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Everything posted by barn

  1. I understand what you mean and respect your opinion. True as 1*1 , though I haven't mentioned elections. The closest I went is that the people aren't red pilled... if my memory serves me correctly. That sounds fantastic. I am having trouble believing it but not because of resisting a great news, perhaps I'm not well informed. Would you mind dropping me your source, pls? (I'm having difficulty finding non-GDP based metrics) Yes, it is possible we met different types of people, can't tell. I mean scarcity of skilled labour in the trades, hostelry sector... etc. the latest source I have is this Dear Mishi2, I don't appreciate covert references or characterisations of my not yet expressed political standpoint. Even if you were right. (you don't know because you haven't asked me and I didn't mention it) I would appreciate it if you asked more rather than assumed things arbitrarily. Also if you wish to ramble, please remember to do it with consideration to not everyone sharing the same pool of information/mentality as you do. I think that's fair to ask, wouldn't you agree? And thanks for sharing your strong and established assertions, I'll be checking out the info you provided and hopefully arriving to similar conclusions. Barnsley
  2. Hi Dylan, Good stuff! People like you, who put the effort in : - proper delivery (convincing, tone) - essentials (no distractions) - setting up the argument (connection) - personality (I heard YOU) Make want to consume more history, slowly chiseling away false prior beliefs such as 'history is boring' or 'it's all about the dates and names' and my personal favourite 'it's all relative and nothing meaningful can be extracted therefore'. Thanks for contributing to the rumbling that shook my world! Isn't it nice you DID A VIDEO (huge thanks, as I could listen to it while following the steps) more power to you! Barnsley
  3. Hey there, I'm not sure why you wrote this. Would you be so kind as to highlight the part or quote directly where I stated 'you wouldn't move a finger' ? I never said anything like that to my knowledge but perhaps if you showed me I could understand why you thought that. Cheers. For this: and this I am still curious of an answer... Only if you are interested replying to. No problem if you don't. I prefer speaking about the same thing if that's ok. Thanks Barnsley
  4. Thanks for the entertainment, no offense. I just found it funny. A: no way a prototype can be created before the general idea. B: If you don't know (what, why, how's that valuable), I challenge you to create anything... haha No, you aren't stupid at all. Definitely not, otherwise you'd be stuck at sales or marketing, but you'd have done already what qualifies people as determined. I think, (amateur friendly opinion) you're smart enough to know, how to avoid the doing part. (personal experience too) All the best, but I doubt you'll start anytime soon. I'll be happy(for you) if upon revisiting I'm disproven. Barnsley
  5. Hi @Elizbaeth I had a look of the page @Dylan Lawrence Moore had recommended and it looks promising(for a webpage, 'the trial of the pudding is eating') . If you eventually did try it, you could chime back, sharing your experiences. I'm sure many would appreciate it. Things are definitely moving forward, more power to you! (You remind me that pro-activity brings more of the good stuff.) If you don't mind me being curious, (pick what you feel answering if you want) 1. Have you told your spouse about the A.C.E. test and what you can use it for? 2. (my amateur assertion, you're absolutely right in the first part) What happens after we feel something we'd been trying to avoid 'tooth and nail'? 3. Let's say, that's exactly what was happening and you really appreciated it. How would that look like on the part of your husband? (what would he do, say, behave) Not very often. This is something that really grieves me. I feel like I am running out of oxygen, emotionally-speaking, and want so badly to go to those deep, intimate places with him. The thing is, though, that I think he believes we have it. I think that he has no idea what real emotional intimacy is like, and just assumes that because we haven't cheated on one another that we are a successful couple. There have been a small handful of times when he has really opened up to me and it has been wonderful. anecdote: (my workmate Laura, the 'other' Maria) I was at work once and for unforseen reasons it was just the two of us and the receptionist. We were chatting about work stuff, particularly a colleague who'd been acting weird and changed schedule recently while Laura was away. She wanted to know what had happened while she was gone and I didn't want to gossip so I only said that Maria probably found something better and moved on. Plus that she never told me she was going to so I didn't ask neither. Laura then commented that, all around her(Maria) people were having ambivalent experiences... like she was either 'too nice' or 'stingy' but never with a single clue as to why. It was that moment when Laura asked me: 'Barnsley, can I ask you something? (I answered 'Sure! But I can't guarantee a perfect answer.') Do you think she hated me or someone from here, and that's why she left? (I said: Do you remember anything that she said and could have indicated that?) No, I don't think so. We never talked. I mean we did, but always about menial, inconsequential stuff... eh, shops, food... general things. (I asked her: Do you think if she had a problem with either of us she should have spoken about it?) Yeah, I know. Maybe she was scared of something. (me: Could be. Or not. But we won't be able to figure it out without her speaking her mind and I want her to want the conversation. If I went and asked 'out of the blue' (i.e.: Maria! Why did you leave? Are you upset with me?) , she'd feel...) 4. What do you think she would have felt if I went and asked her? (I'll tell you what happened after you answered) 5. If you feel wanting to have more deep convos, have you tried friends, family? a. What happened? Did you feel you were able to move forward or it was just a short term 'quickfix' ? if not, b. Why do you think you haven't? Barnsley
  6. @Goldenages Thanks, I appreciate your words and your constructivity. People like you strengthen my core belief. (make sure you don't bet on politicians, they're worse than greedy business people, at least they don't have the government as an older brother-bully to 'weigh in' on disputes. Always good to check if who you are going to vote for has actually made it independently, outside of politics, before having become a 'footsoldier' in a party.) Kind regards, Barnsley
  7. I don't like giving random advice, prefer to understand first. If that's not what you mean, I hope others can give you what you are asking for. A bit more if you are interested. (When I set out to do my first project I did the following. 1. my definition What I do? Why I am doing that? Why is that a value for others? 2. market research 3. a prototype 4. a short presentation 5. a 100 word intro 6. a short questionnaire 7. a flyer 8. an icon / logo / phrase encompassing for what I stand 9. 10 reasons what means I'm successful +1 long term goal 10. 10 reasons why I am not succeeding +10 ideas how I'd fix it 11. define, set amount of time and work I'm willing to put in and a projection based around said calculations for an estimated state of the project within 3months time from start 12. creating, preparing a simple daily checklist to record progress and comments if any 13. a backup of all the above in digital and on paper 14. show created project to someone credible for any useful commentary, even if I have to pay for the advice (my case was a lunch) Personally, I don't take anyone seriously who haven't done at least 80% of the few essentials I've mentioned. But hey, that's me. Barnsley
  8. Would you be staying in Canada (doesn't really matter where you are) if you had the means to create a bubble around and preserve your values? If the west is at free-fall, in the midst of all the available knowledge people won't move a finger to absorb, think = a. Does it matter where you move if every place could get corrupted? b. Is there a lasting inoculation against corruption (because high intelligence doesn't seem to do the trick)? - - - those are some of my personal dilemmas by the way - - - Barnsley
  9. Thanks, Glad you and yours are aware and pepared, as always I'm happy to see people being conscious in their actions. (and upset with/sad for them when others are ignorant or willingly obnoxious) Yep. Can't argue with that. I can see why I might have been perceived negative and/ pessimistic. (I'm claiming I'm not but perhaps that could be still debated) That's what my source of misery is, living in the land of "the cradle of culture, science, innovation" seeing an escalating trend 'just giving in and going with the flow' especially amongst the now care-givers (whom seem to be tired fixing or going against all the crap that their parents had poured on them) being uninvolved in raising the current generation but rather expecting the state to do it. (the reason why I know I'm not negative or pessimistic is because since I am alive and till the day I die I won't be able to choose compliance - I think it's due to my genes + harsh upbringing. Disclaimer: I also live in a highly socialistic and low work ethic, highly dishonest country with a slightly lower I.Q. population of 93-98, having to scour for scraps of intelligent conversations... and when I do it's a lot of open arms and shoulder shrugs with libertarian sprinkles of no-one side approach is good but I don't propose anything better... dooh! That's Andalusian Sevilla, Southern Spain for 'ya! ) I have tried, been trying, will try to raise awareness while also living to the t basic principles of N.A.P. and R.T.R. It's just that my patience (7years) is starting to run out due to veeeery low R.O.I. (return on investment) regarding 'socialising amongst the like minded' + red pilling here(I lived in a large family here). All the best Andi, Barnsley
  10. Hi @Elizabeth Sorry to hear that you had had a rough strart (I can only guess the 'gravity' of an A.C.E. of 6, mine being around 4ish... plus the caveats of subtle but constant propaganda that at times is certainly worse than just brainwashing). After having read your post, three +1 thoughts popped up in my mind simultaneously. 1. You're most likely a brave and intelligent woman (hat raise) 2. You're taking responsibility (not only for your sons perhaps - hat raise again - but maybe because you are deciding to regain your strength?) 3. Would I be guessing correctly that you don't feel connected to your emotions at times (only feel that something is wrong) and experience 'being at the back seat, unable to influence the driver'? +1. Do you often experience (for lack of a better word) 'a busy train-station packed with people speaking in my head' sensation? (I did, while reading you. And this is my personal experience, only saying how I felt... only an objective observation I wanted to share, maybe check with you.) What does it mean when you write 'guessing'? a. Is it because you know his A.C.E. but 'rounding' it to a more accurate figure? b. You don't know his past. (didn't ask, he didn't want to tell, he hasn't taken the test... etc)? c. else? The way in which we see our history, the personal ethos is crucial to one's identity. I'm not saying you're wrong or incomplete. I would like to just mention here, what you are saying is seemingly a strong definition of what you think you did and why. A closed description, one that's filled with negative incentives and giving up/distancing from free will. Am I characterising what you wrote accurately? Please correct me if I am 'seeing things' that aren't there. (I wouldn't want to tell you what you meant, felt, thought) What would you say, what's that is making you feel uneasy? a. the way he's acting(body language, words, the situation itself)? b. the implications of his actions, the direction his actions would lead to (what he probably wants with acting in that particular way) ? c. no idea / else? How often do you have the experience of having shared deep and meaningful things that matter to you? - - - enough asking for now - - - Feel free to choose, how to go from here on... Barnsley
  11. Another addition. About Hungary. I haven't heard many people mentioning that the current government and the people with power within (opposition too) are largely riding a wave, catering to their own needs while only seemingly responding to the wishes of the people. Corruption is still high, the media IS controlled now entirely by the ruling party, the national debt have been growing increasingly and they still don't care about the younger generation apart from some minor incentives that always fall flat... why do you think those who could(more skilled, intelligent) left/still do to live elsewhere and don't seem to want to return just yet or plan to leave for 10+ yrs. The immigration question is only a vice in the hands of a selfish group of individuals who got lucky and now have the opportunity to secure even more power. Unfortunately, the society isn't red-pilled to that. (Say, there wasn't anything related to immigration, Hungary would still want to get closer to the fire, 'wishing to receive more free meals from the 'common couldron of the EU' , further indebting the future generations, masquerading behind false narratives, gradually shutting down any and all criticism(founded, unfounded alike) ... wait, they are still doing it anyways.) But I wonder : Stefan's latest vid ('Why I was wrong about Nationalism') , I'm paraphrasing.. The right diagnosis with the wrong prescription. or The wrong diagnosis with the right prescription. Barnsley
  12. I'd say, there could be a few reasons to that. A bit smarter than the average people around(usually) , but I don't see any good reason to justify you feeling stupid or ANYTHING CLOSE. As well as - English isn't my mother tongue(it's HU), lived a fair bit in GB, ES. I'm aware, my wording IS sometimes lacking proper structuring, leaning towards rather the manifestation of thought rhymes (don't know why, not a fan of poems). Anyhow, I encourage you to ask/quote stuff that you need clarification on (same as you did before) I hate reading that you had a "hard time understanding". Sorry, I'll try to be more precise in the future when I receive any questions. That's a very good perspective, if it could be done that would certainly turn the tables. The only problem I see is the language/s(as it was the general source of headaches during the Austro-Hungarian empire too). Not the values, which to a large degree, are alike and very compatible. Yes, me too. I am dumbfounded to have heard so little about the countries mentioned... although I can barely imagine how much research and checking goes into the production of each and every presentation. Still, at the moment Stefan's pull could easily bring someone well rooted in historical and socio-political background producing a fascinating debate(from Slovakia e.g.). The principles of philosophy are standards that can be applied just as the scientific method anywhere, it's the deep understanding of a set culture(added insights) that counts if you ask me.
  13. Can a hamster feel remorse? Is it possible to prove it wouldn't have eaten the last bit of animal feed, because it was thinking of how it's consumption might be affecting the other hamsters around? No. Don't choose relativism if your life and your individuality you cherished. Any other case, good luck! Barnsley
  14. And THE PARETO principle is resurrected. ('all-knowing' smile) What is the one thing that you do WELL, better than anyone around and convinced there's a need for? Barnsley
  15. 8 Hi @Mishi2 What you're going to read (if you take your valuable time, appreciate if you do) : 1. Why I state you've misunderstood one of my question. (sort of also answering a rhetorical question there, no offense) 2. Defining 'integration', adding comments. Rambling a bit, though to demonstrate a point. 3. People respond to incentives and small countries need allies You helpfully responded : to my question : Is it reasonable to say(?) , 1. there are more immigrants present this year, compared to the previous? (only for clarifying, you strike me a brilliant fellow since day1 - plus I don't always word my meanings 'rock solid' ) i.e.: a hotel reducing availability of rooms to be booked, does NOT mean they are 'checking out' more people meanwhile. (I wanted to confirm my assertion that the immigrants who'd already moved in, are still present + 'x' = overall increase, regardless of the slowing down of the inflow) 0. argument - Integration or the process of it, IS becoming indistinguishable and/ adding value (no negative value permited=that's still division) to the aboriginal set of values in a manner that's perceived beneficial to the host culture (I'm tempted to use the word 'heritage' but don't want to be nit-picking + don't have a crystal ball = rational boundaries, don't want to hypothese, just build on the established) -> 2. Can you bring up an example of integration anywhere in the EU under the proposed standard, providing a clear sign of positive integration since the last 5years? (please be considerate, I understand that a small fraction has already successfully 'integrated', although it is statistically clear (to me sad) to realise that due to 'regression to the mean' within a couple generation THAT could be (at a heartbeat) easily discarded as of now, if we were realistic and noticed how intelligence/identity isn't 'photocopy-able'.) -> 3. (Check out my intellectual reasoning here) My rebuttal, generally is: 'Well, yeah! Sure! People respond to incentives, not 'political-mumbo-jumbo'. ' But they do: - To trade restrictions and their effects, felt within the distribution networks - To the changed requirements when lobbying for subsidies. - To the projections/ongoing voted(!!!) laws regarding planned restructuring of the ENERGY, RESOURCE AND MILITARY regulations, let's not forget the EDUCATION REFORM still happening (my personal favourite, 'let's treat S. T. E. M. as a whole equal to humanities'), basically the demolition of MERIT BASED evaluation and many more... etc. (the restructuring of the scientific peer review system...similar to JSTOR) I know... I know... Colonial mentality. When it becomes over-abundantly more important to know how to write a good 'ask' from a legitimate scientific curiosity and simple exploration, truly obnoxious and 'bike-shed (i.e."law-of-triviality") ' mentality being present at the highest decision making strata... o-o, don't want to think of how that'll enable an already over-burdened cuota mentality to scurry for a greater fix by granting funds to the un-learned, detached (whom having been nurtured in a bubble... ). Of course alternative education system, welcoming controversie that I fully subscribe to. 'Let the best stay standing, using none other than the devices of what science can offer and instill through rigor and hard-ship in 'figuring stuff out'.' -> 3. The V4-5 is a nice idea. Fully backing it. In the case of Austria or Hungary I'd assume the most meaningful contribution to make could be... seeking allies who WILL be interested to partner up. Simply because both are as of yet treated 'transit lands' or 'fly over' napkin sized mentions in a larger dynamic. And Hungary is keen to re-kindle the fire with China as of now, amongst ongoing deals with Russia. What's the Austrians gonna do, beats me. Barnsley
  16. Thanks for a response, true my question was rather broad.
  17. (funsies) That's 'okeii' she's not worth the 'grammer' or many 'sentance'-s
  18. This is a deviation from the main topic, skip it if uninterested... My observation the same. Would you say, just as how ethnographic-suburbs self-organise in metropolises, (or wild animals keep to water sources) there's a repeating pattern that will be the initiator of free-trade, free will at a larger scope and an increase at which cycles of amalgamated interests(security, unity, self-actualisation) create new forms of social organisations...GIVEN THERE'S NO INVASION, NATURAL CATASTROPHE or regression to the previous tech era? (eradication of/falling by the wayside of certain cultures in the process by lack of strength, virtue) Sorry for putting it so convoluted, long. I hope you get my asking. Barnsley
  19. Hi, Yes, I had considered adding that as a reference but (personally I think Wikipedia is more often than not biased, guilty of omissions) was rather after people's thought processes. Facts, claims (even well founded) are lesser to arguments, experiences people have lived in relation with the book. I hope, the ones interested took to that page at some point automatically, regardless of the views presented here. (i.e.: the intellectually honest would want to check things for itself) Thanks anyways, Barnsley
  20. Adding that : I haven't yet invested and still trying to weigh it's potential against gold or silver. I just think, investing in the self is much more worthy (to me that is, as of yet). Plus I'm kinda on the fence, due to the constant pushback it receives, while gold has been around for thousands of years and changed little if none. Barnsley
  21. Hi. Fantastic. Appreciate the time and effort it took you to contribute, furthermore provide a link to a very informative and 'cut to the chase' discussion type interview : here with John A. Allison the book's The only positive contribution I might add to what you've written is to grade it down to plain English with more clarifiers, allegorical examples...(maybe a tad bit about derivatives and how regulations inversely affected trading) but that isn't the point. Like, those who want, can now scout for more on the sub-questions. (hat raise), cheers! Barnsley
  22. Yes, thanks. That's 'pretty much enough' to see things 180°. Thumbs up! Barnsley
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