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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. I reckon I may be willing to submit some articles come january, I am writing a book and writing articles can be a good way to help me collect my thoughts for various sections of it
  2. Hello here is a video I put out which I hope will help If you could benefit from a chat please add me on skype with my personal address, amashaman I will hear of all your circumstances and what you have tried and offer you some options that may help and hopefully will much love to you and best of luck
  3. I think he's a charlatan personally, he peddles glib, meaningless crap which is impossible to impliment. if it was possible it's easy to do, they just pull resources and get a geographical area to show us how it's done, if it works we'll all run to join
  4. Thanks, how was it measured? The Welfare State was instituted in the 1930s in the US so this graph could be used to argue the Welfare State was working to reduce poverty up until the 60s The mid 40s up until then looked pretty good
  5. perhaps he should be blackballed by libertarian community including FDR from now until he looks at the facts.and admits he was wrong
  6. I learned quite late, maybe not as late as nine, once my dad came in and asked if when I was twenty and he was an old man with gray hair would I still want to do this? but I don't think that worked well even though it wasn't said overly condemnatory. What did change it was I was on holiday in a chalet toilet and I called and mum said "why don't you do it yourself" because she was engaged in soemthing or other and I was like uhh uhh uhh well and I did it, and then realised it wasn't so bad, and that was that. I don't think that's an optimal approach, but it does mean that some learn quite late. I'm going to critique some of the things you have said and suggest alternative ways of communicating. As always I can't say that anything I say is the law, you have to try it yourself, although I am a communication coach and have had clients who had positive results with their kids trying similar approaches in the past. When asked why he doesn't try doing it himself he says that poop is dirty. I tell him it is a natural part of life. Ok I very much encourage you not to ask your child for his rationale for something and then invalidate him and tell him why he should do otherwise off the bat This can create some stumbling blocks, one is that he will come to associate you asking questions not as showing genuine curiosity but as looking for a way to change his behaviour, this will count against you it will lower the amount of good will and also create mistrust towards your questions so he may not be as likely to be honest or he will start giving you "I dont' know"s An alternative approach is to use curiosity to help draw him out "Ah so you think poop is dirty..." "yeah and I don't like the feel of it bla bla bla or whatever" Stay with the process "What do you think is dirty about it?" Use paraphrasing and things to get him to talk, and see if you can gain more understanding. Then when you get a sense he feels fully understood make your proposals! This precedent seems to help a lot in relationships, especially with children but with everyone. I have tried explaining that he needs to learn to clean himself because at school we will not be around to clean him. Also that he needs to practice because as he gets older he needs to be independent and the more he practices now the better he will get at it. I think probably saying to your son what he needs to do will be received as sermonising, it tends to be Better to say what will you do when you got to school I won''t be around to clearn you? this maybe sounds nitpicky but it's actually quite a critical difference The more you practice the better you will get, - I'm not sure about saying you will be independent in this context because if he really doesn't want to then the reaction inside is "well i don't want to be independent then" , does this make sense? please feedback Today I managed to convince him to clean himself and he did, and he said he did a good job. I didn't double check this time. He said there was no need. great news Antony Ok, best of luck, hope this is helpful
  7. if you compliment your therapy with lots of journaling and other work you can prepare for your sessions and get more out of thm happy self-archaeology
  8. I was just saying if you can grow Kombucha yourself it's far better than the commercial brands although they are sometimes better tasting and certainly worth it in lieu of having your own
  9. I have been talking a lot about probiotics recently and learning about them the body is an ecosystem, "bad" organisms eat our food and stop us from getting the benefit from them, "good" ones have a sybiotic relationship and help us absorb nutrients and break down foods Kevin what kind of probiotics to you use? My housemate GROWS Kombucha and Kefir I recommend you do the same as the effect is far more pronounced because most of the microbes in capsules are actually dead according to some studies! it's great that people are taking an interest in improving digestion this is well worth 50 minutes
  10. very informative! posted on facebook groups, maybe the left wing anarchists will share it as well
  11. did he say the coercive mentality of school is unkind to children
  12. Ok so last time I did one of these excerpts it was reposted in a couple hours so I did this one which i think is a great concise (A perfect 5 minutes!) excerpt that people will share more because it's short and a very condensed economics lesson. Enjoy.
  13. true or false: the rate the fed lends money to banks has an effect on how much interest those banks charge on loans and offer on savings
  14. I was speaking to a socialist on facebook, and said something like this: "you recently posted a picture implying that the free market leads to homelessness, but the facts are the main factors in rising prices over the last decades have NOT been market driven. It was the state that artificially lowered interest rates so that people borrowed above their means and kept buying houses, pushing up the price. This favoured rich people who could buy up properties over first time buyers. then they kept printing money to pay for bribing the electorate and corporate interests, which inflates the currency and also makes the prices going upthen there was freddie mac and fannie may which massively increased the price of houseshouse prices went up 10x since the 70s largely due to state intervention - but for some reason you insist this is to do with the market? " (If I missed any other ways how government drove up house prices please let me in for future reference and my own general knowledge) People replied: The fed lowered interest rates to 1%. are you saying people who wanted to buy homes were able to borrow money at 1%? which is a straw man and someone else said The interest rate The Fed sets only effects the rates banks pay each other to borrow money and how much banks pay in interest on savings. The rest of us pay much different rates of interest to borrow money, notice your credit card rate isn't anywhere near 1%. isn't that the height of economic ignorance? can someone give me a decent concise explanation of why the price fixing of interest rates does affect how much we pay when we borrow or how much we earn when we save *Facepalm* "Capitalism and deregulation caused the housing bubble and financial crisis. The Fed had no choice but to lower rates because the economy was already collapsing as a result of the deregulation that led to the dot com bubble. The 1% interest rates enable the speculators to go crazy with leverage, something they wouldn't have been able to do if regulations were still in place."
  15. Congratulations!! I saw myself that you'd done it yesterday! Celebrations are in order!!!
  17. urm,mmmmmmm 1. Peter Joseph & Stefan Molyneux Debate Sept. 23rd 2013http://youtu.be/jaP2GJvZlWY 2. Peter Joseph | Post Debate Review http://youtu.be/b4_u7veGPA0 3. Critical Thinking regarding the debate. http://youtu.be/dO1P5wlW-HQ Rejoinders: 1. Peter Joseph's Response to Stefan http://youtu.be/ozy52bZ6JTw (50 min) 2. Brandy’s Response to JacobSpinney http://youtu.be/sKpau1Dx6DQ 3. Peter Joseph's Response to "60 Minutes" http://youtu.be/FEvLJQBYe5k (20 min) 4. Zeitgeist Movement response to Corbett Report's "The Last Word on Utopia"http://youtu.be/_meit1br0H8 Response to - The Last Word On Utopia (1of2) http://youtu.be/IMk_fnXGVL4 (2of2)http://youtu.be/4ipt2t-F1_c *** Problems with Capitalism: 1. John Locke & Adam Smith "Private Property" &"Race of Laborers"http://youtu.be/b4JsCEYpIUA video 4 minutes. 2. Myths of the global market: free markets are often presented as the sole solution to poverty and human development. But the global market is inefficient and life-destructive, writes John McMurtry http://www.newint.org/columns/essays/2007/06/01/essay/ 3. The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism http://tinyurl.com/344crg2 4. 5. The Free Market: No Roots in Adam Smith or the New Dealhttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=402345811555
  18. I wrote on Hobbes in university, I don't see that any of his objections to anarchy work at all because having states just scales them up ccompetition, diffidence, and glory apply as much between states as between individuals the only alternatives would be to have one world government or no government
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