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Everything posted by _LiveFree_

  1. This is silly. Everything in the universe is an object. Pseudo science interpretations of quantum mechanics is not science. It's religion. When speaking scientifically about non-mind objects, it is entirely appropriate to use the term behavior. Change is not an accurate descriptor. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names. A=A
  2. Chance. Probabilities. Just like asking what is the logical reason for winning the lottery. That doesn't mean there isn't order to our universe. What it means is that there was a statistical probability that this universe would be ordered the way it is. There is no reason for you to exist. It just so happens that you do. Purpose, meaning, and value do not come out of why you are here but what are you going to do while you exist.
  3. Logic is derived out of the universe through object constancy. A ball rolls under the couch, you can no longer see it, but it still exists and is still under the couch. Little children are excited by pic-a-boo until they figure out that nothing actually goes away. Mathematics uses logic, quantities, and the manipulation of those quantities in order to describe behavior in the universe.
  4. For fucks sake I did correct you. I told you your premise was incorrect. I showed you your own quote that said you didn't even know what a free market was. Stop being ridiculous and go figure out what a free market is. I'm not your mom. Not going to spoon feed you. The fact that you're having such a difficult time with this is far more interesting and important than whatever your OP was originally about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premise
  5. Again, you have not shown this. To say the universe is irrational is to say it is illogical. However, logic is derived from the behavior of the universe itself. So your conclusion is now shown to be incorrect and irrational. Science and conscious understanding of the universe emerges out of the universe itself. I don't worship anything. And you call this chaos, but compared to what?
  6. You're both not being honest with yourselves or each other. It's not about the glass, cleaning in general, or who should do what. All that stuff is easy with two healthy people. I'd highly recommend reading Stefan's book Real Time Relationships. Read it again if you have to. Or ask her to listen to the audiobook with you. Your commitment should be to the relationship. If you find yourself fighting for anything else, ya fucked up.
  7. Wrong again. I would love a productive conversation. However, you put forth an argument with an incorrect premise. Even in your OP you admitted to not knowing what a free market is. It was pointed out to you, but you are unwilling to go back and correct yourself. Then you tell me I'm not having a conversation the right way? For goodness sakes man. Go back and learn what a free market is before putting forth an argument about it. And don't insult people when they try to help you out by pointing to a mistake in a humorous manner. Talk about not knowing how to have a dialogue. I will continue once you've restated your argument with correct premises. Do you understand what I mean by that?
  8. Thought I was clear. You do not know what a free market is and therefore your argument goes completely off the rails. You should go back to square one and make sure you have clear definitions and understandings of your premises before attempting a logical deduction.
  9. You have not shown that at all. Probabilities are not "bettor's tools". They are a way of mathematically understanding events in the universe. And it's not "fashionable people" but genius minds who have been working on quantum theory for the past century. Just because probability makes it hard for you to sleep at night doesn't mean it's wrong. Maybe there's something wrong with you if you require a giant sky daddy to feel comfy. There isn't "sense" to the universe. It just is. Giving rise to consciousness does not require an all powerful creator consciousness. Emergence seems to be how this thing works. It's been how long since you called into the show? Two years? What have you been doing this whole time?
  10. Ok, I'll be clearer. I don't know what you're asking. Please try again.
  11. Dude come on. I'm not going to do your work for you. Takes two seconds to look it up.
  12. ...preferably English. And don't end a sentence with a preposition, especially if you're trying to sound smart.
  13. No. "Probability" 4. Statistics. the relative possibility that an event will occur, as expressed by the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences. the relative frequency with which an event occurs or is likely to occur. Why did you not ask me any decent questions?
  14. hello, oaksdave. welcome to the board! Why are conspiracies important to you?
  15. The universe is the way it is to us because it is the kind of universe that can create philosophers, astronomers and theologians. When chance is observed by its creation, it's typically viewed as providence. Is it divine providence that someone wins the lottery? Nope, just probability. Is it divine providence that quantum particles or strings or waves or whateverthefuck snap into a quark? Nope, just probability. Is it divine providence that you are alive? Nope, just probability. The Universe just so happens to create life, which can develop free will - but free will only for a cosmic instance. This instance only happens after the Universe drastically cools after exploding; at which point everything dies. Consciousness is a spark that doesn't live long at all. Free will is a blip not even detected in the grand scheme. In short, you're looking at the world upside down. Or more accurately, inside out. So then what's the point? Be happy. If Jesus makes you happy, wonderful. But you're fooling me.
  16. Can we get Tommy Sotomayor on the show? https://sotomayortv.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixb69t3ftnk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlsRYIucMMM&t=261s
  17. When you were abusing yourself with drugs were you showing yourself dignity? If not, why would you expect others to bestow upon you something for which you not only have not earned, but had once and pissed away? If you don't like how they treat you in a place like that then don't be there. Why do you think you made it out while others have not? Is it a step up in the world to go from surrounding yourself with people who are actively supporting your suicide to people who treat you a bit like children?
  18. If you do not understand how this post is manipulative, then we cannot have a productive conversation.
  19. Being trans does not mean mental dysfunction is present. Being trans does not mean mental dysfunction is not present. There are crazy people of all races, sexes, sexual orientations, religions, nations, whatever. To find a crazy person and then to say "See! Because of [this]." Well, you need facts to back that up. Here is a well researched blog post (with references) that show scientific evidence for a biological basis of transgenderism, which even presents evidence against a biological basis for transgenderism. It's a technical article very short of sophist rantings. I highly recommend it no matter where you fall on the subject. http://transascity.org/the-transgender-brain/ So you got booted from a private club. Meh. Why do you care? Do you think FDR has only people who think one way? In your OP you ended with "What is wrong with me?" I think you should run with that question. Quite possibly. The standard bearer is always reason and evidence. Never a person. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
  20. Anyone else noticing that Trump's language is already softening? His posture is now changed to defensive, with his shoulders hunched and forward, eyes wide and slightly down, voice subdued. And his biggest supporters like Giuliani are now saying that a Presidential Pardon for Hillary would be permanent and irreversible. I don't know, what do you all think?
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