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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Curious to see what people think of the nature of "being" as a metaphysical premise. Is there fundamentally One Substance? Monism. Two Substances; Dualism, Mind and Body. Multiple Substances; Pluralism, perhaps like Plato's theory of forms. Or something else; perhaps not an issue, maybe focus on becoming instead. Perhaps, something along the lines of Nietzsche's or Heidegger's work. Personally Dualism makes the most sense to me, though I haven't read or listened to much on the subject, mostly opinions, Youtube and Wikipedia.- As of 20/4/2017.
  2. Problem with that rule, is some people are Sado-Masochists. (Sadism, actually based on a real person, Marquis de sade) I think the ulterior version is better "whoever has the gold makes the rules." I don't think Taoism has a Code of Laws, but I haven't looked much into it. I think Stefan's UPB which extends to taxation, unlike Kant's Moral Imperative and "Duty"(Deontology) Ethics which Kant doesn't extend to taxation for political reasons, overcomes the Subject and Object problem in Ethics. The English legal system was based on mostly common law and not a Code of Laws, one benefit to society being that an individual could not just look at positive laws and factor them in as occupational hazards or to gain near absolute political power. Quite a bit of information out there on the Internet. The nature of being is a question that comes to mind or Substance Theory; whether reality and existence is Monism, Dualism, Pluralism or something else etc.
  3. Changing between Bad and Evil. Good and Bad are preferences, and reasons in the person. What is the most Good and What is the most Bad? Evil is an ethical matter. If someone, person (A) physically injures another person (B) out of malice. The injured person(B) then finds out they have a tumour from a trip to the hospital the fact person (A) injured them was still Evil, even if it did person (B) some good. Evil from the Conscientious Intention to do Evil and the presumable lack of consent of the other. The issue being the conflict over abusing the personal property(Body) of person (B).
  4. Well there is Japan and South Korea. I'd imagine that Tibet and Mongolia have pretty harsh climates, so a large proportion is farming, at least until recently or their starving to death. The Christian church had tithes and Indulgences in the past. Stefan isn't exactly producing new technologies or winning Nobel Prizes like Obama. Isn't the point of Buddhism, that it doesn't force you? Reincarnation sounds superfluous, even if by some comprehensible situation it turns out to be actual in someway. Nietzsche seemed to think the opposite in Beyond Good and Evil. I think Bad instead of Evil in the Title, may have been more appropriate, especially with career politicians reading it, though doesn't sound as right. In the Bible there is a passage that says "judge not lest ye be judged". Buddhism might be cynical in a "good way" considering that Europe is being overrun with a Middle East invasion. What was the birth rate in Germany like 1.1 Children per women? I remember seeing the Dalai Lama on TV criticising mass immigration into Europe, probably like in Tibet from China.
  5. So the Soul and Self are interrelated? What would you say is the unchanging aspect of the self, without saying soul, perhaps if it can not be expressed in words can it be expressed in experience or imagery? Yes there are worse things than death. Yes ultimately there is no self, yet we still use pronouns. If there is no self, it does bring up the question of how can Ethics be applicable? There is still a "Self" or maybe Conscience(soul?) even if it is a limited construct or illusion or perhaps not, speculating... The question of where the self is located, was recently addressed in another thread as being in the Parietal Lobe, though that still brings up a potential further question of which part? "You cut up his brain, you bloody baboon." Probably no neurosurgeons on the forum, but who knows. In terms of processing power of the Brain adding additional fluff to the Ego; I am this, I am that. Would that retract from processing power of perhaps expand it? What purpose other than social or "mystical" would it serve. Was Listening to a video on "Jacobs Ladder" a story from the Bible after listening to bits of a movie review of a film by the same name. Anyway, in the story Jacob the founder of Israel (means struggle with God, from the documentary), wrestles with an entity that has no name, basically busts Jacob up but doesn't kill him, maybe something like the movie "Fight Club".
  6. Uhhmmmm "What one man can do, another can do?". "I'm gonna Kill the Bear." "Say it!!!!"
  7. Agree with points 1 and 2(Never stepping in the same river twice.) Could you elaborate on point 3, what is meant by the soul and self?
  8. RichardY


    Yes there has to be something in common between 2 people communicating, the person also has to take context into account. To use assumption though, would that be the same thing as using the word faith? Instead of assumption could some form of precedence be taking place. Could reason be said to only be a conscious process? If reason is adaptive, could reason be said to be purely DNA or something like a Universal Constructor? In terms of the metaphysics of Physicalism; How would Monism or "The One" be located? Thinking in terms of a sphere with mass, would the centre be infinitesimally small as to not exist?
  9. I can't remember the exact argument, but it sounds something like Stefan said about, "The argument for having a government". That if people are corrupt(in this case original sin) giving them power isn't exactly the best way of making the situation better, if people aren't corrupt, then why have a government? If there is going to be a government let it be seen as it is "Warts and All". "Better the Devil you know then the Devil you don't" etc.
  10. A few ideas. In terms of nature I agree there is no good or bad; only in the judgements, punishments and rewards imposed on others. By extension therefore people being part of nature, why is there good or bad in consciousness? If consciousness is part of nature then it is not good or bad, but as judgements are made, and if consciousness is not part of nature, then what is it a part of? The 2 options that come to mind are either a Collective Unconscious as proposed by Carl Jung or a Soul as proposed by many religions. In the case of a Collective Unconscious then there exists the possibility to have a truly independent "Soul" perhaps as referenced in the story of the Buddha. Or the emergence of independent, but tainted souls in the Garden of Eden. "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” In the unconscious mind; preferences which are reasons in themselves, sometimes contradictory and as such can not be held in the conscious mind simultaneously. Evil is the conflict between reason. Why would you want to escape suffering, life and death? Suffering seems very specific to different people. I can do without people, maybe I might find an answer somewhere that may make me think otherwise.
  11. Change from Bad to Evil, after the end of the parable. Did the farmer actually finish his story in the parable. What if the village caught plague that's pretty bad, or got sold into sex slavery for the rest of theirs lives, caught various venereal diseases and then died, also pretty bad, but in addition Evil. I wouldn't say that Evil is a perception, I would say that it is possibly internal in everybody. To call something Evil you must have some understanding of what Evil is, by doing so you acknowledge it in yourself. I read on Wikipedia that the word "Religion" as interpreted by Cicero means to re-read. Taoism has appeal to me, kind of a beatnik in a way... listened to Alan Watts on Youtube, only thing is he doesn't say much of note imo. I wonder about the effects of LSD and Magic Mushrooms as that seems to come up a lot looking into Taoism, I mean people talk about the CIA testing LSD on people. I wonder again if there is an alternative way to mess with the unconscious physically without melting the brain, kind of get into the "the operating system" or something. Taoism and Confucius looks to me a bit like the divide between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Though I only have a superficial understanding and just going by intuition. Buddhism: Noble Truths? Clinging to life is painful, some sort of groundhog day religion? that even "jumping off a skyscraper"(as a forum member suggested) won't fix, as supposedly there is reincarnation at least according to Wikipedia. "A parachute not opening... that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go!" "Who knows what is Good or Bad?"
  12. RichardY


    Totally missed that one then.Yes, Stefan repeats the phrase, reason and evidence quite a bit. I remember an early video where he mentions the a priori(Before Experience) and posterori(Following Experience) of Kant, and thinks its an open and shut case, experience trumps rationalism(?). I'm not so sure the a priori should be discounted. I remember Stefan talking about Ayn Rand and her updated "Aristotelianism" that her work on Epistemology being basically right, but Ethics, not so much. In Objectivism the Sub-conscious mind is supported and unconscious mind rejected. However after listening to some of J.Petersons videos and thinking again about the unconscious, I think that the Unconscious is correct. A question that comes to mind is: Is the Unconscious mind Tabula Rasa from birth or does it contain some form of Genetic Memory? If it contains Genetic Memory is there a way to infer its existence? I remember from a documentary on elephants, that they may have some form of genetic memory to help them go to water sources, as well as to mineral deposits in caves to supplement their diet. Spiders weave webs, can instinct be a form of knowledge that can expand in the absence of consciousness(Empiricism(?)), my answer would be yes. Is a preference a reason in itself, is it integrated into a wider network? Why do Girls generally prefer dolls and the colour pink, Boys the colour blue and trucks. The movies Jacobs Ladder (1990) and The Green Mile (1999) come to mind. Thank you for the correction on phishing, didn't know it only refereed to corrupt practices.
  13. RichardY


    Yeah. You meant society in general
  14. RichardY


    Phishing for responses. Thinking about how to eat the Elephant whole. What is at the core of reason? Memes; a way to express reason? Intuitive reasoning and problem solving. Prerequisites required to apply reason. Emotional aspects of reason? Reasonable or unreasonable? Arguments or just presenting the facts. Reason without empiricism; is it possible, innate ability? Distinctions between: Reason, Logic, Rationality, Organisation, Knowledge. Probably add some more meat later if the thread doesn't pick up any, Wikipedia has a broad page on reason. An informal thread, not exactly many threads on reason imo.
  15. Strong Emergence or Weak Emergence? If Weak Emergence is accepted then reality can be defined? If Strong Emergence is accepted, existence is affirmed? Reality takes precedence over the totality of existence? a) Eliminativism: Mental Phenomenon not mirroring existence, colour cells in eyes, limits to resolution, Facial Recognition. Kant's Special Faculty? b) 'Informationism': Like the Movie Solaris? c) Panpsychism: Like Golems? d) Simulation: Another universe or other dimensions? So basically like the Movie The Matrix or series Deep Space Nine (Wormhole Aliens) Wouldn't this theory support Strong Emergence in distinction to the other two? Could this also be compatible with the many worlds hypothesis? Which do you think is the truth? Maybe they all are. Or perhaps there is another theory? Regards RichardY ------------------------------------------------ The "I", affirming the EGO? Is it possible to have multiple consciousnesses? In which case which one is you? You have only one mouth..... but I wonder, if someone could reliably hold a conversation in sign language with 2 people simultaneously or perhaps another activity? Be simultaneously proceeding along 2 trains of thought, would this in fact cause someone to become unconscious? Perhaps a similar process occurs in dreaming? If the singular conscious is to be affirmed what about it is affirmed? Conversely some seek to negate the EGO, in search of "Enlightenment". Perhaps some practical mental faculty benefit could be deduced somehow from the discussion? Perhaps some on going process?
  16. I haven't thought of one, maybe there is. If he's a Genius; then he's acting largely before others can reply to his actions and adjust. Otherwise he's crazy, perhaps has conceptions of Good and Evil in Politics, which makes him liable to be manipulated. Or he's not as smart as some people think and is subordinate to powerful individuals in the Deep State.
  17. Yeah the 150,000 troops doesn't sound good. Kind of being optimistic on the missile strike, things seem to just get crazier. I think the false flag chem attack still seems likely, can't see how Trump wouldn't know this, could be acting, what is his "high IQ" doing. Since 2001 things in general globally just get worse and worse. If he's given over to the deep state completely, then what big war, civil in Europe, organs sold to the Chinese? Perhaps should turn off Youtube. Saw a video of Bill Mitchel talking to guests after PJW, praising Trumps strike and affirming it as an Assad Chem attack. Wonder how many people get paid off, I mean then there isn't exactly an excess of alternative news or political activist forums if any, FDR making the wise choice to remain politically neutral, until Trump at the time hands down better choice. Hilary is crazy, would kind of suck if Trump is as well. Unless you work in the CIA or deep-state I guess mere mortals may never know. Next to no doubt this site is monitored, 1984 or N.Korea perhaps an over reaction, but unless the currency collapses maybe near permanent tyranny for most, kind of a decadence tyranny already. One step at a time perhaps.
  18. Think its Charades. Crossing Chess(Perfect Knowledge) with Poker(Imperfect), if you think its Poker not all the cards are down yet. Hilary more entertaining in a homicidal way, but depraved in being cruel. Keen to see who thinks what in poll, gauge foresight. Maybe "In Trump we Trust" turns out to be a bad joke, the author gave up faith quickly. In terms of using force the airfield is not painted red. John Von neumann a H-bomb physicist said to bomb the soviets while the USA had superiority. Give the Chinese a military advantage perceived or real? invite further conflict with coming economic collapse, History repeating again. Throw out some gambits, I don't know, maybe someone does, curiosity, a bit of entertainment, people don't care, want conflict.
  19. Watched a short debate between Bill Mitchel and Paul.J.Watson. Libya 2.0 or "Tail Wagging the Dog".
  20. "A View To A Kill" Meeting you, with a view to a kill Face to face in secret places, feel the chill Night fall covers me, but you know the plans I'm making Still oversea, could it be the whole world opening wide A sacred why, a mystery gaping inside The weekend's why Until we dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need Dance into the fire, to fatal sounds of broken dreams Dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need Dance into the fire Choice for you, is the view to a kill Between the shades, assassination's standing still The first crystal tears, fall as snowflakes on your body First time in years, to drench you skin with lovers rosy stain A chance to find the phoenix for the flame A chance to die But can we dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need Dance into the fire, to fatal sounds of broken dreams Dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need Dance into the fire, when all we see is the view to a kill
  21. Maybe it was a $60,000,000 plus shed? Funny seeing a lot of Trump supporters condemn him so quickly on Youtube and other sites. After 3 months and decades of high-powered business experience, he suddenly decides to go nuts?
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