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Everything posted by _LiveFree_

  1. This is false. In a free market capitalist system someone would own that part of the ocean and could therefore sue any aggressive polluter for damages. The massive pollution we've seen occur through the 20th century and continue on today is solely due to governments "regulating" pollution; in effect, allowing the pollution, making it legal. It's very important that you understand this. There is no greater polluter than governments. Please do not put forward that "massive pollution" is a "hallmark of capitalism" again unless you can give specific examples with reason and evidence backing up that statement. To do otherwise is highly disingenuous are likely far more damaging than you realize.
  2. Oh man, Stefan + Jeffrey were some of my favorite interviews. What happened to Libertarians. Were they always like this and I was just blind? Were people right to make fun of me back when saying, "Yeah, I was a Libertarian, too, until I grew up" ? The world is topsy-turvey man.
  3. You and I are very much alike in this respect Something that has helped me a bit is to understand that I do need alone time and to not feel negative about that. Spending time with my girlfriend is the most joyous thing I've experienced and continue to experience in my life. But I do need time to myself, too. By honoring that I am able to recharge and make the time I spend with her that much higher in quality. It's very much about maintaining myself and maintaining a balance in our relationship. She's very much an extrovert who can spend all day around others and be completely content. Without my self-awareness and honesty with her, she would likely perceive me as pulling away at times. With all that said, it doesn't mean you don't have things to dig deeper into. It's important to be able to separate these two, as difficult as it can be.
  4. I'm not recommending that you use this service or not. It may be an affordable resource for you. www.TalkSpace.com
  5. I'm still trying to figure out what this thread is about.
  6. Sorry, I didn't see this response. I agree with Spenc. All over the map. This sounds like a good call in show though. Why don't you ask Mike to get bumped up in the queue?
  7. I didn't say he broke a law. Nor am I saying that no one can say horrific things ever. What I am saying is that if you put yourself up there in the media limelight for a cause, you'd better watch your mouth. Otherwise you're eventually going crumble under your own weight. No, I did not say words trump actions. Not sure where you got that. Wow, what? Suits my biases? That's not nice. Pull some slight of hand...? Not nice either. When you restate this politely I'll respond to it. Yup
  8. I have listened to the original video, watched Milo's explanation as well as others' interpretations of it all (including the 4 guys who were on the original podcast a year ago). I'm very comfortable with the conclusion I've drawn. I don't disagree with you on that. Can't help but think that Milo wanted out of Breitbart before all of this.
  9. Active Self Protection "Attitude. Skills. Plan." https://activeselfprotection.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsE_m2z1NrvF2ImeNWh84mw This YouTube channel has been one of the most instructive I've seen (FDR excepted!). Short 5 minute videos show footage from real life situations and instructs you on how to defend yourself in those situations. Includes robberies, carjackings, home invasions, gun attacks, knife attacks, surprise attacks, etc. I highly recommend spending some time watching ASP's material. With the increase in violence from the Left, it's important to be able to identify situations before they happen, and if they happen be prepared to act. Here are some examples (actual footage of shootings, user descrection. . . )
  10. Can you talk with a therapist? Sounds like you've got a lot going on inside.
  11. So I guess I'm confused about how you think it should be handled. You said Milo shouldn't have resigned from Breitbart, but I totally disagree. Milo is responsible for this attack as much as the Left due to his gross negligence (conscious disregard to take care in his conduct). If you're going to have the mouth you better be able to back it up. It's no different than being in an army and one guy breaks ranks to storm ahead, others rush after him in a fury leaving their flanks exposed. Milo was doing great but he got out too far. He even said it himself, he thought due to his experiences he could say whatever he wanted to on the matter. And here's the real problem. Pedophilia is the Globalist's Achilles Heal. If we waver on that we lose the war. EVERY decent person, even those under the sway of SJWs, recoil in disgust at child rape. If the right adamantly backs even one who talks positively about it, they lose an enormous amount of credibility in the eyes of those they need to persuade. Had Milo said something about deporting all black people or latinos, then yeah, I'm sure some damage control would be enough. That can be spun. Advocating child rape cannot. The alt-right doesn't need to disavow, cutoff, or rally behind Milo. We just need to keep moving on as if nothing happened. If Milo can build himself back then great. We'll be there. This is on him though. Not us. To be clear, you can't make comments like 'sex with children can be a good thing', or 'genocide is needed', or anything horrific like that even if you believe it. Even if your whole shtick is "we need more free speech!" It's up to the individual to keep themselves relevant. Ron Paul became irrelevant due to his own actions. Jesse Ventura, irrelevant. Tom Woods is hanging in there but isn't nearly as influential as he once was. Alex Jones has been on this steady incline for almost 30 years. That success is on him and he's said some outrageous things. Stefan is more relevant than ever and he's said some stuff, too. There is a line that if you cross it you find yourself alone and for good reason. To stretch a rubber band you stress it by pulling it just beyond taut. You don't stretch it as far as you can until it breaks.
  12. But the truth is Milo spoke positively about his abuse as a child. You can't get around that and you can't allow that to go unchallenged. Especially if you're posting here.
  13. it's you. The video has been rallying people like crazy on Twitter. Even James Woods tweeted about it.
  14. I don't think the two options you put forth are relevant. It ins't about what "we" choose to do with Milo, because "we" can't choose anything. People are going to do what they do. Milo was such a powerful weapon because HE chose to develop into that. He harnessed us, and we responded. The interesting thing about people is how they can work their way back to power after being broken. So it's really up to Milo what happens next. In the immediate, he's likely going to take some time away to regroup, make plans, and settle down a bit. His book being published I'm sure is the priority. It's important to understand what happened here. I think Stefan's breakdown was really good, but missed one important point. Self-knowledge is a defense against these kinds of attacks. The media's attack against Milo only worked because Milo had a blind spot, the sexual abuse he experienced as a child. At worst, Milo actually accepted this abuse as a positive experience in his life, which means it's a deep dark hole in his psyche. At best, he never progressed past humor in dealing with it. Either way, Milo's inner 13 year old boy not only was betrayed by a trusted adult back when, but also by his older self now. When a part of you doesn't trust yourself it hides and obfuscates leaving you vulerable to those who would take advantage of you. Why all the mumbo-jumbo? The real work against the left is still self-work. The left can hurl all the insults and slanders it wants. If you know yourself and are right with yourself and your choices then these attacks are useless. And it's important to distinguish between real self-confidence out of self-knowledge, and false self psuedo-confidence. When an attack on your blind spot occurs, you, of course, will feel the hit very deeply, but the effect on your image is proportional to how popular you are. So when someone like Milo takes a hit then it's this massive media meltdown sideshow. I've personally had plenty of meltdowns of my own over the last decade but I've kept my life small knowing full well there were many meltdowns to have. Milo will do Milo. We can continue to do us. The "Freedom Movement", if you want to call it that, has had many weapons come and go. I personally got in during the 2008 campaign with Ron Paul. He was massive and was like adreneline shots straight into the heart. Now I see his limitations and realize as a weapon he'd be pretty useless now. We were here before Milo and will be here after. It's up to Milo whether he is relevant or not. Um, the left has been kicking our ass. If you aren't getting down to their level you're not in it to win.
  15. Hey thanks again Do you realize you use "I'm an introvert," as an excuse as to why you don't like opening up to people. "Introvert" doesn't mean you're not a people person, it means you are internally motivated and require alone time with yourself to be happy. It has nothing to do with fear of certain relationships. You tend to use this erroneous conclusion about yourself in order to avoid the truth of how you feel. You've drawn a conclusion about yourself that you use as a shield against outside intrusion into your heart. Is this ringing true with you?
  16. Thank you so much for the reply. What you are working on right now is the work that saves humanity. I'm fully aware of the importance and gravity of it, so please accept my sincere apologies for my short and somewhat truncated responses. However, I do think keeping a sharp focus is absolutely needed here. The very heart of the matter is here..."Why is confronting THEM a prerequisite for not being overwhelmed with emotions?" Because they are and will always be in your mind. While it is not always possible to face abusive parents directly, we all must face the part of them that is imprinted upon us, which we will carry for the rest of our lives. By facing them directly "out there" we gain a massive amount of strength and experience to face them "in here". Experiencing the emotions brought about by the abuse is a way to fully know the evil that was perpetrated against you. Not just intellectually, but to engage the whole being in reality. Once reality is accepted, action is demanded. Whether that action is informed by denial, rage, bargaining, despair, or full acceptance typically depends on the severity of the abuse. You did mention not having sympathy for your abusers. Yet you say you've never really confronted them about it (confront them means to talk to them using RTR, not abusing them back). So now the only confrontation happens in your mind, but you are then rejecting that entire part of you by denying it sympathy. See the problem? You'll never be rid of them in your mind. If you reject them in your mind you reject a part of you. Any part of you that is rejected will, when triggered, respond with overwhelming emotion, blending you and the part while stripping you of freewill. Your parents probably can't be reasoned with, but the part of them imprinted onto you can be reasoned with. And because it can be reasoned with, it is also worthy of receiving empathy and sympathy. Do you follow? Have you worked with IFS before?
  17. Hi and thank you for the post. I was especially impressed with all the self-work you are doing. In your self-work you talked about denormalizing the abuse you suffered and re-directing presently experienced anger to the proper person. Have you confronted those people (parents?) about the abuse you suffered at their hands when you were completely vulnerable? Because if not, when confronted with child abuse in your life, the emotions wound up with your past abusers will surface causing feelings of being overwhelmed.
  18. He says his own name at the 37 second mark in the video. "I'm just a kid who's four. Each day I grow some more. I'm John Podesta..." He's singing the theme to Caillou. Which goes.. "I'm just a kid who's four. Each day I grow some more. I go exploring, ..." "John Podesta" doesn't sound like "exploring" to me. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1497611
  19. ****WARNING!! WHILE YOU CAN'T SEE MUCH IN THE VIDEO, THE AUDIO IS HIGHLY DISTURBING!**** If you just want to watch the audio comparison without the terrible screams, please skip to the 1 minute 5 second mark in the video. I'm so not joking, it's that bad. Tweet w/video: https://twitter.com/suziedaud/status/831898824763379716 The child in the video calls the assailant "John" and then "Skippy" (..after which the assailant says "You will call me father!"). Skippy is Podesta's so called "alter-ego". http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/24/AR2008112403005.html Also, the background is very similar to that of Comet Ping Pong. You can look through Suziedaud's twitter posts to see photos. There is a lot of information out there as of today. We need a "Truth About.." video on this very soon. Please. Lots of info on #PizzaGate: https://twitter.com/Notmanipulated7 List of Sex Trafficing busts since Trump took office... A Primer on #PizzaGate
  20. Have you had a significant or familial relationship where you felt used like a tool?
  21. Wow! Thank you for that response! I'm no therapist, but if I were I'd think that your grandmother is likely a good starting point in unraveling your fear of relationships with women. You said you've read some CBT books. Have you tried Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)? If not, I'd highly recommend it. http://www.selfleadership.org/ Again, not a therapist, but it seems like you already know why you have trouble with relationships with women. However, you may not know how to process it and move past it. Because it's wrapped up with your grandmother and mother, it likely manifests as this mind-numbing fog. IFS is the best way I know how to work with this. One thing that stood out to me is you said that you are not the kind of woman who her friends would call for emotional support. Did you have a woman in your life you could call for emotional support when you were growing up? Do you see similarities with your grandmother's relationships with women and your own? Your lives are different so it won't be a 1 to 1 comparison, but maybe some similarities. If your husband died, would you become a cat lady? (awful thought I know, but let's light some fire under this thing!)
  22. Oh no. Are you still a determinist? My god you've been at this for how long? What are you doing?
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