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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. John Law (Economist 1671-1729) Established first Central Bank of France, after various wars had depleted supplies of Gold and Silver coin. Switched from precious metals to Government Guarantees and Shares in various companies as currency, which the government, think monarchical faction gained control over. Fast forward a generation. French Revolution (1789) Present day fiat currency (US Dollar) backed by oil and various shares and "Government Guarantees". I live in the UK, it really sucks. If you have money you can pretty much get what you want goods wise. There are massive expenditures that "have" to be paid for "some how", including the NHS, Military, Education etc. Until now that has been paid for by the remnants of assets of the Empire, North Sea Oil, Weapons and cashing in on a brand name, now hollow. Production wise the UK has some of the highest energy costs in the world (Tax). It's also true that people in the UK have begun to use wood burners (as Stefan said in a recent video) instead of heating oil, considering the UK has very little forest and was dependent on imports of wood during the Napoleonic Wars this is not a good sign. IMO unless you are trading, corrupt, on older contracts, or born hard/maybe stupid making a living is not easy. "Row well and Live" Fuck that. If there were open borders between the US,Canada, Australia and the UK there would be massive emigration from the UK. 70 million UK (England most densely populated country in World), 36 million Canada. On the plus side with a fiat currency system you get all of the bombastic music as people get their heads sawn off ISIS or French revolution style. Think of all the movies and musicals. But, hey maybe at the last possible minute Trump with the help of various people might help avert all of that or soften the blow, ain't seen nothing yet. Only takes a few people to fire the shots, to be heard all around the World.
  2. Like the ending of the movie "Men in Black" with the marbles...
  3. Why is the Universe the way it is and not another way? Death. Or else why would you care or be able to care.
  4. How can a person derive a "Why" from a "What and a How" that is Science? They can't. "Free Market" In this case the focal point being an Internet "forum", the fact people are posting I would guess means they are addressing some form of need and not generally out of a sense of masochism.
  5. Yeah there is an imperfection/Gaping hole in defining the "start" of one era and the beginning of the "next", instead of perhaps taking time as Holistic/Holy; or in Mathematics converting between various fractions and real numbers. Monetary, Momentary sound pretty similar. Would it be less corrupting to define money in someway as "energy"? Do you have any ideas on how best to think of money? So "Monkey see, Monkey do"? In order to be good, a person must have knowledge of evil or be thought of as good by those who are evil or at least have some evil nature about them. Is it possible to have pride in a non sinful way? I mean if a man goes into a burning building and saves a persons life, or a student is proud of his achievements and hard-work.
  6. Thank you I like it as well, has a very eerie vibe about it. When I was thinking about silver, gold also came to mind, specifically the Boer war. Another disaster, plain and open greed. Recently I guess there was Libya, with the gold dinar. Hard to think really when precious metals have been used well. I heard of some guy trying to get people to use silver liberty dollars that he had minted, didn't go well, another had a website for people wanting to use gold as currency didn't go well either. I like the idea of using silver as money rather than say bitcoin. I guess Gold superseded silver as political capital, and paper over Gold. I have seen news stories of Banks manipulating the spot price of silver to keep it lower than it should be, similar to the LIBOR rate rigging perhaps. If Trump manages to stay in office, maybe some of those near abandoned mining towns around the USA might get working again.
  7. I think actions like Charity are Charitable when they are unforced(subconscious). If you say, "I must get someone a present because it's their birthday" then it isn't out of love. The conscious pursuit of altruism is not charitable. Life boat survival situations perhaps. It would be more accurate to say self-deception (So Self-Hypocrisy because then you are aware?), manifested in pleasures of the self, drugs, addiction etc and then when you are aware the vampirism/parasitism on others and the choice not to be. The lake(hypocrisy an effect) is the source of water, when really it is the springs (the selves). Which makes sense, as he didn't earn it, trading one thing for another. Ok which makes sense, as money can be anything from Gold, Silver, Copper, Salt, Sea shells, Energy, Colourful paper etc. What matters is the voluntary cooperation of people behind that production.
  8. I wouldn't say it's reasonable to go punch socialists, as it's unreasonable to go punch children. All be it often very large hurling abuse armed with baseball bats and mace children. It's not just the fact if someone is a Rapist or Paedophile, it's the possibility that they may murder to cover-up their crimes. I think the use of fear tactics such as punching someone is questionable, a well placed bomb may put a fire out, an ill placed one may make it worse. Education and raising self-awareness may be the better way to go. I remember a story about a young girl, possibly about 6-years old, crushed to death by a drunk bin lorry driver. I don't know the specifics, any way the driver got off with a minimal sentence and had been drunk before. So the father killed the bin lorry driver, a jury found the father not guilty of murder.
  9. I think what you might be getting at is trust, rather than opinion. If it were only opinion you were looking for, hobbies would suffice to say. I don't think I've actually done a proper IQ test, in the UK they use SATs, which from what I remember test various comprehension abilities to be logged away for whatever end. Ace. Yes it kind of sucks. Thought about suicide when I was younger 5-11, probably the idea of a potential hell afterlife from my mother kept me alive. She has very poor verbal and mathematical ability, has mothering instincts and looks, but absent minded. Father works long hours everyday including weekends, is an idiot compared to his father, but probably about average intelligence for the UK. Though pretty aggressive, probably genetic from his mother's German side, tends to shout every other day. I think conflicting emotions can impede the acquisition of knowledge and especially creativity. Early childhood trauma such as being hit and thinking you're going to be murdered, locked in the house, shouted at, having possessions removed, because "Boy", were not particularly helpful to me. Good perhaps if you want some degree of obedience, but evil. Now being a millionaire or not would not bother me too much. Personally I think I have almost a complete lack of desire. I think I'd like to be effective and help to resurrect western civilization, to help save me. From what I see is possible biblical bloodshed, I mean Kane, hillary, Syria, Armageddon, they were just trying to make that one happen. On the other hand watching the World burn has its appeals. But I don't know, if there are no sane groups to join, cooperate with go with the insane ones. Just a few thoughts. "Permanent mass unemployment destroys the moral foundations of the social order. The young people, who, having finished their training for work, are forced to remain idle, are the ferment out of which the most radical political movements are formed. In their ranks the soldiers of the coming revolutions are recruited." Ludwig von Mises.
  10. I never said "incorrect" use the F3 Key to search.
  11. Sounds reasonable. Not very practical though. I mean you'd probably have to punch 25% of Mexico. Large swathes of the 3rd World; inc parts of France, Sweden and the UK etc. Plus the fact the Nazi regime failed it's own test of perverted Darwinian selection, so not possible to be a Nazi. The same way it is impossible to be a Spartan or Roman Legionnaire. I don't think you'll out smear the left, since they're better at it, lack of a soul or at least some conscious realisation of ethics in many cases. What might be better is to try and position various K-selected groups in strategic positions. I mean left wing people tend to congregate in cities, so look for ways to entomb them in the future, Spanish Civil War style perhaps or like the sentry guns off the Movie Aliens. Filming "protests", ghettos violence, undercover investigations. Doesn't seem to be effective as I believe it should be. I mean they had Hillary on Tape laughing about defending child rape, which makes it worse imo if she "won the popular vote". Having said that I think anyone willing to go into those areas of reporting is awesome in my opinion, not so much if they get mobbed. Though they have certain level of charisma many people perhaps don't have in abundance. I wouldn't mind doing something like that, but similar to the Jehovah witnesses. The Key being as you said being "organisation" as well as established pioneers.
  12. "Someone climbs onto the ledge of a very tall building, you grab them and they protest." No, but if there is a moral component would the action of grabbing them be immoral? As Ethics from what I understand is refraining from doing immoral actions. Also aesthetic and Integrity questions come to mind, which maybe equally or more important than the non-initiation of force. More of a thought experiment. Depending on the circumstances which could be any of the following: The someone is a Child or an Adult. Possibility to call emergency services The conditions are windy with possible risk to yourself, others down below, the person on the ledge. The person is a suicide jumper or high on drugs. Unknown Factors, certainty.
  13. Must not do, or not an ethical matter. Unless someone is an Objectivist and takes man's life as the standard of value, in which case they are incorrect. I agree, but get rid of the should. Someone climbs onto the ledge of a very tall building, you grab them and they protest.
  14. According to Snopes website, he didn't say that. Something similar was said by St Augustine, until perhaps Thomas Aquinas. "Evil(generally considered to be a negative) is the absence of Good(generally considered a positive). A negative is the absence of a positive. Non Existence is Existence. Which by the way is the use of Syllogisms. The way you could counteract, would be to say the Devil is Evil and walks the Earth in physical form, as opposed to an immaterial one. Predator II (King Willie) Makes me think of a recent video Stefan and Mike did. I do not know where he is, only what he is. The Spirit World Man. You can not see the eyes of the demon, until he comes a calling. Prepare yourself. "His foundation lie in the holy mountain...Selah!" Except that you never made an argument. Only a list of Assertions and definitions some of which are inconsistent. The law of Identity "Its Right because its Right or Wrong because its Wrong", is Not An Argument (Hate the phrase, getting to be overused and poorly applied). I was open to the possibility you maybe Gaslighting to make a point on Hypocrisy. I now conclude Stupidity from insults on your part, and misplaced optimism on my part. Agree with the first paragraph. I think Stefan avoided using terms like Right and Wrong in UPB for good reason, and focused on Universal Applicability. I go with Ayn Rand's definition of a Right being a psychological manifestation of asking for permission, or an expression of the Will to Power. I'd really like to gain more knowledge(power) if anyone has any ideas for other forums (think FDR is the best, I've seen in terms of layout, skill and heart of contributors.) Please share your ideas, anyone probably being better than socialists or Elites. Can be religious or focused on topics such as history. Politicsforum.org seemed pretty ruthless, conducive more to manipulation than reason. Historum, more for socialist lecturers with hypergraphia.
  15. "Day of the Triffids" is good, the movie "28 Days Later" copied some of the ideas. I think British horror stories are generally better than American imo.
  16. Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist (IMO aka Dr Strangelove probably unfair) Mein Fuhrer!... I'm sorry.... Mr President. "Darkness" is not only good, it is essential. The unknown or unpredictable, sometimes the ability to inspire in others, the Fear! to attack. Darth Vader, Satan, Dick Cheney, Dr Strangelove; lack of heart, often literally. Plus!.... Choke Powers! Darth Vader; bound by limits, clunky cybernetic suit, not part of Empire Hierarchy, serves the Emperor directly. The Emperor in contrast, "Unlimited Power!!!!!!!!", destroys concept of "Power" and himself. Satan; made "perfect", bound by limits, tempts Jesus with the World. Destroy the state. Being a Leninist. Well if that's your only goal, and you have no heart, I could see how someone like that could be very effective, on the flip side having a heart might be better and lead to a happier non-nuclear outcome. Should in theory appeal to Communists, In actuality, undermine their credibility even further, takes a position of Absolutism, neutralised only by violence/assassination.
  17. Ah, so are you effectively playing a psychological mind game to make a point? Idolatry, sounds similar to Ideology. I remember from a documentary somewhere that the Jewish moneylenders had a particular coin as a gift at a festival. Which cost more in silver then a regular minted coin, kind of like a modern day proof or special edition coin, but with associated religious or sacrilegious meaning. I don't think money itself is Evil merely a tool. I think currency is particularly corrupting, which includes bitcoin, as it does not even have some material to back it.
  18. Property is irrespective of ideology. Some animals show possession of property, so do children. Perhaps it is. Which is why in situations of desperation. I would not be opposed to someone punching a person in the face and stealing their car if it meant saving someones life, "A Fuck You" Danny Glover style. In all likely hood they would have got the car anyway or called an ambulance, but if someone wants to be an asshole about private property........ Would Combat parenting be an ideology too? Train children to fight Spartan, ISIS, African Child Soldiers or Hilter Youth style, would that be right? If an opposing tribe/faction invades kills all the men does that make peaceful parenting wrong? So according to the definition you gave. Reason is a set of doctrines or beliefs. But not various mathematical abstractions. Ethics, not ideology. If Free Trade is "Free", it does not need supporting by an ideology. Freedom of thought, Freedom of Speech, I don't care if they are Right or Wrong, only if the other person is rational. That is Tautological or circular reasoning. You still haven't explained how one ideology is Right and another Wrong. Tough time with "this". Show me where you're Right and how. If you don't know, say you don't. As truth is a process, I'll bare the Transgression in mind.
  19. Imposing or not imposing your will on others? Your final comment "I should have worded it better". References back your statement about it (1 of the 3, Nihilism) being a "idea/false" principle. I think most people on the forum, including me, would not put Trump in the Evil politician category, at least not for a while and quite possibly never. Yeah basically end up taking "sides". The most annoying thing I found is how the less intelligent or those with less self-knowledge or perhaps the warrior gene can get pissed really quickly, if you breakdown and reflect back to then their behaviour actually or by breaking down their reasoning. My father is pretty aggressive, stubborn, about taking sides, warrior gene possibly from his mother. His father though was fairly intelligent had some values, knowledge about metals, lasers, buying and selling metals. Enough money to buy a colour TV in the 60's take the car on holiday on a train. Sometimes euphemistically called "discipline". ------------------------------------- You still didn't answer my initial question "When are Ideologues Right?" Does it matter if I think people who support freedom of thought and speech are wrong? Through what means?
  20. I define Ideologues as.... Bullshit!, sounds like a true statement to me.
  21. Could you define that value? .....and as soon as you know thy self?
  22. When are Ideologues right? Agree with the first sentence, don't mind some nihilism(trolling) as long as it is then proceeded with something constructive. All 3 are violence. By the second sentence do you mean your/perpetrators will above all in order to be evil? --------------------- Thinking of two bible stories. 1. Kane and Able. Jealousy and then murder as violence. 2. Betrayal of Christ by Judas. Envy(of the good) as a form of violence. ----------------------- If two people agree to fight each other over some form of prize are they both deceived by an outside influence. There are boxers who literally kill each other, brain cell, by brain cell is that immoral? Or is it immoral to watch? If violence is the root of evil, then what is the root of violence? Deception(Transformers, Robots in disguise.....), lack of understanding of self and others?
  23. Saying that you would consider killing a cop for drug possession, may not be the best place to start. Go easy. The whole drug enforcement laws are a mess. You say you are raking in exponential profits on currency speculation, that you're not afraid to take risks. You obviously find some profit in talking about drug laws and how you think Jeff Sessions would be terrible, maybe you're right, I remember seeing a documentary somewhere where under Nixon incarceration rates were massive for drug possession. You have an opportunity to talk about something you find important/profitable to you with zero risk. Negotiate terms and questions you would like to discuss, maybe specify timing to make a case or have more of a conversation.
  24. Not sure if having slaves dig the metal out of the ground, refine it, mint it, transport it and all the ancillary costs etc was a good way of propagating or protecting liberty. From a military perspective "Blood and Iron" maybe far better. With the silver the Athenian elite still had to purchase ships from another city state, they may have decided possibly to build temples or public works instead to maintain their political power. Other metals like copper, or salt may have far more transactional and use value to most people. Mining silver perhaps a good way of accumulating political capital at the time however. Silver contributed to inflation in the Spanish Empire and was used to fund wars in Holland. Control over the trade in precious metals badly effected Spanish industry whilst Britain prospered. Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". Silver helped contribute to viking raids "Danegeld". Debased silver currency badly affected trade in the Roman Empire. Debased in the UK post 1920. Played a part in the Opium Wars. Silver paid to betray Jesus. Having said that, I think silver has a positive equalising affect in trade, its equitable distribution often being tightly controlled to maintain political power. Also a useful antibacterial agent, various modern day manufacturing uses. May well be a useful currency/money again.
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