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Everything posted by barn

  1. With the autoimmune stuff, I was referring to this comment : "Oh, hi Mark(Wuzzums) ! " Also, type 1 is a challenge to say the least...
  2. I'm sorry, didn't quite get this. Are you saying 'turning against virtuous women'? In what sense? Please give me a few words of clarity, pls. Thanks.
  3. 'Crossed arms misinterpretation' should be kept in mind, always... body language can be 'gamed' (ie - acting) , actions however not so much.
  4. Not bad analogy. Have you heard about the phenomenon when the immune system turns on healthy cells? E:dit
  5. Is it fair to assume, that from an evolutionary standpoint MGTOW's analogous to the "Judean People's Front" (not to be confused with the People's Front of Judea), Monty Python - The Life of Brian? And that it is also a representation of a hyper-individualistic lifestyle, not involved in the creation of stable family units? " SSOJPF: ('engaging' the Romans) That showed them, huh! Brian: (can't facepalm for obvious reasons... ) You, silly sods! "
  6. I wish you to see the available options at your disposal and be mindful of what choices you took, take. If you choose to utilise some, any I had shared with you, that's up to you. The same as if you chose to disregard them or not choose at all and keep standing where you are right now. I'm only putting forward what made my life better, what you decide to do with the information is...
  7. Hi thinkers and alike, Disclaimer: I'm not a parent, therefore I 'do not have a skin' in the game as parents do. I'm interested in reason & evidence. Hence the normal font too. Additionally, I have no information on the specifics other than my own childhood, how others do it in reality. Perhaps the following was useful to share, might serve as a general outline to the Ferber Method, Ferberization summarized(link to ref.) "Dr. Richard Ferber discusses and outlines a wide range of practices to teach an infant to sleep. The term ferberization is now popularly used to refer to the following techniques: ° Take steps to prepare the baby to sleep. This includes night-time rituals and day-time activities. ° At bedtime, leave the child in bed and leave the room. ° Return at progressively increasing intervals to comfort the baby (without picking him or her up). For example, on the first night, some scenarios call for returning first after three minutes, then after five minutes, and thereafter each ten minutes, until the baby is asleep. ° Each subsequent night, return at intervals longer than the night before. For example, the second night may call for returning first after five minutes, then after ten minutes, and thereafter each twelve minutes, until the baby is asleep. The technique is targeted at infants as young as four months of age. A few babies are capable of sleeping through the night at three months, and most are capable of sleeping through the night at six months. Before six months of age, the baby may still need to feed during the night and it is probable that the baby will require a night feeding before three months. Ferber made some modifications in the 2006 edition of his book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. He is now more open to co-sleeping and feels different approaches work for different families, children & situations.[5]" Maybe you wanted to read reviews about it on amazon, there's a lot, generally highly positive. I highly recommend reading the parents' responses there, very interesting. Here's the all-reviews page.
  8. That's a reasonable response, except for the part I highlighted. Which I am unable to correlate/translate, due to you not quoting the part that you perceived as such, or forgot... variations, etc. can't tell. I asked about the long term consequences (where you said ",only a fool...") , because I'm not sure if you considered what could be the ones manifested when sleep training is done at a later age, I couldn't see any evidence, where you have mentioned them/it. If you did, I probably missed it, please pass a link or share it with me. Thanks. I'll be checking upon the thread, and if you have reason & evidence regarding...-> referring to : "... doing the gentle cry out method? I think it might be the way I want to go about doing it with my own baby, at least at first."-> That's all-right, I'm open to having my thinking updated by (a) superior argument(s). Please provide proofs for workable solutions to your ideas. ->.. I'm happy to revisit the topic together. I hope you and your husband, when it's appropriate, choose the right solution for him (baby boy). Also want to mention, it's admirable that you care for the topic and the pro-activity part too. I like parents that focus on the wellbeing of their child(ren) , even if sometimes that can be challenging.
  9. I'm genuinely surprised (in a good way) this video (especially) hasn't been put in one of the restricted modes PooTube so generously allocates to free-thinkers now-a-days. Good. More power to transparency. p.s.
  10. All good. i.e. " My car is broken. How do I know that's true? Because it won't start. Is it not starting because it's broken down or there could be another reason I haven't yet noticed, considered? What have I considered so far? Nothing really, other than I can't drive it because it won't start. What's the most effective way of inspecting a car, at my level of knowledge? Here.-> A list I've checked the list, turns out item no. 7 was the cause, loose connection on the car battery. My car starts up, confirmed. Note to self: An observation,... Had I not re-examined what I claimed to know and how I knew it, I wouldn't have re-examined my convictions and probably wouldn't have found a simple and good solution, wouldn't have been able to see reality. Reviewing what I claim to know and how I know is a good idea. I'm doing it more from this point on. "
  11. I can see that you are very good at asking questions including the lack of things. (it's also easier than my next proposed direction) How about the other side of the same coin? i.e. " X is something, I seem to be declaring as to be a known thing for me. How do I know what I claim to know? " I warm-heartedly recommend you learnt and applied the scientific method for evaluating what seems real to you and used feelings as supplementary guiding stones. The Scientific Method Or Six Sigma (in production) But for starters, I would make sure 'my room was clean and tidy', helping me in that has been GTD (for the last 3 years)
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    395. Mono - Silicone 396. Newcleus - Jam On It
  13. Hi @soundwave86 (this post is a tad bit science heavy, tried to make it 'easy on the stomach') (highlighted, above) refers to 'virtual particles', a conceptual tool, though with observable effects. i. e. - the word 'nothing' which is (as you can see, 'something') also conceptual and we can use nevertheless Speaking to the above, something supplementary and semi-related; something you might be interested to read about (or maybe not) : (ref.s below and within, as usual) 0. Matter and antimatter annihilates each other (to 'nada, zlit, nil, big-fat-goose-egg') meanwhile releasing intense energy in form of photons, and various other less massive matter-antimatter pairs. ° One of the best demonstration for the existence of a type of antimatter (or proof of concept here for anti-electron, +1e) is the contemporary & real-life application of it in the field of medical imaging. There's a machine called Positron Emission Tomography scanner (PET) where basically small 'fireworks' inside the body are being recorded in 3D + time (simplified). I'll leave a link, below if you want to read about it. The convenient part here is that it works perfectly with cells that have glucose uptake and since our brain consumes a lot of it(relatively) , tracer concentration (like paint poured into clear water) comes through very neatly. Visualisations such as this one can be acquired using the imaging of 'these' matter-antimatter annihilations. ° Antimatter is really, very, truly volatile when it comes to releasing a huge amount of energy. (i.e. Boom!) It's matter to energy conversion rate is so high that 1 g produces ~ 43 kilotons of explosive force. For comparison, the 'A-bomb' dropped on Hiroshima ("Little boy") was ~20 kilotons, roughly ~0.5g of antimatter's explosive force ; that's mind-blowing (respectfully, no pun intended). ° It's also very expensive, probably not as much as the civilization destroying welfare with all its negative consequences (which is in itself already should take your breath away... in a bad way); it is around 63 trillion dollars to produce 1g of antimatter. I guess where I was going with these is to say, it's a really expansive and hard to grasp universe out there (likewise the 'inner-universe'), taking a small slice of it doesn't give a good enough picture of the 'ginormous and vastly huge slices' nor the 'much smaller, perhaps more petite' than Planck-length sized ones we too have trouble describing. We need to keep exploring more, inside & outside, Greater & 'tinier' proportions. But not create illusions where either anxiety or conformity are manifested(imo). Thanks for reading Ref. s ° virtual particle ° antimatter / ->positron<- ° P. E. T. ° (not settled, sorry Stephen, RIP) Hawking radiation
  14. @Elizbaeth I'm glad your sons are through it. You couldn't have seen / known about my post, the one soon to be released. E:dit
  15. Let me rephrase this Knowing what you know now, would you choose a similar or a different therapist? (and this, extended) Why do you think you have learnt to self-sabotage in the first place?
  16. I originally wanted to try CBT because it supposedly has more consistent results. I was told in a short meeting with a staff member before starting therapy that this would be the most likely form of therapy that I would have there. I had a first "advisory appointment" with the therapist, where these kind of topics should have been determined, but in the end the whole hour was taken up by giving an overview of the problem. At the end she simply asked "so do you want to start therapy then?". And I said yes, and I was with her. It took until receiving the invoice in the mail to even see what type of therapy it was. Of course I could also have just asked.  Um... Sharp?! That's not what I asked. (nevertheless, very interesting 'segway') Force, push, made to do something... basically the same. Bad. (This is going to sound very straightforward, maybe a bit strong) What's worse, that you are not just putting yourself into situations with which you disagree with (no agreement, avoidance prior) but you pile a big heap of anxiety on top of it and call it "it was still voluntary". Those situations described = zero understanding (with reason&evidence ) and resentment inducing. Basically what you did was, rationalised a form of self-abuse, inflicted by others and summarised it as 'I needed that to do what I wanted'. ... not good. Oh, dear. Interestingly, I'm not getting the sense from your answer that you realise it's you (a part) who is doing the sabotaging to you. Who would benefit from you not getting more confident, in your inner circles?
  17. Yes. I understand it much better now, thank you. Would you choose a similar or different therapist if you were in that position? Gotcha. (as in: I understand) I wanted to say this earlier... Force... Force is aggression, aggression creates resentment. For example, in this convo with you I can only be curious and reasonable, putting forward arguments constructively... but if I tried to use force, threat, manipulation... I'm guessing it wouldn't have gone past the first reply. I think it is counterproductive to make yourself do something that you have NOT accepted its reasoning. Understanding is NOT accepting. When you DO concede, you simply do it or don't (depending on the thing). I think by putting yourself in a situation where you are inconvenienced in order to circumvent having to argue yourself into it is rather manipulative and on the 'dark side' of things. Am I going in the right direction here? Ok. So I'm 90% sure that you are seeing the correlation but hesitating to 'say it out loud' (based on previous and this message extending on the same answer I was seeing present). Do you think you are self-sabotaging?
  18. Yes, that is frustrating and when it happens... same here, though many times I can improve upon it even so. Nice honesty crumb, appreciated it. Why do you think it matters? What if both? What if either but having needed the other as an induction? Have you considered the opposite scenario, what would have happened if you had decided not to follow up on your idea for improvement? (Sorry for the multiplicity of questions, they are all intended at different angles.) Am I accurately defining it as repetitive procrastination? (my 'before this' post is about this btw) You have the answers laid out for you. You're almost there, finally getting it... at least it looks like to me. I'll add something later, depending on what you are going to answer to... Please, you tell me why yes/no but just one possible answer. (hopefully I'm not being perceived difficult but I want to see your input and not put words into your mouth...)
  19. Alternatively: Say someone had to make calls to a dozen companies requesting raw materials, resources for a project. As this person approached the office, another person disconnected the outgoing phone-lines in a way that the people trying to make calls would always hear the 'occupied' tone after dialing. What would you call the action of this individual who has disconnected the outgoing calls unbeknownst to others?
  20. You're welcome, you did write a proper ask in my opinion. The therapy suppose to make you do more with what you have, enabling your greater potential... there are many different approaches and people are very colourful too. Would you say that if the only thing that the therapy has achieved for you is to be more pro-active regarding your needs, would you consider that a success? Or , Still a success since you started taking your needs more seriously? as in: Given that you haven't tried focusing on them, (trying to say) taking the initial idea through... You can't know what would it look like, right? In general, that's a bit perilous since there's a chance for cognitive bias when our ideas aren't exposed to different perspectives. i. e. ' Is this true? I dunno, looks like... It must be true then. Yeah! It's true! I was right! I am right! ... Wha?! Why it's not working? I don't understand, but I am right... ' As long as you are looking for true ways to see things and not 'just answers', the likelihood of you improving on your 'vision' is higher. BUT that requires curiosity, being open to having sometimes inconvenient observations. It's a system, it's an ark, not a destination or a single answer... does what I'm saying (with my abstractions) make relatable sense to you? When I say: You set out to be in therapy, the way you wanted. You started therapy, but you haven't arrived there yet, you 'aren't in therapy' yet. ... what comes up for you? p. s.
  21. overall ... ->which is 'moving the goalpost' here unintentionally, as consciousness has to be connected with the/an intermediate, and then through it, to matter. (though same unidirectional relationship again)
  22. Hi @sharp Welcome to the board! I know you didn't mean to make a contradictory statement, would you agree with me if that perhaps what you meant was: 'not enough & /, not in the way I feel/think it should be'? With + Erm... Um... 11 areas of improvement, 11 aspects of your life (!!!) according to your description. Highly contradictory self-discription in your intro, if only a few were true but I suppose they're all true. Maybe it's just me, but that was my impression of it. btw. I had experienced 9 of those improving for me also, more recently I've been working on the remaining 2 plus a few more... yes, awareness counts. Three months is a long time (relatively). Not asking you for specifics, I'm estimating -> that's ~24 occasions in total, -> ~24 hours; is a full day and night (1440 minutes). If I told you that me reading out loud your post took me ~4 minutes, and that has the ratio comparatively with the time you had spent in therapy : 1 : 360 What thoughts come up for you as a result? (yeah, I read it slowly with proper intonation and word-stress 'n all... not that) From here, very far, only seeing a tiny slice of what might be the reality, in my honest opinion, you seem to be getting what you paid+negotiated for. Am I greatly mistaken? Having bad experience works magic in seeing value... I have had some wasted trips, pretend professionals who I quickly switched from, avoided.
  23. With the vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Single Digital Market taking a huge 'inter-realm' leap towards implementation... details here
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