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Everything posted by meetjoeblack

  1. The figure of Jesus Christ on a cross and the symbolism for the majority of a population throughout human history resonates being of individual's experience with suffering. A good portion have also been inspired and were self-aware. There is definitely exploration of consciousness and Christianity.
  2. America. I found that I met awesomeness when I explored on a road trip or I traveled elsewhere. There is nothing I wouldn't give for my dreams. The most precious gift I have to give is my time so, I am really dedicating it to the things I love and living my life out that way. I saw a Stefan video on PUA. I regret to admit that, after spending most of my teens alone, I had one gf in my teens. I was liked by girls in high school and college but, I just never dated any of those people. After years of this, I resorted to pickup, and approaching lots. I dated more but there was lots of rejection and flakes. I realized more and more just how hard it is to meet a good match. If not for the few good experiences and good women I met in my life, I would not know of such a possibility. For that, I am truly grateful. Quite honestly, I think most men would have given up by now if they had some of the weird experiences I have had with girls which is why I am scared of MGTOW. A male co worker asked me once if I was. I said I know what it is. I like to date so, no. No I am not but, I am getting a bit concerned cause I just see how gross it can be and how awful things can get if it doesn't workout when children are involved following a divorce. I know the Jesus saying about serving two masters. You cannot be committed, truly committed if I am MGTOW or have this sort of stuff in mind so, I have not listened to any sandman or any of that stuff for awhile. While I regret to admit doing pickup and approaching, everything else has failed, everything I was ever told was a lie, and I am forced to accept the reality that is. I either give up or I continue to approach. On my death by when I reflect on my life, I will know I dedicated my life to doing what I love, to taking chances, and doing everything in my power to find that one. Japan has the herbivore men. I don't quite get it or understand but, it sounds pretty much like MGTOW. I know what you mean. It is a symptom of a much larger problem. Men that realize they failed in a marriage economically or others that have failed in the dating world checked out for their own self interest. The difference is that, in doing so, you are not doing like Deida suggests, living at your edge, and giving of your gifts whatever they maybe. I met this girl in a coffee shop. She told me she was a student and we got talking about our life plans. She brought up some event and I said, "that sounded like an invite." I took her number but, that was the highlight of everything. It reminded me of the coffee shop scene of the Pitt movie. This was the highlight. We ended up going out but, we had absolutely nothing in common and she was very argumentative. White girl on a date venting about "white privilege." What she meant was "white male privilege." We never hung out again and I didn't even text her but, she still took the drink. It is that sort of shit that pisses me off so, I have learned not to bother in the future. By that, I don't mean give up on dating. I mean, the millennials are about "Netflix and chill." It is $8.99 or $10.99 for HD. I have tried dating older. I notice a lot of baggage. I tried dating younger. Lots of divas. I date middle or late twenties and you would think you were talking to someone in high school. Lots of partying and clubbing. I don't get it.
  3. Thanks for the response. I am hopeful since the election is over, Stefan/FDR can return back to gene warfare and genetic ostracism or topics of relations and family life. Last year, I dated this Christian woman I met randomly while I was out. She gave her number and we texted a bit before we eventually met up. She made it evident about wanting a family and doing that kind of stuff which I respect. There were some problems for me.The thing was she told me about going away with "friends." When we met up for drinks, she mentioned "guy friend" who she goes on vacation with. A few more drinks in and baggage came out. I saw quite a few red flags much of which I would have disregarded as a much younger man. I could not given the lessons I have had in life. I have heard the recommendation to date someone traditional, someone that comes from a household divorce free, no children, not promiscuous or a feminist, not into drug use or heavily drinking. This girl wanted a drink every time we were out which I was turned off by. Another girl I dated this past year seemed cool at first but, then, I started picking up on problematic things. She was defensive for no reason. She bought me coffee which I liked since, it meant she wasn't expecting me to just buy her dinner or food. She then was sort of flaky or unresponsive which is a red flag. She text me to come over for a movie one night. I could not due to plans. I went over and we hooked up. All the doors at her house were closed and I found children's toys randomly. Sure enough, she had a kid and I was looking for an out. Oh I got my out. Pics and videos on Instagram came up with different men, guys kissing at her face, and other things that could be described as sly. I went out with a girl I met online. We talked on the phone a fair bit and even texted. When we hung out, I realized I got cat fished or she has pics that are her but, were when she looked a lot better. Like, she had pics from when she was a cheerleader and gymnast. She was a big girl so, a pic of her doing the beam and other gymnastics was definitely false advertising. If this was not enough, she had eaten crackers a fruit in front of me like a animal. She then left the mess she did not eat in a crumpled heap on a coffee table in front of me at which point, I grabbed my coat, and keys before making my exit. I always had better luck approaching girls randomly then I ever did online. I feel vain and arrogant with taking selfies but, you sort of have to for online. When approaching, you cannot get cat fished, people cannot photoshop themselves to look better, and if someone fails to offer or add value, you don't proceed forward. I guess what I am saying is that, I know I will miss this freedom from responsibility right now without children or a wife but, my blasted genes crave to procreate but, as a logical and rational self aware male, I know it is chaotic if I get wrong.
  4. This is what I am doing at the time being. I am looking to add as much value as humanly possible. I read David Deida's book Way of the Superior man following a book list recommendation by Elliot Hulse. In this book, he speaks of a "hero's journey." Deida goes onto talk about a life path and living at your edge to the extend of giving of your gifts to the world. The rest manifests I take sort of like karma which isn't hocus pocus but rather a cause and effect phenomenon. Despite the journey, it is riddled full of suffering and struggle which I fully embrace. All roads in life lead to death and loss at some point but, there is beauty in that to because it makes it all the more special and precious. I am inspired because of that fact and I am challenged to rise to the occasion that is life.
  5. For a very long time, I have dedicated a lot of time towards self awareness, reason, and evidence. It is astounding the things you come about through self discovery. Along the way, I came across FDR, and I have come to adopt a lot of interesting facts that were in contradiction to many of the things I once believed. I could dispute it but, I digged deeper and I seem some startling truths I am faced with. I have listened to every FDR or Stefan podcast with respect to this topic. I have read countless books (men on strike by helen Smith, The Rational Male, Sperm wars, The selfish Genes, etc). I am taking in my experiences and the experiences of others much wiser then myself. I am alarmed by my experience, by dating, by the lives of those I know destroyed after marriage, guys ruined by the family court systems, men that are in cuckold situations, and court ordered to pay child support in cases where DNA proves infidelity. I admit a bit of fear. I feel like I am being stuck in a lose lose situation. Dating is a example of one of the many problems. Online is a example of serial dating. Bios read "proud single mom" as if this is a badge of honor. It is a cees pool example of carousel 2.0. If by some miracle, a man meets a good woman, what favor does marriage hold given the laws, family court, and the high likelihood she has been riding the carousel until her intuition starts up for babies. Gentlemen, I am scared. I have seen far too many bad situations in my own life dating, in friends or family. I have seen horror stories online and elsewhere. I could use a talking of a alternative lifestyle. I still talk to women, I still approach, and date but, it feels forced at best sometimes. Fully grown women act like preteens in heat. Woman going on thirty acting like she is 17. FDR/Stefan still swears by marriage but, I almost feel like it is a lost cause.
  6. Not sure what the point is?
  7. No. Trump isn't but, Obama sure as hell was not either. it was mostly white American women that promoted Obama as 'the second coming.' What Trump is a 'stake through the heart' of political correctness,' of language policing, and victimizing groups. Crying racist, sexist or misogyny will not be enough to win arguments nor will screaming and acting like a crazy woman. We are seeing this in America right now with riots, with trashing public property, and being a sore sport. Reason and evidence will not match the level of stupidity here. The men following this nonsense are chasing the validation of women or as Stefan would say, "men want the eggs." Women want their safe spaces, their liberal arts and women's study class along with free education. Anti Capitalism, participation ribbons, and a series of adversity to competition. Trump wins. The man is a multi billionaire. He has a model wife and absurd riches. He is now president Elect Donald J. Trump. Tears will not change this nor will false rape accusations, cries of sexist, misogyny or racism. I will admit that Trump is a bit of a bully and a bad guy but, I think we finally needed someone with a bit of balls for a change. To end off, no, Trump is not the savior but, it is a example of self-awareness, the flowering of consciousness, and actual change from anti-establishment. People will stomp their feet, cry, sob, whimper, and whine. Its happening. Lets move on and hope it is a change for the better.
  8. Kill them with kindness. A good example of "dog eats dog" is CBC broadcaster Jion Ghomeshi, the man who was accused of multiple accounts of sexual assault. The man was a classic lefitst that panders to female victimhood and propaganda. Meanwhile, he is banging around with a bunch of women, he is pushing 50, and surprise, women got angry. He is banging women in their twenties, middle age women who have hit the wall then rage, collude, make up false accusations, kept seeing him, and feminists freaked out going nuts. He was aquitted of said charges since the women lied (suprise) and the stories sounded made up. The accusers than paraded out front of the courts like they were accepting a nobel peace prize or some award. He kissed up to the leftist nonsense approval seeking and got burned. Justin Trudeau the Priminister has half his cabinet of women (regardless of the best candidates possible). He then nudges a woman by accident and she was "traumatized" by Justin "The Rock" Trudeau elbow dropping her from the top ropes like "The Macho Man" Randy Savage lol They kiss up to the leftist 'madness' and then, they get burned. Dog eats dog. Kill them with kindness. Offer reason, evidence and logic to debate. Play devils advocate. Don't go full potato and argue in their home.
  9. I learned the lesson from a friend and from a cousin. If you let parents come into the relationship and divide you two, it will end terribly. Input, advice, suggestions are great. The second someone comes into your house and begins to create a toxic environment in your home or relationship, you show them to the door. If the girl is going to let it happe, she can go with too.
  10. A man I know was doing two jobs to provide for his wife and kids. She couldn't even make him dinner. He would come home, tuck in his kids, say goodnight, and off to the next job. Meanwhile, his wife is running through their life savings, fucking the neighbor, and then, abandoning him with a divorce papers that included false abuse accusations for immediate custody. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  11. Men are called sluts but, this does not devalue masculinity since, the more choice in options of women a man has, the more attractive he is to women. The more men a woman sleeps with, the more she devalues herself, the higher risk for divorce she becomes, and the higher risk for being a cuck a man becomes. A man that has choice is challenging to a woman. It means a woman needs to step up her game and bring something else to the table.
  12. Nicely written and well said. Unfortunately, you are preaching to the choir. It will go to deaf ears. In Germany, we have an actual 'rape culture.' Young girls were attacked, sexually harrassed and in some cases, sexually assaulted. Something like, 1200 women were assaulted over NYE last year, and the police did nothing in fear of being called a racist. If this were my homeland, my family, mother or sister, friends attacked, I would end lives without a single after thought. This is the problem with political correctness, PC culture, and language policing. People are afraid of being called sexist or racist so, jobs are not being done when they must be. Third wave feminism has made dating and marriage more precisely a losers game. Women just give it up so, why bother with dating, with using resources, playing into hypergamy when you can 'Netflix and chill' or use internet porn? It sounds silly and yes, there is the use of shaming language and manipulation to get man to follow the beaten path. As a self aware young man, I see the trap, I cringe at it, and while it is frustrating to try and meet a like minded young woman that isn't riding carousel 2.0, I choose to love myself, to approach women, to cast my reel, and give things a chance. I rather be a single man alone in the world rather than a cuckold, allocating resources to a woman after she has cheated or taken advantage of me. I am not sure what the solution is but, as a young man who is unhappy with the current predicament of society, of large government, of the single mother state, and children out of wedlock, I have no other choice. With feminism as a 'ego,' a ideology for power, for resources, for social engineering, and leading women astray, it will not change until a the fallout. I welcome it. I welcome 'female nature' for what it is rather than the lie of what I was told it is and what I wish it were to be. Since we are on the topic of feminism; I watched a group in university peddle victimhood and safe spaces. Two of the cronies went on about the 'patriarchy' and victimhood of woman. One had a long time bf who cheated on him with a guy I knew who was an athlete. She then started going out wit this guy while she had an active online dating profile. Another one of these goons would go on about how evil man is but had gotten naked and tried sleeping wit her friend's bf on many occasions. It is the hypocrisy that is so gross and even more disgusting is the fact that reason and evidence has no place in argument. Cries of misogyny or sexist are argued at every turn because one cannot debate. Both perpetrator and victim. Typical of the female chameleon.
  13. Physically or financially, it is clearly wrong. Then again, tell that to the men who are on the hook for almony and child support for kids that are not their own.
  14. Thanks for the reminder. This is a good point in bold. Keeping in mind, there was no tinder or pof with women getting infinite number of suitors, carousel riding during youth, and then, well baby rabies kicks off for settling down. It is very troublesome but, I usually looking to vet women in their early to mid twenties. You would be shocked at how reckless women are even during their late twenties. You would think it was a teenie bobber or cat in heat.
  15. I went out with a girl recently I met through online dating. It is a nightmare out here lol A girl clearly cat fished me. She had pics of her being active, playing sports, fitness, doing gymnastics, and rowing. IRL she was wider then my flat screen tv and out weighed me by at least 80lbs. She was weird too. Like, she wanted access to far too much personal info, my private life, and made far too many points about "scared of Trump." There was nothing in respect to self awareness, reason or evidence. Nothing about reading, offering value, intelligent conversation or challenging oneself with philosophy. Physically, I was not attracted to her. She tried to sit on me at one point and I don't know if she thinks its cute but, I didn't want to be crushed. She also ate food like a wild animal, left the remains of half eaten food on a coffee table in front of me. Her dinner was half eaten fruit and crackers. I was grossed out. Needless to say, it was not a good time and I called it a night pretty early. I just blocked her number and all contact info.
  16. Thanks for the response. I really appreciate the time to bring reason and evidence. I wish I could separate the quotes. I don't know how so, I quoted you and I input my response to better organize my thoughts. Well, with respect to FDR and Molyneux, he says this. Hypergamy is in women seeking security and resources. Women typically date up which is female nature. They are the choosers of men. They pick. Women are gatekeepers of sex. Since modern feminism, we have seen where things have gone or just how far down the rabbit hole we are. A lot of men are raised by single moms. Our society is very much so feminine in nature; perpetrator in actions and then, victim during the fallout or through consequences (STD, pregnancy, other etc). I am guessing you are early or middle twenties. I am likely older then you not that it matters any. I think a good portion of responsibility is on women who are gatekeeper of sex and therefore the choosers of men. Still, the onus is on man to pick a good woman even if they are few and far between. Well, women feel exploited at one time or another but, part of that is social engineering, propaganda, and female victimhood There seems to be this victim mentality in women where, they chase bad boys, they squander their youth when most fertile and at their prettiest physically, they get the emotional spikes from players, and then, they get to be the victim to seek sympathy later on in life when these men stop calling them. Yeah, I am aware of the divorce stats initiated by women and the free money welfare state that follows. I came across a situation where a woman lied about abuse, she left her husband who she was cheating on with, received $4000 per month non taxable income. She never worked a day in her life. I have seen far too many of these situations that are throwing me into MGTOW not to mention my own life experiences including pickup or prior to learning "game." Again, I feel shame for learning about pickup but, my beta male provider genes would have been destroyed in this world. My eyes are open and I don't feel like there is any coming back. That is what scares me. I have approached so many women in my life since learning "game" over the years. I never did tricks or tactics. I just talked to women, I would flirt, I would put my best foot forward. I would take a number or date, and hookup. What usually came about was rejections, flaky girls, dates, hookups, more flaky girls, girls after a date disappearing or girls even after we hookup, had sex or maybe we fooled around, just GONE. The pattern was frequent and often. I spent quite a bit of time thinking, "it must be me." Then, I just kept seeing it so often that it lost all meaning. I will get a number and I immediately try to hookup. I presume I will never see her again. I feel the same now after a perfect date or sex. I treat it like a meditation; acceptance to what is; fully surrender to the now; Let Go. Nonattachment. Now, during this timeline, I have met some really sweet and awesome girls but, it was short lived. It would be on a road trip or exploring a city. There would be some element of just being in the moment and "it just happened." We connected. Some, I am still friends with but, at this point in my life, even the perfect person would have to come into my life. I wouldn't leave my situation for someone. This is in keeping with my core purpose and being on my hero's journey in life (Check David Deida author of Way of the Superior Man {not a MGTOW book though it sort of is technically}). I swear to God, if things were different, that sort of archetype of my ideal woman would get the ring. The truth is, it is definitely suffering cause, this is all I know. This is it. If not for these sweet women, I would only know the exact opposite, and everything I do not want. As more time goes, as I watch family and friends get married, the further away from it I feel. I pray to God, to live the law of attraction, to dedication my life to self awareness, to exploring my consciousness, and to quote Elliot Hulse, "be the strongest version of myself." The man inspires me. I think men need a good role model cause so few have had the opportunity to know a strong masculine role in their life. Checkout the Elliot Hulse and Molyneux talk. It was great. I was asked recently by a co-worker if I was MGTOW. I said I know what it is. I understand it. No. No I am not but, I get it. I might put off that MGTOW vibe. I think my eyes are open and I wont be a cuck. I wont date single moms. I wont allocate resources to buy dinners or pay for drinks. I wont buy women beers or alcohol at the bar which seems foolish given the false accusations of rape and the craziness of "consent" which makes men feel bad in general. Society is always telling us how bad or evil we are. I see a lot of content from JTO, Sandman, StarDust who I really am blown away by, and a bunch of other channels. Personally, I rather watch vids on pickup, watch Molyneux, Hulse, Brandon Carter, Greg O'Gallager, Owen Cook, and others that inspire me. I read David Deida Way of the Superior Man. He changed my life with that work to show me the importance of masculine and feminine polarity. The value a man brings, the importance of purpose, to having a dream, and walking the hero's journey. I am reading about Reality Transurfing, Eckhart Tolle, Anthony Robbins, Dan Millman, and so much more. I am so dedicated to philosophy, to evidence, and reason. And yet, I find myself so frustrated because I am matched with stupidity and nonsense. If I wont the lottery tomorrow or I had a successful business, something like a Tim Ferris, I would have had to marry before then or I never would. Unlike Molyneux, I agree you must 'vet' a woman with red pill, with reason and evidence but, I feel like through pickup and my life experience, I have seen female nature and I am better off. I feel ambivalence. I desire a family, a wife, and children but, the fallback is usually carousel 2.0 for the woman, a man's resources, and being a part time dad with maybe weekend visitations or worse, supervised visitation rights to the children. Its awful. Which is why I continue to approach again and again. I could be in the gym or starbucks, on campus at college, at work or wherever in the world, and I take that leap of blind faith. I throw caution to the wind and I let things play out as they may. I put my best foot forward. I am funny. I am flirty, I offer value, and if she reciprocates, I am it up. I met a girl at her work. I just made small talk, I flirted a bit, she was a student and brought up some event. I just smiled and said, "that sounded like an invite." I took her number and it was great. It felt awesome. We dated and then we parted. It is not forever. I may never get married or have a family but, my God, I did everything I could within my power to 'vet' a good woman. Thus far, it feels as though it has been in vain. What other options are at a man's disposable? What other choice is there?
  17. Great post. Contrary to the Molynoux PUA caller video, I have met a lot of women through cold approach pickup. I am ashamed to admit that but, what alternative is there? I tried the "just wait" approach and white knight. It got me nowhere fast or quickly into the friend zone. I have listened to every Molyneux video from Truth on Sex, Truth on single moms, anything from gene warfare, and relationships. It is not nearly as simple as Stefan is saying. I have approached hundreds of women. The experience has been god awful but, what alternative is there? What choice does a man have? Many profiles online read, "PROUD SINGLE MOM." Any man that vets women (again whatever that means; I can only presume 'screening???') would see this as a red flag. I do. The dating market is stacked in favor of women. So, contrary to how obsessed men are about women's looks and sex appeal, the article indicates that men rated women really good and women rated most men below average looking. This indicates female entitlement and with respect to sexual market value. So, if you look at bro science videos on sex appeal, the attractiveness usually aligns but with respect to online, women date up especially during SMV prime. I think a woman open to evidence and reason can be red pilled. Then again, I have always known that I would connect with a very miniscule amount of women since my youth. Through pickup, I have seen this more and more. Approach lots of girls. Experience rejections, flakes, dates, more flakes, sex, hookup, flakes, and a consensus. There is very few people to commit exclusively to for the purpose of dating, Through these experiences, if a woman stops texting or is very short, one word answers, she is fucking someone else. When a woman starts up textings, any excuse for her distance will be matched with a lie; "I was busy." She may say work or any excuse. If you hangout and hookup, spend more time, it is a ex bf or a fling. Every time without fail. If a woman drunk dials, it is usually cause of being dumped. A woman drunk dialed me. Sure enough, it was revealed sooner or later, she was a in a bad place in her life. Thoughtful of her to try and web me into her mess. Now, when I was a teen, I remember many girls I would have committed to who now come around. Many are heavier, have kids, some multiple with different men. Obviously, it is nothing I want to be part of. I have hooked up with girls from my past and it Is always a headache. I am talking approaching hundreds of girls. More dates. More hookups. Lots of rejections. Lots of flaking. Lots of problems. My eyes are open. it is scary. I feel like MGTOW is calling me. I feel like I took the red pill and there is no going back. I am hopeful I could be steered in the right direction here. I am in no place or in a position to suggest the answer to the question of this thread. What I try to do is increase probability in my favor. If a woman is dedicated to self awareness and reason, I think this is a good start. I met an awesome woman. She had a very strong relationship with her mother and father. She was sheltered. The parents had been married for years. She was into exploring her consciousness. For any man seeking a LTR, I wish for you to all find someone like that. Part of being dedicate to logic, reason, and evidence, being self aware, you sort of know too much like that story of the tree of knowledge. It is a double edge sword. Knowing female nature based upon life experience, I see reality as it is now how I want it to be. I think a woman could be religious or atheist, good or bad. I am not so sure marriage is the solution given the climate of the family court systems during fallout.
  18. Thanks for the response. Again, I don't date single moms. I come across tons of bios or profiles online reading, "proud single mom," and I run for cover. I don't hate or wish bad. I just know, I never had the strong bond with a woman like being a father, and if she leaves him, what level of dedication will she have for me? So, I have no interest of dating single moms. What has happened, I hookup and I find out, the girl has a kid. It usually wears thin pretty fast but, I don't want to use my resources to get a woman or for their kids. I want to start that of my own. Thanks for the part in bold. It really hit home for me. Let me explain: I was raised to be a "good boy." I was socially conditioned. I listened to the media, to society, and I fell in line. I would date a girl a few times a years. I am fairly attractive and in good shape. Girls would like me. Still, I never had a gf in school. I hate my first in my late teens but, it was short lived due to long distance. Anyway, after many failed attempts at dating and relationships. I started doing cold approach pickup. I feel shame admitting to this but, I came to a cross road. I will remain alone or I can do everything in my power, face the fear of approaching and rejection. No regrets. In doing so, I saw the landscape of the dating world, of women, and how it is so stacked against men in general. By that, a man at some point swears away his assets and future income by marrying a woman. A lot of times, the women wouldn't give the time a day to them. It is usually after having a kid or getting over "bad boys" that a woman begins to mature. I faced countless rejections. Get a number. Flake. Go on a date. Girl takes the dinner. Doesn't return the call. It hardens a man. I stopped paying. I began to do group hangs or to Netflix and chill. I started to hookup more but, I saw a pattern of behavior and there is no going back for me. Not with this self-awareness. I feel like Cypher. Part of me, I want to go back into the Matrix, I want to see the world as good, and I know I can't. I am faced with the reality that when a woman says, "I am not like that," what she means is that, "I am not like that with YOU." I am older now. Many girls from the past will come around but, they never wanted me before I evolved. I see a lot of girls even late twenties still partying and sleeping around. I am seeing people are getting engaged, getting married, having kids, and I just don't know I see this for me in the future. Not based upon my personal experiences. I think you hit it nail on with my fear of MGTOW. I have never had a divorce. I have been approached and pursued by married women before or women in a relationship. This only amplifies my fear of being in that sort of predicament. Even questioning the behavior is matched with cries of misogyny. I want to have a LTR, to get engaged, to get married, and have children. I want to live a good life. I am scared. I am scared that most of my life reference experiences are in complete contrast to everything I was taught, what society preached, how women are, and how my dating life has been. A recent girl drunk dialed me. A couple years ago, I would have dated her or been there in a instant. I didn't bother because I know if a woman randomly messages or calls, its because she wants something. Sure enough, she was on a stress leave and one of the bad boys she was chasing throughout her twenties dumped her. Now, I am suppose to be there? No thanks. Another girl I was dating I ran into. She is a single mom. It is just a series of these not so positive life experiences and it definitely has me concerned. I know Molyneux found himself a good woman to get married with and have a family. I have friends that have done so. I have just not ever seen or known it. The life experiences has given me self awareness but, it is as every much a burden as it is a curse. My eyes are open. I appreciate any input you might have on further approaching the predicament. I feel like MGTOW is self-aware but, I don't want to be abstinent and not date. I watch Molyneux and Hulse religiously. I read numerous books a week. I am into Eckhart Tolle and meditation. I am dedicated to self awareness and as silly as it may sound, self love. It is very trick because I know if and when I were to settle down, I would miss my freedom that I have now. Still, I know I would regret not experiencing that life. Even more so, I would regret a divorce or losing access to my children which has brought my awareness to MGTOW.
  19. Thanks for the reply. No. I don't date single moms. I have watched just about every Molyneux video from gene warfare series (yes, all three), truth about sex/single moms, the welfare state, and a bunch of others including MGTOW. See, I fear calling in due to my workplace, my family, and even friends as well as the fallout of potentially being identified. I am familiar with Tom Leykis however, given the fact that he has failed in marriage numerous times, I feel like it would be challenging to get some honest input rather then "butt hurt" commentary. I think he is right as is MGTOW but, I don't want to fail. I see so many failure models out in the dating world. You cannot go online without coming across "PROUD SINGLE MOM" as if, that is a badge of honor.
  20. ​Bump! ​​So, I am trying to get this going. My question is: with a life long series of nasty experiences dating, a lot of crummy experiences in the education system with teachers (usually single moms/radical feminists/), many crummy experiences with females in positions of power (a boss called me inappropriate because a girl gave me her number when the boss discussed her sex life on break), a series of snubs and just a series of issues; how does a man get married in 2017? Why? I listen to Stefan Molyneux but, a lot of things have changed in the dating world. Online is a series of "Proud Single Mom" bios; girls running through guys and then, now lets get married. Its very gross. I am becoming cynical. I am looking for insight from you guys with even more life experience. What scares me is that, I feel like I am getting closer and closer to MGTOW.
  21. I have posted a similar thread. If you mind looking at it, that would be greatly appreciated. To answer your question; let me begin with a quote: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." When it ends with a woman, nasty shots are fired in the form of emasculation, you aren't man enough, tall enough, you aren't a good enough provider, shaming language, and any form of manipulation. I will take this further and input the use of tears as a way to manipulate. I have met many women who can turn on the water works at will. It is pretty messed up. I have had a life time of a nasty experiences with women. I am not talking just about dating. I am beginning with the school system that is predominantly women, many teachers a lot of whom are single mothers, women superiors be it supervisors, managers, and others in the workplace. I once had a female boss who called me "inappropriate" because a woman gave me her number. On break, the woman boss began discussing her sex life in detail. It sounded quite fabricated given her size and over bearing demeanor not to mention the lack of attractiveness. With respect to dating, it is riddled full of landmines, testing the waters, and sorting through the same patterns of what I can only describe as absolute madness. What people think is acceptable is unreal. The answer to your question is control. A woman wants control. The use of force, shaming language, and manipulation is control. I have observed women in situations where, once they've made a decision that it is over, she will run out on her husband while living in his house. I have seen women as old as thirty-five, far gone in terms of youth yet. acting like a teen bopper in high school behaving like a cat in heat. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Congrats on marriage. Something I have observed is, people especially scorned women will rage and be nasty at a man who has that happy bubble nuclear family; wife, two kids, happily go lucky. Kill them with kindness. I hope to get married one day like you only have a few kids. Given the life time of shitty experiences dating or with women, it makes it very difficult to think about let alone, risk someone unleashing the dogs of the state on me, my resources, my assets, and taking away my children.
  22. I am trying to figure it out. I was white knight, socially conditioned, and heavily in my head. I took the red pil and I have not looked back. I feel the pull of mgtow but, I still date and want to see more. I don't think it is a either or but, I think a lot of men are fucked. There are so few girls that are date material nevermind wifey. I hear the way women talk about men, of their kids, of their husband and boyfriends. It blows me away that someone married them and what for?
  23. While i agree with you about feminism "deflowering" women, there is a personal responsibility to freedom, to evidence, logic, reasoning, and being a follower shows a lack of all the above. I do not pity nor feel sympathys for said people. I avoid like the plague. I started doing pickup when I became disatisfied with my dating life many years ago. In the process, I am overcoming social anxiety, fears of rejection or inadqueacy, and seeking a better life. In the process, I come to realize there is a specific type of female I like, and I have not come to meet that yet. In most instances, I meet a lot of liberal women, women who are feminist, pro choice and quick to let me know it, are both victim and perpetrator. Are very promiscuous. Looks don't matter anymore when having hit the wall. Online reeks of bios or profiles that read, "proud single mom" as if, children out of wedlock and failing to keep a man is a badge of honor. A really high kill count which FDR has shown us to have fallout later in life (divorce, single motherhood, std, etc). I feel like MGTOW is calling me and it scares the fuck out of me. I want a wife. I want kids. I want to have a family but, I have seen the nature of women through pickup. It has made me evolve. I realize how women are and how they attempt to portray themselves are entirely different. In all honesty, I am ashamed I have did pickup but, what is a man suppose to do when everything you've ever been taught and believed has failed? So, I can be prey. I can wait. I can be alone or just give up or I can take charge of my life. I can approach a beautiful woman. I can do online dating. I can take a ton of action and see what comes of it? So far, i dated and I hooked up but, I am alone. I have made it this far who is to say I need to get married? I would caution women on any ideology in general without critical thinking. The Gita mentions you can destroy a tribe if you corrupt their women. A girl I liked and picked up began her feminist rhetoric. "I don't need a man." She even said some more stuff that definitely put up red flags had I not ever did pickup or had any experiences with women and not known of mgtow, I likely would have missed. She drunk dialed me recently. I never came the way she is use to guys just coming when she calls. When I saw her afterward at another time randomly, she was awkward. We didn't talk outside pretentious pleasantries. A second random encounter revealed, "LOA," temporary leave of absence at work. So, basically, the alpha dumped her, and she calls me. Guys isn't that great? Alpha stops fucking her so, she drunk dials me. Aren't I special. Decades of seeing female nature has opened my eyes. There is always a motive and manipulation is somewhere in there. More recently, a girl used the word "genuine" to describe herself which again is furthest thing from the truth. I will use critical thinking. I will openly discuss and debate. I think telling the truth is what men need to do again. I wont try to convert though. We have free will. A woman and man can pick and choose. I will choose to approach. I will choose to take a chance and date. A woman can choose to be with me or pick feminism, career, squandering her biology, and using the internet forums like reddit for discussions on egg freezing.
  24. Don't do it. Watch Molyneux - Truth about Single moms or any of the gene warfare R vs K reproduction podcasts. Very lengthy but highly informative. I went out with this girl. I came over and she suggested a movie. She just wanted to fool around. I later found out she had a kid. I didn't know her long and she was giving me a bj. I think we hung out maybe three times. I then saw her on social media with guys and guys kissing up on her and it was the reason why Molyneux suggests otherwise. I stopped talking to her entirely. She then made it out like I am the bad guy despite her promiscuity. We weren't a couple but, she was very shady and I cannot be bothered. I also do not want to work around sitters or be the guy paying for some kid.
  25. I am sort of lost on how does a man go about dating and marriage today? I am a long time follower. First time poster. I watched a lot of FDR and Molyneux videos. I love the gene warfare series and single mom videos. I am finding it very troublesome and hard to hear. It is contradicting everything I was ever taught or told. I have been actively dating for years. I thought by now, I would be married, and have kids. After everything I have seen, I am not so sure anymore. It is really a turn off. I am just seeing a ton of stuff in my life that is blowing me away. I am hearing stories either at work or when out about nightmare situations. I recently ran into a girl I dated a few years ago. She is a single mom due to lifestyle choices. This was the life she picked. It is a life I chose not to be part of. I took her out. I bought her dinner. I met her friends. I was honest about my intentions, in the dream for a good life, to have adventures, and to explore. I had the courage to let a woman be part of that. Time and time again, I am seeing some not so good outcomes. How do you guys date today? Will you guys marry? I am starting to think I wont.
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