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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. Welcome to the forum AvidGamer! The post became a bit repetitive toward the middle, but overall the comparison between the hidden game and its parallels in life kept me interested. I'm curious if you've ever played some of the Paradox Interactive games like Crusader Kings II (CK2), Europa Universalis IV (EU4), or Victoria II (Vicky2). Vicky2, in particular, has an in-depth economic aspect and indirect influence setup which follows population statistics and the way subsidies and taxes are used to encourage/discourage behavior.
  2. Good points. How about this: For: A) those without interest in the subject, we can generate interest by transposing the information into a key more pleasing to an audience's current preoccupation. An attractive and tailored message that feeds into that audience's ego and self-interest (more nobly put, their sense of agency) will bring their attention. For: B) those indoctrinated by school/culture, we can use a bait-and-switch that works with their currently established programming; if they are programmed to trust any text written in blue, for example, then we'll use blue text. We understand that it's not the blue text that makes a statement true, but if that's what will help the reception then that's what we'll do. [relevant thread]: It sounds like the guy first tried to help improve people's health through diet and exercise and, when that didn't work, he switched to an anempathetic mode of persuasion that more intensely emphasizes the point through its contradiction than its straightforward communication.
  3. An added benefit to using an animation: retention! If we create something that is visually/audibly/emotionally engaging, it can be a kind of mnemonic device for recalling major points and facts.
  4. Precisely, prioritizing dialogue first, sound effects second, and music third (if all three are used). In literature, these three would roughly translate to "text", "context", and "subtext" with regards to their strengths; music in the background can enhance an emotional conveyance (like color in visual media).
  5. Based on the views educational animations from Ted-Ed and RSAnimate (etc.) receive, concise and attractive presentations of this information could reach more people with a casual interest at first. The infographics convey the facts with a great layout, and the off-white background is easy on the eyes as they are lead from one point to the next. If/When you find an animator, I would love to design audio for the videos. Truly, send me a message.
  6. Maybe it would be better, instead of giving someone a $100 government check for example, to stop stealing $100 in the first place -- better still to not steal at all...
  7. And they chose invasive advertising as the medium for this message...?
  8. The resurgence of religion/superstition/state-worship? (Reference to carpe diem poetry as well = call to action?) The iambic stanzas are somewhat schizophrenic, perhaps asserting the conflict of mindsets in the world today?
  9. With regards to Russia: Melting arctic sea ice will open up shipping lanes that will likely benefit Russia geographically. If so, will this significantly change the trade balance of the world? With Russia increasing its presence in the middle east, would an offer to trade Ukraine for Syria help avert more war?
  10. I'm currently reading about the rise of the papacy after the fall of Rome and so, with that filter, I find similarities between the "guilty" and "innocent" categories and the medieval psychology regarding divine sanctions of violence; perhaps these categories are state and religiously created fictions? (Though to many the state is religion as well... )
  11. Relevant: [Wiki about NTCOF] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Texas_Church_of_Freethought [Official Website] http://www.churchoffreethought.org/ With respect to the original post, is this in the ballpark of what you had in mind?
  12. Portfolio link please. Also, this topic looking for an artist recently came up and you might be interested: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/45322-looking-for-an-accountant-and-an-artist/#entry414235
  13. Very Downton Abbey of you. Another response for "what's to stop him from doing it again," is that now his reputation will be tarnished; those with standards, or similar concern, will hire someone else, yet your recourse allows any other individual the ability to make the choice, to ostracize or not, on their own. With regards to building in a clause for mediation venues etc., that is very smart (there's some kind of DRO site online in the works... don't remember where... ). In cases where each party have first-rate reputations, trust can reduce time and operating costs.
  14. With regards to lakona's last point: It's important to reach a sense of closure. It may or may not be the case where you continue your relationship in the future, and/or for brief periods at a time (that's between you and them); though, since your 10+ years, you've undoubtedly grown, and if your best friend has not, then your decision to maintain that relationship, to the title and benefits of "best friend" mind you, is one of self-sacrifice.
  15. It sounds like you're repulsed by the use of indicators of opinion for nefarious purposes rather than the word choice in and of itself. (A tool misused rather than declaring a tool "bad" outright) Is this accurate?
  16. Try watching the video at 0.5 and x2.0 speed.
  17. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that: the debaters conduct research beforehand. The point of not knowing which side of a subject the teams will argue until the event is to keep an extemporaneous element and teach the value of studying an opposing viewpoint to prepare rebuttals and gain context (etc.). In theory, this is supposed to allow for debaters to maintain an anonymity regarding what they actually agree with, as well as frame post-debate discussions on the quality of the arguments and communication of evidence rather than the topic itself.
  18. The format I was taught was: 1) Moderator introduces topic and stances to be debated, followed by an initial anonymous poll to gauge where starting percentages fall (usually "for", "against", "undecided/neutral/other", etc.); 2) Teams take a side (coin toss, rock-paper-scissors, etc.); 3) Debate begins with alternating opening statements (thesis/antithesis), bodies of arguments (responses, evidence, etc.), and then ends with closing statements; 4) A follow-up poll indicates what affect the debate had on the audience (points tallied based on position changes); 5) A synthesis position is proposed.
  19. Consider this model: A Venn diagram with two circles for Logos and Pathos (left-brain/right-brain, male/female, etc.), creating a vesica piscis for Ethos (philosophy, ethics, etc.) in between them. Additionally, regarding philosophy, the scientific method, and logic/theoretical postulates, there is a gradual falloff stemming from the center; in this way, philosophy/ethics is the foundation for the scientific method (with its focus on universals) while the latter confirms the former (within self-evidence).
  20. Interesting (somewhat related) story: http://www.chicagofed.org/digital_assets/publications/working_papers/2009/wp2009_12.pdf Enjoy!
  21. http://www.komarketingassociates.com/images/2014/09/news_writing_inverted_pyramid.jpg A.K.A. the inverted pyramid of hard news writing. Also... what's up with that debate format... (Is this an "emperor's new clothes" situation?)
  22. Also, if you're focusing on design specifically, it might be useful to prototype with a board game format -- even if it's just pen and paper (D&D yo!).
  23. Were you thinking of any scenes in particular? Game of Thrones has some of this too.
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