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Everything posted by _LiveFree_

  1. Fantastic. Thank you. So then it is accurate to say that this is based purely on your own subjective experience? How much experience do you have talking with people in the transgender community and spending time with them? How many doctors have you spoken to on the subject? Gender therapists? edit: And numerically speaking, how do those experiences compare to experiences with members of the other 3 movements? edit2: Do you take into account yourself as a variable in the equation? i.e. Your actions soliciting certain responses.
  2. I'm not avoiding anything. I've asked you a question, which you have continued to avoid. Now you're trying to turn the tables on me. This is super creepy behavior on your part. What is going on here? Why will you not answer my question? I absolutely will not answer any question you pose until you answer mine. You're the one putting forth this argument. Is it wrong to question how you came to your position?
  3. Why are you avoiding answering this very straight forward, simple question? I'm not even asking for a "yes" or "no". Just tell me how you came to the conclusions in your scale.
  4. Ok, so then how did you come to assign each movement to a numbered scale? What was your process?
  5. I'm really not interested in playing games here. I asked you a very straight forward question. Since you've put forward this scientific scale, could you please explain how the numbers were determined?
  6. How is the score for each movement calculated? How is the number determined?
  7. MMX, why are you putting so much time, effort, and passion into this topic? What is it important to you?
  8. lol you did not offend me. You just cleared things fairly quickly.
  9. Hey Josh, welcome to the forums. There are 2700+ podcasts on this site that explain why this is wishful thinking.
  10. Could you project any more? "Or were you trying to be clever in showing how smart you are?" You've done everything you've accused me of doing I'm so not interested in talking with you after this post.
  11. His instincts weren't telling him that money was enslaving him. They were telling him he's a slave. Propaganda tells him it's money doing the enslaving. The fiat monetary system doesn't keep people bound, the guns pointed at your head keep you bound. You know, there are plenty of good hard working people who have flourished under this fiat money monopoly. Off the top of my head, Peter Schiff, Stefan Molyneux, Tom Woods. I have a friend who's father started a business 30 years ago and is now a retired millionaire. I have no doubt that some people will read my response and think it's mockery. Someone who suffers from a low self-esteem is likely to interpret assertiveness as negativity. And low self-esteem individuals typically blame everything but their parents for what's gone wrong.
  12. Wrote something else last night. This was about talking to an ex-girlfriend after more than a decade of no contact and the realizations that followed for me. -------------------- Danger Close Laniakea To your spacious heaven Show me the way That I may be free From the torturous minuscule Of my supercluster of sadness. Danger close. Millennium Is the time the photons Of my heart Took to reach your Awaiting ears. Entangled no more. Danger close. Gravitational Pull reaching across the vastness I find you once again; But I've become an exoplanet Estranged, unengaged, alien. In a suit I visit your atmosphere. Danger close. Anunnaki Setting me ablaze no more Your creation finds you And sees.... No danger. No desire. No destiny. You shoot to kill Ask questions later; then forget to ask questions. Hiding under cover You've lost another lover Fighting to the last man Is a plan of the damned. You remained stifled Self-attack with your rifle Of shame from a history That shall remain a mystery Your danger is close, but not to me. Forever a memory Encased in a litany Of reasons not to, Is where the hologram of my heart You once possessed Will study the hologram of my heart You once possessed Will study the hologram recursive... I took the best of you and found me. I am Danger Close And I am free. ------------------------ Just realized this applies to ending my relationship with my parents, too.
  13. Alan, you are so wrong, and I hope you repent for your error. EVERYBODY knows who Superman is.
  14. omg, the projection.... "This system is one massive waste machine." No, Peter. You are. If you really want to talk about waste, just look at nature. Every time I ejaculate, that's millions of sperm just wasted, oh the horror. Over my whole life time, I think I'm into the trillions. What kind of genocide is this! Damn you nature!!!!
  15. An easy and for the most part accurate way to judge is the level and frequency of which you are triggered by other people's dysfunctions. It's the crap we don't face that always seems to find us through someone else's actions.
  16. That was fairly authentic. It reminded me how my parents didn't like me watching this show.
  17. Yes, never read the comments on articles or videos that talk about the evils of spanking. It's completely disheartening and will make you want to jump off the top of a large building. But the fact that a left wing news establishment would be anti-spanking isn't necessarily a shock. Remember, they are supposed to be the anti-right which is all religious and "God told me to spank my child" and junk.
  18. Thanks for the update, regevdl! I'm glad to hear things have improved a bit for you and your husband. Finding a therapist to do skype sessions sounds like a really good idea. If you feel like sharing, I'd be interested in reading some examples of how your communication in your marriage has improved. What is different now?
  19. If you're a donator, there is a part 7 titled "the solution"
  20. With my dad it was awful. With my mom it went as well as it could. I still broke off communication with her because there were little things she would do that would trigger me and I wanted to really focus on getting healthy. You know, it's actually very simple. Just be completely open, honest, and vulnerable and see how they respond. How they respond is out of your hands. This conversation is about revealing who they are and how they treat you when you're defenseless. Stop focusing on what you want the outcome to be and focus on staying vulnerable. It's scary because it's like standing in front of a shotgun wondering if the trigger is going to get pulled knowing full well that it just might get pulled. And when it does, there isn't anything you can do to defend yourself. This conversation is not about your philosophy or your knowledge or your preparation. It's about who they really are.
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