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Everything posted by PatrickC

  1. Hi Jos, great to have you on board. There is a great Facebook group you can join dedicated to European listerners of the show, where we discuss philosophy, relationships and topics from the show. Quite a large group of 120 members so far and growing. You will also meet a few from Holland as well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDR.Europe/
  2. That's really interesting Waleed and I can certainly testify to experiencing something quite similar in my younger days. For myself at least it was an interesting topic that came up during therapy that I later discovered this to be about and neglect and abandonment issues from my childhood. Regarding the OP's question I think Slavic makes a very useful point about females not having much trouble finding a suitable replacement much more quickly than a the guy. The scarcity plays some part in how men recover from break up. That said, I've known some women go to pieces for several months when a high quality/status guy dumped them too. Anecdotaly though, this was much rarer amongst women than with men.
  3. Yes, I went and it was quite the gathering. Upwards of around 40 people I guess. I have two Dutch friends from the boards I've known for a few years now. But there were at least two Dutch folk there from Amsterdam. I know some of them that go for a regular Meetup in Utrecht as well. If you'd like to know more then I suggest you join this Facebook group. There are around 120 members from throughout Europe. It's a nice safe space for people to interact in, ask questions and get to know each other. Be great to have you on board. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDR.Europe/ And for FDR Meetup updates throughout Europe https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/1437294796551188/
  4. Ok. I changed the settings. Do let me know if you still have problems. Otherwise, you can join here as well. http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/London-GB/940522/
  5. If you want a hang out in London for a Meetup with FDR folk on the 16th August, then message me or if you are on Facebook, then add yourself to this event I created. Do not be shy! https://www.facebook.com/events/322177177958231/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming
  6. Yep, I'm with Yolo on this one..
  7. I detect that you consider not violating UPB or the NAP as being virtuous. Which is where I think you might be going wrong. UPB or the NAP are the very least a person can not violate before they reach virtue. Those are moral principles which I think (at least for us) are fairly clear to understand and generally not issues we often have to face violating if ever in our lives. I wouldn't call that virtue. I don't want to go all abstract particularly, but you might want to refer to Aesthetically Preferred Actions (APA) from the UPB book. From these actions springs virtue. Virtue is quite distinct from morality. Virtue is about your reputation, your ability to keep your word and follow through on your contracts. It's about ones ability to accept personal responsibility. To be honest with those we claim to love and cherish. Virtue is a whole lot more too, but you get the picture?
  8. Well, the whole point about philosophy and self knowledge is to recognize virtue in others and perhaps more importantly to recognize the lack of virtue in others. You have heard it said, 'that love is the involuntary response to virtue' right? So it seems that if you are concerned about missing the virtuous people you may meet in life, is probably because you don't really understand what virtue is, or you (unconsciously perhaps) doubt your own capacity for virtue. Make sense?
  9. Sounds to me Filip, that you doubt your own capacity for virtue.
  10. Hi Filip, I have a good friend from the boards I've known for some years who also lives in Romania, so you're not entirely alone out there. I can forward this thread to him if you would like. As for meeting virtuous people, well I would say the first steps is recognising virtue in yourself, after which I would encourage you to try and meet people here from the boards and other FDR affiliated groups within Facebook or Google +. Where such people are much more likely to exist. One such option within Europe is a Facebook group with a burgeoning 120 members thus far and growing. We discuss philosophy, relationships, economics and virtue. I would encourage you to join, as a way to start interacting with folk with a view to eventually meeting those likeminds you enjoy the most in the flesh (so to speak). Well done for reaching out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDR.Europe/
  11. You are talking about very rare outliers. This still doesn't mean that gender is a construct.
  12. Well said MMX. My concern with all this gender bending has been watching some behaviours of modern parents rejecting the traditional genders of their children. This is quite the experiment frankly. It seems to me that some of these parents are actually enforcing the opposite gender onto their child and those children are willingly going along with them, since they don't know any better and clearly want to please their parents. That said, I have no issue with adults choosing their gender with what they feel most comfortable or affiliated with. Also I know that as a parent I would be fine if my son or daughter had a genuine conversation with me about conflicts they felt regarding their own gender. I would certainly not attempt to shame them in this regard and would seek to facilitate their need (if they so wished) to experiment with names, clothes, toys etc. This would be in the spirit of explaining the issues they can face and if need be all the professional help I can provide them. What I won't do is just assume that their biological sex is the opposite or one of the myriad of self prescribed shades of grey in-between. The fact remains that transgenderism only effects a very small minority and I have no wish to confuse my child if their wish is to remain the gender of their biological sex. It's proper and peaceful parenting that will resolve these conflicts amongst the small minority of children affected, not a dissolving of gender itself.
  13. We also have a Europe Meet up group for larger events by residents or visitors on Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1437294796551188/ And a Europe Group for interacting with fdr Europeans as well... https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDR.Europe/
  14. Hey Ronnie, welcome to the boards. There is an Austin meetup group you access via Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/560291754037515/
  15. I only tip great service
  16. We will be meeting outside Kings Cross Station tomorrow (19th July) at 12pm. We are planning to take a walk through Regents Park and then up Primrose Hill and back down again. You will need to bring some food and drink for a picnic along the way and comfortable footwear. The forecast seems ok, but I would bring a waterproof and sweater with you, as the weather is changeble and rain is expected in the late afternoon early evening. If you want to come, then please contact me via my profile, either by Skype or Facebook. This will guarentee that we can meet you. Otherwise just turning up, is likely that we will miss you. There are roughly 6-7 of us so far that are planning to come.
  17. Hi Armin, You've come to the right place for universality and principles. Welcome to the boards. If you're on Facebook you might like to join The Freedomain Europe group on there. https://www.facebook...ups/FDR.Europe/
  18. Yes, I'd keep those personal conversations and details off the boards. There are plenty of great members you can connect with where you can discuss those personal things privately elsewhere. In my experience just getting to know people and build up some trust before diving in. I kind of get how it was a bit of a shock for you now. Given the information you were sharing. I think the Gold sub is $20 a month
  19. If you think talking down to a child is age appropriate then that's where you missed the point. It's about using effective listening with the child as a means to better understanding their needs.
  20. I'm surprised you didn't realise this Jonas. The only way to avoid the all seeing eye of Google is as a gold donater or above, as they have private forums there.
  21. I think you missed the point.
  22. Exemplifies rather well how patronizing we can be towards children. Or more over perhaps how we don't really listen to their needs.
  23. I've never been interested in law, just reality.
  24. FaceBook wise this will help SueBee.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/ It will also direct here as well.. http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/
  25. It was technically half the time spent in the relationship, as I recall. So 1 year would take 6 months to recover (and mostly process), so to speak. Best wishes for you Sadly I can't recall the podcast he mentioned that on.
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