there's also the phenomena, at times an equally 'painful' and/ daunting outcome of being with 'not the right person' who by the way didn't have red-flags. Not much use for 'flag-detection' there, obviously.
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    309. Hoover - Nr. 9 310. Broadway Project - Directions
  10. If there's no sufficient amount and adequately mineralised/quality/temperature water... you're toast. Fun facts (approx, for a 70Kg human, NOT engaged in physical activity, in a low-ish metabolic state) ° ~600ml water OUT in urine ° ~400ml water OUT through the skin ° ~200ml water OUT when breathing ° + loss of minerals, vitamins... etc. therefore, ° approx. a MINIMUM of 1.2 L of potable water should be available DAILY, probably more (I'd draw the line, in a semi-dire scenario, somewhere around 10L per daily use for all water related, naturally reclaiming as much as possible) and when ° for example an average serving of beef stew contains roughly 70-80% water, ° canned food containing water (have a much shorter shelf life, but here it's beside the point) takes up more space, cans are cylindrical... The logistics of moving such a quantity and then storage, is... a bit of a challenge?
  11. Hi thinkers and alike, I wanted to raise awareness of a very important tool that's been around for a long time and is still going strong, especially in areas where perception is key. ° A synonym for it, is the 'Boiling frog' phenomenon ° The major steps can be outlined as: 1. Define the target behaviour you are aiming at 2. Decide if shaping is really essential 3. Identify the starting user behaviour 4. Choose the increment you want. Each step takes you closer from starting behaviour to the target behaviour ° An example (though not fully referenced, archived) could be when eBay changed its colour-scheme so gradually that those who had complained when it was first tried (at 'normal' speed) didn't notice it after, during the transition. Annnd... voila, circumvented! Where else has the same principle been used/is being used/will be used? ° Is this how governments and corruption expands? (also: am I repeating myself here?) ° Who keeps an eye on such things? (Is there no other way than only hindsight?) ° What's the major difference between this occurring 'organically' and when it's planned? Barnsley
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    307. Soulstice - Where Were You 308. E-Z Rollers - Movin' On
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    305. Prime - Rewind 306. Cassetteboy - Cameron's Conference Rap
  14. 1. *Forgiveness is not equal to forgetting. 2. It's a. You are not happy with what had happened but you are ok with how it was dealt with (restitution, subjective measure) and don't want it to happen again. (assurances created, in place) b. in certain circumstances you are glad it happened to a certain degree, as it enabled a form of learning/understanding. AND you don't want it to happen again, will be remembered (and compared to the set of assurances). c. since, some of those things that are done in form of an honest mistake/accident are fundamentally different from those that were done onto us with us being considered in the equation: It's essential to establish whether we could have been replaced (non personal, we were just 'conveniently close') or if the situation was designed, pre-meditated, tailored for us(aggression). 3. Without clarity of ALL the above (+caveat) , there's no forgiveness possible. Repetition assured. p.s. caveat (Is it possible to forgive to a certain degree? - Sure, it is. Just as telling the truth to a certain degree.)
  15. Hello @CygniAustralis Um, compared to what? (didn't mind, thanks for acknowledging the time past) I think you answered what I was curious about (mostly) (I was curious how my experience compared to yours. "mostly" = I couldn't rely on friends or family for example.) Fair enough, thanks anyway. That's an interesting sentiment, not what I've experienced but it doesn't mean it can't be how you've described it, (Besides, agree, gifts and money will only attract the vainer set of people...) I sort of meant, have doubts about rather, "she will come to you" view... Though, don't want to argue or convince you otherwise, I just think (and have experienced) it's different for Men. (as in: pro-activity is essential). Thanks for your answers nevertheless, congrats again for you guys! Barnsley
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    303. City and Colour - The Grand Optimist 304. Quincy Jones & His Orchestra - For Lena And Lennie
  17. Oh, yeah I agree. Definitely. It's much simpler, indeed. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading.
  18. I'm genuinely happy you got your answer, I have no say in what lorry has put forward (he works! in the field, I don't), my question is about something else. Do you know what you want to achieve by learning a type of coding? Maybe I'm completely wrong when I see it as 'buying buttons for a coat you haven't found/made yet'.
  19. barn

    Amazon Shopping

    Hi @ion Welcome to the board (i.e. - posting) You can.. Amazon Affiliate Links: ▶️ US: http://www.fdrurl.com/Amazon ▶️ Canada: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonCanada ▶️ UK: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonUK Alternatively: Donate (several different options) Nice one, Barnsley
  20. Hi @Copper_Heart (the other thread - It happens to the best of us, good on you for chiming back about it!) As of the op here, may I put forward a few ideas (they might not/be useful) : ° When we are clear on what to choose, it's because there's a strong(er) connection with our true-self. (As in: we aren't rationalising/fogging but instead are open to various possibilities and acknowledge when something has a greater than others charge in it) ° Could the 'unsuccessful' visits made a part of you feel pissed(not getting what you thought you deserved) and/ saddened(feeling let down) ? I put unsuccessful in quotation because it is helpful still, if you could narrow down the pattern that was happening there (i.e. - What was common in those visits for you?) Oh, absolutely. I perfectly know what you mean, yet it's not too accurate in my humble humble humble opinion to keep it at that, there's mooore to it.(..me thinks.) Doing self-authoring is different. You are working with the best, the most involved, the most knowledgeable group ever (MEco system). You, with your team have the highest chance of understanding what went down(and I'm convinced if you keep at it with the right frame of mind, you WILL make MORE progress. Think of it as incremental and stacked, gradual until the moment, when !BAM! - it suddenly makes sense to you) Allowing for information to come forth and being thankful for it in a humble and constructive manner generates more, enabling a healthy interaction. (things that can stifle this process: being judgemental unfairly, unexamined convictions staying that -> unexamined, forceful questioning instead of reasoned curiosity, name-calling in inner talk, lack of self-empathy...) ° Have you tried writing with the other hand than you normally would use? (brain hemispheres and limbs are cross-wired, taking the pen into the other hand when writing stimulates the other hemisphere more and can resolve 'writer's block'. Don't worry about how horrendous it'll look, that's unimportant. Do it for a couple of minutes at least, just write to a question you've outlined at the top of the page, let it flow, just write.) ° If you asked your friends who really cared about you, what would they say? What's the difference between their and your own perspective? ° What comes up the most frequently for you in your inner-chatters? Are they all frequently negative/positive/open ended? Hope these ideas benefit you, they aren't really questions to be answered here, rather, they should be for your meditating over them...unless you feel like responding/expanding on some, here.
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H. A. W. / 22. Lemon D - Find A Way p.s. /Nice, não é ?!/
  22. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    301. Bonobo - Recurring 302. Ryo Fukui - My Foolish Heart
  23. Hi @dmart1287 Congratulations, you've become a 'certified MAN'! Are you familiar with the parenting section? I'm not a parent but can't imagine not making sure I had listened to the Bomb in the Brain series. Here's a great video (referring to the book) from J.B.P. The Absolute Necessity of Fathers Additionally, after you've seeked out the advice of virtuous family members /individuals, you can post specific queries on the boards, it might be helpful in each different question. All the best, thumbs up on your responsibility taking(wanting to know how to do it right, I wish my parents had a shred of that, a million thank you!!!)! Barnsley
  24. Hi @Observing Libertarian Welcome to the board! Looking back... this is another case for freedom, yet again. Guys, seriously. How have we not achieved it already? Almost all arguments tend to lead the way BACK to free-choice and CONSEQUENCES... Anyhow. Treat these as 'preliminaries'(if you don't have anything to add/clarify /correct, a simple yes/no will suffice) : 0. tri-part (zero argument) a. Free-will, naturally (NAP, respect property) but consequences acrew nevertheless. (As in: You get what you pay for. Fair 'n square, objective, even if open to un-coerced negotiations.) b. "Omni-" does NOT require, it only provides options... (As in: You choose but you don't have to use every availability.) c. What we've managed to achieve is not what we can achieve(full potential), to derive predictions for the future from what we 'could' is reasonable but isn't the whole truth, LESS IMPORTANT THAN upholding/perfecting the methods/principles that will deliver an output for the ever-changing conglomerate of needs IN REAL TIME vs. 'planned'. 1. Is it true that a relaxed regulation on food production, supplements, techniques, additives, apart from its initial hurdles would mean a greater independence and alleviation of partial food costs for the public, it being optional and remaining competitive in the market of all things, will be causing the adaption to the actual and REAL needs of people, simplifying food+secondary produce production as a whole? (As in: medicinal, food-, feedstock crops would be produced at a greater scale, utilising potential that's currently wasted, induce for an improvement of quality production=demand as a whole, progressively save (a fraction, initially, of the) transportation costs, raise level of 'know-how', encourage community strengthening tendencies, in-built feedback will much better toggle between economical (governed by demand) activities ... etc.) 2. The cost of producing meat/veg. IS NOT reflected in the cost of meat/veg. as they're subsidised, 'Big Food' regulates it all. 'What you subsidise is what you let spiral out of the boundaries of reality... ' (As in: approx 80-90% potable water goes into agriculture, to a greater degree into feedstock = 50% of that is ONLY for feedstock, gargantuan waste of supplements... nitrate blooms, methane... etc. ) 3. two parts a. Mono culture + mechanisation nets a quick boost, a limited number of repeated 'extorting the land' but brings about tons of secondary complications, inducing for a massive secondary industry dependent on 'abusive' agricultural methods. b. Polyculture is the opposite of monoculture, it aims at maximising the effectiveness at which different types of plants can be grown together, in a 'non-exhausting' fashion, more laborious in general(for now), far more sustainable and requires less *-ticides when executed well, produce is better quality(nurient content vs. water). (As in(over-simplyfied): Corn field vs. patches(adapted terrain of Corn+legumes+green leaf veg. + proximity of pollinators & 'scaled-down' tending, 'involved' farmers not only / other than economical gain ) 4. Humans respond to incentives. Give them 'good enough' incentives to shift more towards consuming less meat and they'll do so. (As in: better parenting, conscientiousness level raised, critical thinking raised, independence raised... etc. -> You can't sell coercion in a freely thinking society. People defend their interests.) 5. The possibility for the human body to produce certain 'building blocks' does not mean it will manifest the same in every person, situation, time-frame... can't be bogged down, must be highly individualistic when framing it in respect to dietary needs. No general rule of thumb here. (As in: You'd be surprised how many 'mutants', special requirements there are... the more we respond to the individual needs, the better we do overall... as in(*2):, 'There's no average in reality'.)
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